Reason 26:
With movies like
Farenheit 911, and numerous YouTube videos the modern soldier
is well informed of the internal plots and "Black Bag" jobs of
the Elite.
Soon the true Hero, which is given
another name entirely, will rise from amongst their ranks
turning the tide against the negative forces. Injustice will not
continue forever. Even a broken clock is right at least two
times a day. The HERO-HORE-WHORE was a temple prostitute
esoteric story character. We are much greater, encrusted seven
fold with positive energy as armor, the Mighty.
The biggest issue we have with overpopulation is people seldom
greet each other anymore. When passing by on the street, jogging
in a park, walking on the beach or pretty much anywhere unless
people are drinking and then nothing is clear. Truly if we are
prepared to see a one-eyed green Alien and accept them before we
can see our own neighbor who may be of different ethnicity but a
Human nonetheless, we have missed the mark.
There was a time that if you happen
to see another Human while in transit you immediately greeted
each other with hugs and kisses of astonishment as you tried to
communicate by first giving gifts and showing them things you
had found on your journey as they did the same. You would
explain to them the various territories you have crossed, what
resources were there, and what to be aware of.
Often times you learned their
customs and came to respect their individuality marveling at how
the Creator made things so diverse.
Now that has faded away and people
are looked at as expendable, some even as worthless by others as
racism increases. They have forgotten if you have climbed up on
the ladder you are in a perfect position to help the person
below you. Instead they give them a boot in the face knocking
them down further. We must reestablish communication. When you
look around you if you see someone is lonely or troubled, speak
to them.
I find it amazing men will speak
with devils, demons, and brutes but not their own Kin.

Reason 27:
The unique blend of ethnicities is
one of the greatest assets of Earth. We have so many things to
share with one another while religion has kept us divided,
teaching us not to mingle with one another.
Our souls are all unique and none
are the same thus we operate as a team with multiple functions
endowed with splendor and beauty, it is only the blind that
cannot see this.
People, no matter the color, never overcame and they still face
a constant barrage of self degrading tactics especially by the
sell outs of the Music industry bombarding the world with low
frequency sounds.
This is not just exclusive to the
African Americans but all races that have members who in
thinking of only of themselves have become the catalyst used by
the dark Elite to deceive their people. The Brotherhood of Ma
sent "Ma"hat"ma" Gandhi a firm contact of the
Society, as the Mahatmas and "Ma"treiahs have always been. They
where sent to quell the disturbances in India with a pro-peace
movement so the British could regain control as the uprisings
The Indians, a people tired of being
enslaved on their own territory by the British, finally reached
boiling point. They pacified them through Mahatmas pro-peace
teachings and kept them from taking back Persia until England
could regain strength from spreading itself too thin in its
hasty plans for complete world domination.
Now they have turned their country
into a giant telemarketing call center.

Reason 28:
Modern research in behavioral
science and gestures has shown all the individuals on the left
to be insincere. The latest
Lord Matrieya positioned in the
center of Globalist
Benjamin Crème is scheduled to make his
advent once the U.S. Economy collapses.
Lord Matrieya has already appeared
in several countries of the Orient and all the Spiritual leaders
are endorsing him. Matrieya says he is the Matrieya, Messiah,
and Mahdi that all religions have proclaimed to be awaiting the
arrival of. His miracles so far have been magnetizing water in
which people can enter and become healed.
There will be no limit to these
types of deceptions in the last days as the science and energy
of the body produces what appears to be miracles to people who
don’t’ know they can do the same thing.
If you ask me did these men and women know how they are being
used, I will tell you that I believe some do not. It seems they
believed in peace so much it filled them completely beyond
understanding of bigger pictures.
They could not be themselves if it
was under some type of false pretense, to me this is no
different from the Pastor of the church, the Congressman with
the beautiful family and the great smile, the Bartender, or the
inspired Musician who bring forth the works of degradation.

Reason 29:
Media Mogul Shawn Combs is actually
wearing the Maltese cross which symbolizes a heavier involvement
in the Zionist Agenda. This cross cannot be worn unless you are
an Initiate.
Even Rapper Jay-Z under the label
Rockafella Records could not use that name without some type
of "granted" affiliation by civil law. They are willing puppets
selling out to the Illuminists to push "Rape Music" that
gradually destroys the mental and physical moral of the
listener. Rock has always been a Tool and right now the pieces
fit on why all this is coming about.
There are others who are very conscious of what they are doing.
We find people like Emperor
Haile Selassie still revered by the
war torn Ethiopians of Nubia who are clueless to the paramount
role he played in subduing that once rich fertile country. He
turned their remaining resources over to the Queen who he was in
constant retinue with. You see the Jamaicans jammin’ to
Rastafarian tunes with little if no knowledge of who Ras is.
Ras is another form of Ra/Marduk a
God introduced into Nubia by Ramses II on his maddening mission
to be the greatest Pharaoh to bring about conquest of the whole
world. That position he never achieved thus he defaced the
Temples and Shrines of the Egyptian ancestors removing the names
and bodies of the previous inhabitants.
Surely this was a dark man that
would do anything for his personal gain thus he prostituted the
people to the Gods of the Underworld more than any in his

Reason 30:
First Haile Selassie was exiled
from Nubia and reared as a child by Zionist.
He is given a first
class education and then reinserted back into Nubia where he
becomes Emperor. He then proceeds to divide the land and
relinquish its resources to the Monarchy. He is seen here with a
Young Queen Elizabeth, Theodore Roosevelt, and the Pope.
When you see and study all this you begin to realize why not
much progress in the right direction has been made for Humanity.
The people we are taught to idolize, our Revolutionaries,
Presidents, Dictators, Religion Leaders etc. are placed in front
of us like a carrot dangles in front of a rabbit. We want to
believe we can elect one person to handle all the troubles of
the world so we can go back to our daily programs.
It is decreed that until we come
together and take control of our world, those in power now who
do not care about Humanity like me and you, will continue to
decimate it. As long as we keep trusting them and remaining lazy
and insolent to what we get to do, which is take our world into
harmony, we will not feel the yoke lift. As good people we want
to believe that someone like Obama could change our course
although every indicator told us he would not.
This is no different than thinking
Christopher Columbus discovered America when there where already
entire maps conscribed before he was even spermatozoa detailing
the whole world from an aerial view and it was not flat.

