Decision 2001 - The Plan Will
August 23, 2001
The Verdant High Command has approved a decision to proceed with
efforts to attempt to establish Verdant-Human diplomatic
This long-awaited decision follows a series of lengthy and
exhaustive sessions between representatives of both species.
After the conclusion of these inter-species discussions, an
authorized panel of Verdant diplomats met in executive session
for nearly a year before voting on the matter. A full review of
the findings by these diplomats was then conducted by the
Verdant High Command, which subsequently endorsed the decision
to proceed.
Shortly thereafter all human Ambassadors were instructed to be
prepared to begin executing their individual plans and
proposals. As indicated in my two books, The Contact Has Begun
and The Challenge Of Contact, these are the working blueprints
designed to provide the groundwork for the planned summit
conference between delegates of the two species with the
ultimate goal of establishing formal diplomatic ties between
Earth and the
Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets.
Presumably, some preliminary work is already in progress and—if
the informal timetable is reasonably accurate—many human
Ambassadors will begin briefing their peers and public and
private leaders sometime in the year 2002. It is presumed and
anticipated that a free flow of information should also begin
concurrent with these events.
I am authorized to reveal that the decision to proceed was
approved in the early months of this year, 2001, although I was
not informed of it until early in March by a human intermediary
while I was attending the International UFO Congress convention
in Laughlin, Nevada. I initially thought that I was expected to
make an immediate announcement, but I actually was sworn to
secrecy at that time. For reasons that I do not yet understand,
a decision was made to withhold the information for a period of
It was explained that I was being informed to help put my mind
at ease in that I had expressed growing concern in my latest
book and in media interviews and public appearances that I was
the only one, as far as I was aware, who had gone public while
all others remained safely anonymous.
I had gone out on a limb
and my reputation and credibility were on the line. In fact, my
second book was about to be printed at the time. If this project
didn’t proceed, or if I didn’t get some support from other
delegates soon, there was the very real possibility that I could
be ruined, my reputation and credibility sullied beyond repair.
Yet I didn’t see how I could keep this secret because I was
constantly being asked about any new developments. The only
options I could see out of this predicament was to either go
into hiding or lie, neither of which was acceptable.
I was instructed to respond to such inquiries by saying that I
hadn’t had “any further contact with the Verdants since my last
visit to the ship in January of 2000”.
Well, I suppose that wasn’t really a lie, since my informant was
a human, but it was a bit evasive. However, I couldn’t see any
alternative—and the literal truth was that I really hadn’t had
any Verdant contact since that time—and so that’s the way I
dealt with questions on this issue in the months ahead.
However, I have now been informed—in August of 2001—that there
would be no objections to my releasing this information at this
I will have further updates as they occur, including but not
limited to a stepped-up campaign to try to discredit me by the
forces of opposition.
Phillip Krapf’s Presentation To The
Bay Area UFO Expo
September 16, 2001
I am going to depart from my usual format in which I talk about
my extraordinary experiences of June, 1997, and January, 2000—as
detailed in my two books:
The Contact Has Begun, published by
Hay House [P.O. Box 5100, Carlsbad, CA 92018-5100; phone:
800-654-5126; website:] in January of 1998
The Challenge Of Contact, published in June of this year by
Origin Press [1122 Grant Avenue, Suite C, Novato, CA 94945;
phone: 888-267-4446; website :]—after which
I typically take questions from the audience.
I know that many of you have not read either book, although some
of you may have read one or the other. Nevertheless, at the risk
of leaving many of you in the dark, since you are not familiar
with the story, I would like to quote a few passages from The
Challenge Of Contact.
We begin with this item from page
“Is it possible that the human
race simply is incapable of getting along?” he asked
rhetorically. “Will the ancient tribal mentalities always
predominate? It’s almost as if there were an organized,
deliberate attempt to create worldwide turmoil, to put our
worst foot forward, as though this insanity is being
Also on page 21, and continuing on
page 22 is the following passage:
“In my view this opposition in
and of itself wasn’t enough to scuttle the program, and I
believe Chip tended to agree with me. But he did add the
caveat: “...if we don’t blow ourselves up first.
“It would be a tragedy of unparalleled proportions to miss
such a golden opportunity” he said wistfully.
Those snippets of information were
taken from a conversation that took place on Easter Sunday of
1999 in Pinole [town North of Oakland, California] between me
and an Ambassador—a human who had been recruited to serve as a
liaison between the aliens and humans in helping to lay the
groundwork to establish diplomatic relations that would lead to
formal contact between our two species.
On page 64 of the same book, there is the following passage:
“Ominously, he suggested that a
grand conspiracy may have been concocted by forces that
oppose the contact, and that there appeared to be a
deliberate campaign to stir up as much trouble as possible
to discourage the Verdants from following through on their
That last statement was made by a
Verdant while I was aboard the ship on my second visit.
The following passage comes from pages 135 and 136 of the same
“Right before I left the ship, I
asked Gina one more time if any major decisions had been
made between the Ambassadors and the Verdants.
