A Complete Natural Pharmacy in
Your Backyard
Adult Stem Cell Therapy is
enjoying Widespread Success around the World - But if
the FDA gets its way...
Aging Stopped in Humans - 'First
of its Kind' Clinical Trial TAU Co-Study
Español |
de Mar - Un Plasma Marino al Alcance de Todos
Español |
Agua Oxigenada - Mil y Una
Español |
Agua Oxigenada y Sus Múltiples
Usos -
Los Beneficios del Peróxido de Hidrógeno
A Healthy Way to Food
- Main File
Español |
Al Contrario de los Antidepresivos,
la Psilocibina trata la Depresión haciendo al Cerebro
Más Responsivo a...
Español |
Algunas Plantas y Hierbas que
Curan las Infecciones Respiratorias y Sedan los Pulmones
Español |
Alternativas Naturales sin Efectos
Secundarios, para el Ibuprofeno y Otros
Antiinflamatorios No-Esteroides
Alternative Medicine "Danger" for
Amazing Healing Powers of Aloe Vera
Antioxidant Vitamins May Cut Mortality
Risk - EPIC
Italiano |
Assimilare e Distruggere - Fondazione
Rockefeller: "Sfruttamento e soppressione della Medicina
Assimilate and Destroy - The Rockefeller
Foundation's role in 'Exploiting then suppressing Natural
Bacteria from Bees Possible Alternative to Antibiotics
Bacteriophage Therapy - The Amazing Cure for MRSA Being
Ignored by Mainstream Medicine
Beware of New Plan to Censor
Health Websites
Español |
Beneficios del Dandelión o 'Diente
de León' sobre la Toxicidad de la Proteína Spike o
espiga de la inyección...
Español |
Beneficios para la Salud del
- Cultivando tu Propia Medicina
Español |
Biodisponibilidad de los Elementos y Agua de Mar - Sal de Mar
vs. Agua de Mar
Bipolar Rates Soar Despite Heavy
Use of Psychiatric Drugs
- Natural Alternatives May Prove More Effective
Medicine - The Book
Español |
BIRM - Una Promesa de Vida con
Plantas Amazónicas
Build Your Own Complete
Non-Invasive Anti-Viral System
- Towards Healthcare
Español |
Café de Cannabis Creciendo en
- Los Consumidores son mas Concientes de sus Pro...
Calcium Signaling - Deciphering
the Calcium-NFAT Pathway
Español |
Cannabinoides - La Cura Secreta
Asistente en La Sanación de Varias Enfermedades Crónicas
- Main File
Cannabinoids - The Secret Cure to
Help Heal Many Chronic Diseases
- Main File
Español |
Cientos de Productos de Hierbas
Medicinales a Ser Prohibidas en La Unión Europea a
Principios de 2011
Español |
Cómo la
OMS aprendió a Amar la Medicina Tradicional China
Constantly Tired? Here are 10
Herbs to Increase Energy, Vitality and Adaptability
Corporate Food Checkmated - The
Natural News Food Lab
Español |
- ¿Cuáles
son los Antibióticos Naturales Más Eficaces? - ¿Cómo son
Mejor Utilizados?
Español |
Curaciones con el Dietético
- Casos Clínicos donde Todo Tipo de Medicina ha
Español |
Deficiencia de Vitamina B12 - Un
Iniciador para la Depresión y la Ansiedad
Español |
Descubrimientos del Dr. Hamer
- Nueva Medicina Germánica
- Main File
Dosages and Treatments for
Coronavirus Infections
Do You Know that 80% of Chronic Degenerative Diseases
Originate in The Mouth?
Eastern vs. Western Medicine
- Infographic
Effectiveness of Stevia Rebaudiana
Whole Leaf Extract against the Various Morphological
forms of Borrelia
Eight 'Antibiotics' our
Ancestors Used Instead of Pharmaceutical Pills
Español |
El Fin de las Endodoncias - Un Paso Más Cerca
Español |
El Ganadero Desobediente - Agua de
Mar y MMS
Español |
El Gobierno Español Declara la
Guerra a Formas Naturales de Medicina
Español |
El Hidrógeno - Combustible,
Alimento y Medicina de la Vida
Español |
- 'Ellos
No Quieren que Sepas Tratamientos Virales básicos' - El Agua
es el Tratamiento Más Básico
Español |
El Mito de Las Medicinas
Español |
El Mito de Las Medicinas
Español |
El Oficio de Curar con Plantas - Cuando la
Medicina no viene en Pastillas
Español |
El Secreto de la Inmunidad y Como
Desentoxicar Cada Uno de Sus Sistemas
Español |
El Tratamiento Contra las
Superbacterias que la URSS Preservó y Occidente ha
Preferido "Olvidar"
Español |
El Yodo - Una Medicina Universal
Energy and Health
- Main File
Español |
Envejecimiento detenido en Humanos -
'Primer co-estudio de su Clase' del Ensayo Clínico TAU
Español |
- ¿Es
Este el Origen de la Medicina Alternativa en la Actualidad?