Reason 31:
As shown on CNN
Obama has more
Elitist in his lineage than most Presidents in U.S. History.
Zionism is not a color. It is an idea that is not even Hebrew.
It is safe to say that what is put directly in front of us,
especially through popular media, needs our personal
investigation and common sense before it can be trusted. The
shear energy of crowds envelops all who are in the midst. As
hearts begin to sync up all are in the hands of the so-called
world leaders and in the past, few have lead in the right
direction as they grope about the darkness of Kali Yuga
gathering all the resources for their private groups consuming
far more than the average citizen and never loosening the yoke.
We cannot continue to be looked at
as resources rather than Human Beings.
Taking the mainstreams word for it
seems to always prove unintelligent, they are liars and they
will say and do anything to make the masses disbelieve in what
we have felt for so long which is that Religion, Politics,
Social, and Educational structures are developed to hinder, not
free the people less they raise the whole Earth which can be
seen itself as a large ship, into the higher heavens that those
that have fallen cannot ascend because it burns away all
The Gods need not money, it is man who needs the money while the
Gods divvy up what is more precious to them, the Gold or the
Soul. With taxes taking 40% and church taking 10% what is one to
do about the baby? The religion of Christianity has done enough
on its own for anyone with a keen eye to see something may need
to be questioned.
Even the scripture says "the proof
of wisdom will be within the type of people it produces".
As I often say many of those who are
in church are only there because of the "con"viction of the
Lord, whatever that statement really means, it sounds more like
a jail sentence. Anyone who does not see religion as simply
stairs to the top will often get stuck on one level or another
thus never entering complete enlightenment and only perceiving
its premature phases.
Enlightenment itself comes with
having a firm foundation of truth, unshakable, not able to be
moved as it is fortified in exactness. That exactness comes when
the real truth of whatever faith you elect falls upon your ears.
At least at that moment you have an opportunity to really serve
the God you claim to worship.
You will now have the hidden
doctrine of these faiths which is generally reserved for the

Reason 32:
When Rome merged with Egypt they
borrowed the Rites of Isis casting Jesus known as Iesu as
new Horus.
We are not saying this individual
did not exist he in fact did, however, what we are questioning
is the final destination of the Christian soul which is the
Underworld just like it was with the Rites of Isis. Ra is ruler
of the Underworld he is better known as Amen-Ra. This is why all
Christian p"ra"yers are concluded with Amen. The Latin word for
prayer which is Oration indicates their power is in Orion.
In 1999 a movie titled
the Matrix was released and made its way
to the top as the box office churned the propaganda machine with
numbers rivaling Star Wars.
The city of freedom they gave the
name Zion, blatant Zionist propaganda as even churches pride
themselves on being called Mount Zion. Just as Bob Marley heads
sway to the tunes as he sings about Zion the city depicted as
having no worries and this is anything but true.
The defeat of the mind of the masses
was subtle, not by force, when the flutes, cymbals, and lyres
play then the formidable human force is lulled to sleep.

Reason 33:
Many love the flow of Bob Marley’s
Rastafarian music, never once noticing the Zionist connection.
When the shields of the mind are down the enemy is sure to
New Age movement now insists
there is no enemy and this is just a figment of a mental
hologram, poisonous vipers their words are sly. We need to take
back Earth or get ready to leave it entirely. What is to come
can not be escaped this was set in motion a long time ago and
does not reverse so we must work beyond it. They say humans
unlock their true abilities under the scenario of fight or
flight through the adrenals. Learn to simulate those expressions
and began to work on you.
Remember what is happening does not
come from a particular race of people it is an idea that many
are aligned with and has consumed their rational senses.
There were of course many things hinted and eluded to in the
movie the Matrix itself that we now in fact find to be true from
various levels. It leads one to ponder the exact design of what
we are really faced with currently and in our not to distant
What kind of force would show us in
something we are supposed to find entertaining, that it has us
trapped in an Oz like mechanical Netherworld where our senses
and abilities are limited and our energy harvested?
It beckons
one to ask "Are we really in a Matrix"?
Can we be pulled out of
the Matrix?
Is there an actual Code to the Matrix?
This book will show beyond the
shadow of doubt that the answer to the questions being proposed
above is yes, and that is not all.
This book will awaken your memory and quicken you thus causing
your DNA to reformulate which I will prove to be possible by the
end of this composition. DNA itself is manipulated by the mental
state, surroundings, and acquaintances of the individual
subject. When any these are altered for a constant period the
DNA itself also alters and reformulates according to its
This means that once you become firm
about what you know to be true, especially about your special
abilities that have been dormant, the DNA will reconstruct
itself to make what you will believe again to be possible,
happen. That is one of the main secrets of creating the
Superhuman, you have to give it "Reason" to activate itself.
This takes consistency and as we
talked about earlier a firm foundation grounded in truth to what
reality is, not what Maya or Illusion attempts to make you
The value of this to your future would be of catamount benefit
especially in the world of today where knowledge is power. You
can thus remove yourself from the cubes known as the hexagon or
the bee hive. At one point long ago a jealous force recognized
that certain types of knowledge meant unlimited power to those
in possession of it thus much of the valuable knowledge was
All written copies were burned
although at least one copy was placed in the 5 mile library
the Vatican.
In replacement we received lies mixed with
truth which does a horrible job on the mind as we watch the
masses plug about clueless, still searching for themselves
because religion has fulfilled almost none of its promises.

