by Mike Adams
the Health Range
May 05, 2011
NaturalNews Website
Spanish version
In light of the string of the blatant
falsehoods being announced by the U.S. government these days (FDA,
DHS, White House, etc.) it's interesting that so many people still
believe whatever they are told by "official" sources.
It brings up the question of the
functioning of their brains:
How could a person swallow official
information so gullibly and so completely without even asking
commonsense questions about the reliability or factual basis of
that information?
These people, it turns out, are
operating from what I called The Gullible Mind.
It is a
psychological processing malfunction that filters out information
based on its source rather than its integrity.
People who operate from
The Gullible
Mind tend to have misplaced trust in,
mainstream news networks
...or anyone who wears
the garb of apparent authority.
Whereas a normal, intelligent person would raise commonsense
questions about information they receive from all sources, the
Gullible Mind wholly accepts virtually any information from sources
that occupy the role of apparent authority in society.
never lie
But how does this work inside their heads? It's an interesting
Gullible Mind people do believe it is
possible for a government (or institution) to lie; but they believe
that governments, institutions and doctors choose NOT to lie even
when it would serve their own self interests to do so.
Follow this carefully, because this is the fascinating part. These
Gullible Mind people effectively believe that even though a
government official could lie about something, they would never
actually do so.
And why wouldn't they? Because, ultimately, the
Gullible Mind crowd believes that governments, institutions and
mainstream media outlets operate from a sort of honor code. So even
if it were in the interests of our own government to lie to us, it
would never happen because that would violate this imaginary honor
Where does this honor code exist? Where is it written down? Nowhere,
of course. It is imaginary. But to The Gullible Mind, it seems real.
Interestingly, even though this "honor code" only exists in the
imagination of The Gullible Mind person, they project this
code onto sources of authority, imagining that they abide by it.
This is how The Gullible Mind person believes that network news
always reports the truth.
The news networks have a sense of
"honor," they believe, and this sense of honor requires them to
always report the truth and never manipulate the news for any
nefarious purposes. So news networks never "shape" the news and they
only report what is factually true without any consideration
whatsoever of politics or advertiser profits.
This view of the world is, of course, laughably naive. And yet it is
the core belief system of at least half the population - the
Gullible Mind half that believes everything it is told by its own
government, media or authority figures.
Interestingly, the Gullible Mind is also inwardly gullible because
it does not recognize its own gullibility. Instead, it believes it
is operating as a Rational Mind.
This false Rational Mind believes
it functions as a critical filter of incoming information, but even
this is self deception. In truth, this false Rational Mind is on
"auto filter" so that it filters out any information that conflicts
with the information it is receiving from official sources.
This is the key to understanding the Gullible Mind - it isn't the
quality of the information itself that matters; it is the
confirmation of the story from official sources that "makes it real"
in the Gullible Mind.
The Easter
Bunny killed Bin Laden!
For example, let's say a Gullible Mind person comes across an
announcement that says the Easter Bunny has killed Osama Bin Laden.
The report claims that colored eggs were found near Bin Laden's
body, and there was evidence of feathers being left at the scene,
which proves the Easter Bunny was there.
Now, an intelligent, rational mind would have a lot of questions
about this.
For starters, rabbits don't have feathers. And the
Easter Bunny is a piece of fiction, too. On top of that, how could
the Easter Bunny kill Osama Bin Laden? An intelligent person would,
upon reviewing the holes in the story, be forced to conclude the
story is fiction. The only logical conclusion from that is that the
government is lying to them.
A Gullible Mind person, however, would not ask whether rabbits have
feathers, or whether the Easter Bunny is capable of conducting a
military raid. Instead, the Gullible Mind person would first look to
other confirming news sources in order to determine the reliability
of the story.
They would turn on the TV or surf the internet,
looking for the news to be repeated through "official" sources.
Once they found CNN, or Fox News, or some other "official" source
reporting that the Easter Bunny killed Osama Bin Laden, then that
news report would instantly become "real" in their minds.
Suddenly it has shifted from their
mental processing queue to the "absolutely truth" part of their
brain, and from that point forward, no one can question that reality
in their heads.
Don't bother
arguing with a Gullible Mind - they are immune to facts
At this point, their rational mind is completely shut off on the
No accumulation of facts can, at that
point, rattle their "reality." For example, a person who believes
the government's story of 9/11 has already embraced the Easter Bunny
version of terrorists flying airplanes into the World Trade Center
So how did this act cause the WTC 7 building to collapse in
a demolition-style free-fall a few hours later, when WTC 7 was never
struck by airplanes? How can a steel and concrete building suddenly
and magically collapse in perfect structural synchronicity merely
from being on fire?
