by Elena Danaan
May 01, 2023
ElenaDanaan Website

Since the regressive extraterrestrials have been
removed from the Sol system, a powerful enforcement has been
deployed to guard it against eventual reprisals.
These reinforcements are
fleets from the Intergalactic Confederation and from the Negumak
the nemesis of the Ciakahrr (Draconians) from the
They are all stationed in
formations outside of the plasma shield of the solar system.
The Negumak are the
only culture feared by the Ciakahrr.
The Ciakahrr Empire
is raging to be cut from the Sol system and they started
recently to increase provocations towards the Negumak.
Well, you cannot simply
play with the Negumak's nerves...
The Ciakahrr are visibly
trying to start a war with them.
To remind about the latest developments, in 2021, agreements were
passed between the Negumak Gnomopo, from the Antares star system,
and the
Galactic Federation of Worlds, in
order to request assistance to the Negumak in the war that was
raging in the Sol system.
For the first time, a
diplomatic dialogue was initiated with the Negumak.
The Negumak Gnomopo
are one of the oldest interstellar cultures in this galaxy.
Tall and large,
looking insectoid, they are not humanoid based and their genetic
composition is neither reptile, gray, human or anything else
Negumak Gnomopo are
They are terrible
warriors who terrorize everyone, even the Ciakahrr.
They are highly
feared and not members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds.
Negumak have the power to
wipe out the Ciakahrr out of existence if they decide to, but they
are not moved by desire of conquest and power, luckily for everyone.
Their ships are made of a
dark glossy metal and of very elaborate shapes. Terran governments
are well aware of their existence, since first contact was made in
The Ciakahrr and Orion
occupation forces tried to turn the Terrans against the Negumak,
scaring everyone immensely and instilling fear regarding the future
of humanity.
The Cabal used as they
always do, a reverse narrative with the Hollywood movie
"Independence Day", where the Negumak are depicted as the terrible
alien invader...
The Cabal fears them and
if the Negumak would ever had to come to Earth in order to get this
planet rid off the Reptilian Ciakahrr, we would have mistaken
them as the frightening alien invaders.
Interestingly enough, the only reason why the Negumak never intruded
into our sector of the galaxy, is because of territorial agreements
passed with
the Anunnaki.
When the custodial
tyranny of Enlil was defeated and Earth given back to their
inhabitants, Enki was put in charge to make this transition, giving
back the sovereignty and custody of the Sol system to its leading
indigenous civilization:
the Terrans...
These accords were passed
on Saturn moon's Mimas in December 2022.
However, with the
permission of the Earth Alliance, Enki didn't alter the territorial
agreements protecting the area from Negumak intrusions and thanks to
this protection,
the Negumak still
need authorization of the Anunnaki AND the Earth Alliance to
penetrate the plasma barrier of our star system...
The Negumak Gnomopo are
officially and technically our allies, but in regards to their power
and as they are not members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds,
understandable precautions are taken.
April 19, 2023
A Negumak ship was allowed by the Galactic Federation of Worlds to
enter the Sol system, to meet with representatives of the High
Council and the High Command of the Excelsior, notably the head of
the genetic department.
The Negumak requested to
access the Galactic Federation of Worlds' genetic frequency database
of Terra, in order to locate specific Ciakahrr hybrid signatures
among the population of Terra.
A considerable number of Ciakahrr hybrids have been engineered during these last decades and
they are roaming free among the population of Terra.
These hybrids are
watched closely by the Galactic Federation of Worlds but in
regards to the galactic jurisdiction, they haven't been removed
They are under
Many of these Ciakahrr
Hybrids were placed in positions of agents of the
The reason why the
Negumak wish to locate these Ciakahrr Hybrids, is that they intend
to take them as hostages, to play in an attempt of peace negotiation
with the Ciakahrr.
These Hybrids
are precious to the Ciakahrr Empire for they have human DNA and most
of all,
they hold key
positions for
the Cabal...
The Ciakahrr want them
safe, but these negotiations may fail because why would the Ciakahrr
bother, as they probably already have some of these human Hybrids
among their ranks, off this star system.
The only materiel for
negotiation is that if taken off, these Ciakahrr Hybrids will not be
replaced, as the Ciakahrr do not have power of action anymore on
This would be discussed in a meeting where I would be invited to
participate as a reporter. I always wanted to meet a Negumak, well
Thor Han told me that this was the occasion.
I would not be allowed to
interact, only to be present. The meeting would take place, as I was
told first, in this solar system in an undisclosed location.
I did not even know at
the time, if I would attend physically or holographically from one
of the Excelsior's meeting rooms.
April 22, 2023
Early morning of April 22 2023, I was taken onboard a ship by
teleportation, warned beforehand by four plasma orbs beaming down
into my house as an escort.
