by Dave Hodges
May 2013
TheCommonSenseShow Website
Part 1
Some of the Sheep Are No Longer Asleep
May 16, 2013

world is finally beginning to wake up to the global tyranny that is
threatening all of humanity. In the past two months I have heard from
people that I have not heard from or seen for 10-20 years.
I have heard from
former players, students, friends and neighbors.
Several people contacting out of my distant past may not sound
significant, but I had zero expectation of hearing from any of these
people again. And all of the contacts were motivated by their concern
for the decimation of our Republic and my work towards reversing the
trend curve.
Sometimes as I pound away at my keyboard in the middle of the night, I
wonder if I am making a difference with regard to awakening the
multitude of sheep in this country. Frequently, I have wondered if any
of us are making a real difference. Yet, I have met so many gifted
morally upstanding people in our Patriot movement.
The majority of the
people in the alternative media, too many to mention, have talent,
charisma, intelligence, education, a love of God and country and are
only motivated by the desire to live in a society which is governed by
people who want to help their fellow man, not to enslave them.
I am
very gratified to say that my personal barometer says that after a long
battle, the journalists in the truthful media are beginning to reach a
critical mass of influence. In the classic book written by Malcom
Gladwell, The Tipping Point, postulates what it takes to get an
idea to go viral.
True to Gladwell’s premises, we in the alternative
media have dramatically increased our contact base and our subsequent
Who Is the Alternative Media?

does not have to maintain a website or host a talk show to have an
effect in the war on corruption and tyranny.
I have met several people
on Facebook who share articles that they identify with and they send
these articles to scores of people. Many of these same people will also
write an accurate and succinct summary of world events in a paragraph or
two, insert a clever picture, which serves to enhance the meaning, and
then send it on.
They, too, comprise the alternative media.
I am
simply awestruck at the reach that we are acquiring in the alternative
media. We are having a dramatic impact and the effect is incredible
given the fact that we are demonized in the MSM and the globalists
control 98% of the corporate media.
And, yet, America is still waking
of us, whether we write, broadcast, share on Facebook or simply educate
our neighbors and friends, should all take a look in the mirror and pat
ourselves on the back because we are being successful in the first step
towards taking our country back, which is to awaken the sleeping masses.
Does the Process of Awakening Work?
Scientists from the prestigious Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute have determined that if just
10% of any given population
holds to an unshakable idea, that the idea will become adopted by the
majority of the country.
However, the scientists who belong to the
Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) found that
if the ideas are shared by less than 10% of the population, the idea
will not progress and will eventually die out.
The research was first
published in a peer reviewed E Journal in
article titled "Social consensus through the influence of committed
Computational and analytical methods were used to
discover the tipping point where an obscure idea eventually becomes the
majority opinion. The finding has dramatic implications for those of us
trying to wake up the sheep in this country.
The SNARC scientists found that the 10% figure was
applicable whether they were talking about the spread of innovations or
to advance a political ideal.
Friends Did Not Fund this Research
The research was funded by the Army Research Laboratory,
with its obvious
DARPA connections, through SCNARC.
Additionally, the
Army Research Office, and the Office of Naval Research contributed as
corporate and academic partners consist
As most of you will recognize, many
of these organizations are fronts for globalist projects.
Therefore, you
can bet that the other side has a vested interest in limiting the number
of sheeple that we are able to reach and convert.
Now does it make sense on why the globalists are out to
control the internet? Why they seek to enact draconian legislation such
as the NDAA and the Patriot Acts so they can create a matrix on who is
being effective in the awakening of our country and then have a means to
arrest the influential subversives who would oppose the emerging
It is obvious that the globalists seek to control the
dialogue so that the critical mass of 10% is never reached.
However, it
is too late.
The proof that the 10% threshold has been broached is
apparent given the explosion of the alternative media and,
unfortunately, there is one more factor to consider.
Ominous Sign of Success
most of us were still asleep, we would have been allowed by the
globalists to lead lives of quiet desperation.
However, as we awaken and
seek to take action against the criminals who have hijacked our
government in such scandals as Benghazi, the AP scandal and the abuse of
power by the IRS, the globalists must take action.
Simply put, our
newfound awareness is becoming problematic for the globalist plans for
world government and the unfolding of eugenics programs designed to
dramatically reduce the population.