Essentials of Natural Chelation
Español |
Esta es la Vitamina que Frena el
Deterioro Cognitivo - Una experta de Harvard
Español |
Este Científico Enseña a Hacer tus
Propios Medicamentos - Y Minar así el Poder de las
Español |
Este Mineral es El Primer Iniciador en La
Reacción de Nuestro Sistema Inmune a La Curación
Español |
Este Sistema Secreto en su Cuerpo es la
Clave para Vivir sin Dolor
Español |
Descubren que Beber Agua Conduce a La Pérdida de Peso y
Aumento del Rendimiento Mental
Flax Oil as A True Aid
- Lecture November 1959 at Zurich Conference Centre
Four of the Most Common Coughs and the
Plants that Treat Them
Solutions for Preserving Brain Health and Preventing
Herbal Antibiotic Alternatives
Hotter Bodies Better at Fighting
How Nebulized Peroxide helps
against Respiratory Infections
How the Obesity Epidemic Got
Started, and How We Can End It
How the WHO learnt to Love
Traditional Chinese Medicine
How to Naturally Deter Insects
with Herbs Instead of Chemicals
Hundreds of Herbal Products to Be
Outlawed Across EU in Early 2011
Hydrogen for Health - Your Health
and Comfort on Autopilot
Hydrogen History
Hydrogen the Fuel, Food and
Medicine of Life
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improves
In the Gut's 'Second Brain' - Key
Agents of Health Emerge
Introduction to Water Based Medicine
Iodine a Natural Medicine
- Nascent Iodine vs. Iodoral, Lugols, Detoxified Iodine,
and Heritage
Jungle Fungus Eats Plastic and
Beats Cancer
Español |
Kalanchoe - Planta Antitumoral
Español |
La Agricultura del Carbono -
¿"Genial" para los Gigantes Agroquímicos y los
inversores como Bill Gates, pero...
Español |
La Ciencia Sagrada
Español |
La Derrota
del Cancer
- Main File
Español |
La Energia y La Salud
- Main File
Español |
La Esencia de La Enfermedad
Español |
La Magia de las Plantas Sagradas Latinoamericanas gana
espacio entre la Ciencia Occidental
Español |
La Magnetogenética - Una Técnica
para Activar Neuronas a Control Remoto
Español |
La Revolución Agrícola de
Rusia que Puede Salvar al Mundo
Italiano |
La Rivoluzione Agricola
della Russia che Può Salvare il Mondo
Español |
Las Armas Invisibles
contra Superbacterias que la URSS desarrolló Gracias a
Descubrimiento Centenario
Español |
Fantásticas Propiedades Terapéuticas del Agua
Español |
La Terapia de Oxígeno Hiperbárico
Mejora el Autismo
Español |
La Terapia que Ayuda a Revertir
más de 100 Enfermedades - Oxigenoterapia Hiperbárica
Español |
La Vacuna Cubana contra el Cáncer
Pulmonar que Cuesta $1
Español |
La Verdad Acerca de Las Vitaminas
en Los Suplementos Nutricionales
Español |
La Verdad Detrás de Los Remedios
'Naturales' para El Resfriado
Español |
Lo que la Mayoría de los Médicos
no Comprende sobre el Hierro y la Deficiencia de Cobre
Español |
Los Aceites Esenciales Podrían ser los Nuevos Antibióticos
Medicine Beyond - Biology and Healing in a World of Unseen
Structures - Special Introductory Version
Italiano |
Medicine Beyond - La Biologia e la
Guarigione nel Mondo delle Strutture Nascoste - Ver.
Introduttiva Speciale
- Our Microbes and Viruses
- Main File |
Español |
Milagroso Suplemento Mineral
- Main File
Mineral Deficiencies/Radiation
Miracle Mineral Supplement
- Main File
Tree' Substance Produces Clean Drinking Water
Inexpensively and Sustainably
MSM and DMSO - Organic Sulphur as
a Versatile Healer
Español |
MSM y DMSO - Azufre Orgánico como
un Versátil Sanador
Nano Medicine - Treatments for
Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria
Natural Alternatives to Ibuprofen
and NSAIDs with No Side Effects
Natural Medicine for The Times
Natural Options to Try Before
Taking Antibiotics
Natural Treatment of Immunodeficiency Disorders
New Alzheimer's Treatment Fully
Restores Memory Function
New Study finds Inflammation is
Cause of Almost Every Disease - Here's What You Can Do
About It
U.S. Patents Could Signal the End of Pesticides and GMOs
Italiano |
Non Vogliono farvi Sapere i
Trattamenti Basilari per Virus - L'Acqua è il
Trattamento più Basilare
Now Russia Makes an
Organic Revolution
Español |
Nuevo Estudio Encuentra que la
Inflamación es la Causa de casi toda Enfermedad -
¿Que Hacer por Esto?
Ocean Medicine - The Miracle of
Brown Seaweed Extract
Antibiotics Have Stopped Working - Drug Companies don't
Care Enough to Fix It
Control - 5 Natural Pain Relievers
Phage Therapy Gets
Pineapple Enzyme Superior to
Chemotherapy in Treating Cancer
- Research
Plant from Amazon Serves as
Natural Painkiller Alternative
Psycho-Acoustic Medicine - The Science of Sound in Producing
Serotonin, Neurotransmitters and Health
Radical Innovators are Trying to
Transform Health Care
Researchers Declare Alternative
Therapies Dangerous to Children Based on Scant Evidence
- Junk...
