by Réjean Pelletier
May 23, 2008
TheCanadian Website

Moon sunset in
Arizona, in the United States.
Photo reference:
Alex Collier, a deemed contactee of
ethical Extraterrestrial races, alleges that human free will on
Earth is being systematically undermined by 'regressive'
Manipulative Extraterrestrials operating on Earth. LINK.
He further claims that ethical
Extraterrestrials that he has allegedly been in contact with, from
the Andromeda Galaxy, that are sympathetic to Earthbound humans,
would like to see 'regressive' aliens leave our planet Earth. In the
process, Mr. Collier further elaborates, humanity would be able to
freely pursue a peaceful course of evolution, that is mutually
respectful of each other, and which protects our vital ecosystems.
Alex Collier describes Andromeda Galaxy-based Ethical
Extraterrestrials, as allegedly presiding over a
Galactic Council.
Mr. Collier further alleges that this cited Galactic Council,
allegedly upholds the principle that sentient beings in our
universe, which include humans, have an inviolable right to
self-determination. However, as Ethical Extraterrestrials that
support self-determination, this Galactic Council also rejects the
idea of "saving" humanity.
Notably, John Lash in
metahistory.org, referred to a savior-complex
in our prevailing organized religions, as being specifically
instigated by Manipulative Extraterrestrials to disempower humanity.
Alex Collier's contactee testimony, coincides with John Lash's
accounts of the ancient Gnostics, who supported the view that,
humanity must "save itself".
This basically is the view that
humanity needs to elevate its consciousness toward a critical cosmic
awareness and self-determination against the threat posed by
Manipulative Extraterrestrials and their human elites who are
Alex Collier's claims have been endorsed by scholars like Dr.
Michael Salla, who is a founding editor of the
Exopolitics Journal.

Alex Collier alleges
that he has been in contact with
ethical Extraterrestrials based in
the Andromeda Galaxy.
Hopefully, claims of Manipulative
Extraterrestrials operating on Earth, is utter nonsense, that ought
to be confined to the studios of science fiction sets.
Indeed, the
operation of such Extraterrestrials would constitute an existential
violation of our vital human sovereignty. However, do you think that
as critically thinking human beings, we should at least be prepared
to consider if there is any critical body of evidence for such a
farfetched scenario? Some scholars do indeed, apparently think which
they have found evidence that supports the presence of the operation
of such "regressives" on Earth.
The alleged evidence is about
one-sixth the size of Earth. It is the moon.
Establishment scientists, who are linked with a consortium of
elites, suggest that the moon is a natural phenomenon, which formed
from the same cosmic chain of events that led to the formation of,
and operation of Earth. However, independent-minded scientists,
present evidence which suggest that the moon is an artificially
orbiting phenomenon, that was created by extraterrestrial
intelligent engineering and design.
Some researchers also believe
that there are a couple of other moons in our solar system which
have an orbit and properties that
are consistent with intelligent
The moons around Mars, for example, have been represented as being
In "Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon",
Donald K. Wilson in
1975 cited that in 1959 eminent scientist Professor Iosif Shklovsky
put forth his findings in relation to the "moons" circling Mars:
"After carefully weighing up the evidence he concludes that they are
both hollow."
If these independent scientists are correct about Earth's moon, then
according to various researchers, it is plausible that whatever
alleged intelligent designers are responsible for the Moon, would
have sought some kind of presence on Earth. Otherwise, such entities
would not have gone through the process of designing such an
orbiting "artificial moon".
Independent scientists portray a variety of evidence, that the moon
is artificial. This includes evidence that the moon is hollow.
Secondly, the moon's orbits around the earth in a circular manner,
is consistent with human-made satellites that orbit the earth, in
contrast with the elliptical orbit of the Earth around the sun. If
the moon was a natural phenomenon, one would expect an elliptical
rather than an atypical circular orbit.