I was given my emissary
uniform to wear and when I was ready, I joined the members of the
Excelsior's High Command in a holographic meeting room.
Thor Han was there with
all the other officers of the High Command, preparing to project to
an unknown location. I noticed only one was missing:
High Commander
High Commander Ardaana
appeared as a hologram, as she was already physically on the meeting
spot with Denethor, giving us the signal to project there.
I was given by Thor Han
special dark blue gloves, same as those that everybody wore, meant
to work with a particular technology I had never experienced before.
These gloves had
technology embedded. I was invited to imitate everyone and place my
hands on a holographic pad on the circumference of a round table
that looked like the holographic meeting tables I am familiar with.
Thor Han explained to me
that we would not project as holograms to the meeting location, but
physically bi-locate.
This explained the
different tech. I had never tried this before. This was a way of
being there physically and at the same time able to withdraw
instantly to the ship if any problem shall occur.

The sensation felt exactly as a teleportation, and I found myself
sat in a hard rudimentary chair carved in a type of dark olive-green
The seat felt cold as ice
and it was wet. My whole body shivered. I noticed Thor Han beside
me, and the other members of the High Command sat alike in a
semi-circle facing a thick white mist.
We were in a cave, it was
dark, damp and freezing cold.
I heard Thor Han telepathically
suggesting me to adjust my environmental belt, which I did by
placing my left hand on a particular patch that read my bio-metric
information and adjusted my body temperature and pressure
Somehow, the bilocation
technology didn't follow through for me with these parameters, set
for the personnel of the High Command, all Pleiadian Ahil
without exception.
Ardaana and Denethor were
there, together with Oona, Tayel and Geittak representing the
Intergalactic Confederation, and two members of the High Council of
the Galactic Federation of Worlds:
the Tengri Herald
representing the council
the Ozman lady,
galactic law "attorney" and data-keeper for the Prime
Directive documents.
Ea wasn't present, but
his absence made sense as the Anunnaki are no longer interfering in
the politics of the Sol system.
Ea may be invited as a
consultant but he has no weight in diplomatic decisions any more
here since the Mimas agreements.
Suddenly, all the frightening things I had ever seen in my whole
life faded ridiculously in the sight of what appeared walking out of
the mist towards us. The vision terrified me to the core of my bones
and my being.
I lifted my knees against
my chest, clenching my fingers in the wet slippery armrests and
tears came through my eyes. I was shaking with uncontrollable fear.
Thor Han grabbed
my hand firmly.
-Don't be scared, he
said to me, I know they look impressive but the Negumak are nice
people. Relax, please.
The creature measured
about 20 Ft high and we could hear others coming behind it, barely
guessing their shapes in the Negumak environmental mist.
The frightening metallic
sound of their sharp claw-ended feet hitting the mineral ground was
echoing dramatically in the cave.
They looked like giant
spiders, with long tentacles coming from their back and browsing
the space around them. They had a massive head with an exoskeleton
shell covering their skin, and a dragon-like crest waving in their
I understood in that
moment why the Ciakahrr themselves were terrified by them!
Any life form in this
universe should be!
These guys were
perfect, invincible creatures!
I understood the
bi-location precaution measures.
I heard Thor Han's voice
-They wanted us
physically present, they don't do holographic meetings.
-Where are we?
-Inside of a moon of the seventh planet, An, that Terrans name
-What moon?
-Terrans name it Ariel. Chosen for its carbon dioxide

Ardaana stepped forward,
hands on her hips, staring up at the Negumak representative.
Definitely, this woman
couldn't be impressed by anything. They engaged in a telepathic
conversation but sadly, I couldn't hear it.
So Thor Han translated it
for me:
-You do not have the
Negumak language set up in your communicator, as they are not
part of the Federation's languages.
Ardaana and the High
Command received this upgrade but there was no time to provide
it to you, so I am meant to translate it for you.
Ardaana is explaining
to him that we cannot give non-Federation members access to the
Federation's genetic database. This is the rule.
They need to become
members first. Which would be a fine move to our benefit.

The lead Negumak's
claw-ended feet hit the ground with anger and I backed up further
deep into my seat.
The creature walked to
the right then to the left, dramatically browsing the mist above him
with his long tentacles, then he stopped again in front of Ardaana,
who didn't move of a millimeter, stoic.
She crossed her arms on
her chest and stayed silent, waiting for the creature to calm down.
Then, the Tengri Herald
stepped forward and addressed the Negumak.
-He is telling him
about the reiteration of the offer from the High Council of the
Federation to join our ranks.
He is telling him now
that the Federation cannot provide them with all the Ciakahrr
Hybrids as they are meant to play a role in the Terran's
consciousness awakening.