“Only one decision is under consideration, and it hasn’t yet
been made. The Ambassadors gave our people their input, our
people listened, and the High Command will make a choice
sometime in the near future.”
“What do you think it will be?” I asked.
“I don’t know and I’m not at liberty to speculate. I do have
a bit of advice for you, though. Maybe it can by your first
official announcement as our spokesperson.”
She paused.
“Get your act together. There
are grave concerns that have permeated up to the highest
“My act?”
“No, humans.”
An ominous farewell. Then, in a
breath, I was gone, back in my bedroom. It was Martin Luther
King Day.
That conversation also took place in January of 2000 right
before I left the starship after two days aboard. In summary,
high-level discussions had been conducted aboard the ship
between ranking human and alien delegates in which critical
questions were raised about whether the planned contact should
go ahead as planned. As was noted, the Verdant High Command was
going to review the testimony and then make a final decision on
the matter. It was possible at this point that a decision could
be made to delay, postpone, or abort the program.
About a year later, the decision was made. The effort to
establish diplomatic relations would proceed. I learned of this
decision from a human emissary in Laughlin, Nevada, in March of
this year, at the International UFO Convention. However, I was
sworn to secrecy at that time.
Then, in August, last month, I was given approval to make the
announcement. I immediately wrote a news release to that effect
and dispatched it to my publisher and asked that it be posted on
the website for my book ( I have
copies of that news release here for anyone who would like a
Like you, I spent Tuesday of this week [9/11/01] sitting in rapt
despair in front of the TV set for most of the day, trying
without much success to comprehend the horrific events unfolding
before me. Like you, I grieved for the loss of life and the
unimaginable suffering. At one point, I got up in a daze,
retrieved from the closet the American flag that usually flies
from my house only on July 4th and Memorial Day. I secured it in
its holder on the eaves of my house. I desperately needed to do
something, and that was the only thing I could think of at the
About 6 or 7 p.m., the by now familiar bluish-white iridescent
light suddenly appeared, filling the room, didn’t even flinch.
It was as though I were almost expecting it. I knew what was
coming—I was going on another journey.
Under normal
circumstances—with two previous visits to the ship under my
belt—I would have been excited. But these weren’t normal
circumstances, considering the events of the day, and instead of
feelings of unbridled enthusiasm and happiness, a foreboding
knot of anxiety clutched my insides in an icy grip. I knew this
couldn’t be good news.
I appeared in a comparatively small room, probably the smallest
one I had ever been in on the ship. It was more like a private
office. I was standing before Sarah, Gina, and Martin. Because
of time constraints, I won’t attempt to explain who they are,
but their rankings, roles, and levels of authority are explained
in The Challenge Of Contact. Sarah was seated behind what I
suppose could be described as a desk of sorts, although, with
its array of lighted consoles and other high-tech gadgets that I
couldn’t even describe, it was nothing like I had ever seen
Martin and Gina were seated in chairs beside the desk, and all
three Verdants were facing me. I was standing alongside another
chair in front of the desk that was facing them.
The meeting lasted about half an hour, after which I was
returned to my home.
As I suspected, the news was not encouraging. Essentially, I was
told that we—meaning humans—are not ready. I didn’t need an
explanation in light of the condition of the world at the
I have copies of a summary of the meeting that I compiled from
my notes, which I made upon my return, and I will be glad to
make them available for anyone who would like one.
I must confess that I actually gave serious consideration to
keeping this incident to myself, to suppress it.
Byron Belitsos, CEO of Origin Press, labored tirelessly and
diligently for more than a year, with a sense of dedication and
purpose that goes well beyond the call of duty, to bring The
Challenge Of Contact to fruition. In addition, he committed
considerable financial resources to the undertaking.
In that light, let me say that the book still has significant
relevance despite this latest development. I hope most people
will appreciate that fact. Byron and I will continue to man the
table until the end of the expo.
“We Have Not Given Up”
Summary Of A Briefing On
September 11 Aboard The Goodwill
Gina got up and approached me.
The Verdant face is virtually expressionless. But after some
exposure to them, the astute observer can at times detect some
very subtle, albeit almost imperceptible, expressions of
emotion. If I was reading her face correctly, there was a
certain muted sadness to her demeanor as she took both of my
hands into hers. She told me to be seated and returned to her
own chair. Sarah and Martin had remained sitting.
I cannot, of course, recall the exact words that were spoken,
but the quotes I use here are true and accurate representations
of the intent, meaning, and tenor of the conversation, if not
the precise words themselves.
“I shall come straight to the
point,” Sarah began. “The Verdant High Command, after
reviewing a report on the current state of affairs and
viewing the regrettable scenes of carnage occurring on your
planet, has decided that the human species is not yet
No words came to my mind. I was not
Heartbreakingly disappointed, but not surprised.
I simply stared
vacantly into her dispassionate face. Gina still seemed to be
wearing the same look of subtle sadness. On the other hand,
although I can’t be certain, I thought I detected something else
on Martin’s face. To the untrained eye, his features remained
bland and impartial. Yet, there was something just below the
What was it? A certain
self-righteous smugness?
