by David Icke from Scribd Website
That may depend on how willing you are to open your eyes and mind to SEE.
Most people grow up thinking that the world is very big and we
believe the world exists the way it does today because this is the
direction humanity has taken and chosen.
But very few
people know the real facts enough to explain them because they are
not researched themselves. As information comes down the pipeline it
becomes distorted and confused because most of the people passing
along the information do not know the entire story, they have not
researched much information themselves, and they tend to be biased
as well (they tend to have an angle in the information they put
out, usually because they have an ulterior motive.) I can only
state from research of seven years, WHAT I BELIEVE to be the TRUTH
based on mostly HARD FACTS.
The Essenes, as well as other secret societies around the times were PRIESTHOODS, so the early CHURCH was an established KNOWLEDGE CENTER with IDEAS ENCODED SYMBOLICALLY into religious text.
After time, symbols lose their meaning except to those whom are INITIATED. Essentially, they held knowledge of ARCHETYPAL ENERGIES that bond or link Spirit to matter. These energies are expressed in mathematics and Greek Gematria called SACRED GEOMETRY. The word OCCULT means HIDDEN. They took the knowledge, hid it, and made it appear to be EVIL, so that they would know it, we wouldn’t, and they could then control us a lot easier. This allowed an early guild of bricklayers, or MASONS, to be established, making it possible to build great pyramids, etc.
Now, if everybody knew how to build a pyramid, then
not only would the Pharaoh’s tomb be no greater than Joe neighbor’s
cottage, but the Masons would also lose a lot of money building
great castles and churches throughout Europe. This was the basis for early CAPITALISM, but we will discuss this later.
The Templars pronounced vows to poverty and in the meantime amassed great fortunes for the church (really themselves), and were responsible for financing the Crusades and other bloody religious wars. They were also some of the first to set up banks in Jerusalem. These were Temple Banks which occasionally were raided for their gold. This forced the Templars to develop branch banking, or, putting your money in several places so it doesn’t all get taken at once.
This is where the idea of a central bank and it’s local branches comes from, which became the model for banking in Europe and America. The Knights Templar became more popular when they were exposed in the fourteenth century and banished by the king. Jacques de Moley was burned at the stake for being a homosexual and a heretic.
A portion
of the Templar’s wealth was seized by the king and handed over to
their sister society, called the Knights Hospitalers, who were a
branch of the Templars responsible for medical facilities in the
kingdom. There is evidence to suggest that the Templars may have
carried themselves on as the Rosicrucians for the next couple of
centuries. This really doesn’t matter too much, though, because all
of these orders or secret societies are offshoots of other ones.
They are all Masonic in nature because of the nature of the
information which they possess.
Remember, just a couple
of centuries earlier under Rome in the Dark Ages, they would kill
you if you didn’t believe that the moon was made of green cheese. In
Rome, they realized that they could not rule the world by themselves
and that they would need a consensus of nations or a United Kingdom
and United Nations. The symbol for Fascism is a bundle of sticks
wrapped together with a hatchet or an axe tied to it.
Weishaupt was a genius of a particular sort as far as
scheming and manipulation are concerned. He was a respected teacher
at the University of Ingolstadt at the time and had many connections
in education. He became a Mason but was also a Jesuit priest. He
learned as much as he could and decided to put his own secret
society together. He used a process of initiation and power
dissemination among ranks similar to the structure of a pyramid,
where one sole individual or group at the top know what’s going on
but no one else really does, they only know a little until they
succeed up the ranks and learn only a little more. In the meantime,
they don’t know who is watching them or above them keeping them in
Within several years they were exposed and banished from Bavaria. The documents were recovered and displayed in the British museum where they exist today. This is an important historical fact that has been severely covered up in America. They continued to exist, however, in the form of the German Union and scattered Reading Societies.
Through their combined fortunes, the members of
the Illuminati gained control over the literary societies and
printing press. They circulated printed papers showing falsities of
religion and abuses of government and promoted a general state of
desperation throughout society, all the while blaming it on religion
and government. They sought to promote ANARCHY and REVOLUTION,
whereby they would strip the monarchy (king) of power using the
classes (people) as a lever to ultimately bring power back into
their own hands, all the while creating new forms of government
which would be puppets they could secretly control from behind the
Then in 1826, William Morgan, an American Freemason who had written
a book entitled "Illustrations of Freemasonry", was abducted and
drowned in Lake Ontario. Because of the existence of these books, as
well as the murder scandal, there was a nationwide furor resulting
in the creation of an Anti-Masonic political party in 1829. After
this there was a temporary drop in membership in the lodges, but
their control over the press soon caused the anger to diminish.
The eventual American
Revolution wasn’t actually a real revolution. The Founding Fathers
(Masons), did not go to war with their parents, the monarchy of
England. There are many prominent American Presidents who are
related to strong European bloodlines and great wealth. When the YORK Rite Masons of York, England, came over here, they settled on
the East coast and declared it NEW YORK. Then they went to work to
build the "Empire State". In New York sits the Statue of "LIBERTY",
given to us by FRANCE, holding up the Masonic torch of
ENLIGHTENMENT. The highest degrees of Freemasonry are the 32nd and
33rd degree.
In 1832, Gen. William Huntington Russell and Alfonso Taft, grandfather of William Howard Taft, former President of the U.S., founded a secret society at Yale called SKULL AND BONES, or "The Brotherhood of Death". Gen. Huntington’s brother-in-law, Samuel Russell, founded "Russell and Co.", the world’s largest opium smuggling syndicate at the time.
This provided them with a huge fortune in the millions. The founders and later influential graduates of Skull and Bones studied philosophy and other subjects in Germany where many prominent "Illuminated" teachers were working. Probably the most influential family in this power circle throughout the last century has been the Harriman family. Edward H. Harriman amassed over $60 million in the late 1800’s in a swift stock deal involving Union Pacific Railroad and Kuhn Loeb. (1904 Northern Securities case)
William Averall Harriman, his son, graduated Yale in the Skull and Bones Fraternity in 1913. Averall Harriman controlled Harriman and Co. which owns Brown Bros. and Harriman, the world’s largest private investment bank. Prescott Bush, George Bush’s father was initiated and graduated in 1917. Prescott Bush as well as some other Skull and Bones Graduates were directors of the bank.
These banks as well as Guaranty Trust and
Union Banking Corp, all of which were controlled by Skull and Bones,
were the most influential entities in building up the Soviet Union
from the early times of the Bolshevik Revolution in the early
1900’s, through contracts to improve mining of raw materials and
rebuilding of the RR transportation infrastructure. These same banks
were also directly responsible for financing Hitler’s rise to power
and build up of Nazi- Socialism through contacts and subsidiary
banks in Germany.
William Howard Taft, Skull and Bones graduate of 1878, helped found the American Society for the Judicial Settlement of International Disputes in 1920. This soon became the League to Enforce the Peace, then the League of Nations and then finally The United Nations. If you look at things from a historical perspective, the U.N. today has implemented or is in the process of implementing all the planks of Adam Weishaupt’s Manifesto. When George Bush took us to war in the Persian Gulf, he stated boldly that he didn’t need the approval of Congress anymore to declare war because he had a U.N. Mandate. We have sacrificed a large part of our U.S. sovereignty.
The U.N. has recently passed a Declaration of Children’s Right’s. It is now a RIGHT of the child to receive vaccinations, which do more harm than good, and a parent doesn’t have the right to interfere.
Parents who interfere with the
rights of a child or abuse a child or are accused of abuse can have
their children taken by the state. If you are seen spanking a child
more than two or three times, the child abuse police will be
unleashed against you. This amounts to nothing more than a giant
power transfer, from US to THEM. The only way they can do this is by
tricking us into thinking that we are so irresponsible that we
cannot manage our own affairs and lives and that the state is better
suited to raise our children. If you still like the U.N. then wait
until you get hit with the new U.N. TAX that is coming.
This is the headquarters of:
It’s so
convenient they can go back and forth between coffee breaks. In
Brussels, there is a computer called "The Beast" which stores the
names and information of every person in the world and that was
created years ago. By now, it probably orbits the planet. THE U.S.
Cecil Rhodes formed what is called the "Rhodes Scholarship" at Oxford. There is also the Round Table in England put together by Alfred Milner. Bill Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar as well as other things. In Europe, at least at the time, the Rothschilds were the leading banking clan. Paul Warburg, an agent for the Rothschilds as well as several members of Skull & Bones were instrumental in setting up the Federal Reserve Central Banking system in America in 1913.
President Andrew Jackson had stated that the central bankers were a den of vipers and thieves and he intended to drive them out of America in earlier times. He also stated that if the American people understood the rank injustice of our banking system, there would be a revolution by morning.
President Thomas Jefferson stated,
Abraham Lincoln
took action against the central bank in his time and he was killed
for it.
The measure of a nations wealth is the sum total of it’s goods,
services, natural resources and private wealth. In early America,
private wealth consisted mostly of gold or silver. This is a great
monetary standard because it has inherent value. For a long time,
gold was worth $20.00 an ounce.
So after the bankers started to issue these notes they saw after a while that the people were not using the gold as much and coming back to withdraw it and that they could issue and loan more notes than they had gold to back it up. This is the true source of inflation. A short time later they replaced the gold and silver certificates with Federal reserve notes which are worthless. Without the gold and silver, the real valuables, America was essentially bankrupt.
The Federal Reserve is a private corporation. When Federal Reserve notes are printed they are loaned
to the U.S. Treasury or the people. Notes that cost 2 cents each are
printed by the Fed and loaned to the U.S. government at face value
plus 8 1/2% interest compounded. The interest is collected each year
by the IRS (Repo Man), also a private corporation controlled by the
Federal Reserve. With a federal deficit of 4 trillion 8 hundred
billion dollars so far, the interest is in the neighborhood of $200
Billion dollars, which is drained from the economy each year in the
form of income taxes. The words "Federal Reserve Note" first
appeared on our paper currency in 1933.
The solution to the problem of the National Debt is to coin a 4 trillion dollar coin and use it to pay off the Federal Reserve. It would have to be accepted and it could even be made out of copper nickel clad. In 1963, President Kennedy passed an Executive Order calling for the printing of $450 Billion dollars in U.S. backed Debt-Free currency.
If you still don’t see how this works, just realize that 23 years later, you now need 5 times as much money (work) to buy the same ounce of silver and 60 years later, after they removed the gold, we have to pay 20 times as much money for the same ounce of gold. ($400.00 / ounce).
The moral of this little story is that we are being ripped
off by the biggest "Sleight of Hand" money scam ever devised. There
is a Masonic term for this kind of deception, they call it
"Hoodwinked". We are the sheep and we have had the wool pulled over
our eyes.
The Rockefeller family got started with
the help of the Harriman family, the Whitney’s (Eli Whitney’s
family) and Standard Oil of New York (SONY), now Exxon. They have a
lot of influence, even today.
The Cannabis / Hemp plant was used throughout the world since the beginning of time for just about everything that mankind needed.
It has also been re-realized lately that the hemp seed is the highest source of Essential Fatty Acids in the world. ESSENTIAL, meaning: NECESSARY FOR LIFE, Fatty Acids are necessary for us and beneficial for cleaning the cholesterol out of the arteries naturally. All oils in the supermarket are bad since they are placed in clear plastic containers and exposed to direct sunlight.
They become as bad as saturated fats, and end up CAUSING
cholesterol buildup, leading to heart attacks, etc. Hemp seed oil
can even be used as a machine-grade lubricant for engines and other
machines replacing petroleum oil from the ground.
This was displayed in Popular Mechanics in Feb. of 1938. (see below insert)
extracts of Cannabis from the flowers were the 2nd most used
medicines in America for 150 years for over 100 separate medical
illnesses. It is probably the best natural medicine for Glaucoma,
stress, and controlling nausea, and works very well for arthritis,
asthma, and epilepsy. It is estimated that Hemp would have at least
50,000 commercial uses if it were legal in America today.
For these companies, the real problem is
that one cannot patent a natural plant. Almost everything produced
in America by large corporations is exported for sale on the world
markets. The total value of oil, petrochemicals, and pharmaceutical
sales totals hundreds of billions of dollars. However, with the
availability of over 50,000 new products and the necessity to
manufacture them, America would be a much richer nation if the
farmers and the average citizen were allowed to grow this valuable
Population control and
mind control are
the methods used by the new Fascist Roman Capitalistic Empire.
Millions of people die around the world each year from debilitating
diseases like cancer, AIDS, Leukemia and now flesh-eating strep and
Ebola. Does the Rockefeller-run American Medical Association (AMA)
do everything it can to insure that doctors know the truth about
health and do the most to insure the safety of the patient ? NO !
A couple of very important things to realize when considering this possibility are :
There have been several cures for cancer and other diseases but these have been viciously suppressed by the establishment and pharmaceutical industry. Some of these include:
The latest and most promising information so far comes from a woman named Dr. Hulda Clark.
Her books and research have just been published this year. She states that the age-long problem and cause of diseases are parasites, Worms in particular. There is a worm, an intestinal fluke, which exists in most people throughout their lives.
Generally, it is excreted by the body in the younger stages
and does not grow into an adult in our bodies. But, something
different happens when substances like Benzene and Propyl Alcohol
are abundant in our body. These toxic chemicals are consumed in the
form of carbonated sodas and extracts and they are absorbed into our
skin in hair and body care products. The abundance of propyl
Alcohols break down the shells of the eggs allowing them to hatch
She does claim though
that some people that are very close to death may be too far gone
from the severe burden of over-toxicity. We will see how long it
takes for the general public to find out about this. We have already
spoken to people in different states that have used her methods
successfully. Even if people do find out about things one way or
another, the average person will not even know that people are
finding out about something because the media will not televise it
and tell people certain things.
The only way you can think the media doesn’t withhold information is if you don’t know what is REALLY going on.
Hitler said, in regard to propaganda and thought control,
Sometimes it can be
very difficult to discern the truth and find out what is really
going on. Your heart will tell you one thing and your intellect
another and usually we get caught up believing what we want to
believe because it’s too much trouble to see all the way through.
Some people claim to have been abducted by GREY ALIENS and underwent childbearing and medical experiments only to have been returned somewhere unconscious with examination scars left behind. Thousands of cattle mutilations have occurred in remote areas sometimes followed by sightings of flying disks or bright lights and occasionally black helicopters.
There has
been a recent movie made about the crash and retrieval of a
spaceship as well as bodies of several dead aliens in Roswell, New
Mexico and it is suggested that the government might be covering up
this entire situation for political or religious reasons. UFO
researchers were a very small group in the 1950’s and 60’s, but
recently in the 1980’s and 90’s there has been an enormous increase
in interest on the subject.
Today, there are probably over 500. I read the best books
I could find by retired high ranking military officials, channeled
material from Seth and The
Ashtar Command, I learned about
Barbara Marciniak and the Pleadians material, Bob Lazaar,
Area 51 and S-4 Dreamland in Las Vegas, listened to
discuss the
Draco-Reptilian and
Andromeda connection and watched
Richard Hoagland bring out the "Face on Mars" info to the U.N. and
the public.
The positive side to this double edged
sword is that
the Pleadians are supposedly here to save us along
with another group called the Arcturians. They are supposedly here
to assist us in our higher spiritual development and help us break
out of our old 3rd dimensional physical reality into the 4th
dimension or multi-dimensional reality. All we have to do to receive
their help is give up nuclear weapons, turn our lives to
god and learn to live in peace. Although these are good ideas they are
easier said than done.