Rosemary - Boost Your Memory With
this Nutritional Powerhouse and Super Antioxidant
Rosemary Health Benefits - Growing
Your Own Medicine
Scientists Developed 'Magnetic
Nanoparticles' that can Remotely Modulate Neural
Scientists Discover that
Bacteria Have a Collective Memory
Secrets of Ancient Chinese Medicinal Herb Revealed by
Serrapeptase - The
Miracle Enzyme that No One Seems to Know About
Seven Conditions Masquerading as
Several Plants and Herbs that Can
Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections and Even
Similar to Morphine - The Best
Natural Painkiller that Grows in Your Backyard
Six Crucial Things to Watch Out For When Buying Vitamins
and Supplements
Bicarbonate Treatments
- Main File
Some Plants and Herbs that Heal
Respiratory Infections and Soothe the Lungs
Spanish Government Declares War on
Natural Forms of Medicine
Studies Find that Drinking Water
Leads to Weight Loss and Mental Boost
Study finds Stevia Kills Lyme
Disease Pathogen Better than Antibiotics
says 28,187 Plant Species used as Medicines throughout the
Sweden Recycling 99 Percent of
Garbage, Edging Closer to Zero-Waste
Systematics, Biogeography and Host
Plant Associations of The Pseudomyrmex Viduus Group
Triplaris Ants
Ten Medicinal Herbs that might
Live in your Backyard
The Cuban Lung Cancer Vaccine that
Cost $1
The Defeat of Cancer
- Main File
Essence of Disease
The Five Best Anti-Viral Products to Beat Influenza,
Swine Flu, Bird Flu and SARS
The Healing Properties of Marine
The Health of Trees and The Natural World is Closely
Linked to Our Own State of Health
The Importance of B-12 Supplements
in A Raw Food Diet
New Science - Magnetism and Plasmatronics Will Change
Everything We Know About Health and Our...
The Number One Cause of Health and
The Number One Cause of Disease
The Relationship Between Trees and
Human Health
Sacred Science - 8 People
with Illnesses Go to the Amazon Jungle to Get Better
The Secret of Immunity and How to
Detox Each of Your Systems
The Top 15 Lies You're Being Told
about Health and Mainstream Medicine
The Truth About Vitamins in
Nutritional Supplements
The Truth Behind Natural Cold
The Upside-down Privilege
Narrative in Alternative Health
The World According to Hydrogen
Don't Want You to Know' basic Viral Treatments - Water
is the Most Basic Treatment
This Mineral is The Initial Trigger in The Healing
Response of Our Immune System
Trashing the 'Eight Glasses of
Water a Day' Recommendation
Español |
Tratamiento Natural para
Trastornos de Inmunodeficiencia
Tree and Human Health May Be
Try Nature's Flu Shot Instead of a
Toxic Jab - 9 Ways to Keep your Immune
System Strong
Try The Best Natural Sweeteners
Español |
Un Sano
Camino a Los Alimentos
- Main File
Español |
Uña de Gato - Beneficios, Usos y
Propiedades Medicinales
Español |
el Oxígeno para Recuperar y Erradicar todas las
Using Oxygen to Recover and Wipe
Out All Disease
- Suppressed Therapy in the
Español |
Varias Plantas
Medicinales Dignas de Espacio en su Jardín
Español |
Veneno de Una Hormiga Para Curar
La Artritis
Vitamin B-12 Deficiency - A
Trigger for Depression and Anxiety?
Vitamin B-12 Warning - Avoid
Cyanocobalamin, Take Only Methylcobalamin
Vitamin K Deficiency Symptoms - 5 Signs of Low Vitamin
K Levels
Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation
and Cancer, Cardiovascular, and All-Cause Mortality
What Are the Most Effective
Natural Antibiotics? - And How are they Best Used?
When Antibiotics Don't Work, Use
Nature's Bounty to Kill Deadly Superbugs Like MRSA and
Why Natural Medicine is Not
Español |
Yodo, una Medicina Natural
Your Immune System Has a Memory
Español |
YouTube amplía su Censura hacia
Terapias Alternativas como "Formas de Desinformación
Additional Information |
Deutsch |
18 der Wirkungsvollsten Pflanzen
von Mutter Natur
18 of Nature’s Most Powerful
Medicinal Plants
21st Century Inquisition - Codex
Adverse Events Associated With The
Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in
A Framework for Human Microbiome
Amazing Brain-Boosting Properties of Two Phytonutrients
Found in Common Fruits
- Resveratrol and...
Orally Active Amazonian Plant Extract (BIRM) Inhibits
Prostate Cancer Growth and Metastasis
Another Government Lie? - The
Overwhelming Evidence that Tobacco does NOT Cause Cancer
A Panacea Known as Urine Therapy
- Main File
Association between Water
Consumption and Body Weight Outcomes - A Systematic
A Summary of Forbidden Cures
Least 28,187 Plant Species are Currently Recorded as being of
Medicinal Use
Big Pharma Scores Big Win -
Medicinal Herbs Will Disappear in EU
Español |
Biourban - Tecnología 100%
Mexicana para Purificar el Aire con Microalgas
Bolivia to Expel Coca-Cola in Wake
of 2012 Mayan 'Apocalypse'
- 'End of Capitalism'
Can Ocean Farms Actually Be More
Sustainable Than Even The Most Environmentally Sensitive...
Censored Health Secrets
- An Exclusive Interview With Pioneering Physician Dr.
Jonathan Wright
Chemical Used in Teflon and
Non-Stick Cookware Linked to Heart Disease
Choosing Healthy Foods Now Called
a "Mental Disorder"
Collective Motion of
Bacteria in Two Dimensions
Español |
Del Ibuprofeno al Paracetamol -
¿Qué Son y cómo Actúan y cuáles son sus Efectos
Dendrimer-RNA Nanoparticles
Generate Protective Immunity Against Lethal Ebola, H1N1
influenza, and...
Effects of Menopause on Autoimmune
Effects of 'Schedule I' Drug Laws
on Neuroscience Research and Treatment Innovation
Español |
El Arte de No Enfermarse
Español |
El Estado Natural del Cuerpo es la
Salud y no la Enfermedad como Nos han Hecho Creer
Español |
El Problema Medio-ambiental del
Papel Higiénico - Y qué Utilizar en Su Lugar
Español |
El Sudor Puede Realmente Combatir
La Infección y La Enfermedad
Engineers Design
Programmable RNA Vaccines
- Tests in Mice Show they Work Against Ebola, Influenza...