Terrans need to
experience the games they play in order to develop their
discernment. He is reminding the Negumak that the laws and
ethics of the Federation are against this type of removal.
-That must piss them
-It does. Negumak like their independence and doing things their
The Negumak, visibly
nervous, broke from telepathy and spoke aloud.
His voice was terrifying!
The language was made of rumbling and clicking sounds. He was pacing
up and down the cavern, and I could hear the others agitating behind
I squeezed Thor Han's
hand harder and tried to control my breath, holding on to the
thought that we could re-locate to the ship at any moment if this
was to turn bad.
Denethor stepped up and
started to speak aloud in the Negumak language. The creature
immobilized and listened to him with a careful attention.
Denethor is known as the
scientist who cracked the code of the Nebu Hive so he earned some
respect throughout the galaxy.
Thor Han continued the
translation for me:
-Denethor is telling
him that we can provide four of the Ciakahrr Hybrids but not
them all, we can remove them from Terra and bring them to the
Excelsior, and keep them there in high surveillance, as hostages
on behalf of the Negumak, but we cannot give the hostages to

The Negumak paced up and
down the cave again, then turned towards the Ozman lady who walked
toward him.
I like her, she has such
a graceful and settled presence always. She spoke to the Negumak by
telepathy and presented a holographic copy of the Prime Directive
document to him, holding the blue shimmery sphere up above her.
Thor Han continued his
-She gives it to him,
that they can take time to consult all the clauses and chose to
either join membership with the Federation and get to take the
hostages with them, or accept our offer that we keep custody of
the hostages for them.
The Negumak lifted one of
his two front arms that are terminated by sort of hands, took the
data holosphere and considered the Ozman councillor.
-He is telling her
that he will consider the two options with equal interest.
That's good.
The Negumak all together
produced a loud sound to salute the assembly, then they walked back
and disappeared into the mist.
I released Thor Han's
hand and the tensions in my body at the same time. Ardanna addressed
us a swift smile. It was time to re-locate to the ship.
Just before we proceeded,
I noticed an asian-looking man with short black hair, a triangular
face, and a yellow suit with black elements on it, in a corner of
the room.
Thor Han caught my
-He's a T-Ashkeru,
they have a colony on this moon, they facilitated this meeting.
We re-located back to the
ship and I found myself again standing at the holographic table.
I followed everyone
removing my palms from the bi-location pads.
-We shall expect a
second meeting now, Thor Han said to me aloud. They will give
their decision.
I sighed with relief,
which made Thor Han laugh.
-Hey, he said, gently
punching my shoulder, you hassled me to get to meet a Negumak,
there you are!
-Shall I wait for the results of the second meeting, I asked,
before reporting to the Terrans?
-That should be best. After that, up to your diplomatic skills
to present them with this information!
April 28, 2023
The Negumak Gnomopo gave their answer.
I was invited onboard the
Excelsior, to attend the replay of a holographic meeting that had
occurred earlier during the day with the High Council. The
holographic broadcast was replayed in a loop in the meeting room
near the teleport bay.
It was the same room
when, in November 2021, Ardaana showed me how holographic meetings
worked, after we bid our farewells to our friend Val Nek, who was
leaving his function in the Galactic Federation of Worlds to move to
a distant star system (The
Seeders, p.261).
So I knew the place well.
A lot of officials were
in the room, watching the holographic replay above the center of the
projection table, of the Negumak leader giving his speech in his
strange vocal language.
I personally prefer to
see them as holograms rather than in person.
This answer was first
given between closed doors with the High Council, then the important
segment of it was broadcasted to all diplomatic stations of the
Galactic Federation of Worlds.
Ardaana translated for
me, and I will do my best to reconstruct what she said:
-The Gnomopo gave
their answer.
They are not joining
membership with the Galactic Federation of Worlds in conditions
of bargain. They found our rules, ethics, and the materiel of
the Prime Directive suitable for them to join in the future,
when they will choose the right moment.
This news is positive
and game changing for us, knowing that this impending membership
of the Negumak Gnomopo will grant us more power and protection.
However, the reason
why they prefer to wait and ponder this decision, means that
they are serious about it. If they accepted only for a question
of hostages' bargain, this would have not been a reliable
The Gnomopo have
honor and ethics, and this is good.
-This is better than I would have expected, I said.
-Yes it is, she replied, for all of us.
-What is the situation now with the hostages?
-As offered, we will keep them in our custody for the Gnomopo,
until they conclude their negotiations with the Ciakahrr.
-What if they ask for termination of the hostages because
negotiations failed?
-This will not likely happen.
-Are you sure?
-We have technology to calculate the near future timeline of
events and in this case, this doesn't happen.
