Project Nanmu and Hale Bopp
At the time of the 1934 Grey and US Government/UNIT treaty in
Panama, UNIT was involved in the secret infiltration of reptilian
ETs into the western US joint underground bases. Many of these bases
were hidden underneath Indian reservations, and the primary bases
were in Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah.
From this point on,
the reptilian beings came to this planet in force every thirteen
years: 1934, 1947, 1960, 1973, 1986, 1999, 2012 (many of my contacts
claim this may be the date of the final Draco reptilian invasion,
but I cannot be certain about this). In 1986, the white-colored
Draco Prime arrived into our solar system in the Draconian
“Planetoid,” which we know on Earth as the
Hale-Bopp comet.
Draco Prime, travelling from the planet Typhon in the Draconis star
system, was checking on how the take-over of Earth, which they call
Sol-3, was coming along.
Hale-Bopp kept making course alterations because it was under
intelligent control and was photographed with an object behind it,
which was a Draco Prime mother ship. Hale-Bopp incited a great
degree of panic in the human population because we are telepathic
beings who can “feel” danger. This was notable in the mass suicide
of the followers of
the Heavens Gate cult that was reported in the
mainstream media.
They said Hale Bopp was being followed by an alien
I was told by an NSA contact, whom I’ll refer to as X3, that the
Heavens Gate cult was under US intelligence trauma-based mind
control and that Admiral Bobby Ray Inman ordered the triggering of
Omega alters in the cult members. A lot of people in the
intelligence community are not going to be happy about me naming old
Bobby Ray, but the truth is all coming out now.
Omega is a self-destruct, suicide alter that can be triggered in a
mind control victim. The reasons for doing this seem to be to
discredit all the talk about an alien spacecraft behind Hale Bopp
and to make it seem like religious hysteria. X3 told me there were
mind control programmers in the Heavens Gate cult who were ex-NSA
and some of the best programmers in the business.
They must have
been very advanced programmers because some of the cultists who
committed suicide at their mansion in San Diego in 1997 had been
“persuaded” to go through castration beforehand.
They were also heavily into Yoga, Chi Gung mediation, and had an
outstanding diet. X3 says because of this, they had made telepathic
contact with the Draco mother ship behind the Hale Bopp comet. He
also said that admiral Bobby Ray Inman had ordered a Hotshot (intel
speak for a scalar weapon attack to activate sleeping mind control
programs in people), and a white van pulled up outside the mansion
with NSA agents inside who were armed with frequency generators to
remotely trigger the Heavens Gate sleepers.
The following information comes from a US intelligence community
contact, X13, who is the friend of Dan Akroyd. He says the Heavens
Gate people were connected to
DARPA (Defence Advanced Research
Projects Agency) and a government group that currently controls the
internet, called SAIC.
Several of the cult members were involved in advanced computer
projects, and others created websites.
Beverly Hills computer
businessman (and former car thief) Nick Matzorkis employed about a
dozen cult members to design World Wide Web sites. Nick Matzorkis
was one of the men who found the bodies at the mansion. He went on
to help raise $54 million in an internet venture called US Search.com. Then he founded a company in China with his partner,
none other than Nicholas Rockefeller.
Their company was called
Global Agora and is one of the first US companies to have been
launched in China.
The Heavens Gate group started an underground housing complex. They
built part of it and were then “disrupted” so they would be forced
to relocate to a place where they could be monitored more
effectively. X13 also claims that Bobby Inman’s hit men suicided the
cult members to discredit the reports of an ET ship behind Hale Bopp
and also because the Heavens Gate people had encryption programs
that would make it impossible for the intelligence community to spy
on internet users.
Bobby Ray Inman was ex-director of the CIA, former head of the NSA,
a retired four-star admiral in the Navy, and one-time Clinton
nominee for Secretary of Defense. A website with information about
Bobby Inman’s connection to the cult member deaths recently
disappeared off the internet.
Sam Koutchesfahani, an Iranian immigrant, was the man who is
reported to have rented the multi-million dollar mansion in San
Diego to the Heavens Gate group. The cultists put together a movie
script about the return of the Draco reptilians to Earth. The NSA
did not want this movie made, and this fact contributed to Bobby
Inman’s decision.
Rockefeller family is connected to this
tragedy and is interested in reptilian stories for means of control.
Years before, the Rockefeller family was involved in the October
30th, 1938 Mercury Radio Network’s War of the Worlds broadcast.
Orson Well’s broadcast was no mere show business stunt but a
experiment in fear. The broadcast was a psychological warfare test
to test the public’s reactions to ET news. The reaction from the
broadcast was mass panic and one man committed suicide.
A grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to Princeton University
helped create the Princeton office of radio research. The director
was Paul Lazerfield, an Austrian Jewish émigré and social
psychologist. He teamed with two associates: psychologist Hadley
Cantrell and CBS researcher Fred Stanton, who was a PhD in
psychology and who eventually became the network president.
One of the men who found the bodies of the 39 cultists arrayed in
neat rows on a balmy afternoon, Nick Matzorkis, became instantly
Soon, he sold the rights to the story of the
Heavens Gate
group to the Hollywood entertainment company, for which he and some
and some of the dead cultists worked. A probation officer saw him on
national TV after this and recognized him as a wanted felon who out
skipped out on his sentence - he was jailed and returned to
Nick Matzorkis sold production of story of the cultist
deaths to Adnan Kashoggi’s Genesis subsidiaries.
Professor Courtney Brown, a tenured political science professor at
Emory University in Atlanta, author of
Cosmic Voyage, and president
and owner of Farsight Institute, a company specializing in
remote viewing, appeared on Art Bell’s radio show. Brown
said their remote viewers had found the mysterious companion to Hale
Bopp to be larger than Earth, hollow, and under intelligent control
- a kind of planetary spaceship hitching a ride on a comet or hiding
behind it. Brown stated there was ET life on Mars and that the
civilization there was dying, so the ETs started an underground
colony in New Mexico.
Brown appeared again on Art Bell’s program
along with his assistant, Prudence Calabrese. Brown told listeners
that a well-known astrophysicist at a top-ten university sent Brown
information confirming Farsight’s remote viewing results.
Calabrese today heads a commercial venture called Transdimensional
Systems in San Diego. She claims to have been part of the CIA’s
effort to learn more about the Soviets through remote viewing and
ESP in a CIA Project Channanle through Stanford Research Institute
in California. Calabrese and her 14 employees are currently working
with San Diego FBI, assisting in remote viewing of dangerous
On 26th March 2007, after X13 finished briefing me on the Heavens
Gate information, he said he sat down and turned on the TV. When he
switched the TV on, the words “Heavens Gate” came on the screen. X13
turned the sound up, and it was a CNN program called Anderson Cooper
Cooper said,
"The largest mass suicide, 39 members of the
Heavens Gate cult, occurred 10 years ago today."
How is that for coincidence?
In reality, there is no such thing as
higher consciousness giving us signs when we have found the truth.
Anderson Cooper went on to interview “Rio” Diangelo (real name
Richard Ford). He was known inside the Heavens Gate cult as “Neody.”