Moon also orbits around the Earth in a synchronous manner, in
which the same side always faces the earth, furthermore consistent
with "intelligent design".
Indeed, any Extraterrestrials that would
seek to create the moon as some kind of clandestine orbiting
satellite, would either be seeking to spy on humanity, or to as Alex
Collier also suggests, would seek to use the moon as a basis of
operation to interfere and undermine human self-determination.
making sure that the same face of an apparently lifeless "moon"
always faces the Earth, such apparent "regressives" would be seeking
to convince humanity that the moon is something that it is not.
A variety of researchers support Alex Collier's claim, that various
Manipulative Extraterrestrials activities on the portion of the moon
not visible from Earth, are in turn allegedly linked to numerous
invasive UFO and Extraterrestrial sightings of the "Third Kind" on
In 1783 and 1787, for example, huge bright lights were reported on
the moon. They were mistakenly reported as volcanoes, at first. But
then they moved and lit up the dark side of the moon which cause a
noticeable glow around the top portion of the moon. This was
observed again on January 27, 1912. A ship was also reported two
hundred and fifty miles long, fifty miles wide, resembling a crow,
sitting on the moon.
Alex Collier documents these sightings as
coinciding with the alleged Andromedan claims of alien
In the article titled "I Saw Structures on the Moon"
Karl Wolfe, who worked for the Director of Intelligence at
Headquarters Tactical Air Command, Technical Group, documents to
have indeed seen photographs of alien spacecraft and buildings.
Indeed, various researchers which include Richard Hoagland, have
also documented many artificial structures on the Moon, consistent
with artificial structures that have been created by oppressive
civilizations on Earth.
If that is true, then it is plausible that allegations made by Alex
Collier and other independent researchers like Dr. Michael Salla, of
an on-going Manipulative Extraterrestrial presence on Earth, could
be true.
Richard Hoagland also suggests that the astronauts saw glass
buildings and other "interesting structures" on
the back of the
Mr. Hoagland often says that NASA is still
trying to alter photo
materials before they are published in public catalogues and files.
They do some retouching or are partially refocusing them while
copying. Reported archived photos reveal an astonishingly
regular geometry of square and rectangular constructions. They
resemble our cities seen from the height of 5-8 kilometers.
According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, in the article
titled "Alien Presence on the Moon?" unnamed radio hams with their
own VHF receiving facilities that bypassed NASA's broadcasting
outlets picked up the following exchange:
NASA: What's there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11...
Apollo: These "Babies" are huge, Sir! Enormous! OH MY GOD! You
wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out
there, lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They're on the
Moon watching us!
That article titled "Alien Presence of the Moon?" also then further
documents the following insights:
In 1979, Maurice Chatelain, former chief of NASA Communications
Systems confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two UFOs
on the rim of a crater.
"The encounter was common knowledge in
NASA," he revealed, "but nobody has talked about it until now."
Soviet scientists were allegedly the first to confirm the incident.
"According to our information, the encounter was reported
immediately after the landing of the module," said Dr. Vladimir Azhazha, a physicist and Professor of Mathematics at Moscow
"Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control
that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having
landed near the moon module. But his message was never heard by the
public-because NASA censored it. "
According to another Soviet scientist, Dr. Aleksandr Kazantsev, Buzz
Aldrin took colour movie film of the UFOs from inside the module,
and continued filming them after he and Armstrong went outside. Dr.
Azhazha claims that the UFOs departed minutes after the astronauts
came out on to the lunar surface.
Maurice Chatelain also confirmed that Apollo 11's radio
transmissions were interrupted on several occasions in order to hide
the news from the public. Before dismissing Chatelain's sensational
claims, it is worth noting his impressive background in the
aerospace industry and space program. His first job after moving
from France was as an electronics engineer with Convair,
specializing in telecommunications, telemetry, and radar.
