Transduction Sequence
(Sacred Sequence)
Last update: November
11, 2004
Through complex morphogenetic field dynamics known as the
Transduction Sequence, frequency from the dimensional
Unified Field
of energy surrounding the body is drawn into (accreted) the
morphogenetic imprint for the
DNA, which begins progressive
manifestation of the dormant strands imprints (through particle
accretion) within the physical, operational gene code, as the dimensionalized conscious awareness within the Unified Field
progressively enters embodiment, for growth and expansion of the
physical body and consciousness.
This "Sacred Sequence" encompasses the very specific structures of
multidimensional anatomy. mechanics of inter-dimensional physics &
related functions of energy, consciousness & spirit by which
manifestation occurs.
Silicate Matrix)
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul – Page 35)
The Transduction Sequence, represents the phases consciousness
passes through into dimensionalization and the process by which
conscious energy is transduced and changes form to enter the wave
spectra within which perception of manifestation is possible.
(The Kathara
Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course - Page 20)
(Merkaba Fields or Merkaba Vehicle)
Last update: December
03, 2004
A set of counter-rotating, electro-magnetic energy spirals. (See:
Merkaba Mechanics)
Energy moves form the seven outer layers of the Auric Field (D-9
through D14) and into manifestation within dimensions 1-7, through
the structure of Merkaba Fields.
Each form has
fifteen dimensional Merkaba Fields, which hold its
morphogenetic imprint intact within the 15-dimensional Unified
Through the rotation of the 15 Merkaba Fields, an energy structure
in the form of an "egg" or capsule is formed within the dimensional
Unified Field
of each of the 15 dimensions.
(Voyagers II –
Page 463)
Merkaba Fields are the energetic ‘organs’ by which we are kept in
manifest dimensionalized phase lock, they are also the tools by
which we can release ourselves from phase lock.
They enable us to move (which in reality is to expand) into the next
set of dimensional fields of existence and progressively ascend.
Not all Merkaba teachings offered at this time achieve this positive
outcome and this is why there is such an emphasis and thorough
detail given on
Merkaba Mechanics
within the
Merkaba Fields are the "energy engines and consciousness carriers"
by which
Life Force
and Consciousness are circulated between the
Kathara Grid
scalar template and the Trion-Meajhon Field
Radial Body "veil" as they pass into an out of external
The perpetual polarization, electromagnetic expression and
de-polarization of the Life Force Currents within the
Merkaba Field
Form Constant electromagnetic domain is the process by which the
projection of matter is perpetually brought into and
taken out of perceptually experiential being.
The Radial Body or Trion-Meajhe Field receives, via
Merkaba Field
circulation, the template or "design" for its particle
manifestation from the "instructions" held in the
Divine Blueprint
Maharic Shield
and DNA Template of the
Kathara Grid.
The Merkaba Field also receives its instructions for energy
circulation from the Kathara Grid and DNA Template.
(The Kathara
Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course - Page 257)
In the Center of the Merkaba is the
Crystal Seed Atom, and it is
that which makes the Merkaba spin.
(The Forbidden
Testaments of Revelation – DVD 01 - 00:02:34)
NATURAL MERKABA: (Self-perpetuating, Eternal, Christiac)
The full natural Christos Merkaba Spin Ratio of Density-1 is 33 1/3
CW and 11 2/3 CCW.
This Natural Merkaba Spin Ratio creates an Electro-magnetic
Anti-particle/Particle balance of 33 1/3 parts Base-Electrical Anti
Particles (expanding energies - "Masculine") to 11 2/3 Parts
Base-Magnetic Particles (contracting energy - "Feminine", or 33 1/3
Electrical-Oscillations to 11 2/3 Magnetic-Vibrations per 1 Merkaba
rotation, within the natural Density-1 Matter Base.
More Electrical Thrust than Magnetic Draw; a Higher Frequency, Less
Dense, Self-perpetuating, Eternal, Christos Matter-base that
functions in perpetual motion upon a natural structure of Internal
Merkaba Fields (fields that are naturally a part of the intrinsic
D-12 Christos Divine Blueprint for our Time Matrix) that perpetually
circulate Universal Life Force Currents between the non-manifest
consciousness of Source and the expressions of manifestations.