globalists know that we are an incident away from running down everyone
of them so that we can get our hands on them and then subsequently hang
them from the light poles on Wall Street.
Why do you think that 30% of
Congress has announced they are not seeking re-election? They are
frightened and they know what is coming and so does DHS. Oh yeah, you
say, as you suddenly remember that DHS has purchased 2.2 billion rounds
of ammunition and 2700 armored personnel carriers.
DHS is declaring war
on the American people and in particular, they are going to go after
veterans, Christians, gun owners, Libertarians, Constitutionalists and
former supporters of Ron Paul.
Success Comes With a Price
newfound awareness comes with a price tag. You, I and anyone who reads
these types of articles are a threat to the establishment and must be
dealt with.
Assassination is no longer a widespread option for the
globalists, as there are too many of us. To deal with what could evolve
into an awakening monster, the globalists are meeting in secret this
weekend in order to decide how to deal with us.
think prudent people would be asking why the G-7 nations have called a
highly unusual emergency
meeting this weekend outside of London.
This was unscheduled and can
only be considered as an emergency meeting.
Holiday or Worse?

Is a
"bank holiday" coming in our immediate future which would likely be
preceded by a false flag event in which martial law is rolled out?
know, I know, that this is only the talk of conspiracy theorist.
However, I have always maintained a revaluation of assets and currencies
would eventually take place. The globalists forced down the price of
gold by manipulating the market and buying as much gold as they could at
the depressed price. Why would a rich person buy as much gold as they
could? Of course, they are seeking to convert their soon-to-be worthless
cash into gold preceding the coming calamity.
Additionally, I have happened across some information which is
suggestive of the fact that globalists are going to be collecting much
more than gold, they will soon be collecting people.
More on that and
other issues as well in part two below.
Part 2
Why Obama Will Survive the Equivalent of Five "Watergate Scandals"
May 17, 2013
Mark Twain once talked about history not
necessarily repeating, but he noted that history sure does rhyme.
Nixon was unable to survive one direct hit upon his administration, namely,
the Watergate scandal. Conversely, Obama is facing five scandals which
dwarfs Watergate in terms of criminality, abuse of power, malfeasance of
office and outright treason. The damage inflicted upon the American people
by the criminal syndicate occupying the White House, in American History, is
Yet, Obama is going to survive and this article will describe
how Obama is this century’s version of the famous escape artist, Houdini.
Alternative Media Is Doing Its Job
Part One of this series, I detailed how various researchers have
determined that it only takes 10% of the population to passionately hold to
an ideal for the ideal to reach critical mass and go viral.
I also described
how the knowledge that this country is being run by a criminal syndicate is
taking hold and we have likely passed the 10% threshold as evidenced by the
fact that America is outraged by,
Fast and Furious is
beginning to make a second pass
The alternative media is being so effective
that it is forcing the MSM to jump off Obama’s ship and claim they do not
support him any longer (e.g. MSNBC Chris Mathews).
The Calm
Before the Storm
Even the great fence
sitter, Glenn Beck, is beginning to throw words around like "impeachment" in
reference to Obama.
And this is coming from a man who
cannot decide if he is in the MSM
or the alternative media. Remember,
according to Beck, 9/11 is exactly as the Bush administration claims it was,
an al Qaeda venture. This is the same al-Qaeda that we are allegedly
fighting in Afghanistan while supporting in Syria in our effort to oust
Regardless of the pedigree of many reporters who are now hinting at the fact
that we are witnessing the last days of the Obama administration, the
President himself, seems unbelievably calm.

Obama is
calm because he knows that he is going to survive the largest onslaught of
simultaneous scandal exposures in our country’s history.
There has never
been a time in our history in which a sitting President has been besieged
with this much exposed fodder aimed at his removal. If Watergate forced
Nixon to resign, Obama should have been crushed by the comparative weight of
his scandals and he should have already exited the White House.
Why hasn’t
this happened?
Sacrificial Lambs Buy Time
It is not
likely that the Mafioso inhabitant presently residing in the White House
will ever leave office prematurely. In fact, I think it is likely that Obama
may never leave the Oval Office in 2016 as well.
If this
were 1974, I would be advising Obama to pack his bags and I would also be
advising him that he should be begging Joe Biden to grant him a pardon for
his criminal acts including the facilitation of the murder of Ambassador
Make no mistake about it, Obama will survive these crises. However,
Holder and possibly even DHS director, Janet Napolitano, may not.

