by Galactic Anthropology
August 21, 2024

from GalacticAnthropology Website





The Olympics

A peaceful gathering of Nations

with a few odd ceremonies 15



In the 43th episode of Star Nation News in August 2024 1 we could listen to an interesting message from Thor Han Eredyon2 Elena Danaan's main contact within the Galactic Federation of Worlds. 3

In that message he shared some valuable information on the symbology behind both the opening and the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris in 2024.

Two weeks before, in episode 42, 4 Elena had already spent some time on the rather dark aspects of the opening ceremony. I recommend watching that episode if you want to learn more details of her quite thorough analysis.





In that message Thor Han not only talked about the Olympic ceremonies.


He also shared some more information on the operation regarding the infiltration into the Deep State structures. 6 He also provided more background related to the role of Marduk (or Maratuk). 7


Since the topic of this article is related to the Olympics, I cut out those parts that are directly related to the ceremonies. You can watch the complete message yourself, 1 or read it. 5


Below you can watch information, mainly related to the opening ceremony first.


Note that this is not Thor Han's real voice, but it was technologically created based on a message that was received through the device in Elena's head: 9





Thor Han

on the Symbology

of the Opening Ceremony 1

In the excerpt he mentions that the Earth Alliance (or people from the GFW?) were able to persuade the French organizers to display their evil intentions openly.


Thor Han stresses that infiltrators were not part of the organization themselves.


Through the widely watched opening ceremony people could see the evil agenda with elements like the annihilation of gender binarity, child trafficking and its purpose and it also showed the true face of the Roman religious institutions.




As you could have already heard in the last part of the above excerpt, the closing ceremony was not intended as dark at all.


Thor Han said:

"You have seen the darkness, the inversions, the trafficking, the social engineering exposed, you have been shown the darkness of it all under the label 'Apocalypse': the Great Reveal.


The Closing Ceremony shows you the aftermath of this Great Revelation.


Many of you, trained to see darkness everywhere, believe that this was a somber display of Lucifer descending into a man-made hell to subdue lost souls.


You have missed the message." 5

Well, I was sure amongst those that missed the message,

'trained to see darkness everywhere'...




Victory after The Apocalypse and...

Encoded Messages

...through a Complex Disclosure Operation
33rd Olympic Games   -
by Thor Han Eredyon
August 15, 2024

from ElenaDanaan Website

Sometimes the world you live in seems like a puddle of uncertainty and darkness, not because of the nature of events, but because of ignorance.


Faith in the future and in victory is not gained by knowing that everything is going to be all right, but it comes through the uncertainty of the future, when you can't see the outcome, but you still believe that the light will succeed.


Faith is knowing that even if you cannot see the light of day, you trust that the sun will rise at the end of the night.


You are your own savior, and what drives your actions is hope. It is not because you do not see the light that it is not there. If you want to see the light of hope, open your eyes to the truth, for the night lasts for those who keep their eyelids closed.

For the past seven years, you have been shown the efforts of your enemies to subjugate you and take away your future, your rights, freedom and sovereignty.


You have been shown their actions, their coded symbols by which they have communicated all this time.


The very foundations of their societies, which were the foundations of a global prison, where the walls were built with your labor and the padlocks of your cages were nothing more than made with your own thoughts.


The Galactic Federation of Worlds, in coordination with the Earth Alliance, has been working to expose the deepest darkness and shatter the artificial screen of illusion that has been placed before your eyes.


We have revealed to you how the controlled mainstream media has brainwashed and formatted your minds to the point of weaponizing your own thoughts against yourselves.


You have been groomed to think what the Central Intelligence told you to think. Through the controlled mainstream media, you were slowly assimilated, with your consent, into a hive mind...


This was the work of a despicable invader named Nebu, known to Earth as the,

Dominion, Orion Group, or Betelgeuse Eban Grays...

They were part of a now dismantled alliance of six pernicious civilizations, and that alliance is now being dismantled.

The cleverest intervention that guaranteed the highest percentage of success was the infiltration of their structures. Many of our dedicated personnel compromised themselves to join the darkest of these organizations and play at their own games, dismantling them from within.