According to Mr. Lyne, the secret societies in America and abroad have harnessed a naturally occurring "Free Energy" and have possessed and suppressed this secret for at least 80-100 years. Many people have heard of Albert Einstein and his Theory of Relativity (E=MC2). Most would consider him a genius although it is known that he was a Grade School dropout.
Around the same time lived a man named Nikola Tesla. He came to America in the early 1900’s as a scientist and inventor. He was responsible for many great discoveries, but it is not mentioned in history very much. He was responsible for Radio, Television, Fluorescent and Neon lighting, Helicopters, Lasers, Particle Beams and Alternating Current.
If you haven’t heard of him you should at least wonder why. William Lyne is himself an inventor and scientist. Mr. Lyne claims that when Tesla came to America, he had under his arm blueprints for possibly the world’s first FLYING SAUCER and it flew without the need for external energy. He intended to present it to the Geneva Convention as a proposed solution for world peace and energy liberation.
He had theories of Magnetism and
Anti-gravity as well as other forms of "Free Energy". The story goes
that Einstein was working as a clerk at the Swiss Patent office at
the time that Tesla was applying for his patents. Alternating
Current was in the position of putting DC out of business, which
meant that Edison and Westinghouse would suffer. J.P. Morgan, a
Skull and Bones Banking Frontman, was financing Westinghouse and
attempted to make arrangements to secure Tesla’s patents through con
deals and contracts.
The Flying Saucer project was then moved out of the country to a secret joint German / American base near the South Pole called "Neu Shwabenland" or New Berlin, which was under the control of the Thule society, a secret society in Germany to which the SS belonged. Here, the crafts were perfected and outfitted with the latest technology and design.
The Nazis created propaganda back home that Hitler was in touch with a Blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan race of beings who communicated to him that he was chosen to lead the Germanic people. There was a resurgence of Occultism in Germany at this time. Hitler was into the occult and he was a master of propaganda.
Remember, he stated "The bigger the lie, the easier to
sell to the public", people believe what they want to believe After
W.W.II, during
Operation Paperclip, hundreds of Nazi intelligence
officers were secretly brought to America and given positions in the
OSS (Office of Strategic Services), the forerunner to the CIA,
supposedly to gain information on the Russians, our new enemy. Along
with the Nazis came the flying saucer project.
This was reported on the front
page of the newspaper and then it was explained away as a weather
balloon. Within a few years science fiction films started coming out
like crazy. (The
Day the Earth Stood Still - about the threat of war
and the necessity to make peace with ourselves and the aliens, and
War of the Worlds - H.G. Wells, a British Intelligence Agent).
They fund UFO expos, research groups like
MUFON, and UFO magazines. He even claims that he was offered money
by the CIA to write phony scripts about being abducted by grey Zeta-Reticulans.
He claims to have many contacts himself, through his own family and
relatives and friends from previous service in the Air Force, who
have confirmed this info. He claims the UFO expos are filled with
disinformation agents.
There has been some speculation that the government maybe preparing to "inform" the public about the supposed alien presence and possibly even present a staged landing or invasion scenario. Either way we may soon see, depending on how carefully we are watching.
this is the kind of technology the government had 50 and 100 years
ago, then 166 mhz pentium processors are probably a far cry from
REAL present day capabilities.
Is the Shell gas station symbol really a shell ? Or is it the SUN rising in the East ? The Panorama Mall in California uses an almost identical symbol and it is surely not a shell, but the SUNRISE.
The flag of El Salvador and Nicaragua both are a symbol of the triangle or pyramid with the eye in the peak or capstone as well as the sun rising.
The flag for Germany is the Masonic compass symbol. Look at the America On-line symbol.
A Current Affair T.V series. The next time you are driving
on the freeway and you see an exit sign with gas station displays
that offer you a choice between Citgo or Shell, ask yourself whether
you are really looking at a pyramid and a sun rising in the east.
Dallas is located
just south of the 33rd degree of latitude. The 33rd degree is the
highest degree one can achieve in Freemasonry. Shakespeare’s MacBeth
is a "Killing of the King" drama. MacBeth, who killed his King in
accordance with a witch’s plot and was himself later killed,
parallels the JFK assassination and the sequence of Oswald being
killed by Ruby. "Mason Road" in Texas, connects to the "Mason No El
Bar" and the Texas / New Mexico "Land of Enchantment" border. This
connecting line is on the 32nd degree.
When this line is traced further to the west, it passes the ghost town of Shakespeare at a distance south of the town that is roughly equivalent to the distance which the 32nd degree line passes north of the three sisters mountains. Both Shakespeare and the three sisters relate to MacBeth. When this 32nd degree line is traced some distance further west, into Arizona, it crosses an old trail which meanders north of a ghost town, which was once the town of Ruby.
The trail itself was called Ruby Road. Ruby Road twists north into the area of 2 mountain peaks known as Kennedy and Johnson Mountains. The New Orleans CIA (who provided security) station’s headquarters were in a Masonic temple. And last but not least, Mason Lyndon Johnson appointed Mason Earl Warren to investigate Kennedy’s death.
33rd degree Mason, Gerald Ford was
instrumental in suppressing what little evidence of a conspiratorial
nature reached the commission. Responsible for supplying information
to the commission was 33rd degree Mason J. Edgar Hoover and former
CIA director and Mason Allen Dulles was responsible for most of his
Agency’s information to the panel. There IS NO need to wonder
whether there is a conspiracy going on, the fact is AMERICA IS ONE
Current Gun Control Legislation is taken
almost word for word from gun control laws passed in Nazi Germany
under Adolph Hitler. There have been many Executive Orders and
Public Laws passed giving tremendous powers to the president to
declare National Emergencies, suspend the Constitution, and round up
large groups of people, and the power to use converted and shut down
handed to the Pentagon. This will be sold to us as immigration
control, drug trafficker punishment and so forth.
If you remember the T.V. series "Get Smart", there were the bad guys called CHAOS and the good guys called CONTROL.... GET SMART.
The direction that this country is going in has become clearer to a lot more people as jobs are lost, properties are seized and more and more people are witnessing and experiencing military preparedness actions taking place in their cities and towns. The secret forces attempting to take this country CANNOT just do whatever they want because they need the support of the masses. It has been remarked in Globalist meetings that the nations and leaders and even the heads of the U.S. are waiting to usher in the New World Order, the only thing that is stopping them or slowing them up is the American people.
There is too much resistance at this time from patriots who would rather see the United Nations dissolved. A bill was sponsored by Congress to remove us from the U.N., but was shot down. It is definitely time for a MOVEMENT in America to disassemble the U.N. or at least get US OUT. Recently, an attempt to fly the United Nations Flag in Montana was shot down by patriots and protesters.
New information has surfaced about the Oklahoma bombing, John Doe # 2 might be identified. There is a family, Glen and Kathy Wilburn, who lost two grandchildren in the daycare center, and who have conducted their own investigation for the past year and a half. They have filed a wrong full death lawsuit against McVeigh and doing so has given them discovery subpoena power to pursue their investigation.
Two key people have been identified as major co-conspirators along with the BATF itself. The person believed to be John Doe # 2 is a man named Michael Brescia. Once pictures were shown to a number of key witnesses, almost all overwhelmingly agreed that he was the one. Brescia is a 24 year old man from Philadelphia. He has been identified as the individual with McVeigh at the Ryder truck office. Brescia is a Christian Identity follower who was living at Elohim City, a Christian Identity center on the border of Oklahoma and Arkansas.
There he shared a room with the second key individual, a man named Andreas Strassmeir, a former German military officer who came to the U.S. hoping to work undercover for the Justice Dept. or the DEA. It is more likely he got a job with the BATF. In 1988 and ’89, he was involved in the infiltration of the Texas Light Infantry and a set up involving militia members and illegal gun purchases.
Strassmeir has been interviewed a couple of times by a British reporter named Ambrose Evans Pritchard. According to Pritchard, Strassmeir has stated that the BATF had an operation going where they were monitoring McVeigh and the whole thing and tried to wait until the last minute so they could show that they saved everyone from doom and look like heroes, except for one problem: the bomb was supposed to go off in the middle of the night, and the ATF had a surveillance operation going on all night long, they had a bomb squad and a team to intercept the bombers, but somehow the plan got changed, they lowered their guard and then it went off at nine in the morning.
Same Subject From A New Perspective - Whether the government knew about it, had something to do with it, intentionally or not, or just plain screwed up a sting type situation isn’t really the point! - It has been said that McVeigh was part of an intelligence group involved in criminal activities.
McVeigh himself claims to have a microchip implant ! New information has come out just recently in the major news about several people on trial for a series of bank robberies tied to an Aryan Nations Republican Army, a neo-Nazi Christian Identity group based out of guess where ? That’s right, Elohim City !! ----- A Brief Thought: During the civil war period, a man named Albert Pike from the south, not just any man, but founder of the 33rd degree, the highest degree in Scottish Rite Masonry, who himself was a Sovereign Grand Inspector General and authored many books on Freemasonry, including “Morals and Dogma” (The Bible of Freemasonry), also was the Leader and Founder of the Ku Klux Klan.
Elements of British Israel Freemasonry and the movement to bring America back under England’s control, become apparent in the Christian Identity movement. British race patriots and promoters of Racial Identity linked to Freemasonry (Theories that the nothern Europeans, Vikings, etc, are the true Jews and therefore god’s chosen people and thus superior), were people who Hitler admired greatly and studied intensely. ----Is it not possible that Freemasonry, with it’s tentacles wrapped up in the BATF on one hand and the neo-Nazi movement on the other, could be promoting CHAOS to achieve ORDER ?
The Anti-Terrorism bill had already been written and was waiting to be passed into law at the time of the Bombing !!! WAKE UP !!! We are being terrorized into giving up our rights and guns through OUR FEAR OF TERRORISM !! And what ever happened to the MONTANA FREEMEN ? …..80 Days the FBI tried to get them to surrender. The government kidnapped the leaders on their own property.
Everybody in the country watched. Some people got so tired of watching , they would have had the FBI burn the place down just so they could get back to the O.J. Simpson trial. Why did the FBI want them so bad ? Do you think they’re trying to teach people not to write bad checks ? What do you think would happen if they sent the FBI, the tanks and the SWAT team in for everyone who wrote a BAD CHECK ?
How come we haven't heard anything at all since, not even word of a trial ?
It’s as if there’s a place they can take people that society doesn’t care about, bypass the judicial system and we may never even hear from them again. This is a SERIOUS possibility !! THIS COULD BE YOUR FAMILY !!! THE STORY BEHIND THE MONTANA FREEMEN IS ONE OF THE MOST INTERESTING AND IMPORTANT STORIES OF THE CENTURY !! ….
HERE IT IS : The Revolutionary War was fought for one purpose and one end and that is SOVEREIGNTY !
After the war, the colonies were each separate and Independant countries and still are today. Every FREEMAN 21 years of age or older who owned land and was able to vote was a king in his own home. He was untaxable. His land was untaxable and his income was untaxable. Nobody can tax the King, the King is Sovereign. The FREEMEN of MONTANA had long ago renounced their U.S. citizenship status in favor of being an American National (Different From a State Citizen, But Similar).
They severed all contracts with the government so they would not be under it’s jurisdiction. The U.S. government is a Foreign Corporation with respect to a state. A corporation cannot have citizens, only franchises. When you except a social security # or you register to vote , you elect to be a U.S citizen, which the courts have ruled is of SUBJECT STATUS, Not SOVEREIGN. So after having renounced their U.S. citizenship, they then attempted to set up a township. Using proper methods, with an understanding of the laws involved, they were competent, knowledgeable and lawfully able to set up a township, after all, who set up the township you live in or the one up the road ?
Someone or some people have to be able to set it up. In a TOWNSHIP, you may have a COURT. Who do you think set up the court in your community or town ? God ? No, people did.
Someone with the proper authority. Who has the authority to set up a court ? Who is the government ? WE THE PEOPLE ARE !!! Not U.S. citizens, but state citizens or maybe American Nationals. George Washington was not a U.S. citizen, he was a state Citizen of Virginia. Do you think the IRS was going around telling Washington or Jefferson to pay their taxes or forfeit their land ?
Of course not!! That is why we fought the war!!!
You need to know what is a Common law or COMMERCIAL LIEN. This may be the Light Saber that slew Darth Vader and took down the Empire in one swipe. The entire legal system in America is based on certain principles. Not to sound religious but the truth is that these principles come to us from the Bible. Our organic law in America comes from the Magna Carta and the Bible. Even going back to the bible, if someone wronged you, you would present them with a “Commercial Affidavit” to seek remedy or recourse.
This is your complaint that they wronged you, but that you intend to straighten it out with them and this is your attempt. At this time , they now have X number of days to respond (usually 10 or 20),and if they don't respond in that time then you win the contest by default. Now that you won the contest and you know you were right you can sue for damages by placing a Lien on their ass or assetts. You can now claim that you are taking their property or car or whatever as a security against the judgment.
You present them with the Lien, they ignore it, they lose by default and you now own everything you named in the Lien. Take the IRS for example: And remember, everything works on presumption. The IRS presumes you are a U.S. citizen and owe $50,000 to the IRS for taxes. They don't send you proof, just a notice that you owe and to pay this amount. That is their informing you of the wrong that you’ve done. The next letter comes informing you of their intent to place a Lien on your property unless the amount is paid.
The only way to refute a Commercial Affidavit is POINT FOR POINT IN WRITING. If you don't do this, you have just defaulted and everything the IRS said in their original presentment is considered true and that is how the court will rule. Most people never contest a Lien or even know how to do it properly. So almost everybody loses. But you don't have to. To understand the Liens a little better you need to have a clear understanding of WHAT MONEY IS….Lawful money is Gold and Silver only.
Paper is not Lawful Money. Federal Reserve Notes are NOT Lawful Money at all. Federal Reserve Notes are not even money, they are DEBT ! I hate to let you down, but if you have a hundred dollar bill in your pocket you are not A hundred dollars richer, you are a hundred dollars in DEBT ! Ever since 1933, the U.S. government has declared Bankruptcy and borrowed money from the Federal Reserve, a private (for profit) corporation with stockholders who make upwards of a billion dollars a year.
The Federal Reserve Notes floating around represent Debt, or borrowed money. Borrowed money has to be payed back and the bum in front of Seven-Eleven isn’t the one paying it back, you and I are, people who use the money, and each year that we pay interest on that money, we have less of it, not just the guy down the street, but everyone in the economy. There are several economies operating alongside each other at this time both locally and globally. One type of economy which has always been around and which is still in use is uses the CREDIT SYSTEM.
We have been on the CREDIT SYSTEM exclusively since 1933. The CREDIT SYSTEM is regulated by the U.C.C or UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. Along with the credit system comes limited liability for debts. If I take you to court and sue for a hundred dollars you are not obligated to pay me real money, you can use monopoly money (Federal Reserve Notes) or a Promissory Note, a promise to pay. That is what a Federal Reserve Note is, A PROMISE TO PAY. ---YOU CANNOT PAY A DEBT WITH DEBT !! You CAN DISCHARGE DEBT, however.