(Masters Templar
Stewardship Initiative.. – Page 168)
UNNATURAL MERKABA: (Self-consuming, Finite, Anti-Christiac)
The Unnatural (Shield/Merkaba Field Reversal) 34-CCW / 21-CW Anti-Christos
Merkaba Spin Ratio creates an Electro-magnetic
Anti-particle/Particle balance of 34 parts Base-Magnetic Particles
(contracting energies) to 21 Parts Base-Electrical Anti Particles
(expanding energy), or 34 Magnetic-Vibrations to 21
Electrical-Oscillations to 11 2/3 per 1 Merkaba rotation, within the
natural Density-1 Matter Base of Earth and its inhabitants.
More Magnetic Draw that Electrical Thrust; a Lower Frequency, More
Dense, Self-Consuming, Finite, Anti-Christos Matter-base that
functions for a limited time upon inorganic structures of
Externalized Merkaba Fields that "vampire" and consume Life Force
Energy from other organic systems in order to self-sustain.
(Masters Templar
Stewardship Initiative.. – Page 168)
The Reverse Spin Phase-Locked Merkaba Field (Monadic Reversal)
causes the Shield Template to completely reverse spin and the being
enters a self-quarantined de-evolutionary cycle of degeneration,
unable to receive renewal of Primal Life Force Currents from the Christiac Universal Merkaba Circulatory System, until final
self-consumption of its remaining energies and
Black Hole
of its template and Seed Atom return the being to "Space
(Masters Templar Stewardship Initiative – Page 25)
Universal Energy or Life Force Currents flow through the Cosmic,
Universal, Planetary and personal Templar via the organic energy
conduits of natural Planetary Merkaba Fields.
Shields Clinic Field Guide – Page 1)
Merkaba Mechanics)
Merkaba Spirals, Field and
the Form Constant |
Last update: December
03, 2004
Merkaba Spiral 2) Merkaba Field
3) Merkaba Vehicle 4) Trans-Harmonic Merkaba Vehicle
(Space-Time Travel) 5) Merkaba Vehicle Phases
The 15-dimensional
personal Merkaba reflects the 15 dimensional Universal Merkaba of
the Time Matrix.
1) The Merkaba Spiral:
Two Counter-Rotating
Merkaba Spiral Sets (electric/magnetic), when fully activated
represents one Merkaba Field.
Counter-Rotation of the 2 Merkaba Spirals in a spiral set means
that the "top" (electric) Merkaba Spiral spins in one direction,
while the "bottom" (magnetic) Merkaba Spiral spins in OPPOSITE
This is the natural CHRISTOS INTERNAL Merkaba Field spin
relationship upon which organic "Eternal Life, Perpetual
Motion", Cosmic and Microcosmic structure is built.
2) The Merkaba Field:
Merkaba Fields are
the energetic ‘organs’ by which we are kept in manifest
dimensionalized phase lock, they are also the tools by which we
can release ourselves from
Phase Lock.
They enable us to move (which in reality is to expand) into the
next set of dimensional fields of existence and progressively
Not all Merkaba teachings offered at this time achieve this
positive outcome and this is why there is such an emphasis and
thorough detail given on Merkaba mechanics within the
Merkaba Field is a permanent and highly ordered Merkabic
structure of inter-connected electro-magnetic counter-rotating
energy spirals that exist as an integral part of ALL CREATION.
The Personal Merkaba Field is a specifically structured,
intrinsic part of the natural 15-Dimensional Anatomy (See:
Time Matrix) of every life-form and manifest matter form.
The personal Merkaba Field represents the organic personal
Merkabic Circulatory System through which consciousness
manifests into space-time-matter and by which embodied
consciousness receives a continual supply of
Life Force
(Stream of Multi-dimensional Consciousness) and open personal
relationship to
God Source
while ensconced within manifestation.