In 1959 he
was in charge of an electromagnetic research group, developing new
radar and telecommunications systems for Ryan. One of his eleven
patents was an automatic flights to the Moon. Later, at North
American Aviation, Chatelain was offered the job of designing and
building the Apollo communications and data-processing systems.
Chatelain claims that,
"all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed,
both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space
vehicles of extraterrestrial origin-flying saucers, or UFOs, if you
want to call them by that name. Every time it occurred, the
astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute
He goes on to say:
"I think that Walter Schirra aboard Mercury 8 was the first of the
astronauts to use the code name 'Santa Claus' to indicate the
presence of flying saucers next to space capsules. However, his
announcements were barely noticed by the general public.
It was a little different when James Lovell on board the Apollo 8
command module came out from behind the moon and said for everybody
to hear:
Even though this happened on Christmas Day 1968, many people sensed
a hidden meaning in those words."
Indeed, why would he have seen the need to have made such an unusual
alarmist proclamation at the time?
In the article titled "Our Enigmatic Moon: Could our Moon be
Artificial and Hollow?", Dr.
Noel Huntley also remarked that the moon,
"has thrown the minds of some of the greatest thinkers and
scientific brains into a quandary and bewilderment unprecedented in
the history of astronomy."
Dr. N. Huntley then elaborated the
"The first academic enigma must surely be that the Moon is
apparently in its wrong orbit for its size. However, this would
presumably be based on its assumed density. Technical reports claim
a density of 3.3 for the Moon compared with 5.5 for Earth. Astronomy
data indicates that the internal regions of the Moon are less dense
than the outer, giving rise to the inevitable but outrageous
speculation that it could be hollow.
The eminent scientist Carl
Sagan, a typical skeptic, made the statement, 'A natural satellite
cannot be a hollow object'. But meaning here that if it is hollow,
it is not a natural satellite - and therefore artificial."
Alex Collier indeed claims to have been informed from alleged 'Andromedan'
Ethical Extraterrestrials that Moon is hollow, and contains huge
subsurface [below the surface]
facilities built by aliens.
it possible that Alex Collier may not be a total lunatic, as
represented by various interests?
Dr. N. Huntley additionally cites scientific and supporting Apollo
astronaut discovery of the Moon apparently being hollow:
Possibly the strongest evidence for it to be a 'hollow object' comes
from the fact that when meteors strike the Moon, the latter rings
like a bell. More specifically when the Apollo crew in November 20,
1969 released the lunar module, after returning to the orbiter, the
module impact with the Moon caused their seismic equipment to
register a continuous reverberation like a bell for more than an
The same effect occurred with Apollo 13's third stage which
caused the Moon to ring for over three hours.
In "Moongate: Suppressed findings of The U.S. Space Program" (1982),
Nuclear Engineer and researcher/writer William L. Brian II presents
detailed evidence proving that the moon, as any hollow sphere would,
"rings" when hit by asteroids or heavy space junk.
According to Dr.
"the evidence provided by Apollo seismic experiments also
points to the conclusion that the moon is hollow and relatively
Then there's a documented report in the July 1962 issue of
Astronautics by Dr. Gordon McDonald.
In that report a leading
scientist at NASA in the U.S. states that,
"according to an analysis
of the moon's motion, it appears that the moon is hollow: If the
astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require
that the interior of the moon is less dense than the outer parts.
Indeed, it would seem that the moon is more like a hollow than a
homogeneous sphere."

Mare Orientale Crater
As is clearly seen in the above photo, the floor of the Mare
Orientale Crater is convex.
It is aligned with the normal surface
curvature of the Moon.
The 'crater rim' reveals the outer boundary
of the impact 'excavation zone' (900 km diameter).
rings' are seen within the crater rim.
This structure can only occur
from a rebounding crust on a hollow planet.
Photo reference: Tlonh.com.
Dr. N. Huntley then further documents that
Mikhail Vasin and
Alexander Shcherbakov two members of the then Soviet Academy of
Sciences, have spent much of their careers examining the facts
compiled on lunar phenomena.