Reason 34:
The Elite depict the world full of
worker Bee’s, trying to be something but they are trapped in
Hexagonal cubes.
This Platonic knowledge introduced the dark
square or cube. Pythagoras introduced several methods of
trapping Organic Spirit into Matter/Cubes. We will speak more of
this later.
We are talking about the level of foreknowledge which gives you
the ability to know what will happen before it takes place, this
is the time it is most useful as things speed up. You will be
able to do this without the aid of books and scholars thus you
will be placed back in the driver’s seat of life exiting the
checkered cab.
The issue we all individually face
is that we wait to see what is going to happen next before we
react; this is called reactionary. This leaves you with no
preparation and little time or ability to shape the future. I
say that one should confront danger and fear before they become
closed in by it instead of allowing it to greet you on your
doorstep while your loved ones are inside. Run and face it so
you may prevent it or at least prolong it. This may in fact give
those you care for the edge they will need to prepare.
Again think of the 7 year old who
will have to live at least another 10 years in this world and
what they are to face in those 10 years. What kind of monsters
have we left for them to battle? Supplying people with this
information will at least allow you to say that you did the best
you could, which is also why I write this to you before my
When comprising this particular work what came across my mind,
since I had long since discovered "The Code", was to write a
book that even when the reader is finished they could continue
to write their own unique personal novel of experience.
Due to
the fact that we are all entwined in some way or another to what
we are experiencing now in the world you will find amazing syncs
in your life that all roll into why you are here.
Just because few are using the
collective consciousness channel does not mean that it is not
always broadcasting, we are always linked to it. In fact it is
more like two lovers who have both fallen asleep on the phone
and the lines remain open although there is no one speaking.
It is time you begin to unlock all the mysteries and most
importantly yourself. Often I began lengthy writings only to
leave them incomplete, pieces of these writing you will find in
Italics throughout the book they serve as tidbits of poetry to
ponder. The rabbit hole is far deeper than I expected in the
beginning, not to mention the fact that after you get deep into
the rabbit hole you must climb back out, which they forgot to
mention. You do not want to be in any hole, trust me.
When you learn the whole system, you
will have so much knowledge you will not be incapable of fitting
it all in one book. What should be kept in mind is once you
start to "unlock" you will see what used to remain hidden,
everywhere in plain view. This also means that everything is not
contained here, only the framework that is needed for you to
build your own ladder out of the Cube of Flesh into the Sphere
of Spirit.
After that the statement will come
true that if the oceans were ink and the trees were pens you
could still not write about everything that you will know in
fact to be true.
With that being said I have done my best to narrow the book down
to what is of highest worth to know. It was originally meant to
show how words themselves play one of the most valuable roles in
your individual awakening. That later morphed into a detailed
story of our true past, present, and future.
Even the Elite cannot simply say
"the old language is no good anymore so from today you will use
this new language".
That only happened one time in
history in the confusion of Babel, when tracing the story of
Babel or "The Gates of Ishtar" a far more complex story arises
than the brief chapters dedicated to it in the Bible. In the
ancient texts one story holds about Babel. This Tower or
Ziggurat had multiple purposes and it was also connected to a
Gate, the two went hand in hand.
In most ancient tribes some type of structure was built to serve
as the portal of communication between the presiding God/Goddess
and the people. You will find a precise geometric layout of some
type of construction whether stone alter, pillar, temple,
hollowed tree, or various other portals. You will learn that the
geometric structure, especially its number of sides, has
everything to do with the type of energies being evoked and from
what dimension, plane, expanse, or abyss they hail from.
In Reason 35 you will see a rare
picture of pre-historic London now synchro-mystically called
Babylondon. It seems the Atlantian style art deco is preferred.
The Pyramids have four sides because they are massive Gates to
the 4th and 8th dimension. These dimensions although very
different from the 3rd, are functioning and highly populated
unbeknownst to the masses.
It is time to inner-stand that
multiple worlds exist already functioning, some far worst then
the one we are currently in, and some in complete harmony (Harm
Money) like a Utopia but not by that word, let’s get there.

Reason 35:
Ancient London was more like a
rather large Stonehenge/Atlantis.
Few know of this part of
London’s history and the ongoing attempt to restore its sacred
layout. Notice the model of
Atlantis as seen on the right. Later
you will see this particular design can be found everywhere you
find Atlantis affiliates especially in Government and
What is most amazing is how the obvious goes totally unnoticed,
this would mean that we are out of focus and we need to actually
zoom in or scale down to look at what is right in front of our
face, for example: Christmas is a anagram for Mithras once you
remove the "C". Mithras Day was December 25.
Do you think it would be of value on
various levels to at least investigate who this individual is?
What I find is those who think an
inkling about their souls want to prepare it for afterlife. This
would mean knowing as much as you can about what that involves
rather than just imagining that being a servant in the afterlife
forever would actually be a reward. This is what determines
whether or not you end up in a place that will mean total
freedom, or the opposite.
Servants are always slaves to
something. It is already obvious that our current Overseers seem
to be very detached from the people, so this means you must
build yourself to learn of the higher things. The future can
only be the future for so long and then it becomes the present.
Another ploy is the fight we get dragged into all the time with
these Two Brother Archetypes that appear in many religious texts
whether it’s the Astrological Jupiter Vs Saturn, Sumerian Allalu
Vs Anu, Egyptian Osiris Vs Set, Hebraic Ishmael Vs Israel, and
my all time favorite classic mind job Cain Vs Able. This is the
roots of Duality.
After reading hundreds of Testaments, Vedras, Hieroglyphs,
Steles, Tablets, and spending months in meditation on what had
been gathered a very clear picture began emerge. When this quest
began it was in earnest desire to find God. My ideas have never
been to disapprove the existence of God or other Beings, only to
create a clear path that I may enter in constant communion with
them. There can be no benefit in falsely disapproving something
that could emancipate us all.
In addition I not only studied these
faiths I immersed myself in them. There can be nothing more
unnerving than someone ousting a religion that they have not
even studied, much less participated in. What I did also since I
was very serious about the quest was I sought to become the
highest in each faith I was deluging in.
So while I was a Christian, I was a
Pastor and Prophet, while I was a Muslim I was also an Imam and
Sufi, etc.
There can be nothing more positively life changing then
following the truth even when it goes against everything you
have been taught. I believe many headlong in their religion have
discovered through one book or another the true origin of their
proclaimed faith. At that moment and subsequent times after, the
person enters a strong duality phase.
One side insists that it is the
Wicked One who is trying to steal their faith. This side tends
to use no facts only emotions barraging a person with memories
of past divine experiences. The other side finds constant facts
that debunk what the emotional side is suggesting. It often
shows that paranormal experience should not be the only gauge of
determining if something is true or false, especially positive
or negative.
Sadly the emotional side tends to
win because a person has also gained friends in the religion, a
home or fellowship place, and all these novelties weigh heavier
on making the correct decision to disavow.
As a Pastor it was hard for me to
walk away from Christianity, however, since I was also infused
with the Spirit of Truth it was even more difficult to keep
denying the obvious which was its demoniac esoteric doctrine.
Once engulfing the Spiritual terrain there is indeed a common
story, it is only the names that change. We will examine this
story once and for all because it is the backbone of all belief
systems which we will call ME’s (pronounced Mays). Belief
Systems and Words are ME’s. In the
Sumerian text it talks about
something described as only ME’s. If one gains possession of the
knowledge of these ME’s they can control large parts of this
All authors on Sumerian religion
never present a definition of what these ME’s are just that they
are very powerful. It is noted that the ME is not a weapon, they
describe various weapons that belong to the Gods in the Sumerian
text but they are sure to keep the ME’s separate. The only hint
they give of them is that they are written on Tablets.
The resin of information that
remains coated on our Aura of what happened in past existences
will always serve as mental triggers for our minds. This is how
stories of the our past is linked to religion in order to bring
about devoutness, fear, resonance, and loyalty under false
I cruel mental scheme designed
around ethereal based historical facts.

