by Catherine J. Frompovich
June 14, 2015
ActivistPost Website
Catherine J Frompovich (website)
is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in
Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in
Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work
has been published in national and airline magazines since the early
1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with
co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and
holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer
healthcare researcher 35 years and counting. |

This article is going to be quite different in format since it will
contain more videos than my comments so as to try to tie together
and express more than I ever could write in one submission.
The theme that runs through all is to
dramatize how humans are unknowingly being subjugated at every level
and most aspects and phases of life, living and the pursuit of
higher consciousness.
It's an attempt on my part to connect some dots that, when
considered side-by-side, may prompt readers to think about what's
going on to implement what I, and many others, expect is
"corporate-acracy" or fascism:
A system of government marked by
centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist
economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent
suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of
belligerent nationalism and racism
A political philosophy or
movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
The perfect place to start is with
the TPP - Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement.
The TPP - What You're
Not Being Told
Readers, can you wrap your minds around
600 corporate representatives being able to read
the TPP agreement
but the public, whom will be affected the most, cannot know what's
in it?
Even Congress can't see it! Whoa!
Doesn't that sound like the shenanigans
that went on to pass the Affordable Care Act aka ObamaCare?
That kind of BSing regarding transparency has to stop!
Jade Helm 15 -
10 States Now Involved with Massive US Military Exercises
That "Truth and Action"
reporting on JH15 is "mammoth" in size,
scope, and videos!
Readers will see video after video of military
armored vehicles, etc. moving across the USA - but for what reason?
With whom is the U.S. military going to war in 10 U.S. states?
Moving all that equipment and personnel,
including vehicles marked "UN" around the USA definitely should
awaken any skeptic to a "New World Order" of governance apparently
coming to the USA!
Are Readers
Aware of FEMA camps?
More state-by-state information
about FEMA camps.
Vaccination Laws Being Forced
...Upon and Against Individual Sovereignty of
One's Body and Children (SB277 in California)
Finally and thankfully, African-Americans are awakening to what's
happened, and is happening, to them including medical experiments,
e.g., the
Tuskegee Syphilis Study, and they
will be taking action!
Here's a video news report (WHDT) about what has the
African-American community so upset about the CDC/FDA and
The U.S. CDC
Lies about Its Affiliation with Big Pharma and Big Pharma's Apparent
The British Medical Journal (BMJ) published a compelling
article about the U.S. CDC's receiving funding from industry (Big
Pharma) after
Jeanne Lenzer, a BMJ journalist, looked into the money part
that's behind the CDC's infamous statement,
"CDC, our planners, and our content
experts wish to disclose they have no financial interests or
other relationships with the manufacturers of commercial
products... CDC does not accept commercial support."
According to Lenzer,
"Despite the agency's disclaimer,
the CDC does receive millions of dollars in industry gifts and
funding, both directly and indirectly, and several recent CDC
actions and recommendations have raised questions about the
science it cites, the clinical guidelines it promotes, and the
money it is taking." [2]
Furthermore, The Washington Post
reported that "Pharmaceutical firms
paid to attend meetings of panel that advises FDA, emails show."
Therein is a HUGE indication of corporate influence over government
agencies, which definitely should not be.
GMO 'Phood'
and its Problems - One picture is worth a thousand words!
The question everyone in science ought to ask is this:
Didn't Dr. Seralini's study use the same strain of rats as
Monsanto used in its
study to prove GMOs 'safe'?
However, Gilles-Eric Seralini's study went on for two
years, whereas Monsanto's study lasted for only three months!
Jerry Rosman, formerly a
GMO crop farmer turned organic farming
consultant, claims
the FDA is not concerned about GMOs!
Happening to the Air We Breathe?
Look at the sky above for an impressively visible clue. It's called
weather geoengineering.
Here are some videos about that:
Here's an article which may explain more about
climate control.
If you're a frequent flyer, perhaps, you'd better know about aerotoxic air syndrome. Watch the
below video embedded in "Climate Engineering Contamination And Aerotoxic Air Syndrome":
Gerald Celente of The Trends Journal wraps up much of what's
going on globally better than anyone, I think, has for the last 30
or so years. Very few people, in my opinion, have the insights,
passion and "stage presence" quite like Gerald Celente!
What do you
Is There A [RFID] Microchip in Your Future?
Will humans be treated like cattle getting readied to go to
Is that the ultimate new order?
Are Readers Familiar with the Decreased Global Population
Projection for 2025 posted at
This video may explain more (about
RFID Microchip) than anyone can imagine:
Are Readers
Aware that Alternative Media Censorship is Going On?
Here's proof that censorship is alive and well in the USA.
Need I
mention that my computer also is being compromised; files go
missing; and my Norton 'security' program freezes my computer when I
try accessing ActivistPost.com for whom I write, plus research
Who's to
So really,
Why are humans, our sovereign rights given by Creator and
Nature, and the intricacies of our daily lives being overtaken by
Big Brother governments?
Is there a possibility that we,
collectively, are to blame?
How can I make such a comment that
probably indicates we are allowing these indiscretions to come down
upon us almost like biblical plagues?
Well, this video "The
Zombification of the Planet" explains some, but
this one reaches into the secrecy of the elites' and
controllers' strategy meetings.
However, nothing can compare with
the Bohemian Grove meetings in
Northern California where clandestine meetings with 'elites' from
all walks of life take place.
This below video shows some of the arcane trappings of Bohemian Grove:
The BG crowd in the past included politicians who were BG
participants before they became U.S. presidents!
See my article, "Presidential Candidates Apparent Vetting Process" to understand
just how pervasive apparent
dysfunctionality is in the so-called
One of the events at the BG annual encampment is "The Cremation of
Here is a video of the actual onsite druid-like ritual filmed
by InfoWars.
Are they really paying homage to
the Owl of Bohemia in
a sacrificial way?
What would you think of your member of government, or any corporate
elite, who participates in such rituals?
Can those rituals be
compared with witchcraft, black magic or as some speculate,
Satanism, which actually is a 'religion' of sordid sorts?
Furthermore, are the men who participate at BG
- no women allowed - the
very same 'sickos' who mandate how we are to live; promote wars our
spouses, relatives, children and friends are sent to fight; and
constantly are formulating treaties and laws for a
of the USA need to wake up to what's going on and become
engaged in civics, something not taught in schools anymore.
I wonder