posted by benjamin
December 21, 2009
BenjaminFulford Website
The Copenhagen talks on combating
so-called “global warming” ended in failure last week, marking a
bitter defeat for the fascist globalist cabal. The failure became
inevitable after a secret financial operation was quashed in
Washington last week, depriving the globalists of any cash to hand
out to poor countries in order to get their agreement.
The operation last week involved a top level operative reporting to
the Chinese politburo,
George Soros,
Al Gore, the Japanese emperor
(operating under instructions from Senator
J. Rockefeller) and Japanese
power broker Ichiro Ozawa.
They were hoping to cash bonds issued by
the Federal Reserve Board in the 1930’s that were backed with
Chinese imperial gold. The money was then going to be used to
promise $100 billion in bribes to poor countries in order to get
them to go along with the creation of a fascist
world government. A top Chinese
government official was also promised the job of secret world
Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa led a
600-person delegation to China last week as a part of this
operation. The operation was stopped by a secret but very powerful
group known as the
Black Dragon Society.
This group is capable of mobilizing,
the British Empire
the Vatican
many of the oil producing states
at least half of the Pentagon
the Japanese military/police
the over 50 million people
studying martial arts worldwide
It was their allies in the US who froze
the funds the Emperor was supposed to release.
Further attacks against the globalist fascists seen during the past
week include the announcement by the Gulf Oil Producing states that
they will no longer trade oil in dollars. Dubai, for its part, has
cut off its ties with the globalists and is now suing Citibank for
tens of billions of dollars.
Most of the South American nations have
also now renounced the use of US dollars for regional trade.
The Chinese have, for their part, made an end run around the US
dollar by buying up all the physical commodities in the world. They
are now in a position, if they desire, to triple the prices Western
countries pay for their raw materials. They are unlikely to do this,
of course, because that would amount to a declaration of war against
the militarily more powerful Western powers.
Pentagon war-gaming scenarios call for the US Navy to blockade the
Persian Gulf while the US army seizes Mexican and Venezuelan oil
fields if a blockade is declared against the US.
The Russians, for their part, are contemplating forming a Western
Alliance ranging from Vladivostock to Vancouver but not including
the Nazi US regime. They are allied with the Chinese in the Shanghai
Cooperation agreement but they view this as a marriage of
convenience designed to counter-act the Nazi US threat.
They still have a visceral, historical
fear of the “yellow-peril,” meaning the Chinese would be foolish to
overplay their hand.
The BDS has put a counter-proposal on the table. They promise to
erase from the financial system all the dollars (running literally
into the quintillions) created fraudulently by the
Federal Reserve Board since the
Greenspan/Clinton years. They will then back the remaining dollars
with gold.
Once this is done an intensive 3-year
campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction will be
As a part of this, a top level Japanese delegation led by Hajime
Ishii, the number 2 in the Japanese government, will be visiting
a site in the Philippines containing gold hoards and discussing the
3-year campaign plans with BDS representatives.
The BDS plan involves firstly an emergency global mobilization to
immediately provide adequate nutrition to the 1 billion
mal-nourished and starving people on this planet. They will also
finance a 2-year stand-down of the world’s deep ocean fishing fleets
in order to allow the oceans to replenish. This will be accompanied
by efforts to seed the dead parts of the oceans with nutrients in
order to vastly increase fish numbers.
The British Empire will form an alliance with the Gulf Oil Kingdoms
to use previously suppressed energy technology to remove salt from
sea-water and turn the deserts green. The alliance between the
Gulf Oil Kingdoms and the British Empire may ultimately
involve some sort of marriage based coalition.
This may be followed by the alliance of
Protestant Christianity with moderate Sufi Islam.
The Vatican, for its part, will mount their own campaign
using their own
free energy technology to end
poverty and turn deserts green. They will also try to deepen their
ties with Asia to counter-act what they see as a growing Islamist
threat to Christianity.
The BDS allies in the US, meanwhile, plan to return the US to
constitutional rule and begin a swords-to-ploughshares transition of
the Pentagon. The Philippines gold will be used to write-off US
external debts and finance a reconstruction of the US industrial
The Pentagon will begin allowing the
wide-spread civilian use of
Stirling engines and other
high-technology previously kept from the public for “security
The Japanese, for their part, will begin introducing their own
suppressed technology in an orderly manner designed to make sure
there is minimal social disruption as the oil and nuclear power
industries are phased out.
They will also be re-integrating
the Yakuza and right-wing gangs by
converting them into a Japanese version of the CIA/FBI. They will be
setting up a massive new martial arts university to act as their
In any case, the Black Dragon Society has been contacted
during the last week by the Yakuza, the British Royal Family, the
KGB, the Vatican, the Pentagon and others in the run-up to the trip
to the Philippine gold fields.
The transition away from the post-World War 2 power structure will
probably take about 3-years to complete. However, there could be
major announcements as early as January.
We will report back from our Philippine
trip next week.