Now, think about this carefully. If the Federal Reserve can print money, and loan it to us,
Here are the answers :
The MONTANA FREEMEN had spent 20 years studying common law and commercial banking procedure and so forth…They had also acquired a very powerful book on banking that is not well known because they don't want you to have it, called the Banker’s Handbook Of Commercial Banking Law, which reveals a SECRET--that CREDIT IS CREATED WITH THE LIEN PROCESS !!
This is where the Federal Reserve gets the authority to print X amount of dollars. Since 1933, the Federal Reserve has had Liens on the U.S. citizens and their property. From this Credit of a perfected Lien, they can then issue bills of exchange, documentary drafts or Federal Reserve Notes, which are the same. Consider this , the 1930’s, the Great Depression, a cattle rancher stuck in a position of needing to purchase food for his cattle, and short on Federal Reserve Notes at the time still had credit.
His sheepskins are worth money and although he doesn’t have it at the time, he knows he will in the near future. He can’t wait to buy food so he issues a documentary draft or a promissory note for the amount due to the food-seller. It’s the same as a check. He doesn’t need the bank to provide him with a check or even need to have it in the bank.
Now, the food-seller takes a look at this piece of paper and says well it doesn’t look like a dollar but it doesn't really matter because he knows if he wants some sheepskins he can redeem that paper for some sheepskins, or if he needs a boat and he knows that the guy who sells boats could use some sheepskins, he’ll give the boat dealer the piece of paper and the boat dealer can then redeem it for the sheepskins.
As long as people aren’t issuing more credit than they have goods or services to back it up, everyone will be happy. If you find out somebody in the community is doing that then you don't have to accept his promissory notes and then he will have no customers and go out of business. Simple. In other words, WE DON'T NEED THE FEDERAL RESERVE !!
Now back to the FREEMEN and what they were doing.
The FREEMEN placed common law Liens on public officials, state and federal, including Judges and Sheriffs, The IRS, Large Corporations and The United States Corporation and everyone else that wronged them. Since none of these people knew how to respond properly, and also given the fact that the way the Liens were written, they were written as confessions, so whether they were signed or not by the party, the refusal to respond means acquiescence to the confession, the Freemen now had the government and it’s employees Liened up to 17 TRILLION Dollars.
Now, when you have had a Lien placed against you, you cannot obtain credit, buy or sell your house, car or any property written into the Lien. And the most devastating part is that you cannot, almost no matter what, ever have the Lien removed except by the party who filed it against you or a court order. If you try to get a court order to remove it, the judge will tell you he can't, it is RES JUDICATA, or ALREADY DECIDED. It is a bargain of the parties in fact and the government cannot keep you from your right to CONTRACT.
Now that the FREEMEN had all of this credit, they started to do several things: They placed 200 million dollars in certified money orders to the World Bank to pay off the National Debt and forever bar the IRS from existence. They also started to teach classes at the ranch for people who wanted to learn and to pay off their debts.
This is what Shweitzer would do. Say you owed the IRS $10,000, they would write you a check for $20,000 pay to Your Name and the IRS. The IRS would accept the check and issue you a refund for the remaining $10,000 and you could go the next day and cash it at the bank !!!!! This worked well for over 3 years and the Freemen took in millions of dollars, without a problem. You're probably thinking now, why did it work then? and what happened to make it stop working? Well, it worked then, the same as it still works now and always will.
There is some speculation the government didn’t go after them for the checks, but for something else, and just used the check situation as a confusion cover. The Freemen, in their pursuit of taking back their government, accumulated large amounts of hard evidence of drug trafficking by Montana officials. There was an elementary school with only several hundred kids in it, but there was cocaine in the school at the fifth and sixth grade and the Freemen had evidence of high officials involvement in trafficking. But back for now to the money issue.
The fact of the matter is that all kinds of government and non-government agencies accepted these checks for years. Examples : In Sept. 1995 a Sonoma couple, Drehne and Sheila Pierce, who had an IRS Lien placed on their assets for back taxes exceeding $8,000, obtained a “Certified Bankers Check” from Leroy Shweitzer with a face value of $22,700, and mailed it to the IRS.
Since Shweitzers’s money order was for nearly triple the amount due, the couple sent a letter with the check requesting a refund for overpayment or Criminal Conversion will occur. Within 30 days, the IRS lifted its' Lien against the couple and mailed them a refund check for more than $14,000 dollars. A photo of these checks is included in the catalog for PROOF that this did occur. The IRS is not alone. Roger Leffler of Fridley, Minn., sent a $13,000 Freeman bank draft to his state’s Office of Child Support Enforcement for past due child support.
The agency apparently accepted the check, clearing his account, and issued him a refund check for $5,712.72 and on and on the stories go. So, was it legal ? Well, is the Federal Reserve and IRS and what they are doing legal? It’s the same thing and it works because the system is based on it. The commercial Liens are often for hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.
The amount of damages sought is at the discretion of the individual, but at the common charge of 5 to 10 cents on the dollar to fashion the Lien, the more you seek, the more you pay. They are registered under form U.C.C.-1 with the respective secretaries of state, and then are used as collateral, or as in most cases, commercial paper that is sold, leased, transferred for collection, or used to back up money orders.
“Liened Up” companies and individuals have been known to buy them back at a fraction of their value in order to save money on legal costs fighting them, and escape related aggravation. Patriot community leaders suggest Americans are putting Liens against banks, companies and government entities and employees as a simple and effective means to redress grievances. Literally billions of dollars in Liens have been filed in the last few years. Liens apparently are also ending up in the hands of Foreign governments.
Unlike banks in the United States, the intrinsic value of American-generated Liens is not disputed by most countries, many of which are buying them up as they would any other form of government paper. F. Joe Holland claims the offshore sale of this paper has become a cottage industry in the U.S.
And according to Michael Overturf of Burbank, Calif., who acts as an intermediary between citizens and offshore intersets and manages a “portfolio” he claims is worth more than $10 Billion,
Do you know that an unprecedented number of politicians have announced their retirement in ’95 and ’96. It’s as if they're all flying south for the winter.
Over 50 key politicians have announced their retirement and most of them have strangely commented that they want to spend more time with their families. Does this seem odd ? Another very important SECRET in this country at this time is the FIFTH COLUMN. Within the CIA there is an elite group of computer hackers who have acquired an 18-wheeler and a KRAY SUPERCOMPUTER and are traveling around the country at this time downloading files from U.S. and Foreign Bank accounts and draining these accounts of their finances.
The accounts belong to politicians and world leaders and the finances are the bribes and hush money of those individuals involved in criminal activities. Several years ago a system of software was developed called PROMIS, by a company called INSLAW. This was criminal tracking software that was used by the Defense Dept. and other agencies after they stole it from the maker and forced him into Bankruptcy and Jail, where he remains today.
Danny Cassalero was murdered investigating this case shortly after he came up with an “Octopus” conspiracy theory of they way things operated in the highest circles. Anyway, this software was slightly modified by the CIA and secretly “slipped” into banking software that was exported out of our country for use by foreign and offshore banks. The software was modified to track banking transactions instead and the information about the flow of finances throughout the world was now being monitored by the CIA or at least a few agents who wanted to find out where the money was going.
After this rogue CIA group got ahold of the information they then photocopied it and had it hand delivered to each particular congressman, senator or politician along with a note explaining to them that they no longer had their bribe fund and they had 24 hours to turn in their resignation or face public scandal, humiliation and possible criminal charges if they refused.
This gave the politician just enough time to check and see if the funds were still there or not and to make a decision. Well, according to Jim Norman, a respected journalist for Forbes Magazine (who happens to be the Fifth Column’s only Media Liason), EVERY politician so far has resigned. Media Bypass published Norman’s story detailing how former White House Deputy Vince Foster was a spy for Israel and had his $2.73 million dollar espionage bounty, stashed at a Swiss bank, raided by the Fifth Column shortly before his death—after Forbes declined to run it.
Norman was later forced to resign from Forbes after coming across evidence that Forbes Inc. Chairman, Casper Weinberger himself had more than $2 million raided from a Swiss account by the Fifth Column. At the time of this writing, one member has died, one is disabled and now Chuck Hayes “Angel of Death” has been arrested on the eve of the presidential election.
A flood of information may be released soon exposing many corrupt politicians if Hayes is messed with. This could be a fun scene to watch unfold. Stay tuned and pay attention. Through the help of a mutual friend, I have been able to talk to Charles Hayes’s attorney, Gatewood Galbraith, who ran for Governor of Kentucky on a Pro-Hemp platform. According to Gatewood, Chuck Hayes is a liar and could not produce any good evidence or witnesses at the trial. You would think if there was an element in the CIA that was working for the good of the people and one of their own was on trial for part of an operation to expose high ranking officials in the government, that they would use the opportunity to bring out the information.
According to Karen Lee Bixman, who wrote for Media Bypass magazine, the entire "FosterGate" story you just read about above was false information. Apparently, Karen tried to expose this and Jim Norman, Troy Underhill and a couple others attempted to keep the truth from coming out. Karen claims the Swiss bank account number that supposedly belonged to Casper Weinberger was really the license number on John Hull's (Contra cocaine trafficker) airplane. If this is true then there is a possibility that Media Bypass is infiltrated or even started by the Intelligence Community to spread false information to the patriot community.
Do you own a cable box?
If you do, consider this possibility: Ever since you purchased that cable box and put it on top of your T.V, it has been monitoring and videotaping you in your living room and recording everything you say for the intelligence agencies. This has not yet been established as a fact, but it is a tremendous possibility. As of this writing, the new issue of Nexus magazine contains an interesting letter from a man who met someone recently who had spent the last 20 years working for one of the largest cable companies in the U.S.
This man witnessed the top-level cooperation between the cable companies and the government as part of a giant surveillance and intelligence gathering network. He was responsible for designing the new range of T.V. top boxes that all cable systems employ as a junction “decoder”. He said that all of these new junction boxes contain a tiny microphone inside and a black and white fisheye camera behind the clear plastic on the front, and that the cable has return channels included into it’s specification for sending these signals back to the carrier.
– Note: This is complete hearsay at this point, as it’s only source for verification at this point is from a letter written in to a magazine, which anyone can do. If anyone has real info on this sort of thing, please send it to me.
Another not completely verified story, yet absolutely possible : A supposedly “leaked” 3 Page document has appeared recently regarding a new surveillance and control product developed by IBM and secretly tested on prisoners in California, Texas and Massachusetts. The 2020 NEURAL CHIP IMPLANT—According to the source of this document, they are aware that Federal regulations do not permit the use of implants on prisoners, but they have entered into contractual testing of their products.
They boast of having major successes in privately owned sanitariums, but cite an increased need to test the products full scale on violent subjects. Supposedly, in California, several prisoners who were identified as members of the Mexican Mafia were brought to the health services unit at Pelican Bay and tranquilized with advanced sedatives. The implant procedure takes 60 -90 minutes, but they are working on a device that will reduce that time by up to 60%.
The results of implants tested on eight prisoners are as follows : Implants served as surveillance monitoring device for threat group activity; Implants disabled two subjects during an assault on correctional staff ; Universal side effects in all 8 subjects revealed that when the implant is set to 116 MHz all subjects became lethargic and slept an average of 18-22 hours per day; Each subject was monitored for aggresive activity during the test period and they found that 7 out of 8 test subjects exhibited no aggression, even when provoked.
One problem discussed was slight bleeding at the nose and ears for up to 48 hours after implantation, which they express a need to fix or risk being exposed. The document makes claims that law enforcement has now penetrated EME or Mexican Mafia because of this technology, and that they know they cannot use the information in court, but it has still helped them to figure out who their outside connections are and to help them wrap up a 14-month long investigation into their activities. Essentially, the implants make the unsuspecting prisoner a WALKING, TALKING RECORDER of every event he comes in contact with.
This may SOUND like a great way to control crime, but when the REAL CRIMINALS are in Washington D.C. then the entire population will become slaves to the criminal bureaucracy and there will be no more GOOD PEOPLE ANYMORE !!
Whether this is real or not, IT WILL BE HERE SOON, if it isn’t already.
One of the effects that science fiction has is that although you read it or watch it knowing that it is not real at the time, you still leave with the impression of the possibility in your mind. If we do not take the time to imagine the possibility of things, we may be that much slower to realize the reality of things. Anyways, it can’t hurt anymore to be aware. –AWARENESS IS THE KEY !!
Since awareness and consciousness are the keys, when you happen to slip from your everyday waking awareness state and realize that you are ALIVE and you want to find out WHAT IS GOING ON ? , fortunately now, in today’s age, we have access to the MOST incredible medium of INFORMATION EXCHANGE, possibly ever developed on the planet –THE INTERNET
Now for the first time in history, the average Joe Blow can find out just about anything, if he knows where to look. Not just in America, but almost anywhere in the world. So, how important is this ? About as important as YOU probably believe life to be. THE INTERNET is a reflection of our awareness in cyberspace, an area where we can all meet with minds only, and soon video and audio, where we can share all of our thoughts and feelings with the world at no EXTRA CHARGE. Everything that has been suppressed for centuries, will soon be available for all to know.
EVERYTHING that EVERYBODY knows will soon be available for all to see. Everyone who knows what the SECRET GOVERNMENT is doing should put out a WEB SITE with hundreds of PAGES discussing everything that they are aware of and include a page for LINKS to other important sites. This is happening right now and there is A LOT of INFO on the INTERNET at this time.
Eventually there will be so many sites out there, that everyone will learn what they need to know in order to make an effective change. The government is attempting to do several things to control the INTERNET and us as well through the use of it. They know they cannot shut off the information exchange, but they are going to control who uses it and whether someone who is using it to expose the government, goes to jail or not. Clinton would like to see legislation passed that makes it a crime to post offensive speech on the INTERNET.
Offensive to WHOM ? ---The truth hides from no one. Only lies attempt to hide themselves. If they can lock you up for posting offensive speech online, then they can ARREST almost ANYONE at ANYTIME for almost ANYTHING. This is what they want. Another reason to KICK IN YOUR DOOR if they want you. There is already talk of denying Federal Parolees access to the INTERNET or prisoners on probation, because of access to pornography, bomb making info, etc…
That's like denying a driver’s license to someone caught smoking pot, who wasn’t driving at the time. Which they do in California. One has nothing to do with the other, but somehow, NOW you can’t drive your car, you can’t own a gun for protection and you can’t even find out what you can do about it because you CAN’T USE THE INTERNET, all because you got caught with some POT. 30-60 million Americans use marijuana regularly and they are all subject to these discriminations. Imagine how many people will be on the INTERNET.
The other way that they will keep you from the information is by filling the WEB with so much GARBAGE info that you will never find what you're looking for or if you do it will take you all night and by the time you do you will be ready to go to sleep.
That’s why
we need tens of thousands of PATRIOT SITES on the INTERNET with lots
and lots of LINKS !!
A very strange and interesting scenario is being followed by researcher Harry Mason for Nexus Magazine involving The AUM Shinri Kyo (SUPREME TRUTH) in Japan, (supposedly responsible for the subway (sarin) gas attacks), and Drug Trafficking in Ecstacy and the purchase of a 900 Million Dollar EM (Electromagnetic) Tesla "Earthquake" Machine that is possibly either being tested at this time or maybe even involved in a secret sound-wave-war between powerful drug factions or empires.
Apparently, the epicenter of the Kobe Earthquake in 1995 was also the location of a secret Electromagnetics research and manufacturing facility in Japan. The research started with strange fireball events in remote parts of Australia around the beginning of 1995. On May 28, 1993, a meteor fireball was seen by several people and reported to local police stations.