Español |
- ¿Está
Aumentando el Poder de Curarnos a Nosotros Mismos?
Español |
Estas Pequeñas Criaturas Podrían
Ser Responsables de su Artritis
European Consumer Lobby
Group BEUC Exposed - Supported by Currency
Speculator George Soros...
Flawed Medical Research May Be
Ruining Your Health and Your Life
Functional Profiling of the Gut-Microbiome
in Disease-Associated Inflammation
Ganan Las Farmacéuticas - Hierbas Medicinales
Desaparecerán en La UE
Gut Bacteria Linked to Rheumatoid
Has Drug-Driven Medicine Become A
Form of Human Sacrifice?
Herbal Medicines Banned in Europe
as EU Directive Comes Into Force
How Gut Microbes Shape Human
How Your State of Mind is
Affecting Your Well-Being
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
increases Telomere Length and Decreases Immunosenescence
in Isolated Blood...
Placebo Responses over Time in U.S. Clinical Trials of Neuropathic
Español |
Investigación Confirma Que la
Sudoración Desintoxica de Metales Peligrosos y Productos
Is the Power to Heal Ourselves
Español |
La Ciencia Dice que La Luz Solar
Podría Reducir la Tasa de Muertes Debido a Todas las
Español |
La Ciencia Médica Farmacéutica
Oficial Va Contra La Naturaleza
Español |
La Importancia de la
Español |
La Maquinaria de Enfermedades - El Porqué Los Fármacos Lo
Mantienen a Usted Enfermo
Español |
Las Curaciones Perdidas
Español |
Las Lenguas Indígenas encierran
Conocimientos Clave para la Ciencia |
Español |
La Sombra de La Ignorancia
Italiano |
L'Importanza della
Longer Life Expectancy?
Are We Paying The Price For
Longer Lives?
Español |
Los Potentes Nutrientes
Antivirales Son Críticos Para La Prevención de La
Enfermedad y La Longevidad
Low Salt Diet Does Not Reduce
Heart Disease
- Study Finds
Mainstream Medical Pharmaceutical
'Science' Goes Against Nature
Español |
Maneras Fáciles y Naturales Para
Elevar Los Niveles Bajos de Serotonina
Español |
Medicina Mitocondrial
Millions of Micro Doses from One
Pill - More Effective but
Safer than Conventional Medicines
Mitochondrial Medicine
More Research Shows That Bacteria
are Beneficial, Not Harmful
Mortality and Morbidity Trends -
Is There Compression of Morbidity
Most Cancer Research is Largely a
Fraud - Says One of the Most Important Scientists in the
Español |
Necesitamos Agricultura
Regenerativa, no Geoingeniería
New Marijuana Ruling Shows The Age
of Deception on The Most Medicinal Plant in The World is
New Study Reports Ginger Effective
for Muscle Pain Relief
Español |
Nuevo Reglamento de la Marihuana -
La Era del Engaño sobre la Planta Más Medicinal del
Mundo Está...
Optimism, Cynical Hostility, and
Incident Coronary Heart Disease and Mortality in the
Women’s Health...
Study of Psilocybin Treatment for Anxiety in Patients with
Advanced-Stage Cancer
Placebo Fraud Rocks The Very
Foundation of Modern Medical Science
- Thousands of Clinical Trials...
Placebo - The Foundation Upon
Which Medicine Rests Has No Standard
Español |
Plasma Marino Programado - Ibiza y
Formentera Agua de Mar
Potent Antiviral Nutrients Are
Critical to Disease Prevention and Longevity
Water - The Quality of The Water Determines The Quality
of The Life it Gives
Español |
Reduzca el Estrés y la Ansiedad
con Aceites Esenciales
Remotely Controlled Chemomagnetic
Modulation of Targeted Neural Circuits
Research Confirms Sweating
Detoxifies Dangerous Metals and Petrochemicals
Response of Single Bacterial Cells
to Stress gives Rise to Complex History Dependence at
the Population...
Reversal of Cognitive Decline - A
Novel Therapeutic Program
Scanning Ultrasound Removes
Amyloid-β and Restores Memory in an Alzheimer's Disease
Mouse Model
Science says Sunlight Could Reduce
Death Rate from All Causes
Scientists Studied What Psychedelics Do to the
Brain, and It's Not what You've Been Told |
Español |
Secretos de La Salud Censurados
- Entrevista Exclusiva con el Medico Pionero Dr.
