BlindDogFilms Website
Portions of this Study
Guide are based upon a coursebook by David Lukoff,
Ph.D., DSM-IV Religious and Spiritual Problems,
available from Internet Guided Learning. This Study
Guide was adapted by Will Bueché. |
Alien abduction experiences are
characterized by subjectively real memories of being taken
secretly and/or against one’s will by apparently non-human
entities, usually to a location interpreted as an alien
[description courtesy
of Varieties of Anomalous Experience, published in 2000 by
the American Psychological Association, p.254]
The experiences are typically recurring,
beginning in childhood, and may run in families.
The same content themes are present in
reports from the US and other countries:
Association with
Extraordinary experiences such as alien encounters function for some
individuals as transcendent experiences. Some report that their
lives have been radically altered on a deep spiritual level by their
encounters with aliens.
They developed a heightened reverence
for nature and human life, and transformed their lives in ways
similar to what happens with people after an near-death
experience (NDE).
Kenneth Ring, Ph.D., Professor
Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Connecticut and one
of the world’s chief authorities on near-death experiences,
conducted research indicating that both alien encounters and NDE may
in effect, alternate pathways to the
same type of psycho-spiritual transformation... that expresses
itself in greater awareness of the interconnectedness and
sacredness of all life and necessarily fosters a heightened
ecological concern for the welfare of the planet.
The Omega Project]
Reality and
Alien Encounters - Proponents
Contemporary ideas of where aliens may come from reflects advances
in our understanding of reality, particularly in the area of
physics. Whereas in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s aliens were presumed
to come from other planets via interstellar space travel, in the
1980s and through the present day aliens are considered to possibly
come from other dimensions.
This contemporary idea is reminiscent of
early spiritual concepts regarding otherworldly life, which held
that divine beings had the capacity to cross over from the
“spiritual world” into the material world.
This may originate in some subtle
dimension, some other dimension, the etheric world, whatever you
want to call that other dimension, and then cross over, manifest
in the physical world and be real in this world.
[John E. Mack, M.D., interview
with Jeffrey Mishlove, 1995]
In my opinion the UFO abduction phenomenon is very real. It is
however only perceptible in an altered state of the ego. ...In
the moment of the abduction the victims are forced into an
altered consciousness....The victims are abducted into a world
that is neither exclusively physical nor psychic.
[Remo F. Roth, Ph.D., interview
Reality and
Alien Encounters - Opponents
An opposing view posits that alien encounter experiences are
fantasies experienced during naturally occurring altered states of
consciousness, such as those which transpire between sleep and
During these hypnagogic or hypnopompic
states the physiological process of sleep paralysis (a restriction
of movement which our bodies enact during rest so as to prevent our
limbs from reacting to illusory events in dreams) experienced in
concert with hallucinations derived from imagination and cultural
material, and perhaps accentuated by dreams, creates the impression
in some people that an extraordinary event has taken place in
Harvard Medical School psychologist
Richard J. McNally, Ph.D., is a proponent of this view:
They become aware of being
completely paralyzed. But elements of dreams can still intrude
into wakefulness.
The person will often say they see
figures in the room, they will say,
“I sensed a presence, these
looming figures next to me,” lights flashing, electrical
sensations coursing through their body, a feeling they are
levitating off the bed, buzzing sounds and the like....
The phenomenon of sleep paralysis
has been reported in many different ways in many different
cultures throughout history. In Newfoundland, it’s called being
visited by the “old hag.” In the southern United States, it’s
being “ridden by the witch.”
In the Middle Ages, it was
interpreted as being visited by agents of the Devil. In
Massachusetts, it’s being taken up in a space craft and molested
by aliens.
[“Abducted by aliens?” London
Daily Mail, Feb18, 2003, p. 35]
The suggestion that different states of
consciousness, such as those entered into by meditators, shamans,
other spiritual practitioners, and perhaps experiencers themselves,
may in some way facilitate perception of or contact with another
aspect of reality - such as what in traditional theological terms is
described as the “spiritual” world - is not supported by material
Indeed, according to the standards of
the physical sciences, there is no evidence that a spiritual world
exists. Historical beliefs in a spiritual world may however be
caused by these illusory experiences.
Carl Sagan suggested,
If indeed the bulk of alien
abduction accounts were really hallucinations, don't we have
before us a matter of supreme importance - touching on the
fashioning of our beliefs and perhaps even the origins of our
religions? There is genuine scientific pay-dirt in UFO and alien
[Sagan, Carl. “What’s really
going on?” Parade, March 7, 1993, pp. 4-7]
Secondly, it is reasoned that aliens
could not reach Earth by traversing interstellar space.
“For one UFO [to reach the Earth]
from the nearest star, it would take the equivalent of all the
energy that humans have ever used,” San Francisco University
psychologist Barry L. Beyerstein (chair of the British Columbia
Society of Skeptics) explained in a recent interview, adding, “I
would wonder why they would waste their time on a small planet
by an insignificant star.”
[Hiebert, Rick. “Little
Green Gurus: An academic finds spiritual significance in reports
of human-alien encounters.” The Report: Canada’s
Independent Newsmagazine, Oct 21, 2002]
Encounters and the Mythic World
Structurally there are parallels between alien encounters and
ancient mythic patterns which can be traced back to 30,000 BC. The
shaman’s journey shares many elements with
alien abduction.