The Fireball was followed by an immediate 3.9 Earthquake. This area of Western Australia has had no recorded earthquakes since seismographs were first installed in the early 1900's. Some observers reported that the fireball was cylindrical and yellow-blue-white in color. It was heard as a pulsed, roaring or loud diesel-engine sound, well before it passed overhead. Next, a near blinding high energy burst of blue-white light.
Then eyewitnesses say, a second fireball was seen which was a little smaller. Following the sighting of the second fireball, there was a smaller, less significant ground tremor. The Fireballs were spotted by residents near Banjawarn. Banjawarn is the most isolated station area in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia. This Sheep station gained notoriety since it's purchase the same year (1993) by the Japanese Aum Supreme Truth sect.
Hayakawa, Deputy Leader of the sect, initiated the purchase in late 1993 desiring to "Conduct experiments there for the benefit of mankind". The agreement regarding the sale was completed on April 23, some 35 days prior to the 1st Fireball event. Since the May 1993 event, there have been over 1000 reports concerning Aerial Fireballs and associated light-energy emissions.
Similar events have been reported in the New Zealand area. The most spectacular and well documented of these Fireball events occured around 2:00 A.M. on May 1st 1995 above Perth, W.A. It was seen as a large spherical red-orange fireball with a small blue-white tail. It flew over the eastern side of the city of Perth (Population 1 million) and was seen and heard by many people.
Observers reported that the "object" emitted a loud, roaring, pulsed noise--similar to a diesel freight train before it arrived. It was reported that it stopped dead in the sky and the tail inverted through the fireball to point toward the previous direction of travel. Then there was an enormous burst of blue-white arcing light-energy that briefly lit up the city and it's suburbs as clear as daylight. A loud, vibrating massive explosion-like seismic wave reverberated around Perth, causing the city buildings to shake and books and objects to fall off shelves.
About 500,000 people were estimated to have been woken up by this "sound". Evidence for the existence of exotic weapons capable of producing these effects is given in part in a "Voice of Russia" program of Dec. 23, 1996, where they discussed modern RUSSIAN ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS of the MICROWAVE PLASMA variety. Science Authority Boris Belitsky claimed a plasmoid, a blob of Plasma fired into the path of an upcoming missile, it's warhead or an aircraft, would effectively Ionize that region of space and disturb the aerodynamics of the flight and terminate it's flight.
This makes such a generator and it's plasmoid a practically invulnerable weapon, providing protection against attack via airspace or the atmosphere. Belitsky claimed evidence of the existence of this technology comes partially from the fact that a few years ago, back in 1993, at the Russian-American summit in Vancouver the Russians proposed a joint experiment in testing such generators--or "Plasma" weapons as they are called--as an alternative to the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). It was proposed to be code-named "Trust".
There is a lot of evidence out there to prove the existence of this technology. The Soviets have been leading the way in this research for decades. Scientific researcher Tom Beardon is one of the best sources for info on this subject. Nikola Tesla claimed in 1908 that he could hit any antipodean planetary city with an enormous EM energy pulse, delivered in microseconds that would "Create an explosion equivalent to more than the power of the extant world Navies combined." U.S. Senator Sam Nunn was chairman of a U.S. Senate inquiry into the "Japanese Aum Sect and Weapons of Mass Destruction".
Nunn was reported to have stated that the U.S. inquiry team had evidence that the Aum Supreme Truth sect had attempted to purchase Nuclear Weapons from the Russians and had also attempted to develop the same from their own scientific laboratory base--and had probably succeeded. Researcher Harry Mason contacted Dan Gelber, chief counsel of the U.S. Senate inquiry.
Dan Gelber informed him that the U.S. had found evidence that in 1992 the Aum sect had sent a research team to study at the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Their objective was to get data on Tesla's electromagnetic wave transmission technology. As early as 1914, Tesla predicted the electrical control of atmospheric moisture and he gave some thought to how this "Weather Control" could be achieved using his magnifying transmitters. The background of the Aum's Deputy leader Kiyohide Hayakawa is interesting.
He studied for his masters degree at Osaka University in "Greening Technology". His thesis is marked highly confidential and is under Top Secret wraps. The University authorities originally stated that he studied "Anti-desertification" in the Climate Engineering department. However Japanese investigative journalist Yoichi Shimatsu (see web site - has uncovered strong evidence that this department is a cover for secret Japanese Electromagnetic (EM) weapons research.
Hayakawa was a high ranking member of the "Moonies" before he broke with them in 1987, with $20 Million (U.S) of their funds and joined the Aum Supreme Truth. He brought along with him 35 fellow members of the Moonies and rose almost immediately to the position of Deputy Leader. He apparently used the Aum organization for drugs, arms and high-tech scientific equipment dealing around the world.
In 1997, Garry Greenwood wrote a book titled "All the Emperor's Men" wherein is discussed the interesting career of Yasuko Shimada, Hayakawa's contact and helper in Western Australia. In the book Greenwood discusses his own personal experiences with the international Japanese cult "MAHIKARI". He was a devoted member of this "New Civilization" Spiritual Healing Religion for some 17 years and was their # 2 spiritual leader / executive in Australia for about 10 years. Several years ago, Greenwood left the sect when he discovered that it's founder Lt. Colonel Yoshikazu Okada (Ex-Emperor's bodyguard and Imperial Guards), had been instrumental in planning the Japanese Armys' Rape of Nanking" in China prior to WWII.
He also found out that at the higher Japanese Mahikari Command levels the cult was viewed as designed with just one purpose : TO INITIATE THE PLACEMENT OF CURRENT EMPEROR OF JAPAN BACK TO HIS "RIGHTFUL" POSITION AS EMPEROR OF PLANET EARTH WITHIN OUR LIFETIME.
Apparently these people believe that in an earlier lifetime, many thousands of years ago, the Present Japanese Emperor ruled this entire planet, and it is now his ordained destiny to rule the Earth again. Greenwood noted that Yasuko Shimada, Hayakawa's contact, was instrumental in establishing Mahikari in Australia in 1974, where it has approximately 2000 members, but concentrates on the rich and powerful.
In April 1993, a Japanese group arrived in Western Australia. The Japanese Environment Ministry approached the Western Australian government with a plan to undertake an "Anti-Desertification" study in the eastern goldfields area of W.A. Joint research by Yoichi Shimatsu in Japan and Garry Greenwood has uncovered a trail of connections between the covert Japanese money-power supporters of both the Aum and Mahikari sects.
These include prominent (LDP) Liberal Democratic Party politicians such as Shintaro Ishihara, co-author (With the late Sony chairman Akio Morita) of a book entitled "The Japan That Can Say No". This 1989 books' basic thesis suggested that Japan should allay with Russia, & that by MATING JAPANESE MICROCHIPS TO RUSSIAN SUPER-WEAPONS they could put the finger up to the USA and JOINTLY RULE THE WORLD.
Researcher Harry Mason was informed by The Australian Federal Police that the Aum's Science Minister Hideo Murai (A Nuclear Physicist) was regarded as "The Most Intelligent Living Japanese". Murai had a pre-Aum background in EM technology. He had worked at Kobe Steel, researching microwave and other EM / Ray Wave technology applications for cold moulding of steel, having graduated as an astrophysicist specializing in Cosmic X-Ray Analysis.
His KOBE STEEL LABORATORY WAS AT THE EPICENTER OF THE 1995 KOBE EARTHQUAKE. Strongly supportive evidence about these weapons came from a Moscow source developed by Japanese investigative journalists.
This person was present during a conference in Moscow (Jan. 1990), when a top Japanese delegation, led by Foreign Minister Shintaro Abe met with USSR President Gorbachev and his aide, Politburo Member Alexander Yakovlev. Their intent was to establish "Bilateral Cooperation". At further meetings in Jan. 1991, Gorbachev via Yakovlev offered the Japanese the USSR's super-secret intercontinental EM Weapons technology--Capable of producing Earthquakes--for U.S. $900 Million.
Gorbachev also agreed with Japanese Diet member Toshio Yamaguchi to the setting up of a joint Japan-Russia University in Moscow that would be tasked with co-opting the brightest young Nuclear Physicists' minds of both countries to develop new 2nd and 3rd generation EM super-weapons by mating Japanese Microchip and electronics know-how to Russian 1st Generation Weapons Technology !!
This University was soon formed and under the cover of "Cultural Studies" was administered by the Aum sect and one Lobov. Lobov became Yeltsin's Head of the Security Council--after the late 1991 coup that removed Gorbachev. The Aum members first arrived in Moscow in late 1991. Under the support of Lobov, given many hours of free time on Radio Moscow and access to the Russian Army the Aum soon had 50,000 Russian members as compared to 30,000 Japanese.
The Aum sect was utilized to effect many covert arms purchases in Russia for the Japanese government. Both Yakovlev and Lobov were in repeated contact with Hayakawa over the next few years. The U.S. Senate inquiry found that very large sums of money had been transferred to Lobov's Swiss Bank account and supposedly several people have ended up dead in Russia attempting to research this information.
There have been 1000 major fireball events known to have occured in Australia over the last 4 years, 100 of these involving huge aerial explosions of Nuclear-bomb-force levels, and 10 of these "explosions" have coincided with medium range 3.6 - 4.0 Richter Scale earthquakes. Another major fireball event occurred on May 1st 1997, in Central New South Wales in the late evening. As with the Perth May 1st 1993 event, this, too was witnessed by a large number of people, described as Massive Blue-White Rippled Lights flashing through the night sky.
There were calls to the local police stations and national and local UFO groups and the following day channel 10 TV ran a story picked up from the Sydney Reuters concerning the many reports to the police and astronomical observatories. Within one day, there was a news blackout and that was all that was heard. SOUNDS LIKE SOMEONE'S CELEBRATING MAY DAY !!
Who Could That Be ? Maybe the Illuminati ?
Another interesting point: Shoko Asahara, the leader of the Aum Supreme Truth had predicted in a Tokyo Radio Broadcast on Jan. 8th, 1995, that a major earthquake would soon occur at Kobe.
He even stated that this quake would be initiated by "A foreign power" utilizing an Electromagnetic EM weapons system. Aum's Science Minister Hideo Murai later stated at the Foreign Press Correspondent's Club in Tokyo on April 7 1995 that,
In Japan, European chemical and nerve gas experts who examined the Aum's chemical complex claimed there was no evidence to show that Sarin or other nerve gases were manufactured there. They did find some samples of Sarin as well as other nerve gases. What was discovered that was being manufactured there was the drug "Ecstasy" (MDMA).
Japanese investigative journalists believe that the drugs were being distributed world-wide by the Yakuza, possibly through a rogue CIA operation. That is all on this subject. The only thing I personally find skeptical about all this is the fact that the researcher Harry Mason also discusses and includes the April 19th bombing as evidence in his information and makes the very large mistake of saying that it occurred on April "17". I don't know maybe it's one of those small oversights that is actually a very large and critical one when doing research.
The REAL information tends to come out once other researchers have had a chance to review new information coming down the pipeline and they have a say at it from their own personal perspective and research. Sometimes it literally takes years before it is possible for consciousness to come to certain semi-solid conclusions about events that took place at an earlier time. Like Kennedy, like Watergate and like Iran Contra, the facts don't come out right away, but over time we can see the puzzle start to piece itself together.
Speaking of the PUZZLES that are piecing themselves together, like The Oklahoma City Bombing. You can add several hundred to the number of people MURDERED BY THE FBI IN WACO. The "PROOF" that the FBI MURDERED all those people at the OKLAHOMA FEDERAL BUILDING on April 19th, HAS JUST COME OUT.
I will quote directly from the McCurtain Daily Gazette (This appeared in the Free American): Near Pandemonium broke out in a Federal courtroom here Monday when a senior agent of the FBI shocked observers by telling the court that the spiritual leader of Elohim City, the Rev. Robert Millar, was a confidential informant for the FBI.
The McCurtain Daily Gazette has long been reporting that Elohim City is a religious and paramilitary compound in east-central Oklahoma that is frequented by some of the most dangerous members of the neo-Nazi underground in the United States and Canada. Although residents of the cult have continued to deny it publicly, the Gazette has reported that it's sources believe one of those shadowy figures was Timothy McVeigh.
Stories published in this newspaper have also exposed Elohom City as the center of a wide-ranging conspiracy to over-throw the federal government by members of a group called "The Aryan Republican Army". Several of those members have since been arrested on charges related to a string of bank robberies across the Midwestern United States. The incredible revelation that the leader of Elohim City himself was part of a government intelligence operation came during a pre-trial hearing associated with the upcoming trial of another confidential informant, Carol E. Howe.
Howe, a former Tulsa beauty queen, debutante and one-time paid undercover informant for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, is scheduled to stand trial later this month for conspiracy charges associated with making bomb threats and possession of bomb making components. Howe was indicted shortly after the Gazette reported that she intended to be a key witness in the trial of Timothy McVeigh.
U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch, who presided over the McVeigh trial, refused to let Howe testify in Denver, ruling that her information that Elohim City was the center of the Bombing conspiracy might "Confuse the Jury". Under questioning Monday by Howe attorney Clark Brewster of Tulsa, Special Agent Peter Rickel stunned everyone when he reluctantly admitted that the man Elohim City Members call "Grandpa" is really a cooperating source for the FBI. Millar's status as a confidential informant began in the Fall of 1994.
The FBI admitted in court that Millar was a paid confidential informant, although the amount of his paycheck was not revealed. When Rickel disclosed this startling information, a Senior FBI agent and several U.S. Attorneys bolted from the courtroom in an agitated state. Millar's encampment was heretofore considered by experts in domestic terrorism to be the "Switzerland" of the neo-Nazi movement in the United States. Elohim City, a 1000 acre area of rolling timberland is the residence of some 80 followers.
But, more importantly, it has played host to some of the nation's most notable subversives. Thus Millar's position as a mole for the FBI could explain why the compound was never raided. Despite it's use as a hideout for gun-runners, drug smugglers, bank robbers and suspected members of the conspiracy that bombed the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Elohim City has enjoyed a reputation as a place fugitives can live without fear of arrest. In the weeks before the Oklahoma City bombing, BATF agent Angela Findley had planned to raid the compound and arrest it's Security Advisor Andreas Carl Strassmeir.
Strassmeir, an illegal alien who migrated to Elohim City from Germany, was suspected by Findley of converting semi-automatic weapons to machine guns as well as plotting with other Elohim City residents and visitors to bomb federal installations.
Carol Howe reported to Findley during the time she worked for the BATF.
Howe told Findley that Strassmeir was the ringleader in the plot to bomb the Oklahoma City federal building and that Millar was preaching twice a day to his flock that the group had to ACT BY APRIL 19th, OR THEY WOULD END UP LIKE THE BRANCH DAVIDIANS IN WACO !!! The arrest of Strassmeir was scrubbed after senior members of the BATF, FBI and the U.S. Attorney's office met in Feb. 1995 and discussed Findley's plan. Strassmeir was also an important source of intelligence for the U.S. government.