This operation took decades and we are now seeing the fruits of the sacrifice of these beings who will forever remain unknown heroes.


They are many. Many...


The Galactic Federation of Worlds worked on infiltration operations, defense, and scientific cooperation. I have already told you about this.


As for the latest development in the matter of disclosure, we have been working on many fronts simultaneously.


Some of our infiltrated assets have come to light in the last two years, revealing the Earth Alliance's work in technology cooperation in the field of retro-engineering of our technologies, as well as the existence of the enemy's dark programs working in the same field, but for different purposes, such as weaponizing non-Earth technologies.


Of course, these last could never achieve such success, as the enemy they were associated with, such as the Nebu and the Ciakahrr, never gave the humans of Earth the keys to understand and replicate their weapons, for obvious reasons.

Everything we planned, the enemy planned to counter.


If you have been following what has been going on lately with Congressional hearings and groups being dissolved as quickly as they are being created for the sole purpose of hijacking disclosure, you may have found it either confusing or exciting.


All you have to do is sit back and watch; you will see the enemy's game slowly coming into the light.

Elena asked me my opinion about the recent Olympic ceremonies and I was happy to answer her request. She knew, of course, that we were no strangers to the operation.


Remember and keep this in mind at all times:

the enemy you call the Deep State has lost total control of humanity; its power is diminishing like the trail of a comet...

Here is what I can comment on:

What I am about to say is of course of value to the remaining leaders of the Deep State, but in this case I am referring specifically to the leader (Emmanuel Macron) of the country that hosted these circus games:

It is often by encouraging the mad king on his throne to show the best of his madness that we can awaken his subjects and start a revolution.

So we just did that...!


We pushed them to the extreme to reveal in a shocking bright light their evil agendas such as,

  • the annihilation of the gender binarity

  • child trafficking and the purpose behind it

  • where these children are taken and by whom

  • the true face of the Roman religious institution that has never been of the Light and has always subjugated you to bow in fear before false gods

  • who these false gods were, that you have been worshipping all this time:

Lucifer-Marutuk and his mentor Yuh Enlil, who took the title of Yahweh.

The Light bearer... this title is held by two beings who play opposite roles:

Marutuk and Issa... or Yeshua as you know him.

Both are Light bearers, but the Roman institution replaced the Messenger of Light, Yeshua, with the fallen angel Lucifer-Marutuk, former Light bearer who fell to the dark side of his uncle Enlil.


I am sure that the heir of the Anakh Empire is best qualified to develop this topic, as I am only an observer in this matter. Ea lived and endured these times and struggles with these beings.


You can ask him about the Yeshua-Lucifer or Christ-Antichrist inversion.


The enemy had planned for the return of Marutuk, but it is his father who returned instead, the father of the true, real light-bearer:


The Olympic Games are the most globally watched event every four years on Earth. In previous events we have shown to you the plans of the Deep State through artwork displays and choreographies.


What a better opportunity, as all the world is watching!


The organizers of these events are not of the Earth Alliance, they are not, but have been cleverly infiltrated by our assets and influenced.



everything that you see is a show...!

Yes, you understood everything you were shown at the opening ceremony of these games.


However, there is something crucial I want you to understand:

this was an orchestrated disclosure under the nose of your enemy, using the enemy's resources and media.

And so was the closing ceremony of these games.

You have seen the darkness, the inversions, the trafficking, the social engineering exposed, you have been shown the darkness of it all under the label "Apocalypse":

the Great Reveal...

The Closing Ceremony shows you the aftermath of this Great Revelation.


Many of you, trained to see darkness everywhere, believe that this was a somber display of Lucifer descending into a man-made hell to subdue lost souls. You have missed the message...

Lucifer is no more, he left Earth and lived on Saturn, of which he was the Ra, a long time ago, and then he was cast out of that star system, never to return.


What the dark ones worshipped all that time was just a shadow of a shadow.


Marutuk will never return, for he was defeated in his Marutuk identity, far from this star system, and that is a story only his biological father can tell. Lucifer is no more.


The true light bearers are now each and every one of you who are awakening to the truth and carrying that light through the darkness of ignorance.