Rio found the bodies and videotaped them before calling 911 to
report the deaths.
He was a member of the cult from 1994 to 1997. He
left the group four weeks before the 39 members committed suicide
with a cocktail of drugs, after coming to believe that a spaceship
would be taking them to heaven. Diangelo discovered the bodies on
March 26th after he received two videotapes that described the cult
members’ intentions.
He wrote a book about his experience called
Beyond Human Mind - The Soul Evolution of
Heavens Gate.
In a Newsweek interview, Diangelo also said Heavens Gate cult leader
Marshall Herff Applewhite was frightened by the 1993 police siege of
the branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas and thought the FBI
was stalking his group. Diangelo said the cultists thought there was
no gender at the next level, so they adopted an androgynous look and
shunned sex.
Once Applewhite got castrated, five other cultists did
the same. The 39 members were found dead at their rented mansion in
Rancho Santa Fe, San Diego, California. The victims ranged in age
from 26 to 72. Among the victims was Thomas Nichols, brother of
Michelle Nichols, who starred in the original Star Trek TV show.
The suicide victims ingested lethal levels of Phenobarbital. On
Tuesday, 25th March, Diangelo received a videotape from the 39
members, which included 18 women and 21 men, saying farewell and
announcing their intent "to shed their physical containers" and be
lifted up to an ET ship reported to be following the
Hale Bopp
comet. Many professionals observed and photographed an object 2000
kilometers behind the comet until January 10th.
The object, Draco
ship, behind the comet became known as the “Saturn-Like Object” or SLO.
The following morning on Wednesday, March 26th, Diangelo told Nick
Matzorkis about the tape and expressed fears that the group may have
committed suicide. The two men drove to San Diego and arrived at
about 11am. Diangelo then entered the home, and after viewing the
dead, did not phone the San Diego county sheriff's dept. Only when
he left the mansion did he call the police at 1:34pm.
returned to L.A. with Matzorkis, and they closely listened to the
news radio but did not hear anything about what he reported to the
police. Diangelo then called the Beverly Hills police department at
3pm, and they referred him to the San Diego sheriff’s office. They
said they knew nothing.
Arriving at the scene at 3.30pm were deputy sheriff Robert Brunk and
deputy sheriff Laura Gacek. From the moment the officers pulled up,
Brunk said he knew something was wrong. The drapes were pulled, the
windows were pulled, and the outdoor lights were burning in the
sunshine. Brunk found the front door locked, the windows closed, and
a side door unlocked.
The Heavens Gate leader Marshall Herff Applewhite had links to 19th
century occultists Madame Blavatsky and novelist Samuel Langhorne
Clemens, better known as Mark Twain. The Heavens Gate mansion at
18241 Colina Norte is just down the street from the San Diego River.
This was a favorite spot of Mrs. Katherine A. Tingley, a disciple
of Madame Blavatsky.
Mrs. Tingley moved to San Diego in 1896 and
founded an ashram of the Theosophical Society at Point Loma. The
centre opened February 25th, 1897 with a ceremony attended by
several prominent people in San Diego, including the mayor. Like the
Heavens Gate group, the Theosophical Society was in telepathic
contact with extra-terrestrial beings, and like Aplewhite, Mrs.
Tingley believed a major cataclysm would sink most of California and
end western civilization.
She predicted San Diego would survive to become the capital of an
island nation called Nuevo California.
In 1907, Samuel Langhorne
Clemens (a.k.a. Mark Twain) wrote a short story called Extract from
Captain Stormfield's Trip to Heaven, in which the hero leaves Earth
for “an extended excursion among the heavenly bodies” on the tail of
a comet. In the story, the hero has his passport on him, plus five
dollars and three 25 cent pieces for the fare. Many of the Heavens
Gate victims had their passports on their persons and $5.75 in their
Also, the New Age term, Evolutionary Level Above Human (ELAH)
spells HALE backwards.
The Heavens Gate group made a film script and gave it to Alex Papas,
head of Way Out Pictures. They wrote the script while renting Papa's
house on Mummy Mountain in Paradise Valley in Phoenix. When the cult
members learned he was a producer, they turned the script over to
him, along with $3,400 in rent.
When Alex Papas was asked by a
journalist if all of this was slightly apocalyptic, he replied,
you kidding? It's the flavour of the day… It's a very Shakespearean
type of story." Papas said, "Good vs. evil, a big battle."
giving away the ending, he promised the script would be perfect for
"Good wins in the end," he said.
Titled Beyond Human: Return of the Next Level, Papas said,
screenplay came in a bit wordy, what with all the talk of aliens
tromping around Earth trying to find humans suitable to zap up to
the Orion nebula. It was also crowded with characters. The original
draft featured more than 100 speaking parts. But the authors were
willing to modify their script and bring it down to a more
manageable level. But it is something very, very valid. The allure,
of course, is that while most viewers would regard the film as
snazzy science fiction, the author's swore it was the strait up
“They died believing they were the chosen few hitching that
spaceship ride to the next level of human evolution," said Danielle Forlano.
While the Heaven's Gate members apparently poured most of their
creative energy into the screenplay they gave Papas, they also
drafted the outline for another movie.
This one’s a sweeping history
of Earth's encounters with alien beings as observed by wise and
mysterious orbs.
"It's very bizarre," said Forlano, who read the
script for the second movie. "They'll talk about the reptilians and Greys and orbs all arguing about ownership rights to Pluto."
first Heaven's Gate media spinoff may be a half serious, half snide
documentary based on video footage of the cult members discussing
their philosophy at Boise state University in Idaho. Freelance
producer Sergio Myers plans to market the 90-minute tape through his
company Rising Sun. He founded a UFO group called “Believers of the
Asked if he was worried about recruiting people to
Heaven's Gate through the tape, he responded,
"I do, I do. But it's
Many of my peers in global intelligence who know what is going on
regarding the ET situation have told me I am being irresponsible by
making all of this information public.
They claim the public cannot
handle the truth. I do not believe this and want to stop treating
the public like children. I wish to inform and educate them so they
can make informed choices for themselves as the great Earth changes
and upheavals are starting to occur.
The malevolent Dracos are not pleasant. There may be compassionate
beings among them, but there is a large section of them that are
thoroughly evil and dangerous. This worrying news is balanced out by
the fact that there are also many benevolent ETs from various star
systems who are here to help us and have been involved in an ancient
war with the Dracos.
The Dracos are real beings; however, the
intelligence community is involved in a psychological operation to
make the people of the world fear all reptilian ETs.
The Dracos are omnivores and move across planets like locust for the
natural resources, including food, which in this case is us. There
will be huge supporting evidence in this book showing they are using
us for food. Dracos have two hearts, are between 7 to 12 feet tall,
and have the strength of 8 to 16 men. They are hard to kill, have
psychic and technological skills in battle that are thousands of
years ahead of ours, they’re cold-blooded, and have no remorse or
There are different colored Draco, but the Draco Prime
are white in color and seem to be the royalty or elite of the
They are seen far less by humans in underground facilities
and abductions. The various colored Draco have wings, while the
reptilians lower on the hierarchy, seen more often by humans, do
not. The wings are made of long, tiny bone spines or ribs that
protrude out of their backs. The ribs are adjoined by flaps of
leathery, blackish-brown skin, and the wings are usually in a
retracted position.