The answers don't matter to The Gullible Mind, you see. There is no
room for facts inside their heads, because all the space has been
taken up with what is essentially a cult-like belief in institutions
of authority.
We saw this in
the Heaven's Gate cult in California a few years
back. The leader of that cult, a man named Applegate, positioned
himself as the one and only source of authoritative information
among the cult followers.
So HE became the authoritative source
whose information was wholly accepted without questioning or
skepticism of any kind. At that point, he was able to quite easily
convince his followers that an alien race was going to land a UFO on
the far side of a comet, and that if they killed themselves, they
would be transported onto the alien ship (or something like that).
The belief in such a story may seem silly... until you realize that
the governments of the world use the exact same cult-like tactics to
get their own "followers" to believe everything they say, without
So if President Obama announced that an alien race was
going to land a mother ship on the White House lawn, and that people
who voted for him would have their consciousness transferred to an
immortal alien body, the remarkable truth is that millions of people
would believe that. Perhaps tens of millions. They would even
worship him as an interstellar saint.
Orson Welles' radio program that
announced aliens had invaded the Earth and were destroying our
Huge numbers of people believed it was really happening... and not
because it made any sense, but because the information came from the
source they trusted.
To those people, the alien invasion was
just as real back then as Bin Laden's official death is to
government followers today.
history, many conspiracy theories have turned out to be true
Government lying, of course, has been going on for as long as
governments have existed.
Not all conspiracies theories are true, of
course, but so many of them turn out to be true that the idea of
"not believing" in conspiracies makes no rational sense.
To not believe in conspiracies means you don't believe two people
have ever sat down and plotted to take advantage of others in some
unethical and deceptive way. Well gee, that describes virtually
every board meeting of every large corporation in the world!
Conspiracies are not just commonplace; they're practically
synonymous with modern-day capitalism! Even right now, Apple is
being accused of a
conspiracy to keep employee wages artificially
I wonder:
Do the Gullible Mind people also not believe in that
conspiracy theory? Are all conspiracy theories automatically tossed
out merely because of the word "conspiracy?"
For those who don't know their history,
here's a list of
33 conspiracy theories that turned out to be
These are all historical facts. They are indisputable. But to
Gullible Mind, none of this history exists. What's real is only what
they are being told right now by the White House.
George Bush
occupied the White House, the daily fibs were things like,
Iraqis want us to occupy their land with military personnel because
we are setting them free!"
Oh yeah, that's a bit of twisted logic,
for sure.
But it's no different from
Obama's version of the war
fairytales, which includes such gems as,
"We're only dropping
humanitarian bombs on Libya." Or, "It's not actually war. It's only
kinetic military action."
But you see, it makes no difference whether anything they say is
actually true... at least not to The Gullible Mind, which believes
there is no such thing as a conspiracy theory.
There is no such
thing as a nefarious government, either.
when Columbus landed
in the New World, his entire crew shared food and wine with the
Native American Indians, we're told. There was no raping, no murder,
no genocide. That's why we continue to celebrate Columbus Day every
Because the Gullible Mind wants a reason
to get off work for a day, even if it requires a complete revision
of actual historical facts.
The most
popular issues of Gullible Mind people
Vaccines are good for you
Vaccines are "safe and
effective" merely because doctors and the CDC say they are,
not because of any reliable scientific evidence.
The economy
is in great shape
Gullible Mind people are easily
influenced to stop thinking about the $14 trillion national
debt that's growing by the day and simply go along with
whatever economic fictions are being woven in Washington.
Governments and corporations are looking
out for your 'best interests'
drug companies only want to
find cures and make everybody healthy. The government is
here to help. We should all stop asking questions and just
do what we're told.
Nothing will ever run out
There's no such thing as Peak
Oil. Our world can continue its throwaway economy without
end, they believe. We'll never run out of gas, water, soil
or natural resources. Keep using stuff up and throwing it
all away!
Food additives are good for you
Otherwise, the FDA wouldn't have
approved them, would they?
There's no such thing as a cure for
The ultimate pessimists, the
Gullible Mind crowd believes
cancer has never been cured!
And if a cancer cure did exist, we would know about it by
now, right? (Because our scientists already know everything
that's worth knowing, you see...)
There are no other non-terrestrial
civilizations or beings in our universe
Amazingly, we are 'the only
intelligent forms of life' that have ever existed, they
believe. Any talk of non-Earth intelligence is just a bunch
of "fringe" nonsense. There was never any
life on Mars,
Herbs and plants have no medicinal value
That's right, only conventional
medicine can "treat" you, because that's what the doctors
Herbs and plants have zero biological value beyond
their calories alone, they insist.