Undoubtedly, Obama will offer up the head of Eric Holder as a sacrificial
lamb and he will be gone by Labor day, if not much sooner and this will buy
Obama time to enact his endgame strategies which will negate the five
Watergate wolves trying to break through his door.
departure will bring celebrations in the alternative media and their
followers as we will be dancing in the streets. We will also smell blood and
want more removals.
But the head of the President will never be touched
despite the fact that all of us will soon be screaming for Obama’s scalp. It
will just never happen.
What Will
Save This President?
There is
one game changing event which will suddenly and irreversibly negate the
momentum that the alternative media has achieved in terms of exposing and
removing this criminal administration from power.
In the
last eight months, I have repeated the mantra that most of what drives this
government today is the preservation of the Petrodollar on behalf of the
Federal Reserve.
I have also detailed how Iran is selling its oil to Russia,
China and India for gold, thus threatening the preeminence of the
Petrodollar in which the other countries of the world must first purchase
dollars from the Federal Reserve for the "privilege" of purchasing oil.
process provides the only backing that our dollar possesses.

China, Russia and India are destabilizing the dominance of our currency.
Before you cheer the fact that the Federal Reserve is about ready to take a
much deserved blood bath, please realize that you have a job to go to every
Monday morning because of this one-sided arrangement and it is all about to
end unless Iran can be toppled.
Have you
yet figured out why Obama will survive these crushing scandals and assume
power in this country in a manner only reserved for such despots as Stalin?
The road to Obama’s immediate survival runs through Damascus.
On the
surface, Syria seems so very insignificant on the global chessboard.
However, the key to invading Iran and seizing their oil fields is to first
control Syria because the occupation of Syria is an insurmountable checkmate
against Russian ground troops intervention.
If the US
takes over the Syrian revolution that we started through our al-Qaeda proxy
forces, the US will gain a huge tactical advantage in the Middle East. The
installation of short and medium range missile batteries in Syria will serve
as a deterrent and a blocking mechanism for Russian ground troops ability to
intervene in Iran.
If Russia
allows the US to control Syria, Russiawill lose any chance of preventing a
US/NATO takeover of Iran.
Russia and China have heavily vested themselves in
gold. If Iran is stopped from selling its oil for gold, China, Russia and
India will have wasted a enormous amount of the respective GNP’s in
acquiring gold. And the acquisition of gold will be for naught if the US is
above to re-establish the dominance of the Petrodollar as the world’s
reserve currency through a successful invasion of Iran.
awhile, it appeared as if Russia did not have the stomach for WWIII and they
were going to let us topple Assad with so much as a whimper. I have been
shocked as I watched Russia apparently acquiesce to an impending takeover of
Syria by US led forces.
However, recent Russian events make it clear that WWIII is on the horizon.
The Game
Changing Piece Now on the Chessboard

A now widely circulated
report emanating by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)
has written about a meeting which just concluded between Foreign Minister
Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry and the report is stating
that President Putin has ordered Russian
forces to "immediately move" from
Local War
Regional War
military operational status and to be "fully prepared" to expand to
Large-Scale War
should either the United States or European Union enter into the Syria Civil
would also presume that this admonition also extends to US led NATO
intervention as well.

A definition of terms is
critical. A Regional War is clearly speaking about the entire Middle East.
According to the
Mission and Objectives of the Russian Armed Forces, a
between coalitions of countries or larger world powers. It can be
precipitated by escalation of an armed conflict, local or regional
war by
way of a significant number of countries from different world regions
being effectively involved.
In a large-scale
war, the
warring sides would pursue radical
and political goals. It would require that participating countries
mobilize all of their available material resources and moral courage."
This is a Clear Declaration of War!
My military and intelligence
sources were telling me last year that Alaska and Taiwan were at risk of a
Russian invasion with regard to this conflict as is the North Pole if we
intervened directly in either Syria or Iran.
The North Pole? The North
Pole’s melting glaciers has exposed the world’s greatest oil supply as well
as untold amounts of gold and other precious metals.
This is another story
for another time except to illustrate that the Russians are talking world
war if we topple Assad and invade Iran.