Beings matching the description of the
Draco have been seen flying using their wings. This was reported in
the multiple sightings of Draco-like creatures in the town of Point
Pleasant, on which the book
The Mothman Prophecies, was based. In several contacts, people have seen reptilian
beings wearing capes draped over their shoulders and down their
backs. The capes may be a piece of clothing specifically designed
for covering the Dracos’ wings, or their retracted, dark leathery
flaps might appear to be a fabric-like material going across and
down the shoulders and back.
What strikes the eyewitnesses the most about the physical appearance
of a Draco being is
the horns.
The horns are usually short. They are
conical in shape and extend four to five inches away from the skull.
Some reports describe low bony ridges back along there conical
shaped heads. These ridges appear midway between the brow and the
top of their heads. They appear to have a much more athletic build
than the other reptilian beings. Their upper torsos are extremely
lean, and their neck muscles splay out from the base of their jaws
to their shoulder blades.
If the Dracos are able to fly to using
their wings, as some people have reported, the physical demands of
flight would result in some muscle groups being more developed than
Certain individuals claiming to have had Draco encounters say they
have seen ones with white powdery scales approach and give
instruction to the winged Dracos, who are a greenish-brown in color.
The white Dracos are the Draco Prime. In every one of these cases,
the greenish-brown beings appeared to be highly respectful and
submissive to the Draco with white scales. This reaction suggests
the Draco hierarchy is a caste system dependent on skin color and
possibly other unknown genetic traits.
The Greys have also
demonstrated similar respect for the Draco Prime in contact reports.
This situation is so bizarre and gets even more so as we go deeper
into highly classified areas. I have been told by my NSA contact,
X3, there are at least 118 different extra-terrestrial races, that
the NSA knows about, involved in the affairs of this planet.
refers to this ET grouping under such titles as The Link and others.
There are the benevolent ETs visiting this planet from star sectors
such as the
Lyra, Tau Ceti,
Sirius A, and
which have been referred to by contactees and secret service
personnel as
The Galactic Confederation of Worlds.
Here we are going
into complicated Star Wars-type Exopolitics. However, there are
benevolent factions of Orion Greys and Draco Reptilians and evil
factions of Pleiadians, for example.
This is obvious, as in any race
there are good and evil elements. I wanted to just make this
distinction clear because in the so-called New Age movement, there
is almost a religious type of obsession with New Age advocates
claiming all reptilians are negative and all Pleiadians are here to
save us from them. There have also been Human/ET treaties with these
compassionate races, and their motivations and actions in these
areas seem to prove their intentions.
In 1934, a group of Pleiadians (Tall Humanoid beings with blond hair
and blue eyes) approached the US government, under the Roosevelt
administration, in an effort to work out an eventual military
disarmament arrangement. The US government refused, so the Pleiadians approached Hitler and the Nazis instead. I believe by
this time, the Draco reptilians had taken control of much of the
upper levels of the US federal government, and the human puppets
would not give up their military weapons. Part of the covert
reptilian agenda is to massively reduce the world’s population by
wars to reduce resistance, if and when the time comes, to the final
Draco invasion.
The Pleiadians worked out a treaty with Hitler and the Nazis that in
exchange for technology the Nazis would not attack the Jewish
The Pleiadians tried to stop all of this, and their treaty with the
Nazis held together until around 1941. I cannot get a very clear
picture of what happened after this, as the information is so
tightly compartmentalized. It is also hard to see through the
massive amounts of propaganda that came out after the Second World
There was a plan to repopulate the Jewish community from
Germany to Madagascar, but this didn't happen because the
Madagascans wanted no part of it.
The Nazis developed their advanced saucer-shaped aircraft from the
Pleiadian technology after the Pleiadians purposely crashed some of
theirs in Germany to honor their part in the treaty.
The Nazi craft
were known as
Haunebu and Vril. The Nazis were not able to copy the
Pleiadian anti-gravity drive but found ways around this. By 1941,
the Pleiadians pulled out of the treaty and would no longer deal
with Hitler and Nazis.
It was at this time that the Greys approached
them, and this is where the Nazi trauma-based mind control
technology came from.
On February 20th, 1954, around the same time as the Grenada Treaty,
a delegation from the Galactic Confederation of Worlds approached
the upper levels of the US government. This was an effort to limit
the death and destruction of the Grenada Treaty and weapons
developed from it. This delegation met with the Eisenhower
administration in an unsuccessful attempt to reach an agreement on
the US government’s thermonuclear weapons program.
Some say the
stumbling block was that the Federation ETs were not willing to
provide technology that might have been used by the military
industrial factions of the Eisenhower administration. Others say
many factions of the upper levels of US government were under heavy
Draco mind control by this time, and there was no way they were
going to give up their nuclear weapons.
These protective and
peace-loving Humanoid ETs also refused to be co-opted into the
emerging Military, Industrial, Extra-terrestrial Complex in the US,
Britain, Russia and elsewhere.
The Galactic Confederation has a policy of non-intervention in the
history of a planet’s developing population; however, like any
council, there will be different viewpoints. Now we get into the
real secrets of the “Angels” and the ancient galactic battle known
by the Pleiadians as the Luciferian Wars.
The simple fact is that
the beings known in religious texts as Lucifer, Michael, Azazel,
Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel were/are physical extra-terrestrials.
However, all these beings have ultimately deep
connections with the Pleiades star system. Lucifer has a very
complex story and cannot be covered here. At one time, before the
rebellion of the being, they were all ultimately taking orders from
Lucifer, and Azazel outranked Michael.
Some say Azazel was the first
to rebel when God told him he must serve humans, as they were
created in his image.
Apparently, he said,
“Why should a Son of Fire
(angel) bow down before a Son of Clay (human)?”
This was the probable cause of the Luciferian Wars of the Watchers.
At the time of the fall, Lucifer ordered all his forces and star
ships to converge in the Lyra star sector. Michael, being the loyal
soldier he is, came with his Aldebaran military forces. He was not
aware their leader had rebelled against the ultimate authority and
was following orders. When he arrived in the Lyra sector, he
realized what had happened, and this was the first stage of the war.
Azazel and 200
Watchers opened a
Stargate from Lyra and were the
first rebels to arrive on Earth on My Hermon. They were quickly
pursued by Michael’s forces; however, Michael was warned by Uriel
that he and his forces would be pulled into “incarnation” cycles,
because of Earth’s gravity, if they prosecuted this military
campaign against Azazel and his forces on Earth. If Michael was to
go through with this, he would become transfixed and trapped in this
solar system and the war would rage on for thousands of years.
He could not let this evil sweep unhindered across the planet and
went ahead with his plan. We are now seeing the final stages of the
Watcher wars played out in front of us.