Jonathan Wright
Slow, Steady and Easy Breathing
Subjective Thirst Moderates
Changes in Speed of Responding Associated with Water
Can Actually Fight Off Infection and Illness -
Researchers Find
The Body's Natural State is
Health, Not Diseased as We've Been Led to Believe
The Chemnitz Program - Outlaw The "Business
With Disease"
The Disease Machine
- Why Drug Makers Keep You Sick
The Lost Cures
- The
Nutrition Secret Behind 'The Secret'
The Palliative Machine - Medical
Monopoly Under the Corporation-State
The Placebo Effect - The Triumph
of Mind over Body
The Secret to Healing Virtually
All Diseases
- OneMinute Cure
These Little Creatures Might Be
Responsible for Your Arthritis
The Suppression of Alternative
Medical Therapies
- from 'Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries'
Español |
Todo lo que tienes que Saber sobre
el Síndrome de Intestino Irritable
Español |
Una Panacea Llamada Orinoterapia
- Main File
Italiano |
Una Ricerca Conferma che La
Sudorazione Disintossica da Metalli Pericolosi e da
Prodotti Petrolchimici
Español |
Un Cuerpo Sano y lo
suficientemente Alcalinizado no debería Enfermarse al
estar en Contacto con el Sol
Theory of Medicine
Utilizing The Power of The Breath
to Cleanse the Body from Chemtrails, GMOS, Flouridated
Water, and other Environmental Toxins
We Need Regenerative Farming, Not
Why are Autoimmune Diseases on the
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
World's Largest Carbon
Capture Plant Set to Fight Greenhouse Gasses
World's Largest Carbon-Capture
Plant to Open Soon
You Really Can Protect Yourself
Against Electromagnetic Radiation - It's True and Here's
Aspirin - Aspirina |
Aspirin's forgotten Anticancer Function
Español |
Este 'Dúo' mata más Células
Cancerosas que los Medicamentos de Quimioterapia
Español |
Las Bondades de la Aspirina en Dosis Bajas
Italiano |
Le Qualità della Aspirina a Basse
Español |
Los Muchos olvidados Beneficios de la Aspirina para la Salud
The many Forgotten Health Benefits
of Aspirin
Vitamin C and Aspirin's forgotten
Anticancer Function
Biomagnetismo |
Español |
- Articulo del Dr. J. Amat
Español |
Biomagnetismo Médico
Italiano |
Biomagnetismo Medico
- In Italiano
Español |
Cientificos Koreanos Exitosamente
Matan el Cáncer con Imanes
- ¿Irán Pronto a Ser Censurados?
Español |
Efecto del Agua Tratada
Magnéticamente Sobre los Procesos Biológicos
Español |
El Agua Alcalina
Español |
El Agua Magnetizada - Un Nuevo Modelo de Tratamiento en Las Ciencias Médicas
Español |
El Biomagnetismo y La Salud
Español |
Hiperinflamación Por Acidosis en
Casi Todas Las Enfermedades y Su Corrección
Español |
Imanterapia - Cómo Sanarse
Korean Scientists Successfully
Kill Cancer With Magnets
- Soon Censored?
Magnetic Therapy Could Mean The
End of Dangerous Antidepressants
Magnetic Yeast May Harness Nature's Magnetic
- Quantic Medical Discovery
Deutsch |
Medizinischer Biomagnetismus
New Findings Tell of Magnetic
Fields Effect on Humans
Español |
del Agua Alcalina
Español |
Que Hace El Agua en Nuestro Cuerpo
Español |
- ¿Sabias
Que en El Año 1931 un Científico Recibió el Premio Nobel
por Descubrir La Causa Primaria del...
Español |
Un Análisis Científico del Par
Water, Alkalinity & pH
Cholesterol - Colesterol |
Cholesterol Not As Bad as People Think
- Shows Texas A&M Study
Bad News for the Pharma
Cartel - Statin Profits Collapsing - The Cholesterol Bubble has
Español |
Esto le Ayuda a Mejorar la Salud
de su Corazón Naturalmente y Sin Medicamentos - El
High Cholesterol may Protect
Against Infections and Atherosclerosis
How Statistical Deception Created
the Appearance that Statins are Safe and Effective in
Primary and...
Induces Atherosclerosis and Vascular Deposition of Lipoprotein(a) in
Transgenic Mice
It's Time to Retire Cholesterol
Testing - There's No Such Thing as Bad Cholesterol
of Association Between Cholesterol and Coronary Heart
Disease Mortality and Morbidity and all-cause...
Español |
Las Personas con Altos
Niveles de 'Colesterol Malo' Viven Más que Aquellas con
Bajos Niveles...
Italiano |
Le Persone con Livelli
Alti di Colesterolo Cattivo Vivono più a Lungo di quelle
con Livelli Bassi
People with High Levels
of 'Bad Cholesterol' Actually Live Longer than Those
with Low Levels
- Debunking...
Español |
Poniendo un Mito a Descansar - No
Hay Tal Cosa como 'Colesterol Malo'
Putting The Myth to Rest - There
Is No Such Thing as 'Bad Cholesterol
Scientific Papers Prove that
People with High So-Called "Bad" LDL Cholesterol Live
the Longest
The Obsessed Culture of Lowering Cholesterol May
Actually Be Causing Cancer
There Is No Such Thing As Bad
Women With High Cholesterol Live
Longer, Have Fewer Heart Attacks and Strokes
Africa, DDT Makes a Comeback to Save Lives
Combat Malaria, We Need DDT!
- Interview with Donald R. Roberts
The World Needs Now Is DDT
Environmental and Health
Destroyers - Destructores de La Salud y El Medio
Ambiente |
Aspartame - A Sweet and Deadly
- Main File
Big-Pharma Industry - The
Healthcare Rip-Off
- Main File
Cancer and Sugar
Español |
De Cómo el Cáncer se Alimenta de
Azúcar - Y Otras Grandes Razones
para Evitar los Dulces Refinados
Español |
El Cáncer y El Azúcar
Español |
El Lobby
Farmacéutico Industrial - La Gran Estafa de La Salud
- Main File
Español |
Estos Productos se Consideran
Inofensivos - En realidad Dañan su ADN y su Microbioma
FDA Deliberately Deceiving
Americans Over Arsenic in Rice, Chicken and Other Foods - Contamination...
Fluor and Fluoridation - Other
Healthy Care Disguised Murderer
- Main File
Genetically Engineered Organisms - Foods and Others
- Main File
Giving Up Meat won't Save the
Planet and Cows are not Killing the Climate
How Cancer Feeds on Sugar
- And Other Big Reasons to Avoid Refined Sweets
Italiano |
Il Cancro e Lo Zucchero
Italiano |
Il Lato Oscuro della Farina
Industry "Weapons" for Earth's
- Main File
Inside The McDonald’s McRib
Killer Vaccines
- Main File
Español |
La FDA Deliberadamente Engaña a
Estadounidenses Sobre Arsénico en Arroz, Pollo y Otros
Español |
La Industria de Alimentos lo ha
Planeado Muy Bien - Las Dietas Altas en Azúcar Refinado
y Aceites...
