by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics
July 31, 2011
Examiner Website
"Cowboys & Aliens," a genre hybrid blockbuster motion picture that
opened at theatres July 29, 2011, bases its plot on the inaccurate
twisting of the solid history of UFO sightings and interactions with
Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) by the good folk
of the Old West.
Director Jon Favreau at a Comic Con panel on the
Cowboys & Aliens movie said,
"Aliens are kind of
the last pure evil enemy in a movie that people can go up
against without having to really worry about political
This cartoon-character view of
Exopolitics (the science of relations among
intelligent civilizations in
the multiverse) has resulted in a
cartoonish depiction of reptilian-like aliens, alien abductions,
juvenile plot and special effects.
In the opinion of this reporter, there should be public
accountability on awarding a film project $150 million to make an
Exopolitical hash that bears no relationship to UFO and ET reality
in the Old West.
A new book, "The
Real Cowboys and Aliens: UFO Encounters of the Old West"
by Texas UFO researcher Noe Torres and New Mexico historian
John LeMay, examines fourteen bizarre incidents, including
the reported recovery in 1897 of a spaceship and its alien pilot in
the Texas frontier town of Aurora.
The Real
Cowboys and Aliens
The True UFO/ET history of the Old West
Noe Torres and John LeMay' publisher writes that,
"'Cowboys meeting
aliens seems to be a theme strictly for comic books and
blockbuster movies,' LeMay said. ‘But in reality, there exist many
newspaper and magazine accounts from the 1800s telling of
strange sightings and encounters from America's cowboy era.'
"[Mr.] Torres, a state section
director for the Mutual UFO network (MUFON), said,
‘What is
especially interesting about these historic UFO sightings is
that they took place before airplanes were invented and
before flight of any kind was common. Although hot air
balloons had been around since the 1700s, it was closer to
1900 before balloon airships became widely known.'
Torres has written three books about
historic UFO cases, "Mexico's Roswell: The Chihuahua UFO Crash"
(2007), "The Other Roswell: UFO Crash on the Texas-Mexico
Border" (2008), and "Ultimate Guide to the Roswell UFO Crash"
"'It seems likely that UFOs were
quite common in the 1800s,' [Mr.] Torres said, ‘We have
found hundreds of newspaper and magazine accounts about
people seeing strange objects and lights in the sky. We have
also found articles that mention face-to-face encounters
with creatures that seemed human but were clearly not.'
"According to [Messrs.] Torres and LeMay, because airplanes and spaceships were unknown concepts in
the 1800s, people who saw strange things in the sky usually
described them by comparing them to known objects like ‘cigars'
and ‘balloons.'
The term ‘flying saucer' was not
widely used until the 1940s, although ‘The Real Cowboys &
Aliens' includes an account of an 1878 UFO sighting by a Texas
farmer who described what he saw as a ‘large saucer.'
"Since this was long before the era of jet planes and
spacecraft, the cowboys and farmers of the 1800s often struggled
to put into words what they had witnessed, Torres and LeMay
said. Unless a UFO slowed down enough to where they could
observe it carefully, most of the Old West residents probably
didn't take much notice.
Vapor trails in the daytime and
streaks of light at night likely did not make much of an
impression on these hardened pioneers.
These sights were just part of the
"signs and wonders" that often appeared in the heavens.
"'The Real Cowboys & Aliens'
opens with an eyewitness amazing account of an 1864 UFO
crash in the Rocky Mountains, as told to a Cincinnati
newspaper by Montana fur trapper James Lumley.
The incident is one of the
earliest reported sightings of a seemingly artificial object
crashing down to Earth.
According to [Messrs.] Torres
and LeMay, after examining the crash site, Lumley was
convinced the object was highly unusual. "It was soon clear
that the object was not a fallen meteor. Lumley claimed that
it was ‘divided into compartments' and parts of it had been
‘carved' with hieroglyphics, similar to the writings of
ancient Egypt.'
"'The Real Cowboys & Aliens' also
contains an updated account of the famous 1897 Aurora, Texas UFO
incident, where a strange flying object slammed into an Old West
windmill and fell to the ground in pieces.
The residents of the small town
recovered the body of the pilot, who was described as ‘not of
this Earth' and gave it a ‘proper Christian burial' in the town
Many people believe that the alien's
remains still exist today amidst the shade trees of the Aurora
Cowboys &
Aliens movie - "Aliens are kind of the last pure evil enemy"
In stark contrast to the published UFO and ET research in
'The Real
Cowboys and Aliens' book, "Cowboys & Aliens" the movie is all about
the threatened hostile invasion and occupation of Earth for gold.
The "blurb" of Cowboys & Aliens the movie says: "A spaceship arrives
in Arizona, 1873, to take over the Earth, starting with the Wild
West region. A posse of cowboys are all that stand in their way."
