by Dr. John Singh
3 January 2009
TheCanadian Website

humanoid ethical extraterrestrial from
the 'Ummo' planet
Awareness Project
Do you consider yourself a relatively
open minded person about UFO sightings? Have you heard "rumors"
about reported alien activities on our planet Earth; but are
skeptical about all this "alien talk"?
Do you ask yourself something to the
effect of:
"Where's the proof? I, for one, have
not seen any aliens. Why should I 'believe' accounts from
potentially crazy people? Show me some definite evidence, backed
up by 'experts'."
Someone in rebuttal could then politely
ask you:
"How do you know you have not seen
any aliens? How do you know, for example, that an eccentric
looking person in the mall you saw one day was not an alien? How
do you know that an extremely attractive film actress that you
like, with an unusual something that you can't quite put your
finger on is not an alien?
How do you did you that you did not
see an extraterrestrial a couple of days ago posing as a
reporter in some war zone on the television news; or that the
teacher you had in university was not an extraterrestrial? How
do you know that 'people' in authority who are making decisions
behind closed doors, who seem to have turned their back to the
cries of humanity, are originally from our planet?"
Dr. John Lash's investigative
research on the Pagan Gnostics suggests that as humans,
before we can critically explore such questions, it is vital that we
begin to critically appreciate what it means to be human. According
to the Pagan Gnostics, when, as a person, you have
introspectively come to grips with what it means to be a human
being, you can then begin to sense and see extraterrestrials that
seek to cloak themselves within human reality.
The Pagan Gnostics had apparently sensed
and witnessed such extraterrestrials with hostile agenda to enslave

As human beings, we have been
conditioned to accept a system of orthodoxies about our relationship
to the larger universe, without questioning them.
We simply accept the "truth", for
example, that the search for other intelligent life beyond our
planet continues, and when the planet's elites make contact with
this life, they will let us know. Since that has not happened, we
are therefore led to skeptically treat any claims of UFO sightings,
and close
encounters with aliens as either
intentional mischief or earnest imaginings of easily
explainable terrestrial phenomenon.
Through the creation of respect for, and dependency on authority
structures, humans have been led to into a state of "blind faith" by
potentially debilitating societal orthodoxies preached by these
leaders. This pivotally includes religious hierarchies, that
according to the Pagan Gnostics, preach a "counterfeit
spirituality" orchestrated by aspiring alien controllers.
However, other such structures include,
for example, government, police, teachers in schools, and legal
systems which often protect elites, while ignoring the plight of
human beings who are deprived of basic rights.
So deep is the conditioning process against human acknowledgement of
potentially hostile alien activities on earth, that even many humans
who do have apparent encounters with sentient non-human alien beings
may lapse into a spiritual crisis of denial or fear, that spawns
into hysteria. An observer might witness such hysteria as a crazy
person, that is "obviously" suffering from a mental illness that
caused them to hallucinate an alien encounter.
But, if you might also make such a
conclusion, perhaps you might consider whether a level headed person
like yourself might also become hysterical after having encountered
an potentially hostile/demonic alien intelligence. Perhaps much of
the apparent craziness expressed by reporters of alleged encounters
might actually have been induced from an alien encounter, which may
or may not have been hostile?
Consider, for example,
the following incidents documented by
Albert Rosales on UFOinfo.com.
Location. Berlin, Germany
Date: 7 October 2008
Time: night
The witness on the couch reading a book and had a small light
on, just good enough to see what he was reading, everything
seemed normal, suddenly he saw something “red” about 2 meters in
front of him by the television. The television wasn’t on.
Looking more closely he noticed 3 creatures standing next to the
television who seemed very curious as to their surroundings and
were apparently checking several items around them, one of them
picked up some dry clothing from a basket on the floor.
The creatures moved around but very
slowly. The creatures were very tall, about 3 meters in height
and resembled a mixture of insect and reptile, red in color.
Their eyes were black and oval-shaped.
The witness thought it would be wiser to be silent and remain
where he was; they totally ignored him showing no interest in
the witness. He had the feeling that the creatures were not
dangerous in any way and felt good “vibrations” emanating from
them. After about 5 minutes the witness felt a sudden urge to
sleep, he couldn’t understand why since he was not tired.
After what seemed to be only a
minute or so he woke up again but when he looked at the clock it
was already after 7:00 am.
The following is another representation
of an alien encounter:
Location. Toowoomba, Queensland,
Date: January 2008
Time: 20:00 - 21:00
The witness, L. Davis, (involved in other encounters) reported
encountering a medium height dull darkish grey creature glide
from the lounge to the bathroom in her mother’s house. She saw
only its side and only from the mid chest up and only for a
moment. She said that it was not a “friendly” being and began to
become aggressive once it had been spotted.