In the best-selling science fiction book series called The Horus
Heresy, the Watcher wars are detailed in incredible detail. The guys
writing these books are either high level masons or part of the
intelligence community. Michael was the genetic father of the Tribe
of Dan, as he started that bloodline with a female watcher from the
planet Hoova.
You can read hundreds of pages of proof of angels/watchers being
physical ETs in Andrew Collins book
From the Ashes of Angels.
and Barry King were good friends in the past, and before Andy became
famous with his groundbreaking book, they performed a ritual in a
certain woodland in the UK with another man. Their aim was to
harness the power of the Watchers, and this they did very
effectively to cause themselves to go down in the pages of history.
Just after this, Andy’s book became a bestseller, and Barry King
ended up working at the AL/499 underground facility in Berkshire and
met ETs face to face.
The handlers of Project Mannequin knew I was coming before I was
born, as they viewed my life on the Zetan “Looking Glass” technology
that is kept at
Area 51 and other places. I am briefed on every
current Looking Glass session by Lincoln, but it does not always get
it right.
The machine only views possible futures.
At about 10 A.D, the last Pleiadian leader called Plejas left Earth
for good because Pleiadians finally achieved peace there.
They felt
it was time for humans to evolve on their own. The next Pleiadian
spiritual leader on Earth was called Jmmanuel. Michael still
physically comes to this planet on occasions, as he is now free of
his karmic bonds.
However, his spirit lives in the bodies of his
human descendants as
walk-ins who carry on the Watcher war under his
“The son becomes the father and the father the son. You shall watch
my life through you’re eyes, as you’re life shall be watched through
Sound familiar?
An ancient text known as the Talmud of Jmmanuel was found in 1963 in
a cave in Jerusalem. The ancient scrolls had been encased in tree
resin and buried for almost two thousand years when they were
discovered by Isa Rashid, who was a Lebanese priest of the Greek
Orthodox Church, and by “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier, the famous man
from Switzerland who was visited by Pleiadians on his mountain.
There has been a huge campaign to discredit Billy Meier, but I can
tell you he is 100% the real deal.
The two men have since been persecuted by fundamental religious
organizations and shadow governments. Isa, who had the original
text, had to escape Jerusalem and go to Lebanon to avoid
assassination and destruction of the scrolls. Most of the text was
burned and lost in an Israeli air raid on a Lebanese refugee camp in
Isa and his family escaped but were later murdered in Baghdad.
One quarter of the original script had been translated from Aramaic
into German by then and mailed to Billy Meier in Switzerland. Billy
edited and published the German version of the
Talmud Jmmanuel in
Billy has survived more than a dozen assassination attempts on
his life.
James Deardorff, Professor Emeritus at the Oregon State University,
is a stout proponent for the authenticity of the text. He has spent
the last sixteen years studying and comparing the scrolls with
Biblical scriptures.
The book can be ordered on the internet.
Back to Contents
1981 - 5 years old.
Taken from Chalgrove primary school in Finchley,
London by two men and driven to Greenham Common military base.
Transported to BRAVO location at Greenham Common and taken
underground to the AL/499 facility with fifteen other children for
testing of PSI abilities. This session included a ritual in which
one of the children (a small girl) was thrown into a cage with an
attack dog and murdered in front of the rest of us. This entire
event filmed. Video probably passed around intelligence community as
a “snuff” film. The fifteen children left were divided up into three
groups of five for future training.
Age of children seem to range
from approximately 5-10 years old.
Session culminated in 1st OSIRIS genetic engineering procedure.
Just after this, my mother enrolled me in martial arts training in
Finchley with a sadistic instructor.
Details of the programming session as follows: (Warning: disturbing
I was living with my mother in Finchley, North London at the time,
and my father had just come out of prison in Spain for drug
trafficking and was living in Reading at the time. I remember one
early afternoon at this time being driven to the Greenham Common
military base in Berkshire by two men in a white car.
Many of the
details of that time have come out under regression therapy, but I
have always remembered pulling up to the front gates of the place.
The next chain of events is as follows: The man in the front
passenger seat turned around to me in the back and said, “They keep
nuclear weapons here.”
I later discovered this was actually a front
to keep the base secret so children could be trafficked in and out
of the facility. Nuclear weapons may have been kept here, as well,
but the primary reason of the Greenham Common base was to channel
children underground to various facilities around the country. We
drove though the base into an underground tunnel. There was a
two-lane road in this large tunnel, and we drove down it until we
came to a flat underground car park with an army truck parked on the
left-hand side.
There were two booths here, with security guards
sitting in each one. The tunnel went further on past the two booths.
On my right-hand side, I could see a group of approximately fifteen
children standing by a door. All the children had blankets wrapped
around their shoulders, and there were men in military uniforms and
suits standing to the left of the children. They were not saying
anything and just appeared to be standing there waiting.
I was taken out of the car, handed a blanket (the tunnel was cold)
and huddled together with the other children by the man in the
passenger seat who was dressed in civilian clothing. The group
consisted of mostly boys; some girls were in the group, as well.
Most of us appeared to be roughly the same age, but some looked
slightly older and taller. We were then ushered through the door on
our right by one of the men in suits and walked down a couple of
hallways to a room, which was a classroom type setting. The room
contained chairs with desks in front, and we were all told to find a
desk and sit down.
The man stood at the front of the room, and we all waited for what
seemed like a couple of minutes before a woman came into the room.
She was pushing a trolley and wheeled it around next to our desks.
She then handed each of us a type of puzzle, which we had to put
geometrical shapes together. The woman was middle-aged with dark
hair, pretty, and wearing an office-type dark skirt and white shirt.
When we all had our puzzles, she stood at the front of the room and
told us we had three minutes to put them together. She said “go,”
and started a stopwatch. I cannot remember how well I did, but she
instructed us to stop when the time was up and then came around with
a clipboard marking our results down.
After this, things turned very nasty. A group of men rushed in
suddenly through the door on the right, which the woman used to
enter. They dragged us out of our seats roughly. We were terrified,
screaming, and struggling. Then we were carried roughly and some of
us dragged out of this door and into the outside hallway. The woman
was shouting something in a loud aggressive manner, which seemed to
be directed at us. Still screaming and terrified, we were then
strapped onto gurneys and wheeled down a couple of corridors into a
medical-type setting and injected with drugs by doctors in lab
We were then wheeled down more corridors into a large, darker room
with many large cages that housed large dogs and what appeared to be
large wolves. I also remember hearing the sound of large cats
(tigers or lions) and other animals deeper into the room, but I
could not see that far into the darkness. The men who had dragged us
out of the classroom were standing there with the woman, and she
ordered them to unstrap us from the gurneys.
This they did, and we all stood together huddled for protection. By
this time, the drugs had kicked in, and we were in a state of
chemical-induced calmness and compliance. The woman told us we were
going to play a game to “choose one.” I also remember her saying
something about the “first chosen one,” which now smacks to me of
Masonic terminology.
Add to the fact of Female Goddess energy being
worshipped in Masonry, and many of the rites being controlled by a
female “Mother Goddess” figure, I believe what happened next was a
Masonic/Satanic ritual. The woman seemed to occupy the Mother
Goddess role, as she then proceeded to hang a bunch of colored
ribbons onto the wall on her left side and told us to pick one
ribbon each. This we did and then stood back together again.