This means WWIII is near and
this reality is evidenced by the fact that the Russians are drawing a clear
line in the sand and this is why Obama is not concerned about any thought of
The one thing that will
distract the country from the five present "Watergates" will be the
commencement of World War Three.
If anyone doubts the
veracity of these claims just ask yourself if the forces of darkness behind
the Federal Reserve are going to give up their wealth and dominance without
so much as a fight? Is it worth risking WWIII? If you are a Federal Reserve
Board Governor and your safety has been assured under by your escape into
nether regions of Denver International Airport, when the proverbial poop
hits the fan, would you proceed forward? Of course you would.
And if you
were Obama and were facing impeachment as well as a lengthy prison term for
your involvement in five Watergate type scandals, would you move forward
with this agenda? Of course you would.
Given the dramatic shift in the
corporate controlled dinosaur media, Obama is clearly being blackmailed and
his present options are narrowing with passing day.
Why Is the MSM Vilifying
Obama After Worshiping Him?

Who owns the MSM? Who owns
the Federal Reserve system? Who owns the controlling interest in the defense
industry? Who owns oil? Who owns the dollar?
When one realizes it is the
same small cabal of people that Patrick Wood wrote about over three decades
ago in his book he coauthored with Anthony Sutton,
Trilaterals Over Washington, you have your answer. A
war will benefit all of the above business interests as well as to preserve
the status of the Petrodollar dominance.
And Obama is being chastised by a
former lap dog media because they are forcing his hand to act militarily in
the Middle East.
Obama does not want WWIII, but he is getting backed into a
corner by the corporate controlled media and will act in accordance to his
own selfish interests.
It is not very far-fetched to believe that Obama will
also be thrown a bone as a reward for his compliance to the NWO. The
bone? How about getting promoted from President to Permanent Dictator
when martial law is declared?

Time is running out for the
Petrodollar and Obama must be made to act now.
Impeachment and imprisonment
or WWIII? That is Obama’s choice. And of course how will Obama solidify his
power just prior to commencing the next war to end all wars? He will mix in
the mother of all false flag attacks and he will blame Syria and/or Iran,
and then institute martial law.
And what will America look
like from that point on? The legislation, lying dormant for the moment,
gives us an accurate accounting of what life will be like in a soon to be
transformed America. Remember, Obama promised to fundamentally transform
He is
very close to accomplishing this goal and this is why he is not worried
about the five Watergate type scandals which are now exposed in the MSM and
the alternative media.
Part three of this series
will examine what life will soon be like in America given the scenario
described in this article.
Part 3
Obama’s Endgame
May 19, 2013
demonstrates that the descent into war is preceded with a justification,
real or contrived.
As with all tyrants, if a legitimate justification for
the impending conflict is not forthcoming, the despot, in this case Obama,
will simply make one up. And the way that this objective is reached is
through the creation of a false flag event.
Make no
mistake about it, this is coming to America. In Part Two of this series, it
was demonstrated the Federal Reserve needs to seize the Iranian oil fields
in order to save the Petrodollar.
This means we will be at war with Russia
and probably China and India who are buying Iranian oil in gold.

can’t just march into Syria and then Iran and expect support from the people
while risking the beginning of a catastrophic war. Rather, this
administration needs a level of justification that the majority of American
sheeple will support.
Dictator’s MO

I do not
look for one false flag event designed to
move the country into martial law,
it is likely that several false flag events will take place, in different
regions of the country.
This will give the administration the ability to
incrementally implement martial law in a fashion similar to what happened in
with the implementation of illegal martial law in Boston following
Boston Marathon bombing on April 15th. The roll out of Boston’s martial law
was a beta test for what is coming all across the country.
And who could
ever forget the images of the federal subjugation of an American city.
The last
part of this series demonstrated that Obama faces five scandals which dwarfs
the Watergate scandal which ended the presidency of Richard Nixon. Yet,
Obama does not appear to be the least bit nervous.
After reading this
article, you will discover why the President is so calm and composed.
Wheels Of Tyranny Are Turning
All the
pieces needed for a tyrannical takeover of the country are presently sitting
on the chessboard.
Some of them are already in place. For example, we know
that Boston was the blueprint for the roll out of martial law, but beyond
that, nobody can say for certain what the false flag attacks will look like.
If I were a betting
man, I would wager that Memorial Day weekend might be a target of
opportunity. However, I do not know "the what" and I do not know "the
I only know that if Obama does not act soon to distract the
country, his presidency has a limited shelf life.

