by Dr. Michael Salla
23, 2021
Exopolitics Website

On December 17, the Farsight Institute released the results of
multiple remote viewing sessions investigating the alleged existence
of an "Ashtar Command" and whether it had a floating base hidden in
the clouds of Jupiter.
The results of the remote
viewing sessions, conducted using blind scientific protocols,
support the claims of several recent 'contactees' that the Ashtar
Command existed, and that its Jupiter facility was used as a meeting
place for secret agreements reached between 14 spacefaring nations
and several extraterrestrial organizations in July 2021.
Brown, the founder of the Farsight Institute, released
a press and video statement introducing the goals of the remote
viewing sessions, and the targets being investigated.
He explained why
he chose the target for Part 1 of the project:
More recent
information suggested by some authors not connected with Farsight
seems to suggest that there was a planetary collective called the
Ashtar Collective that was made up of various species, and it said
that this Collective was infiltrated by
the Reptilians.
The same
Reptilians that we here at Farsight have found plaguing modern day
Ashtar Command is said to have broken off from that
Collective to form a very capable military group that has facilities
that are currently based inside the clouds of Jupiter.
These are
some of the claims made by others relating to the Ashtar Command.
If such a facility
does exist in the clouds of Jupiter, then they obviously would have
the technological ability to survive safely in this environment, and
the extremely hostile environment would offer benefits, such as
significant levels of protection that a military facility would
It would be hard to find the facility without help.
approach to the facility would be noticed and the ships of many
species might not even be able to survive the atmospheric conditions
at all, in order to mount an attack.
So, from our perspective it
sort of makes sense that such a facility in the clouds of Jupiter
might exist.
While Dr. Brown
did not specify who the authors were discussing the Ashtar Command
facility, these likely included Elena Danaan, Megan Rose, and myself
in our respective coverage of this facility, and its involvement in
alleged secret agreements that occurred in July 2021.
I will return
to this information later...
In his
press statement/video, Dr. Brown explained the remote viewing
sessions were conducted using blind scientific protocols, where the
viewers were told nothing about the project or the specific target.
They were only told there is a numerical target (e.g., T1) or an
alphanumeric subject (e.g., SA), and they should remote view it.
This scientific protocol prevents the problem of frontloading
whereby remote viewers insert their own biases and judgments into
the sessions when they know about the targets in advance.
In the sessions
themselves, one of the remote viewers, Aziz Brown (Courtney's son),
illustrated the importance of the blind scientific protocols when he
explained how he had formed a judgment about the target and found
this immediately influenced the session until he consciously
withdrew his assumption.
This exemplified the necessity of blind
scientific conditions for remote viewing sessions, so viewers don't
allow their biases and preconceptions to creep in and influence the
there are far too many individuals, some with significant public
followings, claiming to remote view targets without using any blind
scientific protocols.
This leads to a lot of
'frontloading', thereby
significantly impacting the accuracy of their results and the
overall credibility of remote viewing as an intelligence-gathering
After the sessions
involving up to four trained and very experienced remote viewers
associated with the Farsight Institute were completed, Dr. Brown
released his conclusion about the project.
He said:
Regarding the
first target, we simply wanted to know if such a thing as the Ashtar
Command actually exists in the clouds of Jupiter.
As far as our data
indicate, it does.
It seems to be a secretive facility, and it does
not seem to be involved in communicating with the Earth population.
I personally highly doubt that anyone in the Ashtar Command is
channeling information to human receivers on Earth.
It makes no
sense for them to try to compete with Orion and Reptilian efforts to
manipulate the human population through the spread of
If they were interested in interacting with humanity
on a more personal level, they would be located closer to Earth and
not hidden inside the clouds of Jupiter.
As best as we can discern,
they are primarily a military organization.
There are some
important takeaways from Dr. Brown's conclusions.
First, the Ashtar
Command does exist and has a base in the upper atmosphere of
Second, he is skeptical that members of the Ashtar Command
are directly communicating with humans on Earth.
Third, the Ashtar
Command is primarily a military organization.
Regarding his
first conclusion, this is highly significant.
It means that in
addition to other extraterrestrial organizations identified by Dr.
Brown and his remote viewing teams in earlier projects,
the Galactic
Federation of Worlds
the Draconian (Reptilian) Empire
the Orion
(Gray) Alliance
...there is another
extraterrestrial organization monitoring human affairs and our solar
Even more
significantly, the findings of the remote viewing sessions confirm
claims first made by
Elena Danaan, and later supported by
Megan Rose, that,
the Ashtar Command has a large floating
city/base suspended high in Jupiter's atmosphere.
As Dr. Brown
reasoned, this would provide a stealthy base of operations for
activities throughout our solar system and the Earth itself.
conclusion is especially important when it comes to claims by Danaan
and Rose that a series of meetings involving different galactic
organizations and representatives of 14 spacefaring nations,
place in July 2021...
I covered these meetings in
earlier articles along with supporting evidence:
The results of Farsight's remote viewing project adds to the body of evidence that
such meetings did occur.
Second, Dr. Brown
is very skeptical about claims of individuals claiming to be in
telepathic communications with members of the Ashtar Command.
Historically, the first individual claiming to communicate
telepathically with the Ashtar Command was
George Van Tassel (1952),
who was followed by
Trevor James Constable (1958) and many others.
Today there are
several individuals claiming to be in telepathic communication with
the Ashtar Command, and Dr. Brown rightly points out that many of
these are simply ruses by
service-to-self extraterrestrials
masquerading as the Ashtar Command...
Does his
skepticism also apply to the contact experiences and telepathic
communications of Elena Danaan and Megan Rose?
To answer this
question, it's helpful to point out that Danaan says that she was
actually taken to the Ashtar Command base and witnessed it
first-hand and met personnel there.
Second, both Danaan and Rose
have been in telepathic communications with representatives of the
Galactic Federation of Worlds who have shared information about the Ashtar facility.
Neither claims to be in touch with the Ashtar
Command itself, let alone channeling information from base

Drawing by Elena Danaan
of her being inside the Ashtar Command Base.
We Will Never Let You Down (2021) p.40.
Third, Dr. Brown
reveals that the Ashtar Command is a military organization.
This is
consistent with George Van Tassel's original channelings from
different Ashtar Command personnel, including Ashtar himself.
In her
two books,
A Gift From the Stars and
We Will Never Let You Down, Elena Danaan described the
origins of the Ashtar Command and its military functions in our
solar system today.
Similarly, Megan Rose discussed the Ashtar
Command base and its military functions in her book,
Welcome to the Future.
The Farsight remote viewing Ashtar
project confirms the accuracy of these claims.
In conclusion,
remote viewing is an important intelligence-gathering tool on
extraterrestrial affairs and exopolitics.
However, it should be
conducted using blind scientific protocols to get the best results;
otherwise, frontloading can significantly reduce its effectiveness.
In this regard, I support the work of Dr. Brown and other
professional remote viewers in encouraging the use of more
scientific protocols in their remote viewing projects.
In terms of my
ongoing investigation of the meetings and agreements reached at the Ashtar Command base in July, the results of Farsight's
most recent project are very significant.
It gives me more
confidence that the meetings occurred.
Finally, the Ashtar Command
appears to be part of an alliance of positive or "service to other"
extraterrestrial organizations working with an Earth Alliance of spacefaring nations
led by US Space Command in globally transformative events
happening behind the scenes...
Video Version