The room was
lit up with a kind of fluorescent or infra-red light, and our
ribbons glowed with a psychedelic aura.
A small girl to the left of our group said, “I have,” and the woman
nodded to one of the men who then grabbed the little girl and
roughly carried her towards a cage on our left. She was struggling
and crying, and as we all whimpered in terror, he opened the door
and threw her in with a large snarling dog that had been barking and
going crazy since the man picked the little girl up.
It appeared to be an Alsatian type dog or wolf but was much bigger.
This animal picked the little girl up in its jaws like rag doll and
started to shake her. It is difficult for me to remember much after
this, and I’m not sure I want to. I even feel guilty about
witnessing this event and even writing about it.
Another survivor of
similar projects told me this is very common and is called
“survivor’s guilt.”
1984 - 8 years old.
Taken by father from Brighton, when visiting him
on holiday, to the Burnham Beeches OMEGA location in a private
section of woodlands on government land. Subjected to snake
shamanism rituals here.
Again, most, if not all, procedures in
Project Mannequin are filmed in the name of science. Father also
programmed at the OMEGA location as a child and adult. He was
regularly taken here as a child by his father.
Details of programming session are as follows:
We were staying in an expensive hotel, and my father went out to
make a phone call. He returned to the room and told me we were going
for a drive. I questioned him about the trip, and he said, “I can’t
tell you.” We drove to Burnham Beeches not saying a word most the
trip. It was just getting dark as we arrived.
We parked and were met
by another man who talked to my father; I was led away by this man.
We went into the woods, and I saw people gathered there with robes
and hoods. Some of them were holding some kind of lit staffs, which
illuminated the darkness. They formed a circle around me and started
to chant in a strange language, which looking back on it now,
sounded Hebrew or Aramaic. Like in 1981, English terms, such as
“chosen one,” were also included in the chanting.
A woman in a robe approached me (this may be the same woman from
1981) holding a small, multi-colored snake. She pulled the sleeve
up on my arm and pushed the top of the snake’s head to agitate it.
It hissed, and she directed it head to my arm, which it then bit.
The poison seemed to kick in quite quickly, and I went into an
altered state and got very ill. After a certain amount time, I
recovered, and some of the people who were wearing robes were now
The woman brought another snake to me (this one a slightly
different color but still small), and I was bitten again. I got
very ill again and this time I almost died. I was injected with a
drug to revive me, and I recovered. I was then taken off to the left
where a hole had been dug with a coffin next to it. The coffin was
opened, and I saw it full of large snakes. I was in a very weak
state and was lifted up and put in the coffin. I was then buried
alive. It seemed as if I was buried for hours.
There was no escape
for me in the coffin, so I dissociated and went somewhere else in my
Note: The larger snakes in the coffin seemed to be non-poisonous.
1986 - 10 years old.
My mother and I moved to Reading with my
step-father. I was taken by two men while playing in the local woods
at the end of Recreation Road, where we lived, and transported to
the AL/499.
As an adult, the little girl who lived opposite me got
in contact with me out of the blue. She told me she had large memory
gaps and remembered seeing TR-3/Firefly-type special forces aircraft
landing in the local woods when we were children.
I was later contacted by NSA operative “Sylus” and supplied my
Project Mannequin file regarding this training session.
contacts whom I trust in the intelligence community confirm this
file as authentic:
Oct 4, 1988 Details of programming session as follows:
A training area was set up in one of the large rooms in the AL/499,
and a small audience came in and took their seats. A very famous
politician, who I will not name at this time, was in attendance. I
was to participate in a bare-knuckled fight with another of the
older boys from the second unit.
Commander Clavius was my handler at this time. He was a dark-haired
man with a thin to medium build and approximately 5’11” tall.
Sometimes he wore suit pants, a white shirt and tie, and other times
he wore a dark special forces “all in one” type jumpsuit that I have
seen many people wear over the years. He had an American accent and
bad breath.
When the fight began, I hit the other boy with a right cross and
knocked him onto the floor, then stomped on his head. At this point,
the fight was stopped, and I was greatly praised by Commander
Clavius. After this, a kitten was brought in as my reward, and then
events turned savage again. The handlers always went from being
extremely kind to sadistic in order to confuse you.
I was handed a
knife and told to stab the kitten to death. I refused, and the
commander screamed in my face and started slapping me. I still
refused, and the beating became harder. I started to dissociate and
went into a kind of stupor. Another man, with an American accent, in
the audience yelled “Kill it yourself,” to the commander, to which
he replied, “Yes sir.” He then killed the kitten himself. I
dissociated deeper, and my trance became deeper.
Because I failed this test, I was deemed unsuitable for physical
assassinations and my training started to go down the remote viewing
and mastery of subtle energy route. However, the physical martial
arts training continued, and by sixteen years old, they decided to
try me on my first hit in Brighton (but we’re getting ahead of the
Session culminates in 2nd OSIRIS genetic engineering procedure.
1989 - 13 years old.
I started secondary school. My mother insisted
I attend Denefield School in Reading, which was much farther away
from my home than from the other schools I could have attended. I
later discovered that Denefield was connected to Project Mannequin
in more ways than one. Here I was the target of nearly every bully
in the school. These boys were older, bigger, and stronger than me.
I believed I was helpless against them.
One afternoon, I was attacked on the field by two older boys who
then proceeded to break my arm and some of the bones in my face. I
was lying on the ground with my arm broken, and they stomped on my
face. My mother was called, and she took me to hospital. I remember
feeling no pain on the way to hospital. My arm was mangled, and
metal plates were put in. I spent weeks in hospital recovering.
When I came out of hospital, I discovered child pornography tapes in
my step-father’s bedroom and watched them. These included children
being raped in
Masonic lodges by men dressed up in Egyptian-type
robes. It also included homosexual orgies in these lodges, where the
men were positioned in triangle patterns on the floor. My
step-father was abusing me!
The beatings by the older boys continued
at school and in my local area after school. I believed there was no
escape for me and dissociated further in my mind.
1989 - 13 years old.
I attended a local fair in Reading town centre
with a group of friends. I smoked my first joint before we entered.
I saw the older boys who had been bullying me, and they saw me. They
followed me to the far end of the fair, and two of them dragged me
around the back of the toilets, pulled my coat over my head, and
gave me a beating.
When this was finished, my coat was stuck over my
face tightly and was suffocating me. I couldn’t pull it off. A boy
watching came out of the crowd and ripped it off me. I stood up and
saw one of the boys who had just beaten me up, standing with his
group of friends. He was around 17-years-old, and I was terrified of
him. I suddenly felt an energy of courage and strength enter me. I
ran over to him and knocked him out with one punch. All his friends
were shocked and stepped back.
This gave myself, and the friend I was with, time to get out of the
fair. We walked across the bridge and looked back to see the gang of
approximately fifteen youngsters running after us and over fifty
youngsters running after them to watch the action. My friend yelled
“run,” and we sprinted off. If we could make it past the bridge and
into the pub at the end of the street, we would be safe. Just as I
thought this, a black boy raced ahead of the crowd and started to
catch up with us. His speed was incredible. I believed if I got
caught, I would die.
