by Paul Chen
Spanish version
TheCanadian Website

Robert Dean is a
former U.S. military commander.
Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean worked at NATO’s Supreme
Headquarters from 1963-1967, and during this time was stationed in
the Operations Center with a Cosmic Top Secret clearance.
"He claims to have viewed a secret
NATO study that was commissioned to analyze the threat posed by
UFOs to NATO operations in Eastern Europe", reports Dr.
Michael Salla, who is a
scholarly researcher on Extraterrestrial life and Earthbound
human political implications, in the article entitled "Extraterrestrials
among Us"
Exopolitics Journal, Vol 1:4 (October
The classified report was titled: “An
Assessment: An Evaluation of a Possible Military threat to Allied
Forces in Europe.”
It focused on the dangers of UFOs being
mistakenly identified as an incoming ballistic missile attack from
the Soviet Union. Dean claimed that the NATO study identified four
different extraterrestrial civilizations visiting the Earth.
Dr. Salla elaborates that former U.S. Military commander Dean
said that,
"what really worried the NATO top
brass was that some of the visitors looked so much like us that
they were virtually indistinguishable. Dean says that NATO
generals were paranoid over the possibility that some of the
extraterrestrial visitors could be walking in the corridors of
NATO or the Pentagon, or even the White House itself."
Dr. Michael Salla further reports
in an interview documented by Bob Hieronimus, “Transcript
of Interview with Bob Dean, March 24, 1996" that Major Dean
"There was a human group that looked
so much like us that that really drove the admirals and the
generals crazy because they determined that these people, and
they had seen them repeatedly, they had had contact with them….
These people looked so much like us they could sit next to you
on a plane or in a restaurant and you'd never know the
And being military and being
primarily paranoid, that bothered the generals and the admirals
a little bit. That the fact that these intelligent entities
could be involved with us, walking up and down the corridors of
SHAPE [Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe], walking down
the corridors of the Pentagon. My God, it even dawned on a
couple of them that these guys could even be in the White House!
Of course, as I said, being paranoid in those years it really
shook things up a little bit."
"Dean’s testimony is a vital key in unlocking the truth of
extraterrestrials living among the human population. His
testimony conclusively demonstrates that official military and
government agencies are aware of this possibility, and in fact
would undoubtedly have been developing strategies for such a
contingency", says Dr. Salla.
"While NATO viewed extraterrestrials living among us in the
context of a classified Study assessing UFOs as a potential
security threat, based on contactee testimonies, it appears that
the extraterrestrial visitors are blending in to learn about the
human population," elaborates Dr. Salla.
Dean also reported that government
insiders feel that we are dealing with hundreds of ET civilizations,
some intergalactic, some interdimensional. He noted that over 10
years ago, NASA set up a scientific committee, which came to
the conclusion that there are an estimated 10 billion planets with
intelligent life.
"Sgt.-Major Dean has assembled 20
astronauts, former intelligence officers, servicemen who
participated in crashed UFO retrieval operations, generals,
admirals, and even cosmonauts, who are willing to testify to a
Congressional Committee about what they know about UFOs,
provided that they are released from their National Security
oaths. The videotaped depositions of sworn key witnesses have
been taken by a prestigious Washington, D.C. law firm, and
stored in its safe, awaiting public hearings," documents Dr.
Richard J. Boylan in "UFO
Reality Shift".
Former U.S. Military Commander Dean
had began working with
CSETI's [Committee for the Study of
Extra Terrestrial Intelligence], Dr.
Steven Greer, in concert with
former astronaut Gordon Cooper, other astronauts, another
high-ranking military officer, and a General, to plan the release of
UFO information to which they are privy.
"Dr. Greer and Sgt. Major Dean are
part of a Coalition of Starlight and Stargate Projects,
which have been putting together the best evidence of UFO/ET
reality. The evidence includes not only military and
intelligence officers who participated in UFO crash retrievals
and autopsies on ET corpses, but also fighter pilots, generals,
astronauts and cosmonauts who have witnessed UFOs close-up, as
well as UFO and ET tissue samples," further documents Dr. Boylan.
"The Coalition's plan is to take their Briefing Document and
evidence to world leaders, the U.N., scientific academies, and
religious leaders for a pre-briefing. Then the Coalition will
make a Public Disclosure before mid-1997. Dr. Greer reports that
the White House, the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, and
the United Nations are being enlisted to assist, and no one has
said that this cannot come out."
On August 17, 1995, Sgt. Major Robert
Dean had announced the beginning of a citizen campaign to compel
Congress to grant Congressional immunity to astronauts and military
and intelligence witnesses, who are ready to testify at
Congressional UFO Hearings.
"Washington Post journalist Ruth
Montgomery related how she had received multiple reports
about UFO reality from various military officers with whom she
had spoken", further documents Dr. Boylan.
The producer of Mexico's "Sixty
Minutes" television documentary program, Jaime Maussan,
showed extensive videotapes of UFOs over Mexican population centers.
These videotapes show structured craft, flotillas of UFOs, and a
vertical column of UFOs inside a translucent plasma field. The most
arresting footage is a night-time shot of a UFO hovering near the
ground, and later, a "Praying Mantis-type" extraterrestrial,
illuminated, is seen turning towards the camera from perhaps one
block away.
Extraterrestrials also appear to be doing their share to disclose
their presence to Earthbound humans by employing various apparent
strategies to reveal their presence, suggests Dr. Boylan:
To increase the pace, boldness
and openness of UFO sightings. Peter Davenport,
Director of the National UFO Reporting Center
(206-722-3000), stated that the center has been swamped by
UFO reports since the first week in July [1995] and
escalating. Not only are the reports plentiful, but reports
are now common of numerous and multiple kinds of UFO craft
during a single sighting, and there are many reports of UFOs
The coming forward of an
increasing number of close encounter experiencers to
acknowledge their contacts to psychotherapists,
investigators and the public. Many professional researchers
and therapists have recently reported increasing numbers of
such accounts of extraterrestrial encounters.
The strong sense of mission felt
by numerous UFO experiencers and researchers to work to
bring the extraterrestrial presence to public awareness.
Reports from around the country verify that many people are
feeling such a sense of mission.
The attitude change in many
governmental and other influential leaders to allow release
or leaks of UFO information. Numerous instances of the
results of such greater openness are evident in the
revelations cited earlier in this report.
"On July 9 near Versailles, MO, two
Air Force officers and a dozen other witnesses saw five very
large UFOs (a triangular craft and four discs, each as long as a
football field) hovering over an empty field. On the ground were
20-25 extraterrestrials moving about. Three different races were
present: some short, with purplish skin and large ears, another
type described as luminous energy beings, and a third group of
humanoid ETs in jump suits," further documents Dr. Boylan.
Mr. Dean's spent twenty-seven
years of active duty in the U.S. Army where he retired as Command
Sergeant Major after serving as a highly decorated infantry combat
veteran. His reportedly received a Cosmic Top Secret clearance.
Mr. Dean also spent fourteen years as an emergency services
manager with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
for the Arizona Pima County Sheriff's Department. He is the
former Arizona Assistant Director and Pima County Director for
the Mutual UFO Network and is a former member for the UFO
studies (CUFOS) and the Ancient Astronauts Society.
He also served twelve years as a member
of the board of Directors for the Aerial Phenomenon Research
Organization (APRO).