by Shane Trejo
April 06, 2020
BigleaguePolitics Website
Italian version

Is this why Fauci
has been so skeptical
of hydroxychloroquine...?
Anthony Fauci, who has become a
beloved doom prophet fomenting
mass hysteria among the American public amidst
the coronavirus
pandemic, once worked with technocratic oligarch
Bill Gates on his
"Global Vaccine Action Plan."
Activist reporter Mike Coudrey drew attention to this fact on his
Twitter account in a post from Sunday:
The "Global Vaccine
Action Plan" was
announced in 2010 as a public-private partnership of:
the World
Health Organization (WHO)
United Nations Children's Fund
the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
the Bill & Melinda
"This plan will
build on the successes of current work to achieve key milestones in
the discovery, development and delivery of 'lifesaving'
vaccines to
the most vulnerable populations in the poorest countries over the
next decade," WHO wrote in their press release about the project.
As the NIAID
director, Fauci helped guide the vaccine-pushing project as a member
of its Leadership Team.
He was joined by other globalist kingpins
Anthony Lake, Executive Director for UNICEF
Chan, Director General of WHO
Joy Phumaphi,
Chair of the International Advisory Committee and Executive
Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance
Tachi Yamada, President of Global
Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The project was
designed to assemble some of the most powerful globalist actors
the planet and encourage them to conspire on ways to peddle vaccines
throughout the world.
"The Global Vaccine
Action Plan will enable greater coordination across all stakeholder
groups - national governments, multilateral organizations, civil
society, the private sector and philanthropic organizations - and
will identify critical policy, resource, and other gaps that must be
addressed to realize the 'life-saving' potential of vaccines," WHO
wrote in their press release about the scheme.
Fauci has been the
primary voice in the
Trump administration urging the public to be
skeptical of
hydroxychloroquine, a possible miracle treatment for
Fauci has remained a critic of
indications that it can be effective in helping the afflicted
recover from the disease.
"No. The answer is
no," Fauci
said last month after he was asked about whether or not there
was any evidence showing that hydroxychloroquine can be effective in
treating the coronavirus.
When it became
clear that hydroxychloroquine can be effective in treating the
coronavirus, Fauci walked back his comments.
"Although there is
some suggestion with the study that was just mentioned by Dr. Oz,
granted that there is a suggestion that there is a benefit there, I
think we've got to be careful that we don't make that majestic leap
to assume that this is a knockout drug," Fauci said during an
appearance on
"FOX & Friends" last week.
Fauci may be trying
to halt the use of hydroxychloroquine as part of the "Global Vaccine
Action Plan" that he plotted many years ago.
Gates has already
talked about digital tracking implants being tagged into
people's skin for authorities to enforce their vaccination schedule.
Fauci could be serving as a bureaucratic enabler of Gates'
Big Brother ambitions...