He grabbed hold of me and held me until the others caught up with
us. We were caught under the dark bridge just before the pub. They
left my friend alone, but I was sat upon by the smaller group, while
the large crowd gathered around to watch. A long, drawn-out beating
commenced, while my friend screamed for them to stop.
At one point,
I felt if I were hit in the face again, I would die. At this point,
my consciousness left my body. I then saw the scene from above
looking down on my own body, but my body was still fighting. A large
Jamaican lad came toward me to finish me off, and I hit him with a
right cross that knocked him on his back. I then covered up, as
ferocious blows started to reign in again from the others. I laid on
the floor semi-conscious, and my shoes and jacket were taken. A
couple of spectators from the larger crowd now ran in and kicked me
in the head.
Eventually, everyone headed off, and my friend bravely
followed to try and get my shoes and jacket back. The lad, whom I
knocked out at the fair, came back to attack me again while I was
lying on the floor. My friend ran back and screamed, “He’s had
enough!” He looked at me on the floor, and the walked off.
As I lay on the road, cars were driving around me, and no one
stopped to help me. My friend came over and took me to the pub. We
rang my mother to come and take me to the hospital. When my mother
and step-father picked me up and take me to the hospital, I could
remember ringing my mother, and just after this, I forgot my own
name. My face and head were horribly swollen, and the doctor said I
was lucky to be alive and whoever did this, were “animals.” I stayed
in the hospital for a few days of observation.
My family unit was
fully DID by this time, and compartmentalizing trauma came very
easily now. I never saw my friend again after this.
1990 - 14 years old.
My mother decided “enough is enough” and moved
me down to St. Ives, Cornwall with my father, who had just been
released from prison for drug trafficking. I went through my 3rd
OSIRIS genetic engineering procedure just after this on my 15th
birthday, and the handlers of Mannequin now stepped up training and
ops to the next level. I later discovered that my NSA handlers
needed to have me in a less built-up rural area, as the number of my
vehicle pick-ups had increased.
Within one week, I was set about by the local gang on the sea front
even though I had done nothing. I now carried weapons most of the
time, as I had sworn to not be hurt anymore, so I proceeded to
batter them with nun-chucks. No one messed with me after that. I got
home and broke down in tears. “Why does everyone hate me?”
I met a local boy who was also programmed, I found out later, and we
ordered replica guns from a magazine. We then decided to rob the
local Spar supermarket with masks on. On the way to the shop, my
friend got scared and changed his mind. I said to him, “There’s
nothing to it, but to do it,” and ran into the shop, and he ran in
behind me.
I stuck my replica
Beretta in the face of the girl behind the till
and demanded the money. My friend made a few of the people, who were
standing around, go to the back of the shop as he held them at
gunpoint. The girl went pale and became unresponsive as I demanded
the money. I jumped over the counter and tried to open the till
I don’t know what button to press, so I began to push them
randomly. An alarm went off on the till, and people in the back of
the shop began to shout. I panicked and actually shouted my friend’s
real name, “xxxx, lets go!”
We ran out of the shop and ran home. We
told my father what we’d done, and he seemed proud of me for it.
Approximately half and hour later, there was an armed response on
the street outside the flat. My father hid the replica guns at the
back of the flat for us. We waited for the door to be kicked in, and
it never came.
The unit was there for the young lad who lived next
door, as he had been in trouble with air guns in the past and was a
prime suspect for the armed robbery in our small community. The next
day, the robbery was on the local news, and my father seemed even
more proud of me.
The police ended up catching up with us a couple of weeks later, as
I basically told my girlfriend what I had done trying to impress
her. She ended up telling her father, who was a policeman. My friend
and I ended up in Truro Crown Court. My solicitor told my mother
that I could face years in prison.
We ended up being sentenced to 28
I had never seen pain on my mother’s face like just before and when
we were sentenced. She twisted her face up into inhuman shapes and
expressions when I looked at her from the dock. I had seen her do
this before, when she was angry, but never like this. The other
boy’s mother did not do this.
I was transferred to
Feltham Young Offenders Institute, and there
were boys there who were serving years for armed robbery with a
knife. I was accused of being a police informant by the other boys
for having such a low sentence.
Bullying was rife here, but
strangely enough, I was left alone as I stood up to the top dog on
the first day. He beat another boy with a sock containing toiletries
the moment I got on the wing and then threw the weapon on my bed in
my cell. I took the weapon and walked straight up to him, looked him
in the eye, grabbed his hand, and placed it in his hand. I said to
him, “I don’t want to be involved in this.”
Three boys in my wing attempted suicide during the short time I was
there. There were rumours of sexual abuse taking place in one of the
shared cells, and this cell was shut down. At night, I heard guards
coming up the metal stairs, doors being opened, and boys taken
somewhere and returned later. When I came out of prison, no one
wanted to mess with me. I had now acquired degenerate thinking.
thought guns, weapons, and violence were the way to happiness, as
people would fear me and not hurt me anymore.
1992 - 16 years old.
I had not long been out of prison, as the
criminal case took about a year to go to court. I was on license and
signed a document saying I was prohibited by law to have anything to
do with all firearms for a certain amount of time.
I was back in St.
Ives, and my mother went away for a few days; she left my aunty in
charge of me. I received a phone call and told her I was going to
Brighton, and there was nothing she could do about it. I got my
first tattoo, which resembles an evil alien face, on my right
shoulder and jumped on the train to Brighton.
When I got off, “John,” one of the male members of my unit, was
waiting for me. I can’t recall exactly what was said, but he handed
me a bag with a loaded 9mm Smith and Wesson in it.
The gist of the
conversation was basically this:
I walked down to the sea front and waited
outside a bar. There was man sitting outside on a table drinking a
pint of beer. He had short, sandy-colored hair, a short muscular
build, and was wearing a short sleeved shirt.
I was fixated upon him. I took the gun out of the bag, slipped off
the safety, and walked up to him. I then emptied most of the clip
into his head and chest and saved a couple of bullets in case anyone
tried to stop me as I ran off. When I started to shoot, everything
went quiet in my mind. I was later told by a man involved in the
intelligence community that the hit was carried out for the famous
politician I saw in the AL/499 when I was ten years old.
I ran off after I killed the man, and the next thing I remember was
sitting on a beach over half a mile away. I was coming down from a
huge rush of adrenaline, and I felt very pleased with myself, as if
my superiors were going to be very happy. Maybe they wouldn’t hurt
me anymore, I thought. I took off my clothes and went for a swim in
my boxer shorts. After this, I walked further along the sea front,
and “Jenny,” the one female member of my unit, met me, took the bag
off me, and proceeded to give me various post hypnotic commands.
forgot what I had just done and returned home on the train. After
this, I attended a party at my auntie’s house in Brighton, and a
girl told me about a shooting on the sea front.
When she told me
this, I didn’t even remember doing it.
This timeline will be continued in the next chapter, as it
emotionally exhausting writing this.