In Jan. 1996, shortly after it was discovered that it was Strassmeir that Timothy McVeigh had called for in the days before the bombing, the German national fled to his native Berlin with the aid of German Intelligence officers. All I can say is this: If Timothy McVeigh got the DEATH PENALTY, then so should the FBI Agents and all others INVOLVED, including Janet Reno and possibly Bill Clinton. We will wait until the Independant Grand Jury comes to a verdict in Oklahoma, but if they decide there was a Government cover-up and conspiracy then WE THE PEOPLE should put the Criminal perpetrators on TRIAL !!!
I'M SURE this would send the PROPER MESSAGE to GOVERNMENT TERRORISTS that they cannot get away with CRIMES AGAINST THE PEOPLE.
Have you heard of Remote Viewing ?
The CIA has, and they've been using it to spy on you, or so they say. The only problem is: the people discussing it and writing books on it are CIA operatives who claim they are "Allowed" to talk about this stuff. I personally don't think they are "Allowed" to talk about anything they are not instructed to talk about specifically for PROPAGANDA purposes. If someone who used to be in the CIA is saying anything at all, it is probably because THAT is their new assignment. I could be wrong, of course.
The creation of these Remote Viewing programs was mostly in response to the acquired knowledge in the U.S. intelligence agencies that the Russians had been working on such projects. "GONDOLA WISH" evolved into Project "GRILL-FLAME" in the Late part of 1978. Later, it became "Sun Streak" and then "Star-Gate". The "official" story goes like this: The unit was known formally as "Special Action Branch" and was attached to INSCOM. It took it's orders from the Pentagon office of the Army's Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence.
It's tasking requests originated from a variety of offices throughout the U.S. Intelligence Community, including the CIA, DIA, even the President's NSC. The information was stamped not only with the standard Army intelligence "SECRET" , but with the Pentagon Code-word "GRILL-FLAME". Only a few dozen officials in the intelligence community had been briefed on the existence of "Grill-Flame".
The unit's Commander was Lieutenant Colonel Murrey B. "Scotty" Watt. A partial listing of the "Remote Viewers" are as follows: Mel Riley, Skip Atwater, Joe McMoneagle, Major Edward Dames Fernand Gauvin, Uri Geller (Psychic ?), Keith Harary, Ingo Swann, First Sergeant Leonard "Lyn" Buchanan.
Some other KEY players are as follows:
"Remote Viewing" is a term used by the Army / CIA to describe a process where the participant "Projects" his or her mind into another Time / Space "Location", thereby being able to "See" a given situation in the past, present, or future time. The philosophy behind the ability to do this is simple: Something similar to a tape head (Use your mind) imprints thoughts and vibrations as they occur in Real-Time on an Etheric Tape (Akashic Record, called by the ancients & still today), documenting the entire history of mankind (civilization) and all the events that have occurred so far.
By meditating or Directing your thought to "Blank your mind out" and then focusing on a particular given object, you can "Be" wherever you think.
This is supposedly different than "Astral Travel" where you take a part of your spiritual body with you. According to the "Experts", this only involves your mind, not your body in spirit. Robert Monroe already had a center set up teaching people about Astral Projection in the late 1970's or early 80's. I read the book "Journeys Out of the Body" when I was in my early teens.
Apparently, this is a little different. The intelligence agencies may not have helped set up Monroe's institute, but they definitely took advantage of its' existence and used it to train operatives in the "Remote Viewing" program for a lengthy period of time. Altered States such as those in which "Out-of-body experiences" occurred are mostly immeasurable.
By using electroencephalographs and other scanning devices, one could see the changes in brainwaves and brain activity pattern. After some experimenting, Bob Monroe came up with idea for controlling these patterns by playing sounds with frequencies that matched the brain-wave frequencies because he learned that the brain had a tendency to mimic the frequencies presented to it that way.
Monroe knew that when one frequency was presented to one ear and a separate frequency to the other ear, the difference between those frequencies (e.g., 8,000 Hz minus 7,990 Hz=10 Hz) was also perceptible to the mind. It was what communications engineers called the "Beat Frequency". Monroe decided to present the Altered-State mimicking sounds as beat frequencies - i.e.
One set of frequencies in one ear, and a slightly different set in the other in such a way that the mixture would produce the desired waveform pattern. It seemed to work so well that Monroe patented it and called it the "Hemi-Sync" method and soon started producing Hemi-sync tapes which would induce the Altered State necessary for "Out-of-body experiences".
Supposedly, when the first of the team of Remote Viewers, Skip Atwater, visited the Monroe center in 1977, Monroe had already been around for awhile and had already developed these tapes. It is possible that this is when the CIA started working with the Monroe Institute. How closely they were working together and on what other "Programs" is probably a more significant question.
It is my suspicion as well as others' like Alex Constantine ("Virtual Government & Psychic Dictatorship in the USA") that the so-called "Remote Viewing" program is possibly in reality a cover for a very sophisticated MIND CONTROL --THOUGHT IMPLANTATION Program. Have you been hearing voices in your head lately ?
I haven't personally, but I do know that several serial killers who spent time in CIA-run psychiatric facilities have claimed to have heard voices as well as other mass murderers and people who have "flown off the handle" like post office employees and U.P.S. workers. How come all of the disgruntled employees who go off all work for government-connected (contracted) corporate businesses? Also, what connection would this "Thought Implantation" have with supposed "UFO abductees" or various "Channels".
According to the Remote Viewers, there were several times when they "Viewed" UFOs or their "Grey Occupants" or various other mysteries like underground caverns on Mars, etc. The official line from the remote viewers is they didn't know what to conclude except that possibly our civilization was under some kind of observance or control by other worldly entities and pretty much the same line of info that comes down through the UFOlogy pipeline.
Here is one interesting possible (mind control) twist: According to the members of the CIA Remote Viewing team who worked with Uri Geller, when the team questioned Geller about the origin of his supernatural abilities, he claimed a belief in a Supercomputer Spaceship in the Heavens that controls All That Is, Called "Spectra". Anyways, around 1990, Dave Morehouse and Ed Dames formed a company called Psi-Tech, with the idea of using moonlighting remote viewers as a kind of psychic investigation team for private clients.
One of Psi-Tech's clients supposedly asked Dames to Remote View the mysterious "crop circles" appearing in wheat-fields in Southern England and was provided with data suggesting that the circles were caused by "Flying Saucer-like devices skimming over the wheat fields". Later, a group from the former Soviet Union asked Psi-Tech to Remote View the disappearance of a Russian Space probe and Ed Dames again implicated "aliens". In 1991, Dames retired from the Army, separated from his wife, moved to Albuquerque, and became very involved in the UFO scene.
A year and a half later in March 1993, he appeared at a local UFO conference and announced that a colony of pregnant Martian females lay beneath the New Mexico desert. Sometime between April & August, he predicted, these Martians would give birth and emerge above-ground.
He told the audience,
After August 1993 came and no aliens appeared, Dames was running out of money and turned Psi-Tech into a "Remote Viewing Training Company" and offered a week-long course. One of his students was Courtney Brown, political science professor at Emory University in Atlanta. Courtney Brown got very involved in Remote Viewing and began to take a look at the "History of Interactions between Aliens and Planet Earth" and the details of the various races of aliens such as the big-headed "Grays" and the "Blond and Blue-eyed Nordics".
Later, Brown published his book titled "Cosmic Voyage". Are you starting to see the PATTERN ? It is very possible that "Remote Viewing" programs are also a cover for Thought Implantation Mind Control.
By aiming different frequencies at you and transmitting wave-forms of information to you, it would be logically concluded that they could influence your thoughts. One very good way to study the effectiveness of this would be to use subjects who have cleared their minds in a controlled environment and are "Seeking out Information in the Ethers". Information is coming out from several different sources, claiming that the Jesus did not die on the cross, but was instead saved by his brother James and taken away somewhere safe where he and Mary Magdalene had children.
Supposedly these children became the French Kings in the fifth and sixth centuries. King Merovee.
The story is long and involved. It is fully documented in books like, "Holy Blood, Holy Grail", "The Messianic Legacy" both by authors, Michael Beigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln. Shortly after, appeared "Guardians of the Grail" by J.R. Church, and then "Pandora's Box" by Alex Christopher, and most recently "Bloodline of the Holy Grail" by Lawrence Gardner.
I have read these and the story is quite convincing when you take a look at it.
All books are written by completely different people and include basically the same information "Line". The Freemasons actually trace their history to the Knights Templar; the Templars however, were created by the Priory of Sion, which was set up supposedly to protect the Merovingian bloodline. Wouldn't it be nice and convenient for the Masons to say they have inherited the teachings and the lineage of Jesus?
Then they could really get away with some crimes. If you do the research, in conspiracies you cannot avoid at some point tracing things back to the Knights Templar and then to the Priory of Sion. There is conclusive evidence that there was something inherited, possibly wealth, or possibly just information, (MAJOR INFORMATION, perhaps).
The Priory, after all had the Wealth of Solomon's Gold, of this we can almost be certain. It had been placed in the hands of the Templars for safe keeping and there is dispute whether this gold was taken and stored at Rennes Le Chateau in Southern France. The most important documents discovered by the authors concerning the Priory of Sion came from the Grand Lodge Alpina, the Supreme Mother Lodge of Switzerland. These documents, called "The Dossiers Secret", told of a Catholic priest named Berenger Saunier, who was also a Freemason.
Saunier had joined a Rosicrucion Order that was founded in 1873. On June 1st, 1885, Saunier was posted to a little parish in the tiny village church of Rennes Le Chateau in Southern France. Eight centuries earlier in 1059, the village of Rennes Le Chateau was consecrated to Mary Magdelene, the Patron Saint of Southern France. At the time of Saunier's assignment, the church was in need of repair and in 1891, Saunier attempted to restore it. At this time he discovered four parchments preserved in sealed wooden tubes.
Two of these parchments are said to have comprised genealogies, one dating from 1244 and the other from 1644. These parchments contained a list of the Grand Masters of both the Knights Templar and the Priory of Sion, as well as a history of the Merovingian bloodline. The heading of one of these documents was in cipher.
When translated it read,
According to the tenets of the Priory of Sion, Jesus Christ did not die, but merely pretended to die, was taken from the cross and stolen from the tomb and was believed to have married Mary Magdalene, and even produced children. They claim that when the Romans destroyed the Temple at Jerusalem in 70 A.D. , that Magdalene fled with her sacred children by boat across the Mediterranean to France.
She then found refuge within a Jewish community. Future generations of her offspring were said to have married into the Royal Frankish Family and by the fifth century produced a king, whose name was Merovee. He was the first in a series of kings called the Merovingian bloodline. It is said that the offspring of Merovee were noted for a birthmark above their heart, a small "red cross".
This symbol eventually became the emblem of the Priory of Sion. This same "Red Cross" carried over to the Rosicrucian (Rosy Cross). The first forming of the Rosicrucian was after the Battle at Gisors in 1188. This is where the Knights Templar and the Priory of Sion had a "falling out" and split. The Ordre de Sion (Order of Sion) changed it's name to the Prieure de Sion (Priory of Sion) and selected Jean de Gisors as it's first Grand Master, a vassal of the King of England. Ormus was an Egyptian sage and mystic and a Gnostic adept of Alexandria, blending Christianity with "Masdeism", which was a Greek / Roman Form of Zoroastrianism.
Ormus and his initiates had taken the Red Cross as their identifying symbol four centuries before Merovee was born with the supposed "Red Cross" birthmark above his heart. The Knight's Templar adopted Merovee's Red Cross six centuries later. To emulate the Templars, The Priory took the Red Cross of Ormus as it's own emblem, then adopted the Title "L' Ordre de la Rose Croix Veritas" or "The Order of the True Red Cross".
If Ormus is the source of the 'Red Cross', and the bloodlines coming out of Jerusalem or the immediate area used the 'Red Cross' as an emblem, we have to consider the significance of this "Red Cross". What is it really ? Or maybe more appropriately, What does it represent? It is my personal contention that it represents "knowledge".
Not just any knowledge, but a very particular knowledge of the history of religion and the origin of religious meanings. Remember when you read the next section on religious history, that the Knights Templar were originally called the "Milice du Christ" or "Soldiers of Christ". Is the Red Cross a secret symbol for a Mushroom, particularly the (Red Cap) Amanita ? In no way is this meant to be a blasphemy to God. Also, at the same time, this material is not Anti-religious. I suppose it could be considered Anti-church, or Anti-establishment religion. After all, everyone's relationship with God is INDIVIDUAL.
How people perceive God and what people perceive to be God, will always be different according to different people and cultural makeup.
The New World Order seeks to bring about a ONE UNDERSTANDING of GOD. This can never be. A one-world religion is Utopian at best. It may SOUND like a good idea, but I wouldn't want to require someone of a different religion to believe in mine as I would not want to be required to believe the doctrines of the Jehovah's Witnesses or some other fanatical religious sect.
This information is being presented to give the reader a CHOICE to realize to where the origin of modern religions traces back, NOT to deny God or the idea of GOD in any way. As long as people live by GOODNESS, it doesn't matter what you believe as far as religion goes. I personally don't believe anything is more in accordance with God than sound spiritual practices, like teaching GOODNESS or showing people how to be FREE in their MINDS.
Living for God, or living in accordance with God is far more important than one's church related beliefs. What goodness comes with murder ? How many murder in the name of God ? Even Abortion clinic protesters that murder are still murderers, even if they are trying to prevent the murder of innocent children. Is this what God would want ? If so, in whose opinion ?
One Man cannot decide what God would want, and no clergy can speak for God. Everything in this catalogue is not the word of God either. This information is here to be studied and pondered, not necessarily taken as God's WORD.
Now for a little bit on Language.
After all, they were ingesting some strange fungus. WHAT IF GOD IS A GODDESS AND JESUS WAS A MUSHROOM ? What if "God" was a "Great Penis" in the Heavens, who every Winter blessed the Mother Earth's Womb with Fertile Semen, called today "Rain", and gave birth to the "Son of God", a "Miniature Penis" - A SACRED MUSHROOM.
This would not be so unbelievable if you were living thousands of years ago, in Ancient Sumeria, Egypt or Jerusalem. How can we really verify what happened thousands of years ago if we don't even know the language in which the books that we are reading were written. Also, words mean different things depending on the culture and time of their use.
If the Latin is a translation of the Hebrew writings and we look at the Hebrew writings themselves (understanding Hebrew), how do we know that the people who wrote them at that time correctly understood the Egyptian or Babylonian translations of the Original Sumerian Version? Or, what if, along the way, each time the shaman priesthood translated into a new language, they kept the Original Words or Meanings hidden intentionally?
Very few people in the world today know EVERY language including: Sumerian, Babylonian, Cuneiform, Acadian, Assyrian, Egyptian, Hebrew, Phoenician, Greek, Latin, and others. If you happen to know all those languages, what are the chances that you have also read the "ACTUAL DEAD SEA SCROLLS"?
John Allegro knows all of these languages and was hired to be a part of the Original editing team deciphering the Dead Sea Scrolls back in the 1950's, shortly after they were found. He was the first to access and read the "Copper Scroll". He was kicked off the editing team after a period and then went on to publish his findings. In 1970, he published "The Sacred Mushroom & The Cross", a book about Judaism and Christianity and their origin in Ancient Mushroom Fertility Cults still in existence around the time of the conquering of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. by the Romans.
He cites the obsession of the "Essenes" with the Amanita Muscaria Mushroom and blames the wrathful response of the Roman Empire on the secret, subversive mushroom cults and dissemination of information in code relating to "Jesus", the Sacred Fungus. -"The Fungus recognized today as the 'Amanita Muscaria', or 'Fly Agaric', had been known from the beginning of history.
