by Benjamin Fulford
July 18, 2011
Kauilapele Website
Although it is impossible to predict exactly how the smoke will twirl off
the end of a cigarette, you can predict with certainty that eventually the
smoke will be evenly distributed throughout the room.
In the same way, while it is impossible to
predict the individual twists and turns of the collapse of
Federal Reserve Board and the Western financial system, the end
game is not in doubt.
In this case, a look at the macro numbers, such
things as balance of payments, external debt, tax revenue etc. show clearly
that the fall of small dominoes like Greece will lead inevitably to the
big Kahuna: the United States.
For now though, the order of collapse appears to be as follows:
the Baltic States
finally the United States
Have no doubt, there is money in the rest of the
world to help these countries rebuild and restructure their economies.
The rest of the world is also willing and eager
to help. However, as a precondition for this help, these countries need to
fundamentally change their behavior. So far, they seem too arrogant to
understand the reality that they are no longer in charge of the global show.
They no longer have the money to pay the actors.
Here is one example from a while ago, the details of which only recently
came to light: the appearance of former Japanese Finance Minister Shoichi
Nakagawa “drunk” at a G7 press conference in 2009. What really happened
is that the Western powers asked Japan to fork up $100 billion to hand over
the IMF.
Nakagawa said,
“sure, we’ll sell $100 billion of U.S.
Treasury holdings to pay for it.”
He was going to say that at the press conference
so, in order to prevent the assembled propaganda media from hearing this, he
was drugged.
He returned to Japan, resigned and was
subsequently poisoned and killed just before he was due to meet this
reporter to explain what happened. Later the Japanese agriculture minister
showed up with bandages on his face at a press conference in Japan. He
refused to explain why this was.
However, we have now found out it was because
the rogue element of the U.S. government was trying to extort Japanese
agricultural money to pay for their “global” schemes. They were unable to.
The final move was to
attack Japan with a tsunami causing seabed
nuclear earthquake device in an attempt to extort money. That threat was met
with a counter-threat by non-Japanese actors, to blow up
the BIS,
Vatican, Chicago, La Defence in Paris and other key Western
The message was that nuclear blackmail is not a
one-way street. This forced
the Bilderberger Western elite to back off
threats to cause Mt. Fuji to erupt.
In June, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu phoned Japanese
Prime Minister Naoto Kan and said Israeli companies in charge of
security at various Japanese nuclear plants would cause a total nuclear
holocaust in Japan. He was told that if he did this then both Mossad U.S.
headquarters in Chicago and Israel would also be blown up.
After this he backpedalled and
Israeli security was removed from Japan’s nuclear plants and
many were shut down as a precaution.
A threat to set off an even worse holocaust
the New Madrid fault line in the U.S. was also subsequently
halted by
White Dragon Society allies in the United
The genocidal cabal that hijacked the Western power centers now find
themselves in a very tight spot indeed.
J. Rockefeller,
George Bush Senior and their drug-dealing murderer
Richard Armitage have also been told in
no uncertain terms they are no longer welcome in Japan.
We can also confirm from Japanese military
intelligence that Bush slave former Prime Minister
Junichiro Koizumi has fled to North
Korea in fear of his life.
Other key cabal criminals now in fear of prison include,
...and their fellow plotters of genocide and a
global fascist 4th Reich.
The real question now remains what to do about
Obama and his government as well as the bribed, corrupt
establishment in
Washington D.C.
corporate headquarters. A large part of the Pentagon brass support Obama
because he was actually elected by a majority of the American people (unlike
Bush Jr.). This is a choice for the American people to make.
The creditors of the United States, including China and Japan, are simply
saying the military industrial complex needs to retool itself from a
parasitical, war-mongering institution into something productive.
For example
the Death (nobody is fooled by the name “Defense”) Advanced Research
Projects Agency will have to change to LARPA (Life Advanced Research
Projects Agency).
In any case, it is clear the criminal cabal in the West will not relinquish
their power without more of a struggle. All the White Dragon can do for now
is to keep them cut off from their funds and prevent them from starting WW3
until they are finally removed from power. That means we need stand back and
watch their death throes for a while longer.
Perhaps in August humanity will be freed at