Español |
La Insana-Mortal Industria de Los
- Main File |
Español |
de Hambre' al Cáncer Quitando un solo alimento - El
Azúcar Refinada
Milk Intake and Risk of Mortality
and Fractures in Women and Men - Cohort Studies
Monsanto - A Multinational Factory of Death
- Main File
Nine Foods You Should Never Eat Again
Español |
Nueve Alimentos que Usted No
Debería Jamás Volver a Comer
Review Finds Diet Soda to Be
Health Destroyer
Cause' - The Health Effects of the Root Canal
Splenda Alters Gut Microflora and
Increases Intestinal P-Glycoprotein and Cytochrome P-450
in Male Rats
Splenda’s Many Secrets - Gut Flora Destruction and Side Effects
Starving Cancer to Death by
Removing one Food - Refined Sugar
Food Label Entries That Should Send You Running
Alarming Truth About Supermarket Meat
The Food Industry has Planned It
Well - Diets High in Refined Sugar and Processed Oils
Cause The Brain...
Hidden Dangers of Root Canals You Don’t Know About
The Shocking Ingredients In Beer
The Unhealthy-Deadly Foods' Industry -
Main File
We Know About Caffeine in Energy
Drinks Like 'Monster,' but What About The Other
Whether Labeled Organic, Non-GMO
or Conventional, here Are 12 Reasons to Avoid Any Kind
of Soy
Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates
- Main File
Essential Oils - Aceites
Esenciales |
Español |
Aceite Esencial del Árbol de Té -
Beneficios, Usos y Efectos Secundarios
Essential Oils Might Be the New
Reduce Stress and Anxiety with
Essential Oils
Tea Tree Essential Oil - Benefits,
Uses and Side Effects
The Vaccine Industry's Biggest
Threat? - The Science of Wild Oregano Oil and the
Diseases it Can Kill
Top Reasons to Start using
Frankincense Oil
Grains - Granos: |
Are You Still Eating Wheat, One of
the Worst Carbs for Your Health?
Italiano |
Come il tuo Pane ti sta Uccidendo
Common Signs You Might Have Gluten Sensitivity and Not
Know It
Español |
Cómo Tu Pan Puede Estar Matándote
Discovery of Another Major Problem
with Modern Bread
Says Modern Wheat a "Perfect, Chronic Poison"
Foods Identified as 'Whole Grain'
Not Always Healthy
Genetic Modified Wheat May
Permanently Alter Human Genome and Spark Early Death
Gluten Confirmed to Cause Serious Weight Gain, or 'Wheat
Belly' -
Scientific Research
Heritage Grains - The Solution to
Modern Wheat
How Wheat Literally Decimates Your
Identifying Whole Grain Foods
- A Comparison of
Different Approaches for Selecting More Healthful Whole...
of Gluten Sensitivity Skyrocketing in The U.S. - Are
GMOs to Blame?
Is Eating Wheat at the Root of Your Depression?
Many Ways Gluten and Wheat Can
Damage Your Health
Modern Wheat Really isn't Wheat at
New GMO Wheat May 'Silence' Vital
Human Genes
- Scientists Say
Opening Pandora's Bread Box - The Critical Role of Wheat Lectin in
Human Disease
Rice, Potato, and Tomato May Be as
Inflammatory as Wheat
Say Goodbye to Gluten - Over 200
Clinically Confirmed Reasons to Avoid Wheat
The Dangerous Truth About Grains
The Dark Side of Wheat
The Dietary Intake of Wheat and
other Cereal Grains and Their Role in Inflammation
The Future of Grain - Einkorn,
Teff and Quinoa
This is Your Body (and Brain) on
What Is Wrong With Grains
Wheat - 200 Clinically Confirmed
Reasons Not to Eat It
Wheat Toxicity - Is Whole Wheat A
Cardiovascular Disease-Promoting Food?
Hemp - Cáñamo |
Español |
Cinco Formas en Las Que El Cáñamo
Cambiará Nuestro Mundo
Español |
El Sistema Endocannabinoide y su
Importante Rol en la Salud Humana
Everything Petroleum Does, Hemp Does Better
Five Ways Hemp Will Change Our
Got Hemp Milk? - The Benefits of
Hemp Milk
could Change the Way we Build Everything
How Hemp Oil Cures Cancer and Why
No One Knows
Español |
Los Beneficios de la Leche de Cáñamo
Español |
- ¿Para
qué es Utilizado el Cáñamo? - Nutrición, Beneficios e
Italiano |
Perché è Illegale la
Marihuana? - Le Vere Ragioni Sono Peggiori di Quanto
Pioneering Grandma
Building Tiny Sustainable Homes Out of Hemp
Español |
- ¿Porqué
es Ilegal la Marihuana? - Las Verdaderas Razones son
Peores de lo que Usted Piensa
Español |
- ¿Porqué
ha sido Prohibida la Marihuana? - Las Razones Reales son
Peores de lo que Piensas...
Taming THC - Potential Cannabis
Synergy and Phytocannabinoidterpenoid Entourage Effects
The Emperor Wears No Clothes -
HEMP Bible - by Jack Herer
The Feds Don't Care About Pot
- They Just Keep HEMP Illegal in Order to Maintain the
Español |
Todo lo Que Hace El Petróleo, El
Cáñamo Lo Hace Mejor
is Hemp Used For? - Nutrition, Benefits and History
Why has Marijuana Been Outlawed? -
The Real Reasons are Worse than You Think...