Their conclusion is that the Moon is
artificial, possibly a hollowed-out planetoid, and that it was
steered from some distant region of the galaxy into a circular orbit
around our planet (hence the extraordinary mystery of rock and
Moon-dust age variations). The Spaceship Moon Theory cited in Wikipedia, also known as the
Vasin-Shcherbakov Theory, proposes that
Earth's moon may actually be an alien spacecraft.
Evidence by these
two Soviet scientists were documented in a July 1970 article titled
"Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?".
Indeed, Indigenous people testify that the moon did not always orbit
Earth. Indigenous people testify that their ancestors document the
moon as having appeared in Earth's orbit roughly
100 million years ago.
The memory of a world without a moon lives in oral tradition among
aboriginal peoples with ancient memories.
The indigenous peoples of
the Bogota highlands in the eastern Cordilleras of Colombia relate
some of their tribal reminiscences to the time before there was a
“In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the
heavens,” say the
tribesmen of Chibchas.

The period when the Earth was Moonless
is probably the most remote recollection of humankind.
article titled "Earth without the Moon" further documents that
Democritus and Anaxagoras taught that there was a time when the
Earth was without the Moon.
Aristotle wrote that Arcadia in Greece,
before being inhabited by the Hellenes, had a population of Pelasgians, and that these aborigines occupied the land already
before there was a moon in the sky above the Earth; for this reason
they were called Proselenes.
Apollonius of Rhodes mentioned the time,
“when not all the orbs were yet in the heavens, before the Danai and
Deukalion races came into existence, and only the Arcadians lived,
of whom it is said that they dwelt on mountains and fed on acorns,
before there was a moon.”
Has the moon been an alien launching pad for inspiring "skyward"
organized religions?

"Buzz" Aldrin and other astronauts have made representations about
seeing Extraterrestrials,
as well as alien
spacecraft, buildings, and artifacts/ruins on the Moon.
Researchers document that aboriginal peoples had revered the Earth
as both the spiritual and physical embodiment of a cosmic God.
Credo Mutwa, a Zulu elder then further related accounts of indigenous
peoples being manipulated into worshiping the sky toward "Heaven",
as a result of apparent Manipulative Extraterrestrial encounters.
John Lash in metahistory.org correspondingly documents specific
ancient Gnostic accounts of Artificial intelligence-based
Manipulative Extraterrestrials that sought to use the Arbrahamic
religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity to disempower humanity
through a messianic-savior complex.
organized religions have
also provided a context for apparent mind-control, and have been a
basis of dividing and ruling humanity.
The demonic consciousness
that ancient Gnostic sought to warn humanity about, that Gnostics
also linked to physical and spiritual abductions of human souls, are
also consistent with a alien presence on the Moon, alleged by Mr.
Sightings of
artificial structures and UFOs on the Moon
Dr. N. Huntley also cites astronaut testimony of seeing artificial
structures and UFO activity on the moon:
In 1968 as Apollo 8 moved into orbit
around the Moon, the astronauts spotted a colossal extraterrestrial
object, which then had disappeared on the next orbit.
were taken, of course, but not released to the public. On another
occasion when the lunar excursion module was down to 4-5 miles from
the Moon's surface astronauts witnessed a UFO suddenly rise from a
crater and rapidly disappear.
In 1969 "Buzz" Aldrin was checking the
lunar surface from orbit, when two UFOs appeared, moved towards the
Apollo rocket, hovered nearby, then to Aldrin's utter astonishment
the UFOs joined to form one entity. Furthermore, astronauts of
Apollo 11 saw a space-fleet of UFOs lined up in a crater. Almost
every Moon mission involved encounters with UFOs or UFO sightings,
not to mention the discovery of many bases on the Moon's surface.