When functioning naturally, the microcosmic personal Merkaba
Field interconnects with the larger, macroscopic Planetary,
Galactic, Universal and Cosmic Merkaba Field Anatomy, the Cosmic
Merkaba Circulatory System.
Everyone and everything HAS a personal
Merkaba Field.
lf the personal Merkaba Field is damaged, (as the Merkaba Field
of ALL Earth life forms have been since 208,216BC), the natural
pen connection to the "Eternal Life Stream" and the living
God-Source also becomes damaged, as the personal Merkaba Field
can not fully synthesize the natural Life Force Currents
perpetually emanating through the Cosmic Merkaba Circulatory
A damaged personal Merkaba Field is utterly incapable of
activating the natural Merkaba VEHICLE through which the Divine
Freedoms of self-directed space-time transit, natural
Star Gate
passage, genuine Spiritual Identity Integration and real
"Ascension" are possible.
Merkaba Spirals, Field and
the Form Constant |
3) The Merkaba
The Merkaba Vehicle
is a transient (not permanent) Merkabic structure of interwoven.
spiraling electro-magnetic fields that when activated, allows
for molecular cohesion of the physically manifest atomic body
structure during Star Gate travel and Ascension.
Activation of the personal
Merkaba Vehicle is required in order
to replenish the natural supply of Life Force energies through
which the Immortal "Breatherian", original "Angelic Human" and
"Indigo-Oraphim" Eternal Life Body forms are perpetually
Activation of the Merkaba Vehicle is required to achieve Eternal
Life, time travel and
Star Gate
(The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation – Page 12)
4) The Trans-Harmonic
Merkaba Vehicle:
The 15-Dimensional Merkaba Field and the
15-Dimensional Merkaba Circulatory System
of this
Time Matrix
to which all natural personal
(15-dimensional anatomy) Christiac Merkaba Fields are connected,
have a very specific structure.
Each of the 15 Dimensional Frequency Bands (Dimension) of a
Time Matrix
forms one smaller set of 2 counter-rotating Dimensional Merkaba Spirals that when fully activated represents one
Dimensional Merkaba Field; thus there are 15 smaller Dimensional
Merkaba Fields in one 15-DImensional Time Matrix.
Each of the 5 specific 3-dimensional
Harmonic Universe
(Density Level) forms through a larger set of 2 counter-rotating Density Merkaba Spirals, that when fully activated represent one Density
Merkaba Field.
Thus there are 5 larger Density Merkaba Fields, each containing
3 smaller Dimensional Merkaba Fields in one 15-Dimensional Time
ALL natural, ORGANIC Christiac Merkaba Fields possess this
intrinsic structure, including the natural personal Merkaba
When at least two larger personal Density Merkaba Fields (each
with their inherent 3 smaller Dimensional Merkaba Fields)
synchronistically activate, the 2 larger Density Merkaba Fields
merge to form a Trans-Harmonic Merkaba Vehicle.
The Trans-Harmonic Merkaba Vehicle allows for the atomic
structural integrity of the matter form within the vehicle to be
maintained during Star Gate passage through the "Voids"
(Magnetic Repulsion Zones) that exist between Harmonic
Activation of the Trans-Harmonic Merkaba Vehicle in biological
life forms allows for atoms in one space-time vector to
transport to a new space-time vector coordinate and
instantaneously re-emerge and re-manifest the atomic form within
the new space-time vector through de-activation of the
Trans-Harmonic Merkaba Vehicle.