Obama may
be able to buy some time by sacrificing Eric Holder.
Yet, Obama’s people
must move quickly because the media’s noose around this administrations neck
is tightening quickly as the media scrutiny of his five "Watergates" is
The removal of Holder will not buy Obama much time as the
Attorney General is only one degree of separation from the President. Even
with Holder soon to be sacked, the public will not be totally satisfied.
In the near future,
we all be saying that familiar refrain from the Watergate days,
"What did
the President know and when did he know it?"
Soon, there will be
calls for a real investigation in which the participants may be too
intimated to play party politics and whitewash the investigation. The
removal of the Attorney General will not get Obama past Labor Day.
Therefore, Obama quickly
needs the mother of all distractions.

Once the
false flag occurs, there will be two general camps of Americans.
there will be the Kool-Aid drinking sheep that will endlessly watch CNN for
the latest in Obama propaganda and they will gladly do as they are told so
long as the government promises to protect them from the imaginary
Then there will be a second group, one that won’t easily forget
about Obama’s five Watergate scandals.
The latter group will
have to be dealt with because some won’t be swayed by a contrived crisis and
they have learned to recognize the unmistakable signs of a false flag
the Data
Obama’s presidency and ultimately his freedom depends on him securing
Iranian oil fields.
To accomplish this goal, he must defeat Russia and China
while occupying first Syria and then Iran.
How will Obama neutralize his
political opponents?
What will that look like?
What will America look like?
following paragraphs answer this question based on the data already in
When a
President or Congress enact an Executive Order or a law, they do so for very
specific reasons. First Bush and now Obama have prepositioned assets for
brutal martial law takeover and subsequent crackdown and it is not hard to
find where the prepositioned assets are located and how they will work to
save Obama’s presidency and preserve his freedom.
Some will
wrongly say that Obama’s actions cannot accurately be predicted. I strongly
disagree. He has left a trail of breadcrumbs right to the White House.
Criminals always have a set of preplanned tools necessary to carry out their
Criminals leave clues and Obama is no different from any other
There are
two actions that must be examined in order to accurately predict what lies
First, the administration must be able to identify and then
neutralize any leadership which would oppose their complete takeover. This
will primarily accomplished through the National Defense Authorization Act
and related legislation.
Secondly, the government must exercise complete
control over the people and obedience to the dictatorial authority must be
tied to individual survival and this will be accomplished through Obama’s
Executive Order, The National Defense Resources Preparedness Act.
Obama’s arrival on the scene, his administration, along with the help of
Congress have enacted these two key measures which accomplishes both of the
aforementioned goals.
National Defense Authorization Act

In any
preemptive action, the command and control structure of the enemy must be
This act
means that key people, media figures and contrarians in Congress, such as
Rand Paul, must be arrested, for the people cannot be given a chance to
galvanize around a proven set of leaders.
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) permits the government to arrest
the dissident leadership without any due process of law.

A Sign of Things to Come
is the establishment of a secret police force which has the power of the
KGB, the Gestapo and the East German Stasi all rolled into one.
When one
examines the fact that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has
recently purchased 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored
personnel carriers, the NDAA suddenly make much more sense.
It is now
apparent that the DHS does not exist to protect the American people from
terrorists. DHS serves to subjugate Americans and to act as the vanguard of
a martial law police force.
And make no mistake about it, Boston was a
test for what is coming to the rest of the country.
Russian Foreign Ministry End Game Report & PDD-51

Historical support for the roll out of martial law under the NDAA comes from
a shocking 2009
Russian Foreign Ministry report which states that President Obama has
secretly ordered the immediate opening of America’s gulag type of
concentration camps in order to house 775,000 Americans deemed to be
terrorists by the Obama administration.
Maybe this is why
Jesse Ventura’s
FEMA Camp special on his former TRU-TV Conspiracy Theory show met
with so much censorship and resistance from the establishment.

Further support comes from
Presidential Decision Directive 51 handed President Obama dictator
status in times of
and not necessarily real, national emergency.
PDD 51 is a Bush era executive
order that gives the President dictatorial power in times of 'national
emergency,' eliminates any roadblock to declaring martial law in the United
States. It gives Obama the power to suspend elections.
This is why I
speculated in Part Two above, that Obama will not leave office in 2016. This act
also gives Obama the power to launch all-out war based on his own authority.
The MIAC Report has
gun owners
domestic terrorists.
Recently, DHS added
Christians to this list as well.
The National Defense
Resource Preparedness Act