Renowned astronomer Patrick Moore discovered over one hundred
dome-like buildings. In fact, about one thousand such bases,
dome-like structures of diameter around 700 feet, have been
Dr. Huntley's corroborated research suggests that,
"the Moon is
hollow with a shell about 20 miles thick - mostly metal."
Huntley also referred to apparent elite censorship of the moon as an
alleged artificial satellite.
Several television viewers (watching
the Moon landing) wrote explaining that they spotted one of the
astronauts pick up what appeared to be a glass bottle and remark,
'My God, I don't believe it, look at this... '
Then the television
screen went blank. Other viewers observed the extreme difficulty
astronauts had when drilling down a few inches into the Moon's marias and that when the drill bit was pulled out, metal shavings
were visible.
Rocks were found to contain brass, mica, titanium, and
elements uranium 236 and Neptunium 237 not previously found in
nature. Dr. Huntley also documented accounts of "several large
pyramid structures, strange rifts in the surface with entrances,
massive girders, machinery and some 1000 kilometer blocks of metal,
tears in the surface, revealing massive interior 'plumbing', huge
crosses a mile long, and enormous excavating equipment.
Alex Collier documents that the 'Andromedans' revealed to him that:
"...[M]uch of the surface [of the Moon] was built on top of a
metallic shell of a circular space craft; or "A War Carrier",
as the Andromedans describe it. An example of a shallow, but
large crater would be the crater Gagarin. This crater is roughly
185 miles across, but is only 4.5 to 5 miles deep.
Based on the
impact and size across the craters welt on the surface, the
depth should be 4 to 6 times that deep. In fact, all the craters
are the same; they are too shallow. They defy known science."
Alex Collier further corroborates
representations made by
Richard Hoagland and independent scientist
concerning astronaut observation of artifacts of former
extraterrestrial cities
"Many of the craters [of the Moon]
have been artificially created. The Andromedans have said that
many of the craters on the far side were in fact domed cities at
one time and that they were destroyed during a war that goes
back 113,000 yrs. Many were used as domed cities and other
larger craters were used as space craft hangers capable of
capable of housing 200 craft."
"Professional astronomers," indicates Dr. Huntley, "have
gradually been discouraged from investigating these
observations, referred to as Transient Lunar Phenomena, and all
such Fortean observations are now only of interest to the
Dr. Huntley further documents that,
"Scientific experts, including NASA investigators believe that the
Moon is hollow - it is the only explanation. The velocity of sound
has been found to increase with depth and at 40 miles it is too fast
for the speed of propagation through rock substance."
Dr. Huntley theorizes the following about the origins of the Moon:
The natural matter of the Moon came from a very large planet, Maldek
(or Marduk), which orbited our Sun thousands of years ago between
Mars and Jupiter. It was inhabited by a thriving civilization which
degenerated to such a degree that the planet was destroyed.
We can tentatively assume now that the Moon consists of a metallic
framework which has been packed by pieces from Maldek, forming the
spherical shape but is essentially hollow. Thus the Moon contains
energies and coding (frequency patterns) supporting the original ET
agenda for assimilation of our planetary system and in fact the
whole time matrix.
Further programs emanate from the moon,
such as one to cause unnatural hormonal/menstrual cycles in women to
produce more children - thus losing control over when to have
children. The purpose being to keep a plentiful stock of DNA for
their genetic experiments (the human DNA, that is, its original
template is valuable to these spiritually-fallen ETs).
In fact, not only does the Moon affect the tides of Earth but the
blood in living organisms. A separate source of information (channeling)
refers to the Moon as being an electromagnetic computer which can be
programmed intelligently, such as to influence the feminine cycle
(as also mentioned above in the Deane material), and has been
transmitting signals to manipulate our DNA for aeons.
Notably, Alex Collier, Dr. Huntley, Richard Hoagland, and many other
independent scientists and researchers share complementary
representations with respect to the Moon.
This includes a
corresponding representation concerning 'Maldek'.