Back to Contents
The document below is my UMBRA-1 NSA security clearance:
The document below is Lincoln's UMBRA-8 security clearance when he
was transferred from Oka Ridge to

When I’m an old man, I don’t want to look back upon my life and
remember that I was some kind of prophet of doom who brought fear
into the lives of millions of people. My work has now reached
millions, and I need to be careful.
My message is ultimately one of
love and peace, which is
the Pleiadian paradigm. A win-win situation
were every man, woman, and child on this planets benefits.
The corrupt
Illuminati paradigm wishes to see the destruction of the
Goyim - all the people on earth who are not “New
When our unit was involved in RV ops in London in the
90’s, we were told things like,
“when it all goes down, people like
you will run the planet for us.”
Many times, the elite were called
underground to the CLC-1 facility under Parliament when there were
threats of a nuclear attack on the UK.
Barry King was paired up with
a certain female in this facility in the past in this exact
situation. It was a
C.O.G. (Continuity of Government) type operation
with the Illuminati wanting to repopulate the earth with offspring
of the most gifted, to rise from the ashes like the phoenix.
Fortunately, this never happened. Immanuel’s message was that all
people, Jew and Gentile, could see the New Jerusalem of peace and
prosperity on earth.
This is what the future holds, and the Pleiadians are not going to see this planet get flushed down the
I’m honored and grateful to be able to carry this message. What
gives me the right to speak for the Pleiadians?
The simple answer is
that I’ve been in direct contact with them since I was child. Part
of my role in Project Mannequin was to make telepathic contact with
the large Pleiadian mother ships in the outer atmosphere and then
pass the messages onto Commander Clavius and other people.
This was
all done while I was in the trip-seat.
I’ve had that much contact with them over the years that a whole
book could be written on this subject alone. Some of the messages in
Mannequin had to do with the fact that the Pleiadians would not
stand for the abuse occurring in these military facilities, and
Aldebaran federation forces would be taking direct military action
against them.
This is not a chapter about “exopolitics” but the M.I.E.C forces have control over something known as the
Tablets of
Destiny (T.O.D.), which is basically a network of large exotic crystal based
computers. These are linked in a geometrical grid pattern around the
world and can trigger large scale disasters such as tidal waves,
hurricanes, and earthquakes.
Anyone who has investigated this
subject would be familiar with the
H.A.A.R.P scalar weather warfare
system based in Alaska. This is part of the T.O.D. super computer.
Ultimately, mankind is being held hostage by this system.
often ask,
why don’t the Pleiadians come in and rescue us and all the
children being abused in underground bases, if all the ships are
positioned around the planet?
The answer is because of the Tablets of Destiny. Yes, the large Pleiadian craft are here.
Anyone who attended the Probe
International conference in the past saw the proof. My colleague
“Duncan” presented the many colored photographs of these ships -
some over five miles long - to hundreds of stunned people in
attendance. You could hear the gasps from the audience as people’s
breath was taken away.
These photographs were taken by another
friend of mine, known on the internet as Simon Anderson and
Leonard Walson, using advanced photography equipment that takes
pictures of objects in the outer atmosphere. JLW has filmed so many
ships that I cannot cover them all here.
His work has been included
here and footage can be
seen below (click image):
My most recent Pleiadian contacts brought word of direct military
action by Aldebaran federation forces against certain strategic
locations in Britain, America, and Australia.
These attacks and
liberations were utilized using “excaliber” type technology. This is
sonic, ground-penetrating weaponry that attacks deep underground but
leaves the surface unharmed. This message was given to me on the
night of August 25th by several small scout craft positioned
overhead in a certain location in Scotland were I am now based.
The attacks would take place between the 25th and 30th August, I was
told. A couple of days later, I was told by Lincoln that he’d heard
of a huge explosion and fire in the underground facility at Montauk,
where the Phoenix mind control project is being run. He also
informed me that the mag-lev underground tube shuttle system had
been shut down between the bases in New Mexico. All the terminals
had been closed and this went on for an unusually long time.
Anyway, I don’t want to dwell on the warlike aspect of the
I want to focus on the joy and ecstasy that comes with
having a heart link with them, especially the female aspect of their
civilization. They are a Goddess-based society, which venerates
females and family. The feeling of the energy is similar to being in
love. Children with Pleiadian genetics are highly sought after in
Mannequin and are known under such codenames as Platinum Blues and
Digital Children.
These are the most joyful and angelic children
whose physic abilities come from the ability to feel love and the
feelings of another being. The people used in the project are like
the phoenix. They are individuals of such passion and fire that
their souls are often too powerful for their bodies. It often takes
to their 30th birthday to learn how to slow down and take care and
control over their physical bodies.
Basically, during my telepathic contacts with them, I have written
down what they told me. I have a whole box full of this information
in a safe location. An individual approached me and offered to
purchase them but we could not agree on the right price. I am glad
now I did not sell them.
Much of the information is almost identical
word for word as such Pleiadian-channeled books as
Awakening Your
Divine Ka and The Pleiadian Light Workbook by Amorah Quan Yin and
The Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program by Gill Patterson.
had not read these books when I received the precipitation
transmissions from the Pleiadians. They teach you how to ascend your
consciousness into higher dimensions - they take a person higher.
The energy is sexual as PSI and sexual is one in the same. Gill Petterson calls the human light-workers on earth “sacred sexual
master beings of light.”
As the ecstasy takes you, an individual is able to remote view and
do other things.
As I rise out of my body, I see the house, then the
town, then the country in my sublime view. I then go so high I hold
the whole planet in my palm so to speak. I am then able to project
my consciousness almost anywhere in the world and see what is going
on. By reading this, part of my spirit is now with you. I've already
gone public with the exact scientific method I use to RV on the Godlikeproductions forum, so I won't include it here.
According to various NSA scientists who have briefed me, over 1000
man-hours have been put into exploring the limits of how far a
remote viewer can see. They talk about
Seven Superdomains, which
basically point toward the human having “the mind of God” when
developed and can see across the universe.
There is a limit and
the NSA scientists call this the
T-Boundary or through-boundary.
The intelligence community consists of modern-day knights, and the
people who work with me are some of the individuals who are still
human and haven’t been taken over. I will explain what I mean by
this statement. The knightly Masonic orders were originally set up
to directly combat dangerous extra-terrestrial life forms, but
nowadays, many of the orders have been taken over by the same beings
who were their sworn enemies.
This makes perfect sense, as one of the most effective military
strategies is to infiltrate and subvert your enemy.
Amongst the most
dangerous reptilians on earth now is
the Chimera, or shapeshifter,
who walks amongst us and appears as a man. More and more Chimeras
are presently embedded in the human population. Many of the
underground bases in the U.K. and U.S. have DNA scanners located at
the topside exits that are guarded by armed personnel.
These alarms
are triggered on these scanners if an alien or enhanced clone in
human form attempts to leave the facility without permission.
