by Julian Rose
April 29, 2012
ActivistPost Website
Julian is a British pioneer
organic farmer, writer and activist. He is currently president of
the 'International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside'
which is leading the fight against GMO in Poland. He is author of
"Changing Course for Life - Local Solutions to Global Problems"
Remember the Old Testament story of Moses trying to free the Children of
Israel from the slavery imposed by the Pharaoh? Well, as much as Moses tried
to help the Children of Israel break the chains of oppression, they simply
didn't want to take the steps necessary to free themselves from bondage.
They claimed that they were relatively well housed and fed by the Pharaoh -
and even if the daily work was hard, it was preferable to facing the unknown
consequences of a long walk in the wilderness as the price to pay for
Fast forward some 2,000 years.
Calls to embrace civil resistance and to
depose the tyrants who hold mankind in a state of slavery are largely
“Yea, well, when you think about it our
present way of life isn't that bad really.
Look, I've still got a car right? We've got
two TV sets and a good stash of beer in the fridge. Its only a twenty
minute drive to our nearest supermarket and the stuff there's pretty
cheap really. The freezer's almost full and the cat doesn't go hungry
Yea, I agree that the government's pretty
crap and fuelling the car is definitely hitting my wallet. But look, I'm
able to hold down a couple of part time jobs... and it's enough to keep
us going and get a holiday once in a while, so why rock the boat any
Yeah, I know the jails are full and the cops are behaving something
rotten these days. We're being watched a lot too... and that's not
good... and why the hell do we still have troops in Afghanistan?
Heh! Did you see the game last night? Hell of match eh?”
As the tremors of change fill the air and shake
the ground with increasing regularity, human reactions seem increasingly
One set of responses is to hunker down, avert
the eyes, close the ears and try to pretend that everything's pretty much
okay. Another is to express increasing alarm and increasing fear about where
it is all leading:
the “Did you see? Did you read? Did you
hear?” syndrome.
It is to all our misfortunes that that these two
reactions to the current state of play on our planet remain the predominant
The third way:
to look the situation in the eye, to calmly
assess the reality and then to take action to prevent a disaster and/or
to set out a solution, remains a minority response.
That which is holding back the revolution
required to radically redress the top-down enslavement of humanity and the
destruction of our planetary resource base seems to hinge on three
Too many people are too comfortable and
prefer to believe what the propaganda machine tells them.
Too many people are too uncomfortable
and remain preoccupied with a basic level of survival.
Too many people remain indifferent or
afraid and shut themselves off from the potential to change.
The 'too comfortable' are those able to
hermetically seal themselves away from the plight of our planet, using money
as their main insulation material.
Within our Western society these people belong
not just to the elite 1% but more probably to the 20 or 30% who still hold
down jobs capable of providing them with above-average incomes. They are
mostly on the infamous 'keeping up with the neighbors' social ladder which
demands constant engagement with image and the appearance of wealth.
'Must haves' for these people include: the new
car, the bourgeois residence, the right clothes, the Roundup weed free
garden, the latest TV, iPod and the right circle of friends who also reflect
broadly the same aspirations.
Not so long ago these people were called 'the bourgeoisie' and most looked
to their way of life as a salvation from the daily grind of life on the
factory or shop floor, or even among the spreading fields of modern farming
practices. Some semblance of this bourgeoisie seems still to be manifesting
However, it lacks its old self confidence and is now visibly fraying around
the edges. Financial insecurity has eaten into the once predictable pathway
to 'bettering oneself' and a bourgeois future for the children is costing
more and more to set up. 'The proper' wedding alone calls for a minimum
outlay of at least $20,000.
The social climbers have their focus set on the maintenance of a cosmetic
and vacuous life style which, as far as possible, means remaining untouched
by the ragged reality of a world on the edge of breakdown.
They are complicit in deliberately avoiding dealing with the excesses of
their lifestyle or confronting the repercussions which these excesses throw
up. They coolly disregard the fact that we live on a sentient planet being
daily raped of its finite resources specifically to make possible their
senseless way of life.
As if living on another planet, those who are 'too uncomfortable' struggle
to get by with little or no security as to how they will make ends meet for
more than a few days at a time.
These people, and they are increasing in number
all the time, have already been ejected from a life of reasonable comfort
due to the criminal activities of a combination of corporate and government
greed, largely orchestrated by the 1% and the Illuminati henchmen out to get
their thieving hands on the collective wealth of all straightforward working
All across the Western world, those who have worked hard to get a roof over
their heads and some reasonable heat and power into their living rooms, are
being squeezed out of existence by the relentless rising costs associated
with maintaining a home in some reasonable state of comfort.