Alex Collier indeed, indicates the
following from his alleged Ethical Extraterrestrial contact:
"The side [of the Moon] that
suffered the heaviest destruction is the visible side we see.
The destruction was caused by particle beam weapons when our
Moon was located in the orbit of Maldek, now a destroyed planet.
Our present Moon was one of two moons, that orbited it. The
second moon, I'm told, is the
moon Phobos. It also has ruins on
it, as does Venus which was a moon of Uranus..."
In the article titled "Were we on the
Moon in 2309 B.C.?", Jonathan Gray documents that,
"Apollo II astronauts found the "a
glasslike soil - and parts of it even paved with
pieces of glass."
Dr. Huntley in Zephnet.com also
documents that:
"Several television viewers wrote
explaining that they spotted one of the astronauts pick up what
appeared to be a glass bottle and remark, 'My God, I don't
believe it, look at this...' Then the television screen went
Alex Collier documents that,
"the glass that is abundantly spread
over the moon's surface came from the Domed cities that were
once on this war carrier." LINK.
Mr. Collier alleges that the 'Andromedans'
told him that,
"many of the original structures on
the surface of the moon were destroyed as a result of an
Intergalactic "war of liberation" against the Moon's alleged
regressive aliens which left the artifacts reported by NASA
Astronauts, Richard Hoagland, and by other learned researched."

Independent researchers indicate that critical analysis of the Moon
show ruins of alien cities somewhat reminiscent of the ruin of
ancient civilizations on Earth.
Richard Hoagland's and other
researchers have made
representations concerning pyramids and other
Dr. Huntley concludes that,
"A study of ET material of which
literature today abounds, strongly indicates that the nature of
the Moon has a sinister purpose, and plays a role in
manipulating man's evolution."
Could it be the human's apparent
destructive path of self-annihilation, critically observed by Dr.
Kevin Barrett in
Twilight of the Psychopaths, may be conditioned by aliens that seek to control
humanity in an ethos of "divide, rule and conquer"?
If humanity does not begin in a timely
manner to critically re-appraise its cosmic environment from
apparent systematized manipulation, humanity may descend into the
point on no return on planetary destruction. Humanity needs to wake
itself to critically consider to what extent, if any, human
quality-of-living is being undermined by a regressive alien agenda.
Is our very appreciation of what it
means to be human, in relation to our growing acceptance of the
alleged necessity of human atrocities against each other, including
war and genocide, the result of an alien-induced psychosis?
Alex Collier wraps up his critical alleged reporting of alleged
regressive aliens that he links to the Moon, with the following:
Ladies and Gentlemen, this time in
which we now live is and will be known in our future as the end
of the innocence. We, as a planetary race, must commit ourselves
to the idea that truth must survive.
We have major challenges to
face, and what ever is the truth, we must do all that is
necessary to stick together. We have been torn and tattered, we
have been betrayed. But please, let's not give up on each other.
We are capable of being heroes.
We can save the world, and our
freedom. We must believe in each other, and in ourselves.
John Lash documents that Gnostic
insights suggest that if people can critically come to grips with
their vital humanity to each other in relationship to nature,
individuals would then have a critical consciousness to detect
regressive aliens (referred to as
In the process, humanity, in the spirit
of the Gnostics, and aboriginal peoples, could then to seek to
consciously defend themselves from alien manipulation, and then seek
to restore Earth as the Paradise that affirms the quality-of-life of
all humans beings, irrespective of access to financial resources.
Indeed, Earth's prevailing system of global capitalism appears to
have been constructed based upon the virtual reality template of the
'Archonic' Artificial-based Intelligence that Gnostics sought to
warn humanity about.
Could the reported failure of elites to
provide open access to information about the Moon, and to
acknowledge Extraterrestrial sightings by Earthbound humans, be
aimed to retard this very process, so that humans can continue to be
enslaved by what Dr. Salla alleges to be a human elite and
regressive alien agenda against human free will?