Beneath the skin of it's characteristic red and white spotted cap, there is concealed a powerful hallucinatory poison.
Every aspect of the mushroom's existence was fraught with sexual allusions, and in it's phallic form the ancients saw a replica of the fertility god himself. It was the "Son of God", it's drug was a purer form of the god's own spermatozoa than that discoverable in any other form of living matter. It was, in fact, God himself, manifest on earth. To the mystic it was the divinely given means of entering heaven; God had come down in the flesh to show the way to himself, by himself."--From "The Intro of "The Sacred Mushroom & the Cross".
According to Allegro, in ancient times it was believed that if the rain in the desert lands was the source of life, then the moisture from heaven must be only a more abundant kind of spermatozoa. If the male organ ejaculated this precious fluid and made life in the woman, then above the skies the source of nature's semen must be a mighty penis, as the earth which bore it's offspring was the womb.
It followed therefore that to induce the heavenly phallus to complete it's orgasm, man must stimulate it by sexual means, by singing, dancing, orgiastic displays and, above all, by the performance of the copulatory act itself.
Allegro believes that this is the case with the Jewish revolt of A.D.66.
Allegro goes on to say,
Allegro gives us other insights into what was happening at the time in Jerusalem. How did Modern Christianity come about ? And what happened to change it from a mushroom-worshipping cult then to the Modern conservative, Christianity based on a man dying on a cross?
Also from the introduction,
Probably the most overlooked point in researching history is the fact that we do not take into consideration the origin of the WORD we are dealing with, for the WORD had a different meaning in the previous language from which it came. A WORD in ENGLISH today may have a particular MEANING, but it is not necessarily the same MEANING as the WORD had in say, Latin or Hebrew. And what do Latin and Hebrew have in common?
If a word means something in English and a word means something in Hebrew, is that WORD going to have the same meaning? Possibly Not! But, what if that WORD had a common origin in both languages, going back to Sumerian? Then the MEANING of the WORD in SUMERIAN would be the correct or closer TRUE MEANING of the WORD. Allegro's work is really a study in words and their origin, since this is the source of their true MEANING.
From the Introduction of "The Sacred Mushroom & the Cross":
One of the first examples given in the book is the word "Etymology", which is the study of the relationship between words and the thoughts they express. Where does the word "Etymology" come from? Etymology seeks the "True" meaning of the word. The Greek word for true is "Etumos".
So, at least going back to Greek, the word "Etymology" has in it's roots, the MEANING of "TRUE".
Taking a word back even farther to Sumerian is a little more involved, though this is necessary, if we are to know the "True" meaning of the word. Another example taken from the first chapter, this time, titled "In the Beginning god created" ; "If we were to seek the root of a modern barbarism like "de-escalate", we should immediately remove the "de-" and the verbal appendage "-ate", slice off the initial "e-" as a recognizable prefix, and be left with "scal-" for further study.
The Latin scala means "Ladder" and we are clearly on the right track. But at this stage the etymologist will look out for possible vocalic changes occuring between dialects.
One of the more common is between "L" and "N" and we are not surprised to find that an early form of the root has "N" in place of "L", so that Sanskrit, one of the earliest dialects of Indo-European, has a root "skan-" with the idea of "going up". Sibilants can interchange also, such as "s" and "z" and short vowels can drop out in speech between consonants, like "i" between "s" and "c". In fact we can break down our Indo-European root "scan-" "ascend" still further into two Sumerian syllables, ZIG, "rise" and AN "up" ". - ZIGAN (Scan) (Scal) (Escalate).
How many people do you think there are that are actually qualified to tell you what's in the books that comprise the bible ? I would think only a handful, if that. Not only would you have to know all of the languages going back to Sumerian, you would also have to have devoted your life to the study and research of religion, and the third qualification is that you would have to possess no preconceived notions or expectations about what you were researching. (An open Mind).
If you go back into the books looking for Jesus the Christ, you may only find a man, but if you were to approach the situation having already taken Hallucinogenic Mushrooms in your life and you realized in your research that the original meaning of the words, Jesus Christ meant, "to be Anointed" or "To Anoint with Semen", you might figure that the original meaning had more to do with fertility, or possibly an object closely associated with fertility.
Allegro describes the difficult situation of translation :
From the Chapter "The names of the Gods"
From the chapter "Plants and Drugs"
The confusion supposedly arose through the changes in language and an attempt to keep rituals and secrets of the fertility cult from the Roman authorities. Apparently, both the Greek and the Hebrew languages have common roots tracing back to Sumerian.
There is no record of a Hebrew version of the New Testament, only a Greek translation. The stories in the Bible parallel stories that existed in other countries in other languages in earlier times. The names even trace back directly in language to the names of the same characters in the stories from other countries. The one main difference between "Christianity" and these earlier fertility religions is the fact that in the earlier religions the central figure, the "Son of God", was a Mushroom. So, the question is, was Jesus really a man or was he a symbolic representation for a Psychedelic Mushroom ?
We may have to learn ancient language ourselves in order to find out, or maybe take a trip to Kashmir. In this next section I have presented a couple of letters by Leroy Shweitzer of the Montana Freemen describing why he believes he and the others are still in jail. I would like to add a couple of points to this involving Sovereignty. Most readers by now are probably wondering, "just what exactly is a Sovereign Citizen ?".
If you ask different "authorities", you will certainly get different answers. To some, "Sovereignty" means not having any contracts with the federal or state government, including licenses, social security numbers, and bank accounts. To others, it is not being a U.S. citizen under the 14th Amendment, but instead a State citizen of the Republic.
This would include recession of all contracts and documents relative to governments', etc. Others claim membership in a "Jural Society" is a necessary element of "Sovereignty". The reason for this is because the definition of a "citizen", in Law, is "a member of a Jural Society or body politic". Some of the different groups that teach "Sovereignty" or "state Citizenship" include Richard McDonald, an ex-police officer from Simi Valley, Johnny Liberty (John Van Hove) in Cascadia Oregon, The Montana Freemen, The Republic of Texas, Erwin Rommel School of Law, Jim Mattatel and the Concerned Citizens of the South Bay and the list goes on.
There are many more around the country and probably many other groups of which I am unaware.
All of these groups have a lot of information in common, but they teach different tactics, methods, and have different beliefs, some religious-based. This makes sense, since our organic law in America comes down to us from Biblical (Canon) Law....I believe a "Sovereign" is someone who can walk into a courtroom and walk out of that courtroom a FREEMAN, provided no common law crime was committed (Rape, Robbery or Murder).
In this country there are a lot of secrets, but there are some really BIG secrets, too. THERE ARE SO MANY CRIMINALS IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM THAT THERE IS NO ROOM LEFT FOR ANY JUSTICE.
Our government is secretly being run by a CRIMINAL MOB that will do WHATEVER is necessary to stay in power. Even if you have the law on your side and you are RIGHT, you can still be sent to jail, convicted and sent away. Even if you know all the laws and you are correct, the judges can do whatever they want. They won't even allow the jury to know they have a right to judge the law as well as the facts of the case.
An informed Jury can Nullify any case they want and it only takes ONE JUROR. "Sovereigns" often think they are immune to laws because they are "Sovereign" and the judge is just going to let them go. THIS IS NOT TRUE. They will walk all over you, unless you walk on them first. The best defense is a good offense they say. You will soon see how this is true. The FREEMEN are still in jail today, mostly because they DO know the Law. How does the criminal government deal with this?
They can't.
So they have to hide everything, commit more crimes and cover these up as well. I have studied a bit from all of the groups mentioned and have met some interesting people along the way. From what I have learned, the only "Sovereign" people are the ones with backpack nukes and ground to air missile launchers and lots of firepower. In other words, the "Sovereigns" in the world today are the International Bankers and the might they can whip up against an opposing country or political group.
The Illuminati Freemasons have destroyed every last remaining spec of "Sovereignty" that ever existed in this country. There are people who win using "Sovereignty" methods, but usually only because they take the judge by surprise and the next time the "Method" is used the judges are ready for it and they just overrule you. The big problem really, is that people do not represent themselves, but instead hire an attorney, who is really an agent of the court. You see, it all goes back to the Original 13th Amendment and "Titles of Nobility".
There are 25 National and 4 State (California) Constitutions that have been discovered. The only ones that have not been repealed or altered are the ORIGINAL ones. These documents are still the "Law of the Land" today. The Original 13th Amendment forbid public officers from holding "Titles of Nobility". "Sir" and "Esquire" etc. are "Titles of Nobility" bestowed by the "KING" on his subjects, thus empowering them and making them "Agents" of the King. The Bar Association is a Fraternal Order that the Judges and Attorneys belong to.
The Judges are not supposed to be Attorneys. Back in early America, everyone knew the Law, because knowing the Law meant your Freedom was important to you. In American Jurisprudence an Attorney's relationship to the court is given first priority over his relation and duty to his client. A client is further defined as a "Ward of the court".
A ward of the court is defined as a "child or person of unsound mind". Therefore someone who hires an Attorney is a child or a person of unsound mind. In court, if you have an attorney, you cannot speak unless the judge asks you a direct question and if you try to you will be removed. An Attorney will never really bring in any crucial information or do anything the judge doesn't like much or they can be sanctioned or have their licenses pulled by the judge's influence in the Bar. If you really want to be free, you must learn to fight in court and learn court procedure and case law, etc. Then you have to know how to apply it.
Even if you do this, you may not win. If the judge respects the Constitution and your rights, you may walk; if not, the judge, who believes he or she is God because nobody showed them differently, may punish you to the fullest extent of the law out of vengeance and there is not much you can do. He can raise your bail so you sit in jail until trial or appeal and they can intentionally make it hell for you in jail. Just ask Ex-Congressman George Hansen, who was brutally tortured in the prison system for trying to help the American people fix the corruption in government.
There are some more recent developments in the law studies going on here in California.
Thomas Marvin Maxwell has published two books, "The Truth About the Motor Vehicle Code" and "The California Code Is Not Law".
He has studied for years and his books document the fact that the CALIFORNIA CODE OF 1872 WAS NEVER LAWFULLY PASSED OR ENACTED. Thomas says "There is really only one thing about the origin of the code that is of real importance, and that is the fact that the four original divisions of the code, as shown with their "approval dates" are not part of the official record of the Public Statutes of California. I have personally inspected the volume in which all the Acts of the California Legislature were published for the nineteenth session, 1871-1872, and there is not one single reference to any of the four approval dates for the four codes.
The codes were approved "off the record". Because of this, it is important to realize that there is no official record of the text of the codes, other than the codes themselves. Every Statute passed by the legislature contains the "text" of the law that is being passed, and the placing of that text in the published volume of the statutes for each session of the legislature, is the permanent record of the laws passed.
There is no such permanent record of the laws passed. There is no such permanent record of the origin of the codes, with respect to them having been a part of the legislation passed at the nineteenth session of the California legislature." Therefore, all Amendments to the "codes" are not valid either. This creates a very large problem for us as a people, but it also provides us with another opportunity and weapon to fight in court with.
Another book along these lines to surface recently is titled "For The Record..., How the Heck are yaa ? ...
This book came out around the middle of March, 1998. It is partially written by William Gary Young and research contributed by Joe Allen and Thomas Marvin Maxwell. This book may be one of the most powerful tools ever developed for fighting in court. The essence of the information is that under the Bretton Woods Agreement, the Secretary of the Treasury is appointed the U.S. Governor of the IMF (International Monetary Fund).
This is a Foreign Principle. All Agents of Foreign Principles must register under the Foreign Agents Registration Law. All employees of the U.S. government are paid by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Through the GAO (General Accounting Office), all funds collected, go back to the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Anyone soliciting funds for the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury or collecting information using the NCIC (National Crime Information Computer), must register.
If they don't register it is a violation of USC Title 18 Section 951, and the fine is up to $5,000 and up to 10 years in jail. Now, you cannot serve two governments or Principles. If they do register, they are deportable as agents of a foreign principle impersonating U.S. officers. If they take a signed and sworn "oath of office", and they are working under the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, they are liable for Treason for being an Officer of the U.S. government and acting as an Agent of a Foreign Principle.
So, they cannot register and they cannot have an oath of office either. They are damned if they do, and damned if they don't.
The truth is "They don't have either one". This is how the IMF controls our puppet politicians. There are specific tactics for bringing this kind of information into the courtroom and when it has been done correctly, the result was that the JUDGES FLED THEIR OWN COURTROOMS.
Warning : Do not use this info in any way in court without the proper background information. It could cost you Time in Jail. However, if applied properly, it just may be the only thing that can save you from a corrupt Judge. These books are available in this new edition of the Catalog.
Also, another little tidbit of info June 25th 1948, the American Bar Association went in and changed all the Statutes they didn't like and left the rest. They knowingly removed and replaced a lot of our laws. This was done without the consent or knowledge of the legislature. So, don't even attempt to use statutes after June 25th 1948, when defending yourself, only when on the offense against them since they are the ones who took an oath to those codes.
Remember "Those who sleep on their rights have none" & "The price of Freedom is eternal vigilance".
And now, I am BACK to tell you all about it, and expose the rotten dirty criminals for what they truly are. I must recommend Eustace Mullin's "The Rape of Justice" to all readers at this point. This was my first serious introduction to how the system REALLY works in this country (Corporation). After reading his book, you may want to move out of the country!! But, then one realizes that they (masons) have made it worse everywhere else in the world, so there isn't really anywhere to go, except to fix the problem that we have in our own backyard. (The Courts).
THEY are the real problem in this country. All of the affairs this country goes through (drug trafficking, assassinations, political scandals etc) are all the direct result of a criminal justice system gone mad! If the politicians were not able to hide their corruption behind even MORE CORRUPT JUDGES, then they wouldn't ever think of committing the crimes they do.
But what makes matters even worse is that the judges are CORRUPT TO THE CORE. There isn't an honest judge in this land who is not corrupt. If you think you know one, then ask him if he owns stock in any corporations and if he has ever done anything in his career to help them in court. The truth is that they ALL own stock and the corporations tell the politicians what to do.
So, ask yourself this : WHO DO YOU THINK IS TELLING THE JUDGES WHAT TO DO???? THE CORPORATIONS!!!! (Masons again, really)
Who are the judges and are they really judges??? Or are they just commissioners??? How about "Trustees in Bankruptcy"??? How does that sound? Is the bar association really legal? Isn't it a monopoly? Is the Bar Association licensed to do business in your state with the Secretary of State? If any of this is true and they are not legal, not licensed, and they are in fact a monopoly, then how is it that they can exist and nobody can do anything to stop them?? And what, if anything, can be done to deal with corrupt judges, prosecutors and police officers, if they are "above the law"?
Well, that is why the militias were coming together prior to the Oklahoma Bombing. To deal with this encroachment on our freedoms and liberties. But, the government, (or at least, criminals within OUR government) placed informants in the groups, set up false militia groups, and hired white supremacists and other brainless people to perpetrate crimes in the name of the militias in order to "smear" the idea of an armed resistance in America in the minds of the half-asleep public.
They did a wonderful job, I have to hand it to them. The militias are almost extinct at this time, the patriot movement took a nose dive around 1997 and 1998, but then at the end of 1998, something miraculous happened that forever changed the face of America. - ROGER ELVICK GOT OUT OF JAIL !!! - Since then, the criminals have called in back-up, have had to hold judges conferences and extra-judicial meetings, and had to plan every diversion strategy imaginable to convince the American public that what Roger is doing is "invalid".