You are the awakeners...

In the final show of these Planetary Games, you were shown the aftermath of the Great Reveal, when humanity rises from the ashes and becomes strong again as they unite despite their differences.


The golden voyager descending from the sky represents the star nations landing in a world where, after all the wars have ended, the inhabitants of a reviving planet, in the midst of defeating a great enemy, finally forget what divided them and become one planetary nation.


The golden voyager refers to the Voyager probe, which carries information about your planet, its location, and the type of life forms it hosts, carved on a golden disk.

Sent forty-seven years ago as we speak, it was a message from Earth to us.

And we have returned to guide you through your victory, a future that you have built for yourselves, a victory that you have won with merit, a future that you have made your own.

Now you must move from this show on and be attentive to what is going on in the real world; to the next batch of disclosure that is coming, and this, will not be a show but real, groundbreaking testimonies from high grades military personnel.

My name is Thor Han Eredyon, I have been Elena's partner for millions of years, and I am currently working as an officer in the High Command of a battle station in orbit around your planet.


This is the task I have chosen for the time being, for the mission. I have borne many other names, as have you. All of you.


Your mortal bodies carry an eternal being that has never known the beginning of the universe and will never know the end...


What would have been the purported positive message of the closing ceremony?


Listen along with what Thor Han to say about it:



Thor Han

on the Closing Ceremony

of the French Olympics in 2024 1

"In the final show of these Planetary Games, you were shown the aftermath of the Great Reveal, when humanity rises from the ashes and becomes strong again as they unite despite their differences.


The golden voyager descending from the sky represents the star nations landing in a world where, after all the wars have ended, the inhabitants of a reviving planet, in the midst of defeating a great enemy, finally forget what divided them and become one planetary nation.

The golden voyager refers to the Voyager probe, which carries information about your planet, its location, and the type of life forms it hosts, carved on a golden disk.


Sent forty-seven years ago as we speak, it was a message from Earth to us.


And we have returned to guide you through your victory, a future that you have built for yourselves, a victory that you have won with merit, a future that you have made your own."

Extracted from above report





It can be interesting to observe yourself while watching videos with this kind information (or perhaps while reading this article).

What do you think?


How much of all this could be true?

In this case I felt reluctant to admit that I would have been wrong on the interpretation of the closing ceremony.


I think many people missed the message. It has happened before, though, that after some initial resistance to new information, I was able to eventually integrate it into this amazing developing paradigm that we are exploring here.


I would like to end with some promising words by Thor Han when it comes to the next stage of the disclosure plan:

"Now you must move from this show on and be attentive to what is going on in the real world; to the next batch of disclosure that is coming, and this, will not be a show but real, groundbreaking testimonies from high grades military personnel." 5

I want to thank Elena Danaan for providing us with all this fascinating information.



The Message to Extraterrestrial civlizations

aboard Voyager 1,

launched in 1977 12,13





  1. STAR NATION NEWS 43 ~ August 19 2024 - You can find the complete transcript of Thor Han's message. 5

  2. On the Connection Between Thor Han and Elena Danaan

  3. The Galactic Federation of Worlds

  4. STAR NATION NEWS 42 ~ August 5 2024


  6. Disclosure through Infiltration into Deep State Structures - See the second video quote for the excerpt from SNN 43. 1

  7. How Marduk became the Ruler of Saturn - Some of the Marduk information can only be accessed through webinars, like webinar 14. 8


  9. And I suddenly realized that I had never written anything about the background of her implant after about 450 articles on this website. I intend on doing that in the near future. I did write about her second implant in her shoulder


  10. There is a thread on Elena on her Second Implant in her Shoulder

  11. As you can read in a thread in the Galactic Anthropology Study Group I thought it was another exposure of the dark, with some evil alien coming from the skies and another beheaded angel. Other members of the group weren't that easily fooled and referred to the goddess Nike, who stands for victory, a winged victory to be more precise 14 The head of the statue

  12. Image from Pinterest

  13. Greetings to the Universe in 55 Different Languages

  14. Winged Victory of Samthrace

  15. Olympic Symbols