It continually made its presence
felt at times and remained in the house for about 3 days and
then it was gone. The witness claims she had been 5 months
pregnant at the time but the baby or fetus disappeared.
She remembers having a very odd
“dream” where she gave birth in an open paddock on a medical
table during the day. There were many strange human-like people
around. They took the baby girl away for some time and then let
the witness nurse her and then took her away again.
She didn’t realize that there was
something wrong until a few days later.
The following was an incident reported
in Buffalo in the United States:
Location. Buffalo, New York
Date: 12 January 2008
Time: night
The witness remembers seeing a 9-foot tall very white female
figure standing by the door of the pool room watching the kids
playing. The lights also seemed to flicker at the same time. The
figure reminded the witness of a very tall “angel”. No other
The following are more public incident
that was reported in a Puerto Rican shopping mall, and also
documented by Albert Rosales:
Date: April 21 2007
Time: 13:00
Several witnesses, including a Ms. Gonzalez and a Mrs. Perez
(both fictitious names) reported seeing two “strange characters”
at the Centro Comercial Plaza del Norte shopping plaza. One
witness saw the strangers at the entrance to the Marianne store
and described them as very tall in height with extremely white
skin, strangely their facial features were difficult to discern.
Immediately she enter the store and
made one of the employees accompany her outside, but once
outside the strangers had disappeared. The witnesses further
described the strange beings as having long hair and with
strange facial “profiles” difficult to describe.
The following incidents were further
reported apparently in the same shopping mall:
Location. Hatillo, Puerto Rico
Date: April 22 2007
Time: 13:00
At the Centro Comercial Plaza del Norte a Ms. Bujosa noticed two
strange “men” sitting in front of the Marriane store. She
thought they were a bit strange but continued on shopping. She
estimated their height as about 6’4” tall. They had very pale
features, and appeared to have “dark ears” and eyes completely
black in color and long straight white hair. They both wore
loose fitting cream-colored tunics.
A few moments later she came back
and they were both gone.
Location. Hatillo, Puerto Rico
Date: April 22 2007
Time: 1400
A computer engineer and his wife were on their way to shop at a
women’s clothing store in the Centro Comercial Plaza del Norte.
As they arrived at the entrance to the store, they observed,
sitting one on each side of the main entrance and in “Yoga”-like
postures, two strange characters or entities which made the hair
on their heads stand up on end.
The two “characters” were males,
very tall, with extremely pale skin, almost the color of paper,
expressionless facial features and long completely white
straight hair. They both wore a sort of cream-colored tunic,
similar to a chef’s robe. Their skin appeared unnatural almost
like those of wax figures, their facial features were also
unnatural appearing somewhat “flattened”.
The two witnesses were so taken aback that they had to stop in
order to stare at the strangers. At this point the strangers
seemed to notice the witnesses and appeared somewhat surprise
and afraid. One of them briefly looked at the other one as if
“They spotted us”.
The witnesses thought that the
strange pair belonged to some type of religious “sect” and
immediately walked inside the store where they spoke to one of
the employees and made sure that the two strangers were not part
of some type of product promotion.
The employee, accompanied by the two witnesses quickly walked
out the store but the two strangers had already vanished.
According to the witnesses only about 20 seconds had transpired.
According to the employee about ‘30’ other customers had
inquired as two the nature of the two strangers sitting at the
entrance to the store and had described almost the exact same
The witnesses further described the strangers as having
completely unnatural skin tone almost translucent in nature like
those of “shrimp”. Their face was human like with large
expressionless eyes and somewhat “flattened” cheeks.
The witnesses also remarked that at
the same time that they had seen the strangers there had been
other customers entering the store and these had apparently
ignored the strangers or “had not seen them at all.”
Human beings who consider themselves
open minded, and would like to consider the factual accuracy of
whether there has been and continues to be alien activities on
Earth, may need to re-consider the truth of what they have been
socialized to think and to accept as unassailable information.

If human beings accept that lies have
been a pervasive part of the political reality that human
civilizations have been subjected to, why is it not easy to consider
UFO and aliens contact with humanity as being a potential pivotal
part of a mass political deception against humanity?
This difficulty might be associated with our collective conscience
as human beings. Have you ever noticed that in a huge crowd, a "mob
conscience" can take over in which otherwise 'law abiding' people
become influenced by a crowd to do react and participate in criminal
The nature of our humanity is a
spiritual interconnectedness with each other, that could be
exploited by manipulative entities.