The descent
into total and abject tyranny is almost
With President Obama’s latest executive order, THE NATIONAL DEFENSE
RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS ACT, he has granted himself the authority to declare
peacetime martial law.
This Executive Order is
posted on the WhiteHouse.gov web site.
This act
will eliminate any opposition to the coming World War. It will also usher in
many desired globalist transformations such as cap and trade, the
elimination of private property, the elimination of all civil liberties and
a whole host
of Agenda 21 provisions.
The Elimination of Private Property

executive order is particularly draconian in that it eliminates the private
ownership of everything and Obama has delegated the
control of the nation’s resources to his cabinet level department heads
(i.e. Czars).
The delegation of control of the nation’s resources and people
is particularly troubling because the heads of America’s resources shall
have this power "under both emergency and non-emergency conditions"
to control every aspect of our lives.
And under this executive order, the President is to the sole decider of what
constitutes an emergency (Section 201, paragraph b)."
The Legalization of Governmental Cronyism

Sections 301b and 302, Obama’s executive order legalizes governmental
cronyism in which loans/grants are guaranteed by
the Federal Reserve and the
related actions are not subject to any kind of review or accountability
Further, the development and implementation of a type of economic
worthiness score, related to the relative importance of companies for
"national defense," will permit the government to decide what companies
prosper and will receive stimulus money and which companies will fail in a
strange version of "Fabian Socialism for corporations".
This is absolute
fascism in which the government will ultimately control all business
activity (see Sections 302, 303, 304, 305).
The Literal Legalization of Slavery

As if the
previous sections of the already mentioned executive order are not enough to
inflame already aware Americans, Section 601 signals the most Orwellian
aspect of this executive order in which,
"upon request by the Director of
Selective Service, and in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, assist
the Director of Selective Service in development of policies regulating the
induction and deferment of persons for duty in the armed services"
(paragraph 2).
What is particularly troubling is that the Secretary of Labor
will possess oversight over the Selective Service process, instead of the
Secretary of Defense.
This revelation left me
scratching my head as I wondered why would the Department of Labor be in
charge of the coming military draft? Then it dawned upon me that we were not
just talking about military conscription.
I refer to the 2008 Presidential campaign in which
Obama stated (above video) that,
need to construct a national civilian security force that is just as
powerful, just as strong, just as well funded"
(as the military).

Obama is
clearly planning to conscript civilians, train them and send them where they
are needed and will pay them whatever wage the Secretary of Commerce
determines (Section 601; paragraphs 3, 4-Section 801; paragraph C).
In one
fell swoop, Obama has sidestepped the 13th Amendment as we are talking about
the introduction of forced labor (i.e. indentured servitude).

For those
that know their history, it should also remind everyone of the forced labor
camps run by the Nazi’s in which Jews and other political prisoners were
forced into slave labor in support of the German war effort while they were
being systematically starved to death.
Is this why Jesse Ventura’s
FEMA camp
episode was scrubbed from Television and why TruTV ‘s archives are missing
the FEMA camp episode? Perhaps, America would be well advised to pay
attention to the good work being done by
Gary Franchi on the topic of FEMA camps.
Bill Ayers, the benefactor of Obama’s Harvard education and his original
political sponsor is on the record of
having stated one day,
will have to send 50 million Americans to re-education camps and murder 25
million of them."
The Elimination of Freedom of Movement

Secretary of Transportation has been authorized control over civil
transportation which,
"includes movement of
persons and property by all modes of transportation in interstate,
intrastate, or foreign commerce within the United States, its
territories and possessions, and the District of Columbia, and related
public storage and warehousing, ports, services, equipment and
facilities, such as transportation carrier shop and repair facilities."
"Civil transportation, also shall include direction, control,
and coordination of civil transportation capacity regardless of ownership"
(Section 801 part A).
Can there be any doubt that the expanded surveillance
program by of the TSA, in their unconstitutional, hands down our pants VIPER
program, is designed to control all travel in the United States?
The former
Soviet Union used to have checkpoints every 20 miles in order to restrict
travel and to prevent the congregation of "revolutionary forces" for
purposes of opposing government control as well as to limit the ability of
political dissidents to flee from their governmental pursuers.
I feel
compelled to ask, what is the government going to do that is so nefarious
and so intrusive that they are seeking to set up a control grid which will
accomplish these same goals?
Legalization of the Deindustrialization of America

