Step 1: Abolish the National Security Act of 1947
Signed into law by President Harry S. Truman the same month and year as
the July
UFO crash at Roswell in 1947, the establishment of this piece
of legislation was ostensibly, in part, to keep the public from knowing
that the UFO/ET phenomenon was real and to allow that technology to be
studied, researched and perhaps be back-engineered.
It allowed for a great deal to be hidden

President Barack Obama:
A possible disclosure
The problem with the
National Security Act of 1947 is that
this legislation quickly became a “carte blanch” for ambitious people
desiring personal power and wealth to begin to do a broad range of
things behind a legal and nearly impenetrable curtain of secrecy that
could not be touched or investigated due to said “reasons of national
This gave unprecedented power to people who
were quickly corrupted by this total shield from public view who began
abusing that power and using that curtain of secrecy to hide all manner
of unsavory, even heinous, activities, such as the importation of German
scientists after World War II through
Project Paperclip, leading to mind control experimentation
and abuses and broad monitoring of the general population from childhood
on through standardized testing in schools, looking for individuals who
could be used or exploited to serve the personal agendas of those
protected behind National Security Act of 1947 secrecy.
The National Security Act of 1947 came to be less and less about
“national security” and far more serving the personal agendas of those
individuals working in powerful positions behind this legal wall.
From the now-well known experiments with LSD
to create a super soldier who would follow any orders without question,
to the mind control experimentation finding it's way more and more into
the mainstream via whistle blowers and some select documentaries,
including one that
aired on the History Channel,
information is leaking out through cracks in that wall.
Add to this the reality of extraterrestrial
technology kept secret and sequestered in military and corporate black
projects, when it's release and implementation to the public could have
perhaps averted or mitigated the environmental crises now looming over
the entire world, we have a whole chain of events begun with the
implementation of this 1947 legislation that have put the interests of a
few ahead of the well-being of the nation's and the world's populations.
In a country with a carefully rendered
Constitution and Bill of Rights set in place to prevent undue gatherings
of power in the hands of any one individual or group, grounds are
excellent to abolish the National Security Act of 1947 on grounds that
it is unconstitutional – and a stain on the honor of a country that has
called itself “the land of the free, and the home of the brave.”
Step 2: Countering resistance
If President Obama was to encounter resistance or stonewalling from the
military-industrial complex, at that point he could call in
the 400+
Disclosure Project Witnesses (video)
in a nationally televised and webcast
disclosure conference, including representatives from countries around
the world who have been releasing their previously classified UFO files.
A variety of other former government
insiders and whistle blowers in other areas could likely be found and
brought forward as well. This would take the information to the people,
where it now belongs, and perhaps always should have belonged.
Step 3: Amnesty in exchange for helping
implement environmentally-healthy technologies
An offer of
amnesty could be extended to all who are willing to come
forward with what they know about extraterrestrial or other suppressed
technologies, how they operate and how they can be implemented in an
energy-conversion transition to decisively end all use of oil and
coal-based technologies as soon as possible.
Serious crimes, such as murder and mind control abuse committed under
National Security Act of 1947 secrecy would need to be reviewed for
amnesty on a case by case basis. Individuals committing serious crimes
and identified with a proclivity to try to continue such abuses under
some other guise of secrecy
need to be incarcerated for public safety.
Amnesty would not be able to be granted in
such cases.
Step 4: Exercise of “Eminent Domain” and
transparency of development and implementation at every level and stage
When the various technologies are revealed, exercise the government's
prerogative of “eminent domain” to bring such information and technology
within guidelines and facilities where it can be fully developed for the
global public good. As was not done in the past, enact full transparency
of all aspects of this energy transition.
Put an end to “need to know”
compartmentalization and allow all members working on the project to
work together synergistically and in concert so that the work can be
done in the fullest and most efficient way possible, so that the whole
can be viewed by all and understanding and insight applied to the
project as a whole.
To mitigate any losses or perceived losses on the part of corporate
interests, offer a amnesty in exchange for dropping any criminal charges
against them, including pursuing knowing and wanton environmental
destruction for personal gain, at the cost of millions of lives to date
and potentially causing billions more deaths due to environmental
catastrophes; said corporate owners, board members and CEOs knowing full
well the consequences of their actions while also suppressing and
sequestering technologies that could possibly have averted such
Step 5: End all use of nuclear weapons and
energy plants
Stop all engagement with nuclear armaments and energy plants and open
dialogues with all countries with rudimentary or full nuclear capability
to disarm and close down plants with offers of new energy alternatives.
Step 6: Preparing the public for contact
All information, official and unofficial, regarding contact with
extraterrestrial beings of any kind could be addressed publicly in a
subsequent press conference to the first one, helping to prepare the
public for the actuality of extraterrestrial reality and contact.
Community groups and liaisons could be created to help people discuss
and adjust to the prospect of contact.
There have been perhaps hundreds of films made over all the years of
movie-making putting out myriad extraterrestrial scenarios, from
friendly contact to invasions of the worst kind. New documentaries made,
sorting available truth from fiction could be made and circulated to
help people adjust to the reality of extraterrestrials and reduce fear.
This preparation for contact would help the millions of people around
the world who have had
abductions or
contacts who have had to keep such
encounters secret due to official denial and ridicule and allow them to
get real support and begin to understand their experiences in a larger
Depending on their level of integration of
their experiences, some of them might be able to step into information
disseminating roles with the public and be interviewed for “contact”
They could share their perceptions and
insights about these beings from other worlds from their own contact
Step 7: Extend an invitation for full, open
contact with extraterrestrials
The cessation of nuclear activities could send a clear signal to
extraterrestrial intelligences engaging humanity at this time that we
are becoming ready for full open contact.
Through a publicly televised press conference, invite contact and take a
leadership role in initiating a forum for developing friendly and
beneficial relations with our extraterrestrial neighbors.
Since there are some extraterrestrials who
look just like us, there are sure to be some listening.