Reason 36:
The Sumerians inscribed their
religion on stone tablets that have survived since antiquity.
All the stories of the Torah were first Sumerian minus the name
The ME’s were known to be inscribed
on such Tablets just as Moses was proposed to receive Tablets
inscribed by the God
YHVH/Tetragrammaton. Shem, Noah’s son, also
finds a secret stone with engravings from before the flood and
conceals it from his brothers later to use its magical formulas.
I learned that some ME’s were certain words of power encompassed
by a doctrine that could bee incorporated around those words.
The one who controlled the Names could control whole nations.
First we will examine the doctrine. There are things that have
happened on our Planet that even reincarnations cannot
completely erase the memory of and that is the flood.
The flood is mentioned in every
ancient text although it was not said to be related to man’s sin
but rather a natural phenomena. The "punishment for man sins"
story did not come about until the Sumerian and Hebrew text
which mainly operated on fear and reverence of a Terrible God
rather than unconditional love, this is obviously the product of
The main reason for this being the
leaders off these groups were always warring with surrounding
countries so love was not a good angle for them, war, vengeance
and favoritism was more ideal. The occurrence of the last flood
has left residue in our Aura thus all stories that begin with
floods are entertained by the subconscious because it knows for
a fact the flood was true, the details are of course not
Many people have phobia off deep
water because of the last flood.
The Ark is the other part of the subliminal entrainment of
doctrines. the word itself resonates to escape something that
is fearful and impending such as the Dark. It was known that you
could traverse the Netherworld on a Bark which meant a special
boat. There were few who made it onto the Ark and those that did
were given a Mark to show they had been saved. After the Dark
came the Sun which we unconsciously assume will rise every
morning. The Sun awakes the whole world and gets the next day
started. The Sun and Son were made synonymous in English because
of this.
The Babylonia name being Sam, Son of
Sam or is it Samson?
The Son God religions embed
themselves in the natural occurrences of nature. There is always
a Mother sometimes two since we are in a binary system this
always leads to one good Mother and one Evil or surrogate
mother, Eve and
The Mother Archetype will always
survive because the Planet can never be seen as anything
different than a nourishing Mother, thus when a name for the
Mother Earth was given all would revere it as they do their
physical Mother. The name was spoken as Gaia then Maia/Maya then
a thousand more.
Often the Origin of the name was never
examined; the people remained always too trusting of their
The dying and resurrecting Sun theme was all in a days work the
Sun died at night and resurrected in the morning. This always
left the door open for a host of nighttime nightmare creatures
that played the role as adversary to the Son, thus the Devil
became night/knights or Set as in Sunset still a Sun God
nonetheless with a host of worshippers that gravitate towards
darkness. Once this began the idea of a City with eternal light
was hatched, a place that was never dark and of course there
were requirements of how to get there.
Those requirements where made known
by the numerous Prophets, Shamans, Seers, Holy Men, Gurus, Yogis
and various others playing the role of predictors of time. They
later became just as revered and reversed as the God itself.
Notice how in Christianity Jesus is now worshipped more than
YHVH, many in church don’t even known who that is nor do they
care Jesus has it all covered.
In Buddhism there is more
discussions about Buddha than the Devine concept of the focal
point which Buddha presented, this is no wonder since they say
his mothers name was Maia/Maya, all around the world the same
song. Various sects of Islam suffer form the same problem
revering Caliphs, Imams, and Mohammad more than Ilah at times.
The Rabbis get more air time than Ain Soph especially since they
are convinced "He" is incomprehensible and cannot be conceived
by impure flesh.
Last but far from least comes the chaos and destruction. Since
mankind is not immortal in this physical state many assume a
time will come for everything to die thus we falsely decree the
Earth’s time will come also. It should be obvious by now the
Earth is immortal and passes through various phases.
We watch it
happen everyday as animals die, bugs die, we age, the house or
neighborhood gets rundown.
Decay is inevitable, however, the
glass half empty approach of modern religion in which the whole
world and most of its inhabitants must be utterly destroyed by
plagues and horrors falling from the sky distorts an act that
should otherwise be looked at as the entrance to a Greater
Phase. The truth is the heaven and hell these distorted belief
systems propose are one in the same. With their Spiritual
technologies they have mastered how to keep the soul in stasis,
true Spirituality is the growth of the Soul.
This allows it to become quite the
opponent to forces that would attempt to capture it once it
escapes the body. Any
Shaman can tell you this, when he/she
enters the Spirit world there are various things its inhabitants
consider before they interact with the Shaman. Many Shaman have
various types of protection but their main asset is the strength
of their Totem.
The Human soul is a force to be
reckoned with when it is fully in tune, this leads to other
Beings just leaving you alone so you can live.