(The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation – Page 14)
5) The Merkaba
Vehicle Phases:
Each level of higher
Hova Body
merger with the
Incarnate’s Nada Hova Body represents
a Phase in the building of the Merkaba Vehicle; the
correspondences are as follows:
Hallah Phase Merkaba |
Alphi Hova Body |
6-dimensional vehicle through which
bi-location of body and consciousness between Harmonic Universes
1 and 2 can occur. |
(Soul Integration) |
Quatra Phase Merkaba |
Betcha Hova Body |
vehicle through which
full displacement from HU-1 to HU-2 can occur and bi-location of
body and consciousness between Harmonic Universes 2 and 3 can
occur. |
(Over- Soul Integration) |
Mahunta Phase Merkaba |
Mahara Hova Body |
12-dimensional vehicle through
which full displacement from HU-2 to HU-3 Etheric matter can
occur and bi-location of body and consciousness between Harmonic
Universes 3 and 4 can occur. |
(Avatar Integration) |
Rahunta Phase Merkaba |
Raja Hova Body |
15-dimensional vehicle through
which full displacement from HU-3 Etheric matter to HU-4 Liquid
light Pre-matter can occur and bi-location of body and
consciousness between Harmonic Universes 4 and the Triadic
Levels of the Energy Matrix outside the Time Matrix can occur. |
(Rishi Integration) |
Most contemporary humans have yet to experience
Soul Integration
and their bio-energetic field and consciousness remain
phase-locked within the Nada Hova body and 3-dimensional
Incarnate Identity, a condition that is called Nethra Phase
Building the Phases of the
Merkaba Vehicle allows humanity the
opportunity to leave the Earthly time cycles of birth, death and
rebirth, to enter the eternal time cycles of less matter density
and higher evolution.
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul – Page 31)
Dimensional Ascension
Last update: November
04, 2004
Ascension Dynamics,
Ascended Master)
As a being proceeds to evolve within the dimensions of the
Time Matrix, the geometrical structures of the morphogenetic field
progressively reassemble, re-opening the conduits of communication
through first the dimensionalized identity levels, then finally with
the ascended mastery identity levels beyond time.
When the consciousness has merged its 5 dimensionalized
Hova Bodies
and transmuted into the ante-matter
state of being through
this first evolution, the morphogenetic codes (scalar-wave patterns)
of the entire 15-Dimensional Matrix of the Time Matrix become
embodied within the identity’s morphogenetic field and these codes
will remain as this consciousness leaves the Time Matrix to return
to the
Collective of the Energy Matrix.
When an ascended being chooses to re-enter the
Time Matrix
incarnation. the morphogenetic codes it collected in its first
projection in time will remain, and upon the second projection these
"codes of ascension" or "CAP STONE CODES" can be imbued within the
morphogenetic field of the dimensionalized identity aspects, where
they will manifest as dormant potentials within the physical genetic
code of the Incarnate and Soul bodies in
Harmonic Universe
1 and 2.
Thus only beings that have achieved full ascension and then
returned to incarnation are considered to be true embodiments of
Ascended Masters.
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul - Page 23)
Stair Step
Last update: November
04, 2004
When the original
Stream of Consciousness
enters the dimensionalized
structures of the
Time Matrix
its original arrangement and
Fire Letters
break down, fragmenting its consciousness through the
dimensional scale producing new forms of individuation.
This process is called
Stair Step Creation. (A process of
exponential fractalization)
The process of
Stair Step Creation can be viewed as a singular beam
of light and sound,
Holographically refracting within the scalar
fields of the Time Matrix, spreading itself into multiple beams
(’Sacred Rays’).
Each new beam of light and sound consciousness, that is formed
through the splitting of the original consciousness, retains part of
the original Fire Letter design of the original Stream of
It also creates new, smaller, streams that manifest as further
differentiated identities and manifest forms.
In relation to human form the structure of dimensionalized
consciousness takes the form of the 15 dimensional identities of the
Time Matrix structure.
The various structures of multi-dimensional human consciousness
exists as forms of sentient awareness, identities possessing
attributes and form, characteristic of the dimensions on which they
Hova Bodies)
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul - Lecture Transcripts. Page 7)
Matrix or Teura
Last update: November
26, 2004
The Oversoul Matrix or Oversoul Identity,
Identity or HU-3
Identity is the identity levels stationed in dimensions 7, 8 and 9
and composed of the frequency bands of those dimensions.
Triadic Identity – the
(Oversoul Matrix) of
Harmonic Universe
3 (HU-3) that includes:
1) The
Ketheric Mind – D7 2) The Monadic Mind – D8 – The
Core 3) The Keriatric Mind. –D9 - The
Galactic Core
Collectively called the
Causal Mind.