Covering the Comic Con rollout of the movie Cowboys & Aliens, one
source states,
"During the ‘Cowboys & Aliens'
panel, [Director Jon Favreau expounded on the point that aliens
are kind of the last pure evil enemy in a movie that people can
go up against without having to really worry about political
correctness. When we caught up with him later, he elaborated on
what he meant.
"'I think it's just that. I
think it's fun to be able to play the enemy.
I think now people are treated
as complex and there's no ‘them and us' anymore. It's just
the world is too small,' he said. ‘I think what's
interesting is when you start dealing with our differences
in a very intelligent way. I think a lot of that's happening
in cable television and in series, and in long form
But in an hour and a half movie
you really have to be careful about being responsible about
how you present things and that presents a lot of challenges
in the comic book thing too.
You know you treat people a lot
differently then you did during wartime… when these
characters first emerged the world was a different place and
so in order to not be anachronistic about it and not make
the wrong statement you have to update these things in a
delicate way and inevitably you're going to be violating the
source material'."
alien-abductees vs. reptilian-like planetary invaders
A core question is
"Why Stephen Spielberg (whose motion picture this
is) has continued to bring audiences Exopolitical junk?"
For a motion picture with a reported $150 million budget, the Cowboy
& Aliens movie plot is surprisingly thin, exopolitically twisted and
inaccurate, lacks any semblance of character development, and
dispenses with injecting a realistic historical and social context
in the film.
Cowboys & Aliens the movie is built around the plot of a
reptilian-like extraterrestrial species invading the Earth for gold
through the Old West. The reptilians abduct local whites and Native
Americans and bring them back to their gold-mining facility (their
space ship) for medical-like experiments.
The Cowboy hero (a James Bond character
actor) is an ET abductee who escapes with a reptilian wrist-bracelet
weapon that gives the Cowboy-Indian faction the technological edge
against the reptilians.
Eventually, the Cowboy hero unites with
the Star wars and Indiana Jones star (Harrison Ford the Cowboy),
more Native Americans, cowboys, and Bad guys, and a fifth
dimensional materialized former reptilian abductee to storm the
reptilians' mother ship, liberate the ET abductees, kill the
reptilian ETs, destroy the ET spacecraft, and save the Earth for
What are the
Exopolitical distortions in Cowboys & Aliens the movie?
"Aliens are the
last pure evil enemy"
A motion picture built around
the premise that "aliens are the last pure evil enemy" has
been green-lighted for a $150 million production budget by
Stephen Spielberg.
There is no evidence of
widespread ET abduction, hostile reptilian invasion, or
attack on Old West settlements in the 19th century.
Quite the contrary, it appears
from the historical record that the ET astronaut that died
in a reported 1897 UFO crash in Aurora, Texas was afforded a
decent burial.
Anunnaki ETs are after Earth's
gold, not Draco reptilian ETs - Anunnaki ETs are manipulators of
Earth's controllers
According to author Patricia Cori, the
Planet X-based Anunnaki ET races are the manipulators of the
"controller" bloodlines of Earth that control the "matrix" -
monarchies, banking systems, and governments.
it is
the Anunnaki ETs that were interlopers and devolved
Homo sapiens from a 12 strand DNA Light being in the 3rd
dimension to a 2-strand DNA slave for their gold mines on
The Anunnaki ET manipulators are directing their terrestrial
bloodline control systems to carry out ecocidal and
genocidal programs through exotic weapons like
GMO foods, and
nuclear radiation for a specific
That is to ensure that the
frequency vibratory field of the Earth and of humanity is
lowered to the vibrational rate of
Planet X (which is lower
than Earth), and yet high enough to allow Earth to ascend
with Sol and the solar system.
The Anunnaki wish to coattail
onto the ascension of Earth and of Homo sapiens, so that
Earth and humanity will continue as its colony planet even
in ascension to 5th dimension, however irrational that may
seem to us.
Ms. Cori states that there are a core of approximately 2000
Anunnaki ET-related controllers stationed on Earth who are
hybrid Anunnaki-human and who run the so-called bloodline
and hierarchical controllers of Earth.
These 2000 Anunnaki controllers
do not have public profiles.
ET Council Seeded Homo Sapiens as
Intelligent Beings With 12-Strand DNA
Orion grey ET abduction of
By the historical record,
systematic ET abductions of humans began with secret
treaties that were signed between the Orion grey
extraterrestrials and, respectively, the Roosevelt
Administration in the U.S. in 1943 and the Hitler Government
in 1941.
There is no historical record of
systematic ET abduction in the Old West.
1934 Treaty between Grey
extraterrestrials and U.S. government
According to UK whistleblower Michael Prince, the first
treaty between the Grey extraterrestrials was signed in July
Mr. Prince states,
"It was here that the
agreement was first made between the Greys (who were
actually representing a race of reptilian-like beings
from the Draconis star system) and representatives of
the US intelligence community.