Do not be fooled into thinking the human military have this
situation under control. However, they attempt to do their best. All
other known human exits without DNA scanners are monitored 24/7 from
satellite. One of the major problems the Chimera cause is when they
take the human form of a world leader, which they often do. I have
seen the famous politician I mentioned in Chapter 5 more than once
in various underground facilities around the U.K.
More than once, I
knew it was not the original man but a reptilian that had taken on
his form. This individual also has several clones, as well. He
carries a beautiful 9mm Smith and Wesson (a favorite gun of the NSA).
This pistol has a pearl handle grip with a symbol of a dragon on it.
High-ranking members of the intelligence community will know who I’m
talking about. I’ll leave it at that for the time being. As I said,
the Chimeras look like men but are not men. It is not for humans to
understand the mind of malevolent xenos. This is totally alien and
beyond our comprehension. Their centers of operation are located
deep in the earth under the sub-surface military bases and also on
their huge spacecraft.
RV scans reveal cave-like interiors inside
these places, which resemble huge insect colonies, with some
over 18 feet tall.
Many of their spacecraft are organic rock-like
The inherent vileness of these places and beings is physically
transmitted and felt when around them. These Centers of Operations
often have hundreds of thousands of human men, women, and children
in cryogenic stasis pods to be used as food. Whether these are
clones or real humans, I do not know.
However, classified DIA (Defense
Intelligence Agency) increasingly large amounts of children going
missing in the U.K. and U.S. X13 also informed of the disturbing
disclosure that one million cryogenically frozen children had been
given by
the Greys to
the Draco Prime ship behind the
comet as tribute.
These beings are anathema to all our values. As we love, so they
hate. As we are strengthened and fed by peace, they are strengthened
and fed by fear. They are actually a dying race who has progressed
too far down the road of technology without balancing their
emotional developing. They have turned into organic machines because
of this.
I’ve been warned I could be killed even more quickly for disclosing
the next piece of information, as it’s so close to home; however,
with all the secrecy falling apart, it hardly matters now. The cat
is well and truly out of the bag. This concerns the recent spate of
suicides of young people in the town of Bridgend in Wales.
three individuals have killed themselves in 20 months here. Seven
deaths were linked as a possible
The population is only 32,000 here.
Dale Crole, 18,
hanged himself in a derelict warehouse on January, 5th 2007.
friend, David Dillings, 19, hanged himself on February 18th.
Davies, 20, who knew both of them, hanged himself in a park a week
Zachary Barnes, 17, who hanged himself on August 11th, is
also believed to have known the other victims.
In December, Liam
Clarke, a friend of Crole, was found hanged in a park.
Morgan, 27, who knew Clarke, died on January 5th this year.
Natasha Randell, 17, posted a tribute message to Clarke on her Bebo page two
days before she hanged herself on January 17th.
On February 13th,
Kelly Stephenson was found hanged a few hours after her cousin
Nathaniel Pritchard, 15, was declared dead following a suspected
The two cousins were said to be “very close,” and on one of
Ms. Stephenson’s Bebo pages, there were tributes to Clarke, Randell
and Barnes.
Jenna Parry, 16, found hanged on the morning of 19th
February, was thought to be a close friend of at least one other
So what is going on here really?
I was directly briefed by British
Intelligence that in five of the news reports, there were members of
MI-6 and Group 5-8 special forces working on telephone poles and in
telephone boxes in the background while cameras where interviewing
newscasters. These operatives were searching an “item,” which has
recently gone missing from the underground genetics facility below Brecon Beacons in Wales, known as
This so called item is a Chimera that has gone AWOL. It is referred to as a “feeder,” as
being near to it reveals such feelings as intense suicidal
tendencies and depression. The reason being is that it
telepathically feeds on the taste of fear.
The intel operatives in
the news background are a message to the community saying,
attempting to get the situation under control and track this thing
The reality of the situation is that the Chimera came into
the town and engaged these young people in conversation.
It then
telepathically hypnotized them with various subliminal suggestions.
After this, it went back to the place it was staying (possibly a
B&B) and performed a type of remote viewing to the location where
the individual was in the process of committing suicide and “fed”
off the energies being released here. Modern scientific
investigations are now reporting that some reptile species on earth
have a type of orgasm when they die, as huge amounts of endorphins
are released.
Recently, there have been reports of the famous Lizard Man of South
One media report is as follows:
“Sighting of the Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp (also known as The
Lizard Man of Lee County) was a major media event. First with one
sighting and then others, it was said to be a humanoid cryptid,
perhaps a merbeing, inhabiting areas of swampland in and around Lee
County, South Carolina.
The Lizard Man was described at the time as being quite tall,
bipedal, and having what appeared to be scaly skin and glowing red
eyes. In the popular media rendering, it was said to have three toes
on each foot and three fingers on each hand that end in long black
claw-like nails.
The first reported sighting of the Scape Ore creature occurred on
June 29, 1988 but was soon followed by others, including information
that was revealed about an earlier sighting in 1987.”
Now, almost exactly twenty years after the initial media flap of the Scape Ore event, is the Lizard Man back?
Just recently, I received word from Lincoln that a reptilian had
breached one of the above-ground exits at the Oak Ridge NSA
facility. He informed me of a phone call he received the night of
the recent reports of the Lizard Man (I won’t detail the case, as it
was included in the mainstream media of America and can be read on
the internet). The phone call was from Oak Ridge and relayed the
message that the place was on red alert after a reptilian had
breached the area and was being hunted by DELTA Special Forces
Apparently, one of the treaties had fallen through with the Draco
and U.S. government, and this was a psychological warfare tactic by
the Draco basically saying,
“If you don’t do what we say, we’ll come
onto the surface and cause terror.”
This is exactly what this thing
did when it attacked a car in the area and scratched the front with
its claws.
See picture below:

Also see photo of
Oak Ridge facility supplied by Lincoln:

Photo 3 shows the ROWS (Remote Operational Weapons System) hardware
at Oak Ridge.
This is a heat-seeking mechanized rifle system that
automatically locks onto anything in its sensor range. It fires upon
the command of guard underground (photo supplied by Lincoln):

Photo 3
Photo 4 shows one of the separator pumps at the
Dulce genetics
Taken from Level 5, this is for working with blood plasma
(photo supplied by Lincoln):

Photo 4
Photo 5 shows Barry King and me together at my flat in St Ives:

Photo 5
Photo 6 shows one of Lincoln’s security badges. He has to wear four
of them at all times. All four are for different purposes. One is
his permanent badge, one is daily, one is door scanner/retina scan
badge, and the other is for lower level access. All badges, except
daily badges, remain in base at all times. They do not leave with
They are turned in with coveralls when you leave. This is
Lincoln’s daily badge. The strip next to his employee number is
turning pink/reddish in color. This strip turns pink if you don’t
scan it with an ultra-violet badge scanner.
Basically, the badge
goes bad to prevent forgery.

Photo 6
Photo 7 shows a reptilian that has been killed and beheaded in the
jungle of South America by local shamans:

Photo 7
Link 9 shows a Zetan Grey being interviewed by a telepath at Area
Link 10 shows probable Chimera who has taken on the body of a world
leader (notice the eyes shifting into reptilian slits):
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