Represents the Planetary Mind Matrix. (or “Planetary Logos”)
(Voyager I – Page
The Oversoul, HU-3 identity, creates 12 soul identities in HU-2,
each of which create 12 incarnate identities within the six
cycles of HU-1.
Thus each person is part of an Incarnational Family of 144
incarnates residing within the six HU-1 time cycles.
In each pair of
incarnates, one is male, the other female; this
relationship is referred to as "twin
flames", but does not
necessarily imply a romantic "soul mate" involvement.
Each of the 144 incarnates carries part of the
DNA - 12 Strand
within the genetic code. As the 144 incarnates progressively evolve
with the planet through the six time cycles, the 12-Strand DNA
imprint is progressively build up in the genetic code
(Voyagers II -
Page 148)
Avatar -
Dolar Matrix
Last update: November
25, 2004
The Dolar Matrix is the (Avatar or
Mahara) identity levels stationed
in dimensions 10, 11 and 12 and composed of the frequency bands of
those dimensions.
The Triadic Identity – the Avatar
(Dolar Matrix) of
Harmonic Universe
4 (HU-4) that includes:
The Christiac Mind – D10 2) The Buddhiac Mind – D11
3) The Nirvanic Mind. – D12
Collectively called the
Metaconscious Mind
Represents the Galactic Mind Matrix. (or “Solar Logos”)
(Voyager I – Page
The Avatar Identity or Dolar Matrix is the portion of the
multi-dimensional identity that corresponds to the Mahara
Hova Body
of Harmonic Universe 4, contains the Christiac Mind of the 10th
Dimension, the Buddhiac Mind of the 11th Dimension and the Nirvanic
Mind of the 12th Dimension and exists in a Pre-Matter Liquid Light
state of
The Avatar identity level represents the 12-dimensional state of
cognitive expansion one experiences with full activation of the 12
strands of the
Silicate Matrix
genetic imprint; it is the
highest level of awareness that can be embodied within the physical
human form.
The Avatar is a gestalt of
Meta-terrestrial consciousness, which
includes all incarnational identity aspects positioned within the
lower dimensions.
When one has integrated all or part of the Avatar identity level the
perception of time, space and matter changes to a 12-dimensional
spectrum of
Multi-Vector Consciousness.
The Mahara Hova Body scalar grid of the Avatar identity connects the
Etheric matter Over-Soul Matrix of Harmonic Universe-3 (Betcha Hova
Body, dimensions 7-9) with the Ante-matter Rishi identity in
Harmonic Universe-5 (Raja Hova Body, dimensions 13-15).
The term
Avatar is also used to describe human or discarnate
consciousness that posses 7-12 dimensions of conscious awareness,
but only those with 10-12 dimensions of consciousness are considered
true Avatars.
Though all human incarnates are connected to a gestalt of higher
dimensional consciousness that includes the Avatar identity level,
not all incarnates can fully embody the 12-dimensions of
consciousness in one life time.
The bio-energetic field of a fully embodied Avatar transmits a
massive spectrum of inter-dimensional electro-magnetic and scalar
waves. If too many 12th level Avatars entered the Earth system at
one time the
Morphogenetic Field
of the planet would over-load with
frequency causing planetary implosion. Thus true Avatar embodiments
are the result of a limited number of Contract Agreements made
between a consciousness choosing to incarnate from Harmonic
Universe-4 (most consciousness incarnate from harmonic universes-1
and 2) and the Harmonic Universe-5 Rishi gestalts of consciousness
who watch over human evolutionary cycles (often called the "Councils
of Light").
True Avatars can incarnate only through very specific gene code
combinations, which allow for the formation of a fetal pattern that
can hold higher dimensional frequencies of energy.
Avatars do not awaken to their true identity, full
embodiment of Avatar awareness and full 10-12 strand DNA activation
until well into adulthood.
Awakening of Avatars is
synchronized with the raising of vibration
within the planetary morphogenetic field, most awaken in stages as
the planetary vibration rises.