Reason 37:
Religion has constructed an entire
ideology of afterlife that plagues the believers mind with
absurdities giving birth to distorted forms and the imbalance of
fear. When consecrated belief is put into such things they are
given the energy to materialize and believe me they have
Places like Purgatory, the Fields of
Elysium, Hyades, Abaddon, the Netherworld, and many others
really exist. Remember there are now billions of people who
believe in these places and most end up in them.
The doctrines of today are combined in more or less a religious
buffet based on collected information gathered over time. Some
systems more creative and poetic than others although the story
itself only served to captivate and implore the Neophyte, it was
the names which are vibrations that created the "staying power".
All throughout this work we will be
examining various names of power. The commoner is enticed to a
place of worship for one reason or another. The High Priest,
however, must understand how it all works especially the
Spiritual realm. Chanting is a major part of Priestly duties
beyond ritualistic observances. What chanting does is bring the
body into the frequency of whatever Name is being chanted, once
the frequency match is accomplished the portal is open.
We are the fifth element being
comprised of Earth/Flesh, Water/Mucus, Air/Breathe, Fire/Blood
and the Fifth which is the Devine Breath liken unto fire none
can produce save the Most High. Many have tried and reasonless
abominations they continue to bring forth when "Practicing" as
Doctors and Magicians tend to call their Art of non-perfection.
One of the real reasons this is happening is the Most High has
decreed all will eventually return to the Source and it does not
exist in time thus it is extremely patient. It also says it is
sufficient enough to rule its Creations and does not need
representatives that claim to magnify but in all actuality block
the way.
If man or woman wanders off the true
Path they easily lose focus by being divided amongst Gods vying
for power splitting the person’s energy at least 3 ways which
they call the Trinity. Instead of following these Gods who want
sacrifices and servants all the time I went to look for
something that is not as petty and sadistic and guess what I
found it and I’m giving it to you.
When you give something good out you
get the same in return. That is what we were supposed to do no
matter what everyone else is doing. Just remember if they don’t
know "The Code" their entire form as it exist before you is
being effected in more ways than you can even conceive so you
can afford to give those you have grudges against a pass.
This is pre-history, however, Gods abound across the globe in
various lands and they are increasing. This is because the term
God is being used so loosely you even have people saying that
they are God. I know the popular argument is God is experiencing
itself through us. This is another one of those things that just
sounds good and is never questioned.
The Most High brought forth all
experience from Itself and shared it with us as a gift, there in
no need for The Most High to live through us, I’m sure better
things are entertainment for an All Powerful Being building
multiple galaxies with a spiral force than playing the Sims with
Its Human creations.
The truth is sayings like this are fuel for the ego, which can
make us think a little too much of ourselves while still not in
constant contact with the Most High. We are living in a society
where most things related to paranormal and esoteric matters
that have been proven are still hidden from us, imagine our
maturity rate compared to freed societies.
With the Entities the stronger
eventually becomes the victor and they are warlike Gods. The
Most High is not involved in such debased and petty things; this
is the key to proper distinguishment.
With the Gods their strength comes
in numbers, those numbers are individual Souls who get caught up
in the religion and die with it freshly on their mind and aura.
Its time you finally get the truth so you can be what your
dreams used to say you were when you were a child traveling
worlds with endless imagination creating things in your perfect
undistorted image.
I will make it clear if it wasn’t for the brain screwing by
those sinister groups that administer Medical Drugs and
Procedures, Cartoons, Candies, Toys and Education to kids while
they are in their most sensitive growing phases, naturally we
would have a beautiful world full of joy. For those that came
out ill they would be showered with love and positive vibration.
This would bring up their frequency
thus curing them, simple. So there is someone to point a finger
at and this is exactly why the New Age movement has hatched,
because people once again are rising up as the burden is getting
heavy. One now has to work 2 or 3 jobs to keep things going, not
to mention their habits and they are tired of this and with just
Silently we know this is not our
fault and when I found the Code in the language at that moment I
knew it wasn’t the peoples fault, before then religion had me
thinking that it was because they didn’t worship the right God
so they were suffering, or it was some past
karma form another
life so they were paying in this life, I would silently think,
what, can we be sure of that?

Reason 38:
There can be no doubt the Elite are
implanting the children with corrupt ideas.
They propagate and
insinuate war while the child is still growing; thus it becomes
more natural later on in life. It is no "Sur"prise to see the
Dragon and Skulls mixed in with this poor child’s cache of death
dealing plastic.
This is what I came to stop, the misinterpretation of the Most
High and I give my life proudly exposing everything that I can
to make the world better and to restore the power to the people
for free. Why not it is a noble deed, what else do we really
have if we lose the Earth and don’t know where our next home
will be?
People expect the afterlife to be
some big happy festival where something invites you into a
higher realm with rivers of warm Honey and Milk, streets of fine
Ophaz Gold with Gems and Diadems running through the current of
Sweet Water cool to the touch as compatible Mates are all around
you basking in the glow of the God.
You can see how that can lull a
person into a deeper sleep then they already are in. What is
being described here is something you can have on Earth, the
real Heaven is much much more, if you but knew.
Medical drugs are now, according to rehabilitation institutions,
far worst than street drugs. This is not suggesting one should
use street drugs, however, we should find it daunting that our
organization formed to look after our health are actually the orchestrators of a slow mental and physical arsenic death cycle.
It is now known that Alzheimer’s disease, the disease that makes
the elderly forget all their precious memories, is mainly
accredited to the cocktail of drugs given to them prescribed by
the doctors intentionally.
These drugs contain high amounts of
Mercury which melts the brain as chemical ether melts the soul
away. Even the word retire (Re-Tire) tells a person to go back
to sleep, incredible!
The chemicals in baby formula are
mostly metals exhausting the child’s natural nutrients like
enzymes in which never develop again once they are depleted.