An aura of condescension that said,
“I told you so”?
Whatever it was—if it was anything
at all—I found it irritating.
“It’s over, then?” I said.
Grammatically it was an
interrogative, but I inflected it as a declarative, as though I
already knew the answer before I even posed the question.
“All Ambassadors and Deputy
Envoys will be instructed to abort their assignments for
which they were recruited. That process has already begun,
but we expect it will take several days before all of them
can be contacted.”
Well, that was pretty direct, but it
was a bit too diplomatic. The words left room for
I like my information straight,
direct, and unencumbered by polite tip-toeing around the point.
“Is the contact still going to
take place or not?”
I fairly demanded.
“Or are you saying that it’s
down the toilet?”

Photo from:
Sarah turned to Gina, who immediately grasped the significance
of the action—apparently it was a questioning look.
“It’s a colorful term for
something that has gone or has become lost.”
Gina responded without having been
asked, at least orally.
“I see,” Sarah responded. “The
official decision is to halt the proceedings. Call it a
hiatus, if you want. What’s going on right now is
unacceptable. What you do on...”
“Your whole world is insane!”
Martin interrupted. Sarah merely had
to swivel her head in his direction to regain the floor.
“I was saying that what you do
on your own planet is your own business. However, Martin is
overstating it. More precisely, what he should have said is
that what is occurring is insane. But we still stand by the
80-20 percent hypothesis. No, you are not insane as a
people. We still believe in the 80 percent.
And it is known that some of
your undesirables—the 20 percent—practice ritualized
insanity. That has always been so. It can be contained with
the necessary will and resolve. But that hasn’t been
demonstrated. We have an obligation to preserve cosmic
They were being released from their
assignments; none will be expected to go public—although they
are free to do so—and that efforts to establish diplomatic
relations have been put on hold.
“For how long?” I asked.
“We don’t know,” she replied. “That’s up to your people. We
will continue to monitor the planet.
“We have not given up. It will happen someday. That is
inevitable... unless...”
The words hung there in space,
almost palpable.
“Unless?” I said.
“Unless you blow yourselves up first,” she replied.
That wasn’t the first time I had
heard that phrase.
And then Martin said something that was like a dagger through
the heart.
“You foolish people will not be
going into space, I guarantee you that. And, quite frankly,
I think you are going to blow yourselves up. We’ve seen it
I gazed wildly at each face in turn.
“We won’t go into that issue
right now,” Sarah said.
“We desperately need your help,” I said. “You have the
means. You can help us.”
The plea bordered on hysteria.
“I’m sorry,” Sarah said. “We
don’t interfere or intervene.”
And that was the end of it.
During the course of the
conversation, incidentally, I was informed that several
Ambassadors had been assassinated, none of them Americans. These
killings were reported in the mainstream press. Since the
victims hadn’t publicly identified themselves as Ambassadors,
reports of their deaths were simply reported as political
Martin left the room without another word. Sarah stood behind
her desk and wished me good luck and thanked me for my efforts.
Gina approached me and uncharacteristically squeezed me in a
surprisingly strong hug considering her diminutive size. I was
choked up and mentally chastised myself when I felt the
moistness on my face as our cheeks were pressed together. I
didn’t want to lose control.
And then I realized that the single tear that stained our faces
wasn’t mine.
It was hers.
Coping With The Reversal
September 25, 2001
I have received many e-mails expressing anger and disappointment
with the Verdants for their recent decision. Therefore, I think
it is important to emphasize once again as I have done on
numerous occasions that they have not come here as our saviors.
Also, there were ample warnings in my books regarding the
potential consequences about our rash and irrational ways.
There is a force at work in the universe that I have been
calling a sort of cosmic Darwinism. If a species has the
resolve, stamina, intelligence, courage, strength, and moral
fiber to take control of its own destiny, to guide it in the
right direction, then it probably has a pretty good chance of
survival. Lesser species that lack any or all of these qualities
probably have a slimmer chance. This is Nature in its purest and
rawest form.
I also repeat what I have written and said many times before as
related to me by the Verdants: Humankind’s destiny is in
humankind’s hands.
If we can’t handle our own affairs, well,
that’s life in the cosmos. And it can be cruel—more than 95
percent of all species that have ever lived on Earth are
Quite frankly, one of the overriding reasons for the Verdants’
presence here is one of self-interest to ensure that no hostile
or barbaric species that would represent a threat to its cosmic
neighbors or the peace of the universe is allowed to go into
deep space. That’s a survival instinct. We all have it. We
cannot fault anyone for exercising it.
I understand the anger, and I am sympathetic. However, the
decision is not mine, nor is my opinion sought. I know there is
much fear in the world at the moment, but I think it’s important
for people to have faith in the future, work for world peace,
and hope that we have the necessary qualities of character to
ensure that our journey to a better and brighter future remains
on track.
I, for one, continue to believe that is our destiny. I
remain upbeat and do not subscribe to the hypothesis that we are
going to incinerate ourselves.
It has never been more important than now to keep our spirits
up. Peace to all.