Denial becomes not only socialized in the conscious thought of
individuals, but it may very well be reinforced by a spawned
collective conscience of denial. That is to say, you are conceivably
being affected by the thoughts of denial that you are sharing with
other people, and that operates to repress a critical awareness of
alien activities that you may otherwise acknowledge.
Pagan Gnostics appreciated the
spiritual interconnectedness of humans that regressive aliens, they
identified as "artificial man" or the "archons".
Gnostics identified "archons" as seeking
to implant "psychological virus" against the human psyche, that
could disable the critical awareness of activities against human
free will, and which the regressive aliens sought to apparently
conceal. This axiomatically starts from enforcing the collective
denial of aliens as a potential threat to human quality of survival.
Gnostics specifically sought to warn human about a particular group
Manipulative Extraterrestrials
possessing a lower-dimension artificial intelligence. These cited
regressive aliens were identified as having the ability to mimic
reality, in order to fool humanity into believing that such aliens
were inherently more technologically advanced than human beings.
These regressive aliens were identified by Pagan Gnostics as being
the ultimate "terrorists" against humanity, that sought to
use virtual reality simulation and mind control techniques
to 'divide, rule and conquer'.
The Bible itself, for example, in pre-translated forms, as presented
by Biblical scholars, actually contains specific warnings against
these apparent Manipulative Extraterrestrials, who have
apparently sought to control, exploit and oppress humanity, through
mass-deception. However, translated forms of the Bible, including
the notable King James Version, presumably directed by these
reported manipulative entities (based upon John Lash's Gnostic
citations), excluded the explicit warnings of an alien-directed
"terrorism against Humanity," in a broad based Eugenics War.
Ephesians 6:12 in the King James Version of the Bible,
used as a basis for more modern translations stipulates,
"For we wrestle not against flesh
and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places."
In sharp contrast a direct
uncensored translation from Greek according to
Biblical scholars indicates the following:
"For our struggle is not against
[human beings], but against the rulers, against the powers,
against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual
[dark forces] of wickedness in outer space."
- Ephesians 6:12 [the
uncensored citation]
Michael Salla also specifically
documents accounts of allegedly ethical extraterrestrials that to
the "untrained" observer that looks like an Earthbound human, but
are aliens.
Dr. Salla referred to such aliens are
operating on Earth like a "celestial
peace corps".
A contactee who claimed to have met
with extraterrestrials, posing as an ordinary civilian, involves
the case of a tenured professor in the medical school at the
University of Mexico, who was also a senior member of the
Mexican Atomic Energy Commission. The Professor used the
pseudonym of ‘Prof Hernandez’ and worked with a Mexican
journalist, Zitha Rodriguez to release his amazing story.
He discussed how a very attractive
extraterrestrial female, Elyense (dubbed ‘Lya’ by
the Professor), from the
constellation Andromeda posed
as a student and visited him in his lecture classroom on several
occasions from 1972-1974. After realizing that she wasn’t one of
his students, he eventually confronted her, and asked why she
was coming to his lectures.
After having several conversations
where she displayed remarkable knowledge of physics as well as
paranormal abilities, Hernandez was eventually told by Lya that
she was from another world. After further meetings in 1975, she
eventually persuaded him to join her as a co-pilot in her space
This how Hernandez described
the incident on 22 April 1975 in his diary:
I had gone to participate in a
conference on the theme of effective neutralizers for
anesthesia. That afternoon I felt particularly exhausted…
As I headed for the parking lot,
I scarcely imagined that Lya was waiting for me in the car…
“Hello,” she said in
greeting… "Are you in much of a hurry?”
"No, it is only that I want
to rest,” I said.
"Would you like to go on a
mission as a copilot?” …
“Today has been an
especially tiring day…. Couldn’t this be another day?” I
asked, almost pleading.
“It is important, I cannot
assure you that you will have another opportunity like
“Very well… ” I said as I
locked the door, “if it is not too far, I accept….”
At this point, Hernandez drove his car
to a remote location directed by Lya. He then goes on to describe
how they proceeded to enter Lya’s space vehicle and left the Earth’s
A round object of more or less three
meters diameter was some meters in front of us. Lya took out an
apparatus of metal that was like a small box of cigarettes and
pressed a button. At that moment the door of that ship opened
itself from below, and we went through into the interior by
means of a small ladder… She touched a small lever with various
buttons and pressed one.. The ship silently rose into the air…
The Earth withdrew more and more,
and thus I could contemplate the night, the stars and alter
dozens of satellites of all types orbiting the Earth.