Reason 39:
This man was prescribed all these
drugs over time for chronic pain, the more he would take the
more they would prescribe. Since the doctor is only interested
in billing the insurance company they don’t really care. The
medicines in fact caused the continuous pain.
Many of the individuals who work for the organizations that
administer these things are unaware from the sense that they
have been compartmentalized in the mind. The dream of being the
doctor with the white coat, sloppy handwriting, Rolex, and BMW
infested the grid that we all plug into.
Compartmentalization is
done through the language. It takes at times thousands of years
to alter a language and since words are really vibration the
actual true meaning can never be destroyed, you feel it through
emotion. Of course many things will be exposed and made known to
the reader that is riveting. I would only ask that one should
not concentrate on what they do not know but rather what they
will and should know.
When something is introduced that is new
it is often times rejected at first, this rejection is really
fear. It seems we often forget that this is how we learned
everything that we know right now.
At first it was new, then you
learned and practiced it, and some things you even perfected.
New always equals fear at first, something like your first on
stage recital especially if you had a speaking role.
I will tell the reader now, nothing will be the same after you
finish this book, it cannot be. The world itself will open for
you and you will be given back what we have unknowingly given up
or lost which is true choice. I will also say that what I offer
is the truth, nothing more, it is the persons own unique
decision, after it has been restored, that although the facts
will be made clear beyond doubt, to ultimately believe and react
to what surrounds you at every moment is your own individual
The system itself is comprised in a way to make
the individual feel a dependency upon it and a false love for
it; this is what keeps an Illusion solid. This becomes the key
to determining whether or not you are prepared for ascension
(Ascend Sion) during this lifetime or whether you need to come
around the loop again.
So wasting no time at all you may
accompany Us in a journey through the rabbit hole, trust We know
our way around as true light does at times pass through the
lower regions of Hyades as a box is the final residence of all
foolish men, Kings included.
The Word
How this all came about this thing we call
the Matrix was
through a play of words. Language is the Microsoft Windows or
Unix for the brain. The Bible says, "In the beginning was the
Word". This did not mean the whole book because it would have
read "In the beginning there was a Book" but instead it refers
to an actual Word that can create things.
This ability is
referenced here in the first book known as Genesis. Since we are
in the Image of the Creator we can do smaller versions of the
same thing depending upon how well we understand the ability and
how to use it.
Although the need to create a new World/Word is
now at hand the gap between creating multiple Worlds and
creating the things within worlds is vast, thus the original
keepers of this knowledge used this ability to form many things
after the first creation; we will call them "Secondary
These Secondary Creations were not created by the
Most High but created by the Beings the Most High created, this
is of value to remember how to distinguish one from the other.
Through the real Kabbalah, that 4 letter Word, and its many
formulations were made known to a few men and that gave the
original man the ability to step onto the level as baby
The word Kabbalah itself means Oral Resuscitation which means
that the true Kabbalah can only be given verbally due to correct
pronunciation of these words of power, it is never written.
this knowledge of such magnitude came to be known across the
land two more Kabbalah’s where introduced, the first being the
Abjad, the Arabic Kabbalah, then came the Kabbalah of Canaan or
the Grimores of which the latter can be easily downloaded from
the internet, while the former has remained hidden.
Imagine how
many people downloaded a copy of the much more common Cabalist Grimores
when Madonna proclaimed she was studying Kabbalah.

Reason 40:
YHVH known also as the Tetractys or
Tetragrammaton is the Name Judaism and Christianity revere as
their Father. Tetra means four 4. Forefathers

Reason 41:
This chart known as
survives from antiquity although not very legible. You can see
the Name DIOS on the right side of the wheel.
In many Latin
countries they refer to God as DIOS however He is but one out of
the many Names constructed in Ancient Kabbalah.
Many of these
Names are reported to be Ineffable meaning that one should never
utter them verbally but should only contemplate them in their
mind. Uttering them off the mouth is said to be a sin because
the flesh is impure. Such tales kept the people separated from
the true Origin of these Beings since when uttered they are
enlisted to appear at some point, however when they arrive one
must gird themselves too deal with such strange overwhelming
This particular Kabbalah which we will call the Written Kabbalah
of Cain was known through circles as the Lesser Keys this work
was eventually identified as a text of dark magic responsible
for uniting man with horrid beings from the lower dimensions.
This did not stop its reproduction, just as books like
the Necronomicon, the Book of Shadows, and the 6th and 7th Books of
Moses are easily available and many have become possessed
reading books such as Sepher Raziel, Sepher Yetzirah, and Sepher
Hashmoth which are still in mainstream production as people are
subtly coerced to lend an open ear to the dangerous degenerating
Art of Goetia, the evoking of departed Souls and lesser Jinn.

Reason 42:
Various Cabala’s were formed as many
descended the inverted tree of life which as can be seen here
lead to heavy serpent and beast worship.
It is unmistakably
obvious that this has gone beyond some mere hobby for wise men;
this has become
an Art that has corrupted minds and made men
into the pawns of spooks.
Let us keep this in mind, if you are a powerful high vibration
Being and someone from Earth is summoning you its obvious you
have no time to fool with the Earthlings to do their selfish
bidding which generally involves controlling people and making
Being very different the lower Forms have something to
gain by making pacts and acquaintances with Humans because they
are on lower dimensions some of whom have forfeited their chance
of ascending, what a loss they have lava to drink.
To sum up Kabbalah for the reader I will give this explanation.
The original oral Kabbalah consist of only one word that masters
every spirit energy on this dimension. The entire body was put
into formulation to pronounce this word. The written Kabbalahs
have been proven to a degree to teach the Magus how to control
droves of elementals that can be bent to the will of the Magus,
however one should keep in mind that the use of these Beings to
gain advantage in everyday life rather than doing it naturally
always "spells" trouble.
It has been documented several times
that these Beings are very different from Humans, being lower
life forms they have only one ability, thus their name Elemental
meaning simple or base, a controller of one element. They are
referred to as Sylphs, Undines, Gnomes, and Salamanders which
correspond to Water, Air, Earth and Fire.
It is known that they
often play tricks on the Magus, hiding things, and breaking
things, which becomes a can of worms that the Practitioner
wishes they had never opened, those are the normal experiences.
Deeper forms of this Practice have lead to haunting, unknown
strangulations and death, as the otherworld will continue to
entreat the Magus driving him or her mad especially in Goetia
were the departed souls drain the life force from anything alive
in the vicinity when evoked, especially the Magus.