Secretary of Energy will have control over all "Energy" (which) means all
forms of energy including,
"petroleum, gas (both natural and manufactured),
electricity, solid fuels (including all forms of coal, coke, coal chemicals,
coal liquification, and coal gasification), solar, wind, other types of
renewable energy, atomic energy, and the production, conservation, use,
control, and distribution (including pipelines) of all of these forms of
This means the government will have total control over all utility
prices, the installation of smart meters along with the implementation of
the smart grid and the amount of energy which can be consumed by average
Americans will be severely curtailed under this new system of energy
feudalism which will be imposed on the new American serfs.
Obama, in the 2008
Presidential Campaign, stated (below video) that,
my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily
Previously ignorant Americans will soon come to know the true meaning and
the accurately prophetic meaning of these words (Section 801, part b).
Starving Americans Into Submission
Stalin did
it, Hitler did it and now Obama has the ability to do it.

Secretary of Agriculture will posses,
"control over
'fertilizer' (which) means
any product or combination of products that contain one or more of the
elements nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for use as a plant nutrient."
The Secretary of Agriculture will also control,
"'food resource facilities' (which) means plants, machinery, vehicles
(including on farm), and other facilities required for the production,
distribution, and storage (including cold storage) of food
resources, and for the domestic distribution of farm
and fertilizer."
This is the
total control of all food.
This will
Monsanto which demonstrably controls the Department of Agriculture, the FDA
and EPA to move forward, unabated, for the total GMO takeover of our food
Even more disturbing is that a few men will have total control over
all food production and the dissenting masses who oppose this fascist
takeover can be effectively starved into submission or starved to death
(Section 801, parts c-f).
Eugenics As National Policy

Under this
Executive Order, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall maintain,
"control over all
'Health resources' meaning drugs, biological products,
medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services and
equipment required to diagnose, mitigate or prevent the impairment of,
improve, treat, cure, or restore the physical or mental health conditions of
the population."
This is a declaration of a forced form of
Codex Alimentarius.
Under this provision, it will not matter if Obama Care is
repealed, his cabinet appointee will maintain control over all health care,
both pharmacological and alternative/natural (Section 801, part i).
there be any doubt that the death panel provisions of Obama Care will be
implemented and carried out with no oversight or regulation in an manner
reminiscent of
Logan’s Run nightmarish scenario?
Water Deprivation

I have long
maintained on my talk show that there is a decided effort by
a relatively
few elite to control the nations’ water and this provision will be utilized
as a form of both political and population control.
Of this, there can be no
doubt as the Secretary of Defense will be placed in charge of all water
resources Section 801, part n.
I can draw no other conclusion that placing
the control of water under the DOD represents the weaponizing of water and
the intended target of this full frontal assault are the American people for
the purpose of imposing population control and complete compliance.

In summary, the MSM (Mainstream
Media) is forcing Obama’s hand to go for broke.
Obama has limited time to act given the magnitude of
five Watergate
scandals he presently faces. Obama has been backed into a corner and he is

Obama is going to
start a war with Syria,
and Iran and
ultimately with Russia and China to save the backsides of the Federal
Reserve and their precious Petrodollar.
However, he cannot commence a war
until he has eliminated the leadership of those that would oppose him.
he must gain total national compliance and acquiescence to the catastrophic
war that he must launch this country into in order to save the Petrodollar.
These events will be preceded by a
series of false flag events and a
subsequent roll out of the martial law that we saw beta tested in Boston
following the Marathon bombing.
A Facebook friend wrote to me and told me that we needed to
push harder to remove this President under the Articles of Impeachment.
totally agree, and I firmly believe that if Obama is not removed from office
by this Independence Day, Labor Day at the latest, we might not be able to
stop these predicted events.
I would encourage all of you to do your own research. Read
PDD-51, the NDAA, the Military Commissions Act, etc.
After you have read the
referenced documents in this article, ask yourself a question,
If this
administration was not going to use these draconian powers, then why do they
Are these acts just some form of mental masturbation, or do we all
have some very serious things to concern ourselves over?

If you conclude, as I have, that we have a great deal to
worry about, then you need to be vocal and get active.
Your mission should
be to wake up as many sheep as possible.
Martial law will require
degree of voluntary citizen cooperation. With some concentrated effort, we can
stop these plans in
their tracks.
How bad can it get? I believe we have about a 90 day window
to stop this administration from obliterating our Republic and installing
the hellish nightmare that we see in North Korea.
And please keep in mind,
that the aforementioned events are only the prelude to World War III and
then all bets are off.