Why is Marijuana Outlawed? - The
Real Reasons are Worse than You Think
Immune System - Sistema
Inmunológico |
Attacking Ourselves - Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn
Our Immune System Against Us
A War is Against Your Immune
HIV Vaccine - Experiment to Re-engineer
The Human Immune System
How 'Covid-19 Vaccine' can Destroy
your Immune System
How to use Your Immune System to
Stay Healthy
Immune Systems Go Haywire when
mice are fed Fast Food, causing an "Explosion" of
Key Feature of Immune System
Survived In Humans and Other Primates For 60 Million
Español |
La Peste Negra modificó nuestros
Genes y nuestro Sistema Inmune
Italiano |
La Peste Nera ha modificato i
nostri Geni e il nostro Sistema Immune
Español |
Los Científicos Descubren
Vasos Sanguíneos que Conectan al Sistema Inmunológico y
el Cerebro
Probiotics Found to Help Your
Gut's Immune System
New Study Shows How Daily
Probiotics Can Change The Immune System
Scientists Discover Vessels that Connect the Immune
System and Brain
The More you Vax, the Weaker your
Immune System Becomes
The Silent Defender - A Case for
Natural Immunity
The way Food is Changing Us
Top 10 Foods For a Healthy Immune
Español |
Tu Sistema Inmune Tiene una
Vaccines Lower Immunity
Vaccines Reduce Natural Immunity
Your Immune System Has a Memory
Magnesium -
Cloruro de Magnesio |
Español |
Cloruro de Magnesio
- Una Experiencia Personal
Español |
El Milagro del Magnesio
Magnesium and Radiation Protection
Magnesium OnLine Library
- External Link
New Study Confirms Magnesium
Needed by Most Patients
Stress, Magnesium and Disease
The Miracle of Magnesium
Italiano |
Un Nuovo Studio Conferma La
Necessità di Magnesio nella Maggior Parte dei Pazienti
Español |
Virtudes Curativas del Magnesio
Probiotics |
Bacteria in the Body are Your
Friends, Not Enemies - Don't Fight Them, Manage Them
Structure and Response to Emotional Stimuli as related to Gut
Microbial profiles in Healthy Women
Italiano |
Gli Psicobiotici - Sono i Batteri nel
Nostro Cervello?
Groundbreaking Study Shows how Gut
Bacteria can Ameliorate Autism-Like Symptoms
Gut Flora in Health and Disease
Health Basics - What Are
Español |
La Flora Intestinal afecta a los
Pensamientos y las Emociones
Maryland Killer Superbugs - Treating Antibiotic
Resistant Infections
Oral Delivery of a Probiotic
Induced Changes at the Nasal Mucosa of Seasonal Allergic
Rhinitis Subjects
New Study Shows How Daily
Probiotics Can Change The Immune System
Prebiotics, Probiotics
and Antibiotics - What You Need to Know for Good Health
Probiotics and Prebiotics
Influence Neuropsychological Conditions - Six Surprising
Facts About Microbes...
Probiotics - by Dr.
Rath Health Foundation
Probiotics Destroy Toxic Chemicals
in Our Gut for Us
Probiotics Found to Help Your
Gut's Immune System
Probiotics Help Offset Some of The
Negative Effects of Antibiotics
Probiotics Once Again
Shown to Reduce Cancer Risk
Probiotics Shown to Alleviate
Psychobiotics - A Novel class of
Psychobiotics - Bacteria for Your
Español |
Qué Son los Probióticos - Algo que
Todos Deben Saber
Simplifying Probiotics - A Path to
Improving Your Gut Health
Español |
Superbacterias Asesinas en Maryland
- Infecciones Resistentes a
Los Tratamientos con Antibióticos
The Importance of Probiotics After
The Power of Probiotics
Using Probiotics to Protect Honey
Bees against fatal Disease
What are Probiotics - Something
Everyone Needs to Know
Why Over 400 Species of Bacteria
in Your Belly Right Now May Be the Key to Health or
Probiotics are Essential if You are Taking Antibiotics
Silver - Plata |
Colloidal Silver Cures MRSA
Infections, Purifies Water, Destroys Candida and Fights
The Flu
- In Spite of...
Español |
La Plata Aumenta Eficacia de
Español |
La Plata Coloidal Cura Infecciones
del SARM, Purifica el Agua, Destruye la Cándida y
Combate la Gripe
Español |
Los Variados Usos Médicos de la
Plata a Través de la Historia
Silver Hydrosol "Nanotechnology"
- NanoScam Earns Mega-Profits - Environmental Groups...
The Many Medical Uses of Silver
Throughout History
Español |
Todo Acerca de la Plata Coloidal -
El Antibiótico Natural que La Industria Farmacéutica
Siempre ha Ocultado
Vitamin D |
Español |
Agentes del Gob. USA allanan
Laboratorio para Apoderarse de Avanzado Tratamiento
contra el Cáncer...