Costs over which the majority have little or no control and which have their
origins in Western fomented geopolitical military intervention in some
distant land and in the unfettered bonus packages awarded to the CEOs of
household corporate providers.
Only a small percentage of such costs are
based on a genuine scarcity of resources or elevated costs of production. And of course they are rendered even more
problematical when there is also a mortgage to pay off on the home.
As the rate of homelessness continues to rise, so is the machinery of State
less and less able to cope. The State has had the means to look after the
homeless stolen by the corporate and banking gangsters who stringently avoid
paying state taxes by stashing their vast wealth away in off-shore tax
havens or by other devious means.
So it remains for the working man and woman to
subsidize the safety net which they themselves are desperately close to
All this, coupled as it is to a sinister covert plan to deliberately bring
down the global financial system, is combining to produce a fin de siècle
type crisis which spells the end of civilization as we know it. Those who
are unable to know where tomorrow's bread and butter are coming from, quite
literally lack the energy and means to foment the revolution which surely
should have happened by now.
A revolution to take back the dignity and self
affirmation that would eventually give all those suffering in this way
genuine security, hope and solid aspiration to a better life.
But with the 'too comfortable' aspiring
bourgeoisie turning their backs on on all those less well-off, and the super
rich virtually 100% insulated against the dilemmas of all sentient mortals,
the incitement for radical change remains effectively anaesthetized.
So this leaves the main change-making work to those of us who are fortunate
enough to have somehow escaped, avoided or seen beyond the standard
propaganda fed status quo recipe for life.
How many might fit such a description?
It's very hard to say, but let us say around 10% - and of course the
situation remains fluid, with awareness growing almost in counterpoint with
the intensification of disinformation, phony propaganda and police
state-style, top-down impositions.
Virtually every day we learn more about the techniques being used to try and
keep us from coming together to take collective control of our destinies.
We now know that most of the food on
offer on supermarket shelves
is unfit to eat.
We know our
water supplies are being
tampered with.
We know about
HAARP's violent
manipulation of the earth's energy field.
We see the
chemtrails being laid across
our skies.
We find out that the masts which stream
the messages to
our cell phones (I no longer use one) act as a
distribution network for the electromagnetic smog which addles our
We recognize more and more how 'the system'
tries to impose a state of fear and upheaval in people's lives so that they
ultimately succumb to shock created acquiescence and, as a consequence, seek
'protection' from whoever might seem to be offering it.
And we note that it is
the Illuminati who most
generously offer such protection - in the form of,
Yes, we are now close, perhaps very close, to recognizing the true scale of
the tyranny being imposed upon upon our planet.
And at this point we wonder how far there still
is to go before the tipping point is reached and the psychotic empire
builders are no longer able to maintain their hypnotic control over the
majority of mankind; and the slaves no longer able to pretend that “its all
going to be okay.”
Trying to put a date on such a key turning point is a pointless pursuit. It
has an illusive way of never conforming to cosmological interpretation or to
man-made prediction. Our only way forward is to treat each barrier presented
to us as a fresh challenge to our own inner strength and sense of purpose.
To see each closed door as a door that needs opening.
To see each crazed imposition as just another
sterile attempt to lock us into the cage of fear. Then we also need to be
prepared for the worst: a near total collapse of the money supply, the grid
and the food distribution system.
We cannot be amongst 'the pretenders' who imagine that such an event could
never happen. It's more than possible that it will, and we will need to be
able to demonstrate leadership if and when it does.
For city dwellers, this means selling the apartment/house and getting out of
the city now.
Finding some fertile ground and
learning to grow
food, harvest rainwater and utilize renewable energy resources. Or teaming
up with friends who already have access to such resources and are willing to
share them. This is all part of the bigger change which must happen anyway;
however, when it takes the form described above, it becomes a revolution by
absolute necessity, not by choice.
If it isn't a New World Order/Illuminati-induced collapse, then it may well
be a
weather induced one, or indeed a combination of the two.
Whatever it is, our response demands courage.
With this courage comes a rising confidence in our ability to overcome that
which impedes us and then to join forces with others who are on the same
journey. Its a journey to free our World from those who cannot, or will not,
recognize planet earth for the jewel it is; but instead only see it, and us,
as a mine to be exploited until nothing of value remains.
Onward my friends, onward. We are on a march which must end in victory, and
it is a great road to travel.
By the time our hour comes, we will be
lighter, brighter and more alive than we ever were before the forces of
darkness imposed their sterile agenda upon our winding evolutionary path.
As the poet William Blake wrote some two hundred years ago:
“Improvements make straight roads, but the
crooked roads without improvement, are the roads of genius.”
We only need to remind ourselves that we were
born to travel this road of genius and we don't intend to get off it...