The treaty
stated that in return for the Greys providing high
technology, the US federal government would allow the
Greys to proceed unhindered with human abductions for
use in an ongoing ET genetic program."
Mr. Prince writes,
"On July 11th,
1934, the first treaty between the beings, which have
become known as the Small Greys (approximately three and
a half foot grey beings with large wraparound eyes from
the Orion star system) and the US federal government,
under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, occurred
aboard a naval ship at the port city of Balboa, Panama.
This was one of the most
important events in human history because it thrust us
into a role we were not prepared for as regards becoming
host to a malevolent, extraterrestrial race.
"Although there are benevolent "Zetan"' Greys, these
entities did not have humanity's best interests at
"The US government completely disregarded the
Constitution of the United States by doing this and not
telling the American people. It was here that the
agreement was first made between the Greys (who were
actually representing a race of reptilian-like beings
from the Draconis star system) and representatives of
the US intelligence community.
The treaty stated that in
return for the Greys providing high technology, the US
federal government would allow the Greys to proceed
unhindered with human abductions for use in an ongoing
ET genetic program.
"The Americans stated they would only agree to the terms
if a list of abductees was provided to the government
and the abductees returned unharmed with their memories
of the event erased. The Greys provided anti-gravity
devices, metals and alloys, environment, free energy,
and medical technology in return for this.
These Greys basically said
they would provide this hardware in exchange for being
allowed to infiltrate human society on all levels. This
they did and started to replace important world leaders
with clones under their control.
"Seven years after this treaty, in 1941, the Greys
approached the German government and Hitler. A treaty
was then arranged with the Nazis. The Greys offered mind
control and other technologies to the Germans, and in
return wanted human subjects to conduct their genetic
experiments on.
The information I have is
that Hitler told the Greys they were not to touch the
German Aryan people but could do what they wanted with
the people in the concentration camps. In the last
century, Germany and America have been the main areas of
Grey and reptilian invasion, as you can see by the vast
amounts of people going missing in America lately. This
is why the Nazis were so involved with cloning
technology and experimentation on twins.
"Approximately twenty people in the US and Germany at
the time would have been directly involved in the
Grey/human treaties. The information was kept on a
strictly need-to-know basis within the governments and
secret services. Little has changed regarding Grey,
government, and concentration camp issues.
We now [as of
2006] have the Grey, Draco reptilian, and government
sell-outs in Britain and America who are torturing test
subjects as we speak, installed into underground
concentration camps."
10-year extensions of 1934 treaty with
Grey extraterrestrials
Michael Prince writes
that the 1934 U.S. secret treaty with Grey extraterrestrials
has been renewed every ten years.
He states,
"As the MIEC [Military
Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex] began to expand in
the early forties, the second extension of the 1934 Grey
and US government treaty was signed in 1944. This treaty
was renewed every ten years from 1934 to 1964 and the
treaties still are being renewed today.
Lincoln has just recently
visited the Chrysanthemum bio-genetics facility in Dulce,
New Mexico, as a new archive system is being set up
there. A scientist who has worked there since the 1970's
informed him that a new treaty has just been signed."
Treaty broken by Grey and Draco
Reptilian extraterrestrials
Michael Prince states that by the time of the 1944 10 year
extension of the treaty, the treaty was broken by the Grey
Mr. Prince writes,
"By 1944, the Grey/human
treaty was showing signs of stress, as it was discovered
that Greys were abducting more people than they were
putting on the government lists.
In May 1954, under the
Eisenhower administration, the third extension of the
Grey and US government treaty was signed - the Grenada
Treaty. The Orion Greys and Draco Reptilians blatantly
broke the terms, as we shall see later in the book.
"The Grenada Treaty was agreed upon under the Holloman
air force base in New Mexico by the Greys and the ULTRA
unit of the NSA. The name of the facility under Holloman
AFB was code named DANDELION, although this may have
changed now. The ULTRA unit was one of the most elite
and super secret of the NSA factions at the time and was
ran by Project Paperclip Nazis who were part of the NSA
after 1945. All ULTRA members were cloned humans.
"The original documents of this treaty and the original
ET materials from it can be found today in the NSA
facility called Blue Moon. Blue is code word meaning
extraterrestrial-related. Blue moon is an underground
facility beneath Kirkland air force base in New Mexico.
The entrance to the base is in the Manzano Mountains.
Inside Blue Moon is the technological headquarters of
the very secretive DOE, which Lincoln and Dean Warwick
work[ed] for.
Today [2006],
the DOE at Blue Moon is building free energy devices,
developed from Grey and Draco reptilian technology, for
use in space."
- A War Between Hostile ETs and Humanity Has Started - Whistleblower
Orion