Avatar contracts always involve some form of work that affects the
evolution of the masses.
Even though most humans do not posses Contracts for full Avatar
embodiment, many hold Over-Soul Integration Contracts and are
capable of expanding the consciousness into Over-Soul embodiment
through merger of the Nada, Alphi and
Hova Bodies
activation of DNA strands 7-9.
Once Over-Soul embodiment is achieved one can open to receive
information from their Avatar identity and Rishi identity levels,
which is not the same thing as full biological embodiment of the
level, but still provides a transcendent state of awareness.
Avatar identity represents the true meaning of "Christed
One entering this level of integration is capable of entering
Mahunta Phase Merkaba for full biological transmutation abilities
within 4 harmonic universes (ascending or descending through the
12-dimensional scale at will), once skill has been honed and 12 DNA
strands have been activated.
Avatars can access the Galactic Memory Record. Avatars are called
Regents (3rd degree Ministers) in the Melchizedek Cloister
Program (MCEO).
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul - Page 23)
Breneau or
Last update: November
25, 2004
Breneau Orders, Solar Rishi or Meta-terrestrials
The 3 Primary Founders Race Collectives in our Time Matrix seeded as
a life-wave into our 15-dimensional Time Matrix 950 billion years
ago (Earth time translation), by the Eieyani of the Khundaray Primal
Sound Fields.
The Breneau Orders exists as eternal gestalts of consciousness in
the form of spherical Ante-matter constructs of Thermoplastic
Radiation within the 3 Primal Light Fields that form Density-5,
dimensions 13,14 and 15 of our 15-dimensional
Time Matrix.
(Referred as the
They represent our “
Universal Family of Consciousness,” through
which all things manifest are indelibly connected to the
Primal Sound Fields,
through the energetic
expression of the Kee-Ra-ShA Primal Light Fields.
Each of the
Founder Races
Breneau Orders represents a collective
of consciousness seeded into time by one of the 3 Yanas Collectives
from the
Energy Matrix.
The Emerald Order Breneau exist within the Blue-Eckatic Kee-Ra-ShA Light Field,
and are representatives of the Emerald Order Grandeyanas
The Gold Order Breneau exist within the Pale-Gold-Polaric Kee-Ra-ShA Light
Field, and are representatives of the Gold Order Wachayanas
The Amethyst Order Breneau exist within the Violet-Triadic Kee-Ra-ShA Light Field,
and are representatives of the Amethyst Order Ramyanas
The 3 Breneau Order
Founders Races are the eternal collectives of consciousness from,
through, and within which the life-field seeded by the Yanas,
manifest in space-time-matter expression.
The Breneau Collectives are often referred as the “Rishi” or “Solar Rishi”, and sometimes as “Meta-terrestrials”
(Voyagers I –
Page 160)
embodiments are the result of a limited number of
Contract Agreements made between a consciousness choosing to
incarnate from
Harmonic Universe
-4 (most consciousness incarnate
from harmonic universes-1 and 2) and the Harmonic Universe-5 Rishi
gestalts of consciousness who watch over human evolutionary cycles
(often called the "Councils of Light").
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul - Page 23)
Last update: November
04, 2004
The first step in awakening multi-dimensional identity is to bring
Soul Matrix
(the HU-2
Superconscious Mind) into conscious
recognition (“I am…”) within the biologically focused personality.
This process is called Soul Integration.
Within the process of Soul Integration you are primarily dealing
with 4 components of Mind.
1) The
Subconscious Mind
of Dimension 1 (D-1) frequency bands. 2)
Instinctual or Emotional Mind
of Dimension 2
(D-2) frequency bands. 3) The
Reasoning Mind
of Dimension 3 (D-3) frequency bands,
and 4) The
Superconscious Mind
of dimensions 4 through 6
(D4-D5-D6) of the Soul Matrix gestalt.
Soul Integration comes
with conscious assimilation of these 4 Components of Mind.
Family Tree of Consciousness)
(Voyagers I –
Page 137)