-What if?
-In respect of the agreement, we would hand the hostages to the
-What are the prognostics for these negotiations?
-The Ciakahrr back up when they learn that the Negumak Gnomopo
join the Galactic Federation of Worlds. This, together with the
joined forces of the Intergalactic Confederation, presents no
chance for the Ciakahrr to gain anything.
-They are proud, they will not forgive this.
-One day, a great war shall come in this galaxy, with only one
winner. This great war will oppose the Galactic Alliance to the
Ciakahrr Empire, for a final combat. This is building up and it
is unavoidable.
The unbeatable forces
of the Intergalactic Confederation will put an end to this
madness, and the Ciakahrr will become only but the faint memory
of an era.
-Will this great galactic war impact the Sol system?
-It will impact the whole galaxy, but it will not last for long.
It will mark the end of the Ciakahrr Empire, once and for all.
Prince Ea was here, earlier, he assured us that the full power
of the Anakh Empire will fight alongside ours.
So you see, it will
be more about a clearing than an actual war. It will be over
quickly. The Empires of Chaos must be fought, this is the
balance of the universe...
More information
The Ancient Draco vs. Negumak
Its Impact on Earth Joining the Galactic
by Michael
08, 2023
Exopolitics Website
The Negumak are a
powerful insectoid species that are the ancient enemies of the
Draconian Reptilian Empire that have long interfered in human
Reclusive and
mysterious, the Negumak have long been courted by the Galactic
Federation of Worlds to join their growing alliance against the
Draconians and the latter's Orion Gray (Nebu) allies in an
ongoing galactic-wide conflict.
In her 2020 book, A
Gift from the Stars, Elena Danaan first described the Negumak
and failed Galactic Federation efforts to recruit them.
In this Exopolitics Today interview, Danaan describes her recent
updates about attending a diplomatic meeting on April 19
involving the Negumak and their response to a renewed Galactic
Federation attempt to have them join their alliance against the
Draconian Empire.
She claims that
recent Negumak skirmishes with the Draco have created the
conditions for a union to be finally formed.
Such an alliance will
have significant implications for Earth as humanity is on course
to join the Galactic Federation after the final defeat of the
Deep State, which comprises the former minions of the Draco
In 1989, the Negumak first made contact with Earth's
governments. Soon after the Draco's Deep State minions went into
action by starting a psychological warfare campaign depicting
the Negumak as evil aliens with genocidal plans for humanity.
Movies such as
Independence Day and the Alien vs. Predator series of
movies are examples of this covert perception campaign emerging
from Hollywood blockbuster movies.

In the two Alien
vs. Predator movies, the Predators (resembling Draco
Reptilians) are depicted as enemies to humanity, whereas the
Aliens (resembling Negumak) are portrayed as genocidal.
This covert psychological warfare program is best evidenced by
comparing Danaan's drawing of a Negumak after she received a
mental image of one from Thor Han Eredyon that appeared in her
2020 book.
The side-by-side
comparison of a Negumak with the Alien Queen shown in
Independence Day: Resurgence shows a striking resemblance.
uncanny resemblance suggests that Roland Emmerich, the
Director/Producer of the Independence Day series, was given an
image of a Negurak and told to make it the ultimate genocidal
villain for the movie series.
In her interview with Dr. Michael Salla, Danaan further
describes the significance of
the Anunnaki siding with the
Galactic Federation in a looming galactic confrontation with the
Draco Empire and their allies.
Her Galactic
Federation sources say that a galactic war with the Draco Empire
is looming and both sides are recruiting allies and preparing
for the inevitable confrontation.
Danaan next discusses her upcoming book 'Area 51
- Conversations
with Insider Stephen Chua.'
Chua was a supersoldier from
Singapore who had special abilities and was trained to fight
against Draconians. Chua spent time at
Area 51, where he was exposed to some of the advanced
technologies used in secret space programs.
Her book, which is
scheduled to be released on June 1, presents the transcripts of
many hours of interviews and communications she had with Chua
before his death after his first public interview.
The sequence of
events culminating in Chua's death suggests that he knew he was
dying due to Deep State machinations and wished his testimony
would be made public before it was too late.
Finally, Danaan and Dr. Salla discuss some of the implications
of extraterrestrial disclosure for the three Abrahamic
religions, particularly the identity of the alleged Creator
God called
Yahweh/Jehovah/Allah in
relation to the principal Anunnaki revered as gods by the
ancient Sumerians.
They also discuss
Yeshua/Jesus' secret teachings that focused on establishing a
connection with an Inner Light that is part of a Universal God
rather than a single Creator God and how the
Roman Catholic Church
suppressed these teachings after becoming the Roman Empire's
state religion.
HERE and