Reason 43:
A classic depiction of a Magician
who has evoked too many elementals.
The art of magic itself is
very real, dark magic is dangerous and leads to encounters that
can stunt the Seekers growth. Magicians have been known to also
create two part Beings known as Golem to do their biddings,
there is now concern in certain esoteric circles in regards to
Golem who are said to be revolting because they to are evolving
and want to be free.
Stories such as Solomon controlling Jinn
has fascinated many into believing that it is mans right to
control the Jinn. The attitude of seeking to master something
you do not understand will always lead to trouble. There is
generally no trial and error or learning curve in magic. One
mistake can lead to a lifetime of problems.
That one Word mentioned above and its correct pronunciation was
lost because of abuse and was before then only known by the High
Priest who learned it from the High Priest before him.
The Name
was said to be pronounced only once a year during ceremony. The
Name itself when pronounced responded instantly with no delay
thus the Name was alive and not dead like the many slow
responding Idol Gods of the time. Although I believe the true
Name was removed long before then, the Holy Name possessed by
the Hebrews was recorded as lost during the time the Romans
sacked the temple of Jerusalem.
It is said in legend that the
High Priest was caught up by a fiery chariot into the sky just
so the Name could not fall into the hands of the profane. The
Arabs protected their secret Name so tightly that few know the Abjad (Arab Kabbalah) even existed.
The Shriners’, Aleppo and
various Secret Societies for Spiritual adepts studied under the

Reason 44:
Westerners went to Arabia to learn
the esoteric wisdom of the Arabs.
When they returned to America
they used what they learned to gain control of the whole
country. As can be seen in this rare book, they own all things
of importance like the Railroads. Even Forbes grandfather is in
this book!
The written Kabbalah of Cain was purported to be the Path of
recovering the original true Name of the Lesser God after you
descended the Tree of Life like a serpent and met the Pantheon
of hosts of whose Names and position could be deciphered by
working through combinations and equations.
It is safe to say
many became lost and possessed as they attempted to make brutes
as allies. Its claim that one could arrive at the original name
through contemplation of 72 Letters and Numbers has remained
unverifiable. In Holy Languages the letters also double for the
Numbers. In the end many became insane moving the letters and
numbers around and bringing forth energies untold.
The Art
itself gave birth to what we know now as Sorcery the control key
being the Tetragrammaton a 4 sided cubic diamond also known as
the Tetractys made of letters and Numbers with 18 functions or
Luciphers, I mean Ciphers.
Kabbalah is a life study so
explaining anymore of Kabbalah here would only be confusing for
the reader, but not for me and I will tell you just as you see
the word Tetra meaning four, Grams, and Tons, these units of
Spirit energies can overwhelm the mind and if the person is not
strong their senses leave them forever and the body becomes the
host of 4 counterparts.
The have named this state of insanity
the Jerusalem Syndrome.

Reason 45:
This is the symbol of the Magus once
he has joined the 4 animal traits; he will no longer be the ally
of normal men; he feels elated over his fellows.
The deepest and darkest part of Spiritual knowledge lied within
the Art of Goetia and Necromancy. Apparently this ancient
knowledge from Sumeria eventually spread to the Western schools
of thought creating multiple offshoots.
The Necronomicon, the
Sumerian Spell book of Marduk/Ra was the Initiated Doctrine of
dark occults, few Initiates knew this.
What I find even more
interesting is Marduk had three main enemies one was Tiamat.
Tiamat was the old Name for Earth before Earth had its last
encounter with
Nibiru also called Planet X. One of its orbiting
Moons slammed into what is now Earth but was then Tiamat. This
indicates even more that a war took place in the past involving
these invaders who had some issue with the Planet we now call
Even known powerful Adepts like
Eliphaz Levi who many
believe along with himself was the thrice born
Hermes/Thoth in
his last incarnation advised to stay away from Goetia, and this
comes from a man who practiced almost all forms of dark magic.
He purported that this was the worst and had extreme negative
results that were far reaching extending into the Spirit planes
of past and future.

Reason 46:
This is the Seal of the Necronomicon
of Marduk the sworn enemy of man, if you see it, head the other
way, Necromancers are lower life forms looking to gain energy.
They are distorted and not fully developed thus they know not
what they do and have no guidance save their dark Lord who is
blind. We shall use his body to stir the Lake of Fire. The sigil
is a series of imperfect pentagrams meaning flawed.
Necromancy as a game entered the U.S. through the Parker
Brothers and Milton Bradley who where Illuminist themselves.
First it came as the Ouija board and then the game Séance.
the organic portals, "Humans that sometimes have unknowingly
formed pacts with Spirits per game instructions" were open, it
became something of a greater proportion.
This was the knowledge
of the Ghost World which was populated with lost dismembered
souls looking for answers and various other 2 dimensional
Spirits. These were those who had spent life in vain and thought
death was the end, many Warners we sent to them and they
rejected them. As you notice in Christianity they speak of a
Gospel (Ghost Spell) and entreat the Holy Ghost.
What business
does the church have with these Ghosts? Someone call the
Again the only one really responsible is the individual person.
There is definitely a point of no return and that point is
reached at times within the first ceremony. If you could see the
spirit world, which some already can, you will see that many are
watching and waiting for the opportunity to weave their way into
your world.
These days many have already let them in.
around your whole habituation and see how much evil is resident
manifesting in the forms of skulls, guns, horror, harsh music,
and killing games.
All this carries energy and at a certain
point it can overwhelm your atmosphere unknowingly if you don’t
keep balance.
Negative magnetic information
generates and emits a field of binary aura that fills large

Reason 47:
Most never questioned why these
games entered the U.S., who brought them there, and for what
This dark Art was made to look like fun and was
everything but that. All the tools were in the box to open a
portal to the lower dimension or your money back.
Looking deeper we find an ancient text explaining the final
termination of the first round of early Earth Gods that ruled
mortals through Oracles and Pagan practices. Along with the
captured Gods more than 8 million Warring Angels were carried
altogether to Makavishtu, in hand, the Most High says: We cast
them into the unquenchable fire where there was already more
than ten million who were in chaos and madness.
For awhile the
Earth was clear of the Gods, whose chief labor had been for
thousands of years to capture the Spirits of the recently dead,
and make slaves of them for the glory of the lesser kingdoms.
Their end was swift just as one rises and falls in power,
however, the cursed Magicians invited them back into this realm
once more, and the people, ever lacking in reason, welcomed them
back by their abhorred actions and impurities to no extent.
Some of these Beings are further along the evolutionary cycle
than we are, thus they appear as Gods to the primitive. The Art
of Deifying or creating Gods was perfected in Egypt. They
discovered upon death that if a person knew the secrets of the
soul they could become like Gods to the mortals, living on the
dimensions below them.
This feat involved forever relinquishing
a chance to ascend which believe it or not many have accepted.
The gravity of dissention at a certain level is too strong to
turn around. Notice Grave and Gravity are almost the same word
not to mention you go "6" feet down in an 8 sided box.
"Dimensional Transport Ritual" still stands today in the western
world. If you notice in the Arab countries the dead are buried
immediately in a white sheet, no box, and faced toward the East.