The abductee is taken taken aboard a
ship (“other worlds” or a “cosmic pillar” in a shamanic journey), is
forcibly examined (which parallels the painful dismemberment of the
shaman). Then the abductee returns with a message (just as the
shaman returns with songs and other instruments of healing).
Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., considers
alien/UFO themes to be a variation of the shaman’s “upper world
experiences in which we are granted
a preview or vision of our life or of some aspect of the world.
They are usually accompanied by insights, intuitions, and new
images; and they often instigate a mood of playful and euphoric
The Unfolding Self: Varieties of
Transformative Experience, p. 118]
Encounters and Psychopathology
While psychopathology is indicated
in some isolated alien abduction cases, assessment by both
clinical examination and standardized tests has shown that, as a
group, abduction experients are not different from the general
population in term of psychopathology prevalence.
[2000, Varieties of Anomalous
Experience, p.268]
While for the most part alien encounter
experiencers are not mentally ill, some seek therapy to help come to
terms with explicit memories of anomalous experiences.
A recent study of ten experiencers
conducted by Harvard Medical School psychologist Richard
J. McNally, Ph.D., concluded that while “none of them was
suffering from any sort of psychiatric illness,” recollections of
alien encounters are,
accompanied by heightened
psycho-physiological emotional responding that resembles the
accompanying recollection of traumatic experiences among people
with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
However, unlike individuals with
PTSD, abductees seem to respond to other stressful and positive
scripts, too. Needless to say, the heightened
psycho-physiological responses to imagery does not confirm the
veracity of the experiences described... But it does underscore
the emotionally evocative significance of the information
contained therein, irrespective of its truth.”
[McNally, Richard. 2003. “Psychophysiological
Responding During Script-Driven Imagery in People Reporting
Abduction by Space Aliens.” In press]
A glossary of alien-related terms to improve discussion and/or
writing about the themes and subjects in the film
Touched, with an
emphasis on neutral terminology.
ABDUCTION: An involuntary ALIEN
ALIEN: In popular culture,
“alien” typically refers to a being from another planet. The
term is used in real life regardless of different theories
of where the beings may be from or what their nature may be
[physical, spiritual, imaginal, mythic, etc.].
ALIEN ENCOUNTER: An experience
in which one interacts with apparent aliens. This neutral
term is generally preferred over words such as “alien
abduction.” Another neutral term is “alien contact.”
Suitable terms for secondary use include “encounter,”
“experience,” “interaction,” “episode,” “contact.”
ANAL PROBE: Some experiencers
report that aliens use an electro-ejaculator to collect
semen, as used by mankind in animal husbandry. (An
electro-ejaculator, inserted in the rectum, uses a mild
electrical current to produce contraction of the pelvic
muscles resulting in ejaculation). See HYBRID.
EXPERIENCER: One who is aware of
their alien encounter experiences. Many people who have had
such experiences prefer this neutral term over words such as
“abductee” or “victim.” Typically applied to those who
believe they can learn something of value from their
DECLARATIVE MEMORY): Consciously known recollections.
Contrary to popular belief, most experiencers are
consciously aware of one or more of their experiences, or
portions thereof.
GRAY (also
GREY): Thin, pale humanoid
beings with large black eyes who communicate telepathically.
By far the most commonly reported type of alien, with
thousands of accounts since the 1970s, and
non-contemporaneous accounts (i.e. from adults reporting
childhood experiences) extending back to the 1950s. Grays
are described as being engaged in a long-term effort to make
human/alien offspring (see HYBRID).
Aliens in the film Close
Encounters (1978) and the TV series The X-Files
(1989-2003) were modeled on descriptions of grays provided
by UFO researchers; hallucinations based on these familiar
media portrayals may explain the consistent descriptions of
aliens in real life, yet an absence of a similar phenomenon
involving realistic encounters with aliens from other films
raises questions about this theory.
HYBRID: “The Hybrid Project” is
believed to be an effort to create a new race that shares
properties of both human and alien. Experiencers described
various efforts to produce viable offspring, typically
involving the removal of egg or sperm and the placement and
subsequent removal of an embryo.
Sexual relations between human
and alien are also sometimes reported, though this does not
seem to be done for purposes of creating a hybrid (which
seems to require scientific intervention), but rather for
bonding or communication.
He talked of the “future of
mankind,” and of a new race that “will be able to
reproduce, and they will know love and happiness like
humans know, and they will know their soul and their
consciousness like we don’t know, and they will inhabit
the planet and take care of it and make it a beautiful
[Karin, excerpted from
Dr. John Mack’s 1999 book
Passport to the Cosmos]
about the nature of alien encounters is that they may be a
form of contact between different dimensions of reality.
This concept is reminiscent of the theological concept
that reality is comprised of material and spiritual levels.
more people are present during an alien encounter, such as
in the cases of roommates or passengers in a vehicle, an
opportunity exists to discern both the external and
subjective dimensions of the experience. However,
experiencers often report that other people are oddly
unresponsive during encounters.
Sometimes one subject will
report an entire experience while the other may only witness
the initial or final moments (for example, seeing blue light
at the onset of an experience or witnessing a person being
returned to their room by strange beings at the end of an
Sometimes (as in the case of
Peter in the film
Touched), others may
observe an unidentified flying object above where an
experience is taking place.
THEOPHANY: A manifestation of a
spiritual being for the purpose of delivering a
message to a human being. In religious traditions, the
“illumination” provided by a
theophany is said to be an
overwhelming experience.