What Roger is doing is called "Redemption" and it is sweeping America and other countries at the time of this writing. At long last the people of America have "REMEDY". As soon as somebody stumbles onto something "valid" like Oxygen Therapies or worms causing cancer, they are attacked by the system as being "dangerous to society". They are usually brought up on trumped up charges, or something where they grasp at straws, like tax matters, and they convict you to shut you up and teach you never to interfere with their criminal affairs again.
They did this to Dr. Hulda Rehger Clark, who discovered the worm/cancer connection mentioned in an earlier intro. section. They also did this recently to Ed McCabe, who has an even larger following, and teaches people about the benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide and Ozone Therapy. Both of these people were charged and threatened with a lot of jail time.
Then , what they do is they OFFER you a deal, and they say something like "Well the judge could give you thirty years if he wants, but if you take this deal we have for you, you will get out in 5 , be on probation, and have to piss-test for us for the rest of your life. And oh yeah, did we tell you that you have to wear a monitoring device, and report to a professional idiot every week and attend "reality restructuring classes every other Thursday at 9:00P.M. and every second Tuesday of the first month of each year FOREVER!!!"
This is the sort of thing they LOVE to do.
So be prepared, if you hire an attorney, to get railroaded and bent-over. But what happens is that when you speak out, they lock you up and that is the last anyone ever hears from you. So, for a long time, that is what the REAL activists and patriots in this country faced. Now, there is a process and an understanding that is changing the way people are treated in the system.
For the first time in American history, the judges and prosecutors are SCARED SH**LESS!!!! -- If only the Montana Freemen had kept studying before they acted on their understandings. They probably would not be in jail right now. They were learning from Roger Elvick among other people, but Roger himself was in jail and hadn't quite figured out the whole game, YET!!! Now, since he has been released, they have tried several times to get him back in jail, WITH NO SUCCESS!!!
He is doing everything he wants and living free and unhindered at this time. He does not handle federal reserve notes or "debt instruments" of any kind. He issues his own "Private Credit Instruments" called "Sight Drafts", or how he refers to them, "Business Plans". He is not actively teaching this to the public or any group of people.
There are several people around the country that are in contact with him, including myself, and we talk and tape record the conversations and study the transcripts in small groups and by ourselves. He is a very kind person who would like to see us all get out of Bondage (Debt). I will attempt to describe a little about the process and philosophy, but this is not the place to teach it at length.
I have put together some materials on this and they are available through the website. Basically, there are a few "key" points that have to be taken into consideration.
These are very important points to consider before tackling this subject. I have talked to dozens of people about this and I have found that most of them look at me as if I speak another language. In other words, it isn't easy to understand.
But I can say this for absolutely 100% sure : IT WORKS when you WORK IT. If you do not understand it, then DON'T DO IT. I have learned, after being put up against the wall, that you should only do what you understand when it comes to these matters. If you don't, then they will see right through you, because they tested me, and God knows they test others as well. They will put you through what is known as "Trail by fire".
If you are a witch, then you will burn, plain and simple. (If you know what I mean). The system cannot afford at any cost whatsoever, to let this get out and become overwhelmingly popular. From what I have witnessed and experienced firsthand, it won't. The main reason being that it is too complicated for most people to understand.
Not that you have to be a rocket scientist, but you have to "adjust" your way of thinking more than anything. "Money" is actually "debt" unless it has been "redeemed", and a lot of people cannot grasp this one simple concept. So, how did this all come about, why was he in jail in the first place, and what happened to make him realize that he was onto the truth, while facing unsurmounting pressure from the criminal system? It was the Montana Freeman deal about the "asking for a refund". They knew what Roger meant (to adjust his account) but they tried to keep the "cat in the bag" so to speak, and threw him in jail for a few years. This was before the Freemen incident in 1996.
So, while he was in jail, a fellow came to him with an IRS problem and Roger told him to "Accept" it. He did. It was for $97,000 Federal Tax Lien they were going to put on him. When he "Accepted" it for Value, they "adjusted his account". Then they sent him a bill for child support for $7,000. Roger told him, instead of Accepting this one, they would tell the Child Support agency to take the $7000 out of the Federal Tax Lien that he had accepted for value.
They did this and the IRS sent him an adjusted account telling him he had $90,000.00 left over. That is because when he accepted the Lien, he owned it, now it becomes a credit (a true private credit). So when the Child Support went after him, he told them to take their share out of his adjusted tax lien balance. Now, I can already hear the wives and ladies yelling "well the guy just got out of paying child support. He's a rotten father and the wife never got a dime and he got off scott free!".
That's not how this works at all, though. - The fellow was very happy. He asked Roger what happened and Roger told him to write a letter to his ex-wife and ask her what happened. So he did and he got a letter back thanking him for the child support payments and bringing the accounts up to date. She told him she got all the back child support from the Treasury and she was getting checks every other week or something to that effect.
She sent him pictures of the kids and everything, and previously she hadn't communicated with him since he went to jail. Now, you, the reader, are probably on earth did she get paid??? -- The way it works, without going into great detail is actually pretty simple. When they do their job, (our fiduciaries, or the ones holding our money) everyone gets paid and everything works out beautiful. When the corporation gets an "acceptance" it becomes worth the value of the bill presented.
They can then take it to the IRS and present it to them as an offset of their own tax liability. When we tender a "private draft" to a corporation, we give them our UCC-1 registration number (our tax "exemption") and they give us their "deduction". There is an equal exchange and everyone is happy. This doesn't always work out this way though, because there are a lot of people within the system that don't understand this material.
Next, you are probably thinking, "well, is there anyone within the system that understands this material?" and how do you know they understand it?" The answer is that they are taught (lawyers, prosecutors and judges) about the UCC and they are instructed in the Bar Association Study Guide as to Offer and Acceptance, the Right of Redemption, etc.
The accountants in the back room of the corporations understand "acceptance" and all the contract material. But there are several things that one must consider as well. Roger has come to an understanding that nobody in this country had realized up until now. That EVERYTHING in the system is "PUBLIC" and we are born "PRIVATE". But then we become "public" by various means, contracts, associations etc. Therefore EVERY time we enter a court and use statutory laws, codes, or any of the corporations regulations, we are admitting that we are bound to their corporation codes etc. and we admit we are employees, and not the Owner/Operator. the constitution where it says that the "...legislature, and all the judges shall be bound thereby..."... but it doesn't say anything about "we the people" being bound. They are the ones who work for us and those are their rules and codes and regulations...FOR THEM TO FOLLOW. When we follow them, we admit we are as ":COMMON" as they are. This is the difference between "Preferred Stock" and "Common Stock".
Only the Owner holds the preferred stock, everyone else has common stock. This also relates to common law as well. Now, when we go into court, it is only in our "Public Business" capacity. To see if there is anyone who has a claim against us. When you are in court, you must realize that it is a "bankruptcy court" and you are there as a creditor or as a debtor. Now, since the corporation went bankrupt in 1933 and so did your straw-man....when the system presented you with that warrant or whatever, it had your straw-man's name on it, not yours.
Was it in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS? Or Upper and Lower case letters?
Well, it pledged your straw-man during the bankruptcy, so your straw-man is a debtor in their eyes, unless you have made him your debtor by filing a UCC-1. So, in essence, when you are there, and YOU, the real, live, flesh and blood character, ANSWER, them (the fiction), you are "recognizing your accuser" and you are "defending' and now you BECOME THE DEFENDANT. -- Would you talk to walls??? Would you listen to cartoon characters??? Well that's what you are doing when you respond to them, since THEY ARE ALL ACTING IN A CORPORATE CAPACITY.
But.... I am Private. So, I don't talk to walls or listen to fiction. Period. When you go into court, the questions to ask are "May I have your name please?".
Then ask "Do you have a claim against me?" Then ask "Do you know anyone who has a claim against me?" Then you can say "I request the Order of the Court(s) be released to me immediately.
By doing this, you get right to the point. No Bull**it, no wasted time.
The point to this is that when you are asking the questions, they are in your court. When they are asking questions, you are in their court. So, you never answer any question in court. Only find out who is the one coming at you. Then proceed to ask your questions. It doesn't matter what they say. Whatever they say can and will be used against them. Let them testify. Let them hang themselves.
Give them the rope, and get out of the way, cause it's going to be BLOODY!!! The judge may even get some blood on his sleeve and try to get tangled into it. Sometimes they won't. It all depends on the situation, and how they feel that day...your much they have had to drink that morning on the way to the court to work....etc. But one thing for sure...THEY WILL LOSE EVERYTHING ...if you know what to do. It involves them going into involuntary bankruptcy, and that is where this get's really FUN!!!!
They are also liable for the IRS taxes on their claims they are making against you and much much more. So, without going into a whole book's worth of essays on commercial law, I will get back to what happened to me.
My girlfriend and I were growing cannabis for medical purposes and we both had doctor's recommendations, and we were living in Los Angeles at the time. I was running my Hemp Booth on Venice Beach. All of this is documented and reproduced in this catalog. So, to make a long story short, I ended up hiring a lawyer and pleading guilty with probation and the allowance to continue to do whatever I was doing under Prop. 215 as long as I didn't get in any other sort of trouble. (Yeah, right, like that was even the least bit possible)
Later, as I was going through the agreement with the courts on this matter, an agreement to attend some meetings and pay a $500.00 fine, I learned about Redemption, right after Roger got out of jail and the American's Bulletin published a story on it all in the July / Aug. Issue of 1999. So I got everything I could get my hands on and started learning about it all.
It helped that I had some knowledge from learning about what the Freemen were doing in Montana. THAT took a lot of studying as well, around 1996, but eventually I "got it", and started to understand what they were doing with the UCC and negotiable and non-negotiable instruments. So then I moved up north. Then, at some time later, I did all of my acceptance paperwork with all of the people in my cases.
I accepted both cases for value and put the court on notice of my new found position as the owner/operator of this corporation. Needless to say, this didn't go over very well with the judge. Especially after I sent him a "Bill of Exchange" (copy) with his name in the debtor location and listing "All real and personal property" as the collateral. So, I was sent a "Minute Order" to appear, which I subsequently "Accepted For Value" and returned it for "settlement" of my account. This led to a warrant being put out for my arrest.
(I wanted to add something here that I feel is very important. I was advised by people I was studying with NOT to go to court on the warrant. That it would go away because of the acceptance etc. Well,. that may be fine if the warrant is in your home town. Then, most likely, you will be released in 72 hours as you should be. But, if it is from another county, like Los Angeles, and you are in San Francisco, and they arrest you, YOU WILL BE EXTRADITED back down to Los Angeles, and you may have to wait 10 days in jail before they ship you there. Then another few days there until you see the judge, and then "release" if all goes according to plan.)
At the time, I was under the impression that I has taken care of everything, and I was prepared in case they dragged me into court. But, I wasn't prepared for this event, and I don't think you can EVER be. This paperwork was sent in around March 2000. Then in May, there was a knock on my door and it was a police officer responding to a domestic violence call in the building. (Part-set-up)
So they knocked and since it was early in the morning and I hadn't had my wheaties yet, I answered the door, thinking they just wanted to know if the cannabis I was growing was legal (medical) or not. When I did, they ran the name to check for warrants, and lo and behold, my stupidity had crept in and got the best of me, for a moment. They took my crop (again!) and arrested me and I went down to L.A. to face 'da judge. This would probably be a good time to interject this one point. It has to do with the 72 hour hold-time and release from custody. You see, if they don't have a "charge" , or you have "accepted" it all for value, then they have to take it all off their books.
THEY HAVE TO. Of course, we do have "rogue agents" and follow their own agenda, but more often than not, the fear of jail and losing all possessions even makes the criminals that run our system cower and run for cover when it appears that they are going down. So, what I am saying here, is that occasionally you will get "bluffed".
And they will try to keep it on their books by making you a "new offer".
This could be in the form of a action or statement in the courtroom. Even subtle. The judge asks you "do you want to goto jail right now?" "If you don't answer the questions that is exactly where you are going". So, no matter what you do, they may have it "out for you". In which case they will bluff their asses off to find out exactly how much you know, and to see if they can make you go back and take back your acceptance. They even tried to force someone to do this recently. But they didn't.
When you are in court asking your 3 magic questions, they may try to stumble you. Roger has made the comment "They need you there to adjust the account from one side to the other". He has stated to the effect that "they may arrest you, take you into custody, book you, but then release you. This is them moving it from one side of the account to the other. The way the acceptance works, it is a "pass-through".
So, according to Roger, they need your permission to pass through you, and that is what they are doing when they "hold you" for 72 hours. When they don't have a "claim" and you have caused them to testify to that fact, they have to release you. But THEY MAY lock you up for 72 hours. They have done this to at least 2 or 3 people that I know of, and Roger has said that this is normal. This is due to the 72 hour 3 day Federal Truth-in-Lending, for settlement of retail agreements. You see, when you are being locked up in prison, you are a commodity.
They warehouse you and issue a warehouse receipt. The bond. The lawyer or prosecutor is the one holding the bond and holding you in jail for the liability or the "non-acceptance / dishonor" of the charge (due-bill). So, if all goes right, they have to release the property (debtor straw-man) to you, the owner, when you ask for the "Order of the Court to be released to me immediately".
That is them taking the debtor they are holding (straw-man) and turning over the property to you, the rightful owner. Now, this is where it gets REALLY interesting, especially for all you economics and government students. Every time we do an acceptance, it infuses the system with "private credit". This hasn't been done since 1933.
Clinton tried to claim it was him, then bush took the credit after he got into office, but the truth is, and always has been, that YOU CANNOT PAY A DEBT WITH A DEBT!!!!! None of the debtors (government employees or anyone for that matter) can pay down the debt, only WE, the people, PRIVATELY, can REDEEM the debt.
So for the first time now, the national debt is going down and we are started to turn the tide of economic bondage in this country. ALL THANKS TO ROGER ELVICK. It took the right person, in the right place (jail for 5 years) at the right time (year 2000) to figure all this out and when the truth is dug up and the history books are re-written to tell the truth, it will be known that the man who saved this country was Roger Elvick.
There are so many stories of success that I can't even remember them all. But just last week, a fellow researcher and a friend of Roger, was in custody in his jail clothes in the courtroom. Asked two questions and the prosecutor called a recess. They came back in and the prosecutor asked to throw out all charges. The judge immediately said "case dismissed" and they took him out of the courtroom through the back door, put him out on the street and told him to change his clothes out there. Out on the street.
They didn't even take him back to the cell or anything. (OUT YOU GO, YOU ARE NO DEBTOR!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? (Basically, in a nutshell))
And that is only the most recent success. There are many more stories just like this that I am not going to get into here. As hard as this is to believe, and alot of people ask me for proof all day long, all I can say is,
Does this make any sense? In other words, without faith, if you need proof, then you may be looking for it the rest of your life when it was right under your nose all along. Everybody wants "proof" but they aren't willing to study the materials to see if it makes any sense.
They aren't willing to go to court when someone is going to do an "acceptance" to see the reactions in the courtroom. In other words, "if you want proof, go out and prove it to yourself". I have proved it to myself by DOING IT. The system is always trying to cover their asses. If you could go down and pull the records, then they would be exposed.