Reason 48:
The Saturnalian ritual of the eight
sided rectangular box insured the departed soul was transported
to their dimension or sealed. It exists today without the
slightest notice as people are unknowingly being boxed up and
As the scripture says "the day the dead will come
out of their grave", because many are trapped there. We should
ascend the moment we are released from the body however the
disposal of our shell must be back in the dirt, from dust the
body comes so it must return.
The God making business set some men up to became Lords of the
Underworld and its grotesque inhabitants.
Egypt was first known
as Kem the descendants of the lost Atlantis then Ogygia in
esoteric circles a name long forgotten. Also called Sidian by
the Mystics where we get our English word City, then Egypt by
the commoner.
Much later it was found out that the word Genesis
actually was formulated from the words "Genes of Isis" or "Generation of Isis".
None of these are Hebrew terms. Even the
word Bible comes from the word Byblos which is the place Isis
set up worship to mourn Osiris. Likewise Ishtar did the same
with Adonis long before the Holy Bible and King James were
thought of. The Hebrews now refer to their God as Adonai, this
is Adonis.
Decoding the Bible you will find that all the
prophecies are occurring exactly as they have been foretold.
This is because millions of people believe the prophecies of the
Book will come true due to their religious preference, thus they
are actually happening because we manifest what we think
collectively out of thin air. I for one know that prophecies are
for profit and that will become more evident later.
Many have
attempted to authenticate when the Books of the Bible were
written, after many investigations it was at least safe to say
many of the Books were written long after the actual events took
place, thus the details are solely dependant upon at least
second hand information which is always partial to who is
telling the story.
I once read an ancient transcript of a meeting that took place
between Kings and Emperors in regards to powerful languages.
Being a person that sought to model myself after wise men I was
curious of why there was such emphasis put on the formation of
I soon discovered that language codes and directs the
mind and this was known at least since the time of the ancient
Arabs although evidence proves way before then.
According to the
Bible at the Tower of Babel man faces a confusion of languages
by the God and that is the word used, confusion. A few chapters
later the same God remarks that He is not the author of
Huh? What is all this about?
This made for quite a
puzzle for me that made no sense.

Reason 49:
The Dragon Hath Horns of a Stag,
Head of a Camel, Eyes of a Demon, Neck of a Snake, Belly of a
Clam, Scales of a Carp, Claws of a Eagle, Soles of a Tiger, and
Ears of a Cow, by these symbols you will know them.
Parts of the puzzle we will unravel slowly so nothing is missed.
The Ishtar Gate is one of the most controversial relics known to
man. Just as the pyramids are gates, the Gate of the Ishtar also
known as the Gates of Ilu were first located in Ur.
This was the
first gate ever constructed to open the Portal of
a channel to androgynous vampiric serpents and various other life
forms that hang out in Club Shemhamphoresh.
She is Inanna
consort of Marduk/Ra also called She-Ra and Rat, connected to
the Seven Sisters in the Pleiades their protector the Dog
Hyades/Anubis they are Ma, Maia, Ma’at, Mag and Mary who give
power to the Magus with them is the Serpent Sor who is the
Source of the Sorcerers power of Hathor.
This is the Dragon its
first depiction then called SUSA our abbreviation USA land of
the Serpents who guard the Sedona time portal to SIAM.
Their Art
is sedation which brings about delusion and seduction. When
approached by these Beings one feels a pressure around the anus
they are androgens thus they masquerade as female and male this
is God "S", Dragon Queen or Drag Queen.
They falsely Illuminate men to the wisdom of the Serpent thus
eliminating them from the Great Race, this is the Gate of Ilu.
Many Men have made Ishtar their consort and then have been
betrayed such as
Sumerian Gilgamesh and Solomon.
As the
scripture says,
"Solomon went after Ashtoreth and sacrificed in
the Groves and the High Places and after this his wisdom was
This is the Bacchanalia, Temple Prostitutes, the Cult
of Yoni.
They have connected with many of the daughters of the
Gods called Fates, Ferts, Nymphs such as Morganus, Medusa the
Gorgon, Persephone, Europa, Nemesis, Sothis or Sirius, Sekhmet,
Saba, Sofia, Nepthys, Nut, Kadesh, they have legions with them
they are Succubae draining vigor from their captives.
Many an overambitious power hungry fool has wandered down the
path of false Illumination and few have return.
In Ancient times
men would war against each other to find favor with Ishtar then
erect a High Place in her name to serve as a gate or portal,
this is key to know now because you will see them everywhere.

Reason 50:
The Gates of Ishtar the main reason
we went into Baghdad above the oil. Who ever controls the main
Gate controls all subsequent Gates.
Those on the ground in
Baghdad said,
"the first thing they went for was the museum with
a team of individuals that looked like they stepped out of a
James Bond film. They were definitely looking for something,
some type of artifact or relic".
Another use of Ziggurats like the Tower of Babel seen in Reason
10 were as Arks in which several had been constructed through
various times to escape floods. People of the time seemed to
always have a foreknowledge of these floods whether is was
through the Adepts or by records left by previous civilizations.
As said before the Ziggurats had
various uses. Our current world leaders have all of the
information in regards to not only future floods butt also which
land masses will submerge as the world adjusts during the Shift,
they will give none of this information to the common people and
it seldom leaks out.
Instead they continue to extend the
underground caverns for themselves, building space cities, and
terra forming other Planets securing their future. The
new Tower
of Babel is in Dubbai, Mardukk/Ra finally accomplished what he
set out too do which was to build the tallest building in the
Through ancient geography we learn that many regions that
are deserts now where actually oceans before and you are looking
at the sandy bottom of them.
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