... and on it goes, one delusion after
A Gullible Mind, it seems, will believe
almost anything if it comes from a "trusted" source. But that same
Gullible Mind will discount straight-up facts if they don't come
from those same trusted sources.
How to stop
being a Gullible Mind
Interestingly, most of the people who are intelligent, skeptical
thinkers today used to be Gullible Mind people at one time or
another. There was a point where they simply "awakened" and began to
consciously question the world around them.
Intelligent, informed skeptics are the people asking questions like:
Why do twenty different
mainstream news sources all
report the
exact same news, using the
exact same words, on the exact same day?
If they were all investigating and writing their own news,
wouldn't their news be different?
Why did Wall Street get a
multi-trillion-dollar bailout from Washington while the
American people are still required to pay taxes that involve
sending money to Washington? If Washington can just
magically create a trillion dollars overnight, why do we pay
taxes, then?
Why does
the USDA now actively
conspire with
GMO seed companies to keep approving
genetically modified seeds even without any scientific
evidence of their long-term safety?
If mercury is one of the most
toxic substances known to modern science, why is it still
being deliberately placed into the mouths of children in the
form of "silver" fillings? And why are they called "silver"
when they actually contain more mercury than silver?
Where does
the fluoride used to
fluoridate the public water supplies really come from? And if fluoride is
so good for people, then why is it so hazardous to handle,
and why is it considered a hazardous chemical by the EPA?
What really happened
on 9/11?
How did WTC 7 collapse if it was never hit by any airplanes?
Why did they sweep away the rubble before a proper forensic
analysis could be performed?
Are vaccines really safe?
Where's the study comparing vaccinated children with
non-vaccinated children? Why won't the vaccine industry
allow such studies to be conducted?
Why does
the cancer industry
seem a lot more interested in treating cancer and recruiting
cancer patients than actually curing cancer and ending the
epidemic? Why does the industry refuse to talk about
cancer-causing chemicals or the anti-cancer effects of
vitamin D?
Why are toxic food additives
still allowed in the food supply? What's the real story on
aspartame and the FDA? Why did the FDA oppress
stevia for so
many decades?
Why is the
medical police state
now using guns to force parents to medicate their children?
In what kind of medical system is it necessary to use the
threat of violence to force compliance?
Why did Clinton bomb the Sudan
in the middle of the Monica Lewinsky crisis? Why did Obama
suddenly announce the
death of Bin Laden in the middle of
his "birther" crisis?
Why do we still have the DEA's
"War on Drugs," especially since there is ample evidence
that the war is a total failure that only increases the
prison population while actually enriching the drug gangs
with higher street prices?
Why is the
TSA still reaching
down our pants at the airports if Bin Laden is now dead?
Wasn't he the whole reason we created the TSA and hired on
those 60,000 security agents in the first place?
An intelligent, skeptical thinker would
ask these questions (and many more) as a natural course of basic
human curiosity.
But a Gullible Mind, attacks the questioner for
even daring to ask such questions.
Who are some
of the awakened people?
That's why the Gullible Mind is more than merely gullible: It is a
cowardly mind. It is afraid to ask questions on its own, and it
simultaneously attacks those who have the courage to stand up and
actually ask those questions (like
Jesse Ventura).
Most members of
the conventional press are, of
course, cowardly minds. They almost universally buy the corporate
spin (or the White House spin) and never ask any tough questions
Some of the people who are asking
intelligent questions about our world, include:
Alex Jones
Jeff Rense
Charlotte Gerson
Jonathan Landsman
David Icke
Jesse Ventura
Gerald Celente
Ron Paul
Robert Scott Bell
Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Suzanne Somers
Dr. James Forsythe
George Noory
Do you see a pattern here?
Each one of these individuals has been
marginalized or viciously attacked and slandered simply because they
chose to ask intelligent questions about the world around them. Now,
I don't agree with every single thing said by each one of these
people, but I admire each of them for having the courage to ask the
questions that need to be asked if we are to move forward as a
society (and civilization).
These kind of people represent the complete opposite of The Gullible
Mind. They are, instead, the "true skeptics"
of the world.
The reason they are viciously attacked is because our
world is so steeped in deceit and conspiracy that only Gullible
Minds are tolerated. Those who question the status quo are not
merely annoying to
the powers that be, but actually dangerous
because the most dangerous activity in which you can engage today is
helping others awaken to what's really happening around them.
It is that "awakening" that is so utterly despised by the web of
corporations, governments and media lackeys that they will do
everything in their power to prevent any sort of awakening from
taking place at all.
The functioning of
the Matrix, after all,
depends on people believing in the illusion.
And it is so much easier to govern, of course, if people just
believe whatever you tell them.
Gullible Minds make great voters and
willing slaves. But lousy company...