Most of the time, they play it off, so it looks like something else got you released, or there was an error, or they just never pursued it because it wasn't an important matter, or WHATEVER they say, they BLUFF and LIE constantly to cover their asses. Otherwise, as soon as you or your friend could pull up the docket and read that this is what happened and then it was all over with, that would indicate right away that this works, and so everybody and their grandmother would go out and do it and do whatever they like.
So they HAVE TO BLUFF. IT IS THEIR NATURE TO LIE. When somebody does this correctly and they adjust the account, it is no longer on the books, escrow had closed and there is no more case. The record is sealed. All of the court cases are "open escrow accounts" and none of them have been closed, since none of the cases had been "accepted for value" until recently.
Now, alot of times, even though you may have done the acceptance, they want to keep making money off you. They will try to keep it on their books, unless you let them know you are going to proceed to take them into involuntary bankruptcy, if your accounts are not adjusted. You see, there are a lot of people doing this right now, and most of them DO NOT understand what they are doing, YET!
So the courts are not going
to just "roll over" when someone walks in and accepts everything.
There are people who are "profiteers" moving into the Bay area medical cannabis movement. Some of these people are from the East Coast, New Jersey etc. They are setting up shops in the bay area and attempting to profit from the situation, thus leaving the real medical patients and clubs to take the blame along with them.
They are selling cannabis in any amounts people want to buy with no restrictions, and staying open late at night to maximize business. These people are ruining it for the medical marijuana scene and should be held "accountable". They operate like thugs and have "hit-men" like guys standing outside as security guards. These people are dangerous and should be dealt with. The police are already aware of them and investigating, but it appears that the situation will be causing a backlash by city council people and police.
What exactly did the Supreme Court rule?
In a nutshell, piercing through the veil of deceit...., they ruled that in a corporation, a corporation that is a sub-corporation, (Oakland Buyers Club) could not use the medical necessity as a defense to avoid being charged. 1.
The suit was brought by Jeff Jones in the name of the OAKLAND BUYERS COOPERATIVE, being a "registered corporation" in relation to the mother corporation, the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, and the grandmother corporation, THE UNITED STATES, thus it is a fiction, cannot be injured or seek medical necessity defense. Did you hear them say "no government recognized medical value".
That is because they value it at "zero". (Back to redemption). The Supreme Court admitted that they would have had a better chance if the suit had been brought in the name of the individual, instead of the Corporation. What they were really saying in essence, is we might have had a little more sympathy for your issue if you had brought the suit as a person (corporation), instead of a registered business (corporation), but then again...... Either way, it would all be "public" and part of the corporation, a fiction, a cartoon.
My new name for the UNITED STATES is "Disneyland" and my new name for the President of the UNITED STATES is "Mickey Mouse", and the Vice President "Goofy". These are the characters running our country (corporation). They are nothing but CARTOON CHARACTERS acting like real people. GEORGE BUSH is a fiction, so is DICK CHENEY.
They are not real!! But they are as long as we pay attention to them. My new resolution for the year 2001 is that "I will no longer listen to Mickey Mouse and Goofy directing my life in any way whatsoever." I think all Americans should consider this resolution. How much power do we give Mickey Mouse and Goofy each day in our lives.
And WHY???
Sure, the corporation is important, but we own it, don't we? Or do we work for it? I am the Owner/Operator, myself. What about you? Are you letting Mickey Mouse tell you what to do in 2002? McVeigh just got put to death last week. The truth started to come out. J.D. Cash exposed the discrepancies and the cover-up of documents that revealed that the government knew who John Doe #2 was but kept it a secret.
All of this was exposed in length right here in a previous intro. I wrote a few years back. We, the people have known all along that the government was involved, and even helped McVeigh!!! Was McVeigh an "agent"? Was he implanted with a micro-chip like he claimed? How about all of the "other" mass shooting incidents in the last few years.
There have been an awful lot of "school shooters", "white-house shooters", "church bombers" etc. in the news lately. Is it a coincidence, or is it conspiracy? Is there a place where all these crazy people meet, discuss their deranged plans, and decide how they are going to execute them and in what order? It would almost seem as though that were the case,...sometimes. Bufford Furrow, the white house shooter, claimed he was the "leader of the new world order". That is just one incident, but there have been many.
It is my understanding and the understanding of a growing number of people, that these people all spent time in psychiatric and possibly CIA-run institutions, and therefore may have been "programmed" to do these things for a higher purpose, for the secret societies to use to wage more war (restrictions of liberties) on us, the free people.
All of these events are leading up to a "peak" of idiocy in consciousness, where we are tired of hearing about all of these crazy things, and the world, in the opinion of the masses of dumbasses who have been brainwashed by television, is, that the world is far too dangerous of a place for our children , and therefore, we must, for the safety of society, remove ALL WEAPONS from EVERYONE'S POSSESSION! -- No, maybe I'm just being paranoid, huh? Columbine..... Shoolyard shootings. The official website of the students of columbine claimed that there is a cover-up, and that the police are in on it. They claimed everything is being distorted by the media and the truth isn't coming out. I went to look up the site to post the address here, but it is not around anymore.
The address might be changed, though. Does anyone know who George Bush Jr. IS???????
He is the "Leader of the new world order", if there ever was one. He was asked, on television, in a news conference, about his affiliation with "skull and bones". How did he respond? I don't remember word for word, but it went something to the effect of "am I a member? well, I've heard that this is such a secret society, if it's so secret, how would I know anything about it?"
This was broadcast on national television (TO MY GREAT SURPRISE AND OVERWHELMING ENJOYMENT) on a documentary on "skull and bones". This was aired due to the persistence of Ron Rosenblaum (I think that's spelled correct), who first broke the story of "skull and bones" in an 1977 (? I believe) edition of esquire magazine.
Then Antony Sutton picked up on it and published "America's Secret Establishment" after learning that a good number of people he had been writing about in his books on the establishment were all in fact, part of this secret society, and nobody even knew about it. That was in 1984-85. Ron had sneaked into the fraternity to catch documented video footage of an initiation. At first, this would seem rather incredible, being that we are in the year 2000, and this is one of the oldest, most powerful fraternal societies in existence. So what was captured on tape?
A girl screaming and howling, basically. One would get the overall impression that this isn't too serious and hardly an "old boys club".
There is a reason for that though. A short period after Sutton's book came out, then others started talking about it and so forth, skull and bones changed, or rather Yale University changed their policy on fraternal organizations and made it so they have to admit women. Well, do you think things have really stayed the same since then??? Of course NOT.
And keep in mind, that Yale University was founded in 1701 by a member of the Russell family, a member of the family that STARTED SKULL AND BONES AT YALE, Rev. Nodiah Russell. General William Huntington Russell co-founded Skull and Bones at Yale with Alfonso Taft, ex-president Howard Taft's grandfather. So, skull and bones is to Yale like pens are to paper, and if they want to protect it, they will find out a way to do so. Chupa my what, holmes??? I said Chupacabra, not suck my....., relax homey.
What the hell is a chupacabra? A goat-sucker!!! - I know that. But WHAT THE HELL IS IT??? Is it the demon unleashed from our worst collective nightmares? Or what??? I want to know.
I will go to Puerto Rico and I will catch a chupacabra. I will sit on a barn-house with my electronic invisible fence that stretches 50 feet high and 100 feet wide with my "goat sacrifice/offering" and my 12 gauge ...waiting.... A man did something similar to this recently, after they kept sucking his goats blood dry, and leaving carcasses all over each morning.
All he had was a shotgum though, unfortunately. But he shot it, and it ran, wounded down the road a ways. Then the next day, it was rotten away and half-eaten by buzzards and upon seeing it visually in the daylight, he realized that it was like nothing he had ever seen before. He took it to the University for study. After a few weeks they returned it saying it was just a dog.
When he arrived to pick it up, he found they had replaced it with a canine, and he swears up and down that that is not the aminal he brought to them. So now, he's back on the roof with his 12 gauge, waiting to catch another.
His name is Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo and his website is <>. He is "on the trail". He claims as well as other news sources that the people of Puerto Rico believe that this is an army experiment of some genetic sort that got lose or escaped and the government is trying to cover it up and / or keep it under control.
According to one source a flying saucer with bright lights and everything, was seen one night. The next day, when the site was investigated, there were landing marks in the grounds, and thousands of "foot prints" leading away from the craft in different directions, indicating that the disc had dropped off the chupacabra that evening and they ran into the surrounding areas. Then there were reports of goat and farm animal attacks in the following days.
This almost sounds like a great sci-fi-film, except for the fact that it's ALL TRUE AND HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!! Anyways, I won't be satisfied until I catch one up close. If they think they are going to abduct me, then they are in for a surprise, because I am the more curious one of the species and I WILL CATCH ONE! One day, when I have the time and funds to go to Puerto Rico with some friends, like a hunting expedition. Then I will bring him home and feed him to my pet nile monitor lizard, who eats EVERYTHING including my hands. I personally don't have an opinion on this phenomenon, I just want one for myself as a pet.
Probably the 2 most fascinating things I have come across in the last couple of years are:
The original Greek text says IT'S MARK, IT'S. Then click here for the rest : <> I was in touch with a person who kept me informed about Israeli happenings and a man named Shaul Eisenberg. . He has been dead for a couple of years, but apparantly, he is one of the most under-reported, key, influential, political players of the 1980's and 90's.
Much bigger than George Soros.
This person claimed to known him personally and did some work for him. From what this person sent me, and my own research, verified that this person is worth looking into for conspiracy theorists and researchers. These e-mails are re-printed : Click Here!! <../shaul.html> Another topic I wanted to touch upon here was the railroads companies and their vast land holdings. According to the book "Pandora's Box", which I still believe is THE VERY BEST BOOK OUT THERE, the railroad manufacturing companies, the railroad builder companies, were given vast land grants at the start of this country.
This actually spanned the enire United States when laid out geographically. All of this land was then leased to people and corporations that we hear about today, like General Moters and General Electric, and the Vanderbilt "Biltmore" estates etc. But what about the inherent POWER that lies in these companies and their owners that held the rights to all of this land?
This book goes into the 99-year railroad leases and the time they were set to expire (1992-1999.) This means that at this time, the land reverts back to the original owners, the railroad manufacturing companies. But what has become of them today? There is a family mentioned in this book that emigrated here to America from France, and they were apparently, the bloodline that is referred to in "Holy Blood, Holy Grail", the ancient Merovingians bloodline. According to the book, this is the family that all of this land and these railroad companies belonged to. But where are they today , and what plans do they have in store for us in the near future?
Remember the "Denver International Airport" story?
This has made it's rounds on the internet conspiracy circles, but I want to say right here and now, that the first time this information appeared was in "Pandora's Box II". It was exposed by the writer "Alex Christopher" in these books. There are certain words which one may do a search for on the internet and come up with almost nothing at all. It is as if they have scanned the internet and piece by piece removed any reference to this family or their corporations or even the railroad companies from the 17 and 1800's.
They are removing certain information from the internet that pertains directly to this family and where they are at today. Just try doing a search for "Lancaster Cotton Mills", and see what you come up with. This is one od the MOST important companies in the history of the country. They owned everything else in this country. If you truly want to go down the conspiracy tunnel to find the white rabbit, then this is IT!!!! Most people assume that the world has changed dramatically from where it once was two hundred years ago.
People make all kinds of claims like,
Well all that might be true, but SO WHAT, if the land that everyone leases from is all owned by one family or corporation, and they can have their museums, courthouses, farmhouses, etc. all thrown off the land at the landowners request!!!
Then where is Bill Gates? Out on the streets, that's where!
So, it is,
You will have to get the book if you want to know the name of this family and what they own and control today. The reason for this is the following : This is a heavy duty issue, and I am not going to lay blame or cast any shadow of condemnation on a particular individual or group without direct evidence. I believe this to be the family that controls the world, but that doesn't mean I'm right.
This is where my research has led me. By my pointing my finger in their direction, I would be accusing them of something very bad and nasty. I hesitate to do that directly because I think about the possibility that I do not understand things entirely or as much as I need to in order to make that kind of judgement.
It is alot to assume that a particular family has survived since the fall of Jerusalem by Rome in 70 A.D., and that they currently control all the land and corporations in America, but this is where my research has led me, and that is all I can say for now, for certain. I have alot of information that I do not release as well as info. that I discuss and release for the "public".
I have more reason than ever to believe that they are still around today. I am not sure though that these are the people responsible for all of the rotten things going on in the world, although it would appear that they would have their hands in it. I liken it to a corporation created for one purpose, a good one possibly, that builds machines, say. But the owner goes away and leaves his corporation to his employees and trustees.
He passes away, and his children come to the company one day and realize that his fathers dreams have been destroyed. The company that his father built to create machines to save us time and trouble is now being used to create machines that kill people instead. You see, the family involved here, did not stay involved in the corporation (America) after it was set up and given to them for the future king of Jerusalem. It was embezzled (stolen) from them along the way by another family from the civil war era, who you will also find NO MENTION of on the internet.
So, now in the year 2001, the original family has been in court attempting to get their possessions back from the family that embezzled everything from them. I believe they have accomplished this task at this time. There is alot more, but unless my life becomes in danger, it will not be further discussed on this website for now.
There is more than enough info. here for anyone to do their own investigating. And then you may come to your own conclusions. And lastly, I wanted to touch up on my current beliefs on extraterrestrials. Do reptilian aliens really exist or not? Are they controlling humanity and eating us on the side?
I don't know yet, but I have some really strange thoughts about it all. Like maybe we created them, and they just don't want us to know it. Maybe they were our pets at one time? Maybe we were theirs and we got a clue? Maybe we started out as a race of superbeings in Atlantis, did genetic experiments to create dinosaurs, reptilians and other "pets" for our amusement, and they got out of control. Maybe they made us, and the dinosaurs to keep us under control, and we got loose, and killed all their dinosaurs.
Or maybe it all has to do with sex. Yeah, that's it, probably. The reptilians were really us, seeking sexual pleasure so we created earth women to have sex with and have lusty evening spaced-out encounters with, then we found out that we weren't attractive enough for them to fall in love with, so we changed our genetic DNA to make them feel more comfortable having sex with us, so now we have totally lost our concept of space travel, time cycles, our inner personal spiritual nature, and what we want out of life. Sounds like the typical man falls for woman, loses everything, trip.
But on a more serious note: David Icke has gone to Africa to interview a shaman from the Zulu tribe who has had many encounters with these "reptilians" and even claims to have eaten them on occasion. This guy must be one bad-ass motherf****er. I wouldn't want to mess with him. I haven't seen the video yet, but I will be ordering it soon enough.
It is a two video set, and sounds very interesting. I don't know what I think yet, of David Icke, though. Jordan Maxwell claims Icke stole alot of material from him and never even thanked him. I wouldn't doubt it, but I don't want to cast blame without more evidence. Jordan claims to have started Icke on the whole reptilian agenda research. This I would believe though. Icke has done some very good research, however, he has shot up his own credibility as well by saying some truly outrageous things without having very much physical evidence.
He appears to be a good-natured person, with a good sense of humor, which I can appreciate, but I have learned that saying and printing things is something you have to be responsible for. I don't know if Icke has any concept of this or not. But then again, I haven't read a complete book by him yet, so who am I to say? I would love to have an encounter with one of these beings, good or bad.
Hopefully, I would have some bud on me at the
time... and a pipe.