In 1984, with his contacts still going
on, Professor Hernandez just disappeared - without a trace - and
nothing of him has been discovered of him since, though both private
and police detectives have continually searched. (Erra-Pleiadians
"technical method" making experience of "cosmic bliss")
At the same time, Dr. Salla also documented apparent off world
"Extraterrestrial humans" that had the capacity to infiltrate human
institutions to support an agenda hostile to human free will and
Contactee claims that
extraterrestrials were living among us received a significant
boost by the whistleblower testimony of Command Sergeant Major
Robert Dean. Dean worked at
NATO’s Supreme Headquarters from 1963-1967, and during this time
was stationed in the Operations Center with a Cosmic Top Secret
He claims to have viewed a secret
NATO study that was commissioned to analyze the threat posed by
UFOs to NATO operations in Eastern Europe.
The classified report was titled: “An
Assessment: An Evaluation of a Possible Military threat to
Allied Forces in Europe.”
It focused on the dangers of UFOs being mistakenly identified as
an incoming ballistic missile attack from the Soviet Union. Dean
claimed that the NATO study identified four different
extraterrestrial civilizations visiting the Earth. He said that
what really worried the NATO top brass was that some of the
visitors looked so much like us that they were virtually
Dean says that NATO generals were
paranoid over the possibility that some of the extraterrestrial
visitors could be walking in the corridors of NATO or the
Pentagon, or even the White House itself. (Extraterrestrials
Among Us)
Dr Salla documents such "apparent
humans" that had also specifically ethical interests in
countervailing the work of regressive aliens, or such "apparent
humans", who sought to use their unique mental abilities to help
support an elite enslavement agenda.
Another important whistleblower case
confirming the existence of extraterrestrials living among us is
that of Ingo Swann. Swann was the first psychic employed
in the CIA's remote viewing program that began in 1975:
Project Star Gate.
Swann’s successive rate was so
impressive that by 1975 he was recruited by a covert government
operative, “Mr Axelrod” to spy on extraterrestrials. Swann
remote viewed extraterrestrials on the
moon who had bases on the dark side. In later
interviews and in his book,
Penetration, Swann claimed
that he viewed various structures on the surface and observed
extraterrestrials near them who were able to breath unaided,
thereby suggesting an atmosphere on the moon.
What is most remarkable in Swann’s testimony about his covert
work for Axelrod is a supermarket incident where he encountered
a strikingly attractive female who he psychically intuited was
Swann claims that he was shopping in a Los Angeles supermarket
when he noticed a very attractive, scantily clad female. He
claims that his body physically began buzzing as he viewed her
out of the corner of his eyes and intuitively received
information that she was an extraterrestrial. At first
dismissing the idea, he got independent confirmation of her
extraterrestrial identity by observing her being followed by two
of Mr Axelrod’s operatives, also in the supermarket.
Frightened by the presence of
Axelrod’s operatives Swann quickly exited the venue due to his
fear of what might happen. Final confirmation that the female
was extraterrestrial followed not long afterward when Axelrod
phoned Swann to discuss whether the extraterrestrial female had
telepathically communicated with him. Axelrod had been told by
his two operatives that Swann had been in the presence of the
extraterrestrial and had possibly communicated with her.
Axelrod was very worried about this
possibility and Swann assured him that no telepathic
communication had occurred... (Extraterrestrials
Among Us)
A Gallup Poll discloses the
astonishing fact that 5 million Americans claim to have seen a UFO
at one time or another since 1947. Apparently,
over 10 million people internationally have
reported seeing UFO's and/or alien spacecraft.

According to a Roper poll commissioned,
approximately 2.9 million Americans currently report that they have
experienced "symptoms" that experts associate with the UFO abduction
It is relatively difficult for people who seek to critically
consider the plausibility of reported alien activity on Earth,
without beginning to question a "culture of mind control", that have
apparently been set up in behalf of regressive alien interests.
By elevating oneself to a higher
consciousness in relation to human spiritual interconnectedness,
humans may be able to "unlock" and overcome a culture of mind
control against human free will, and the human sensory potential of
alien presence.
It is that kind of awareness that
Gnostics, and also indigenous communities in association with elders
have sought to achieve, as elites have sought to repress and destroy
such critical awareness.
Gnostics suggested that in dealing with
questions concerning UFO sightings and alleged alien encounters to
reject potentially self-serving elites
that seek to manipulate humanity with their regressive alien allies.
Gnostics insights as explored by Dr.
John Lash suggests that individuals ought not to "believe in" or
correspondingly "dis-believe" in reported aliens encounters.
Rather, Pagan Gnostics suggest
that persons who seek to elevate their consciousness as spiritually
interconnected human beings, need to reject elite-inspired
assumptions about human reality; come to grips with their own
humanity; critically observe their social environment; and then
purse wisdom from that introspective process associated with peace
and with its attainment.