Español |
dosis de Vitamina D' puede tratar Enfermedades Incurables -
Español |
Cambios Importantes en el
Tratamiento del COVID-19 que Salvarán Vidas - Vitaminas
C y D
Español |
Cómo la Prueba de Desempeño de la
Vitamina D podría ayudarle a Optimizar su Salud
Español |
El Factor de la Vitamina D -
Evidencia de la Relación Inversa de Exposición al Sol y
Causas de Mortalidad
Español |
El Más Novedoso Lavado de Cerebro
Sobre La Vitamina D
Epidemic Influenza and Vitamin D
Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and
Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity - by Joseph
GcMAF for the Treatment of Cancer,
Autism, Inflammation, Viral and Bacterial Disease
Español |
Gripe Epidémica y Vitamina D
Health Tips from the 'Godfather'
of Vitamin D Research
- 'High
Dose of Vitamin D' may treat Incurable Diseases -
Italiano |
Il Fattore Vitamina D - Evidenze
della Relazione Inversa tra l’Esposizione al Sole e le
Cause della Mortalità
Irritable Bowel Syndrome - New
Studies suggest Vitamin D deficiency may be Key Factor
Key Feature of Immune System
Survived In Humans and Other Primates For 60 Million
Español |
La Insólita Razón por la que no
nos recomiendan esta Eficaz Vitamina para tratar el
Español |
Vitamina D es más Efectiva que la 'Inyección' de COVID-19
Español |
La Vitamina D
es Mejor que los
Fármacos para Tratar el Cáncer
Mushrooms Can Be an Effective
Source of Vitamin D
- Study
Need Vitamin D? Try Mushrooms
Newest Vitamin D Brainwash
New Vitamin D Recommendations
Promote Nutritional Deficiency to Protect Cancer
Español |
- ¿Se
Exageran los Riesgos de Toxicidad por Vitamina D?
Español |
Se Ha Probado Que La Vitamina D es
Mucho Mejor Para La Prevención de Infecciones de Gripe
Español |
- ¿Se
le Dificulta Conciliar un Sueño Profundo? - Podría tratarse
de esta Insuficiencia
Español |
Cómo la Prueba de Desempeño de la
Vitamina D podría ayudarle a Optimizar su Salud
The Healing Power of Sunlight and
Vitamin D
- An Exclusive Interview With Dr. Michael Holick
The Vitamin D Factor - Evidence of
Inverse Relationship between Sun Exposure and All-Cause
The Vitamin D Solution - A 3-Step
Strategy to Cure Our Most Common Health Problems
- by Michael Holick
UK Non-Profits End Era of Sunlight
Ignorance and Vitamin D Denial
Italiano |
Una 'Elevata Dose di Vitamina D'
può trattare Malattie Incurabili - Esperti
U.S. Govt. Agents Raided Research
Facility to Seize a Breakthrough Cancer Treatment called
Vitamin D Better Than
Pharmaceuticals at Treating Cancer
Vitamin D Deficiency Alters Lung
Growth and Decreases Lung Function
Vitamin D Proven Far Better Than
Vaccines at Preventing Influenza Infections
Books-Treatises |
BioElectromagnetic and Subtle Energy
Medicine - by Paul J. Rosch
Chlorella and Spirulina
- Superfoods for Optimum Health
by Mike Adams
Cu-RE Your Fatigue - The Root
Cause and How to Fix It on Your Own - by
Morley M. Robbins
Español |
Depuración Corporal
- por Néstor Palmetti
Español |
El Código Curativo
por Alex
Loyd y Ben Johnson
Español |
El Estudio de China
- Efectos Asombrosos en La Dieta, La Perdida de Peso y
La Salud a...
por C.Campbell
Español |
El Milagroso Suplemento Mineral
del Siglo 21
- por Jim V. Humble
Hydrogen Medicine -
Combining Oxygen with Hydrogen and CO²
- by Mark Sircus |
Hydrogen, Molecular Biology and Medicine
- by Xuejun Sun, Shigeo Ohta, Atsunori Nakao |
Italiano |
Il Fungo Sacro e la Croce
- da John Marco Allegro |
Español |
La Nueva Medicina
- por Germán Alberti
In The Dark - by Graham Gynn and Tony Wright
Merck's Manual of the Materia
Medica - 1899
Mycelium Running - How Mushrooms Can Save The
- by Paul Stamets
Natural Cures They Don't Want You
to Know About
- by Kevin Trudeau
The Hypoxia-Hyperoxia
- by Amir Hadanny and Shai Efrati |
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of
The 21st Century
- by Jim V. Humble
The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross
- by John
M. Allegro
The Vitamin D Solution - A 3-Step
Strategy to Cure Our Most Common Health Problems
- by Michael Holick
The War Between Orthodox Medicine
and Alternative Medicine
- by R. Webster Kehr
This is your Brain in Food
- by Uma Naidoo
Towards Healthcare Emancipation
- by
Capilitan Enero
Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox
- How a Little Known
Vitamin Could Save Your Life
- by K. Rheaume-Bleue
What Really Makes You Ill? - Why
Everything you thought...
- by Dawn Lester and David Parker
World Without Cancer
- The Story of Vitamin B17 - by G. Edward Griffin
Multimedia |
Dirt! The Movie
El Secreto de La Curación
Is the World Ready for a Medical
Mushroom Mystery Tour?
- Paul Stamets at TEDMED 2011
La Curación de Todas las
Enfermedades y el Fin de las Farmacéuticas
Lo Que Intentan
Ocultarnos - Cómo Curar cualquier Enfermedad
Medical Cannabis and Its Impact on
Human Health - A Cannabis Documentary
Nutrition - What The Mainstream
Schools Miss and Don't Teach
- Food Matters
Reversing The Irreversible
Six Ways Mushrooms Can Save The
World - Paul Stamets
The Beautiful Truth - Creating A
Better World
- Suppressed Cures For Cancer
The Indoor Generation
The Sacred Science
What if Cannabis Cured Cancer?
What Your Doctor Never Told You…
Related Reports |
Aspartame - A Sweet and Deadly
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Big-Pharma Industry - The
Healthcare Rip-Off
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Global Food Control
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The Memory
of Water
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Viruses - An Instrument in World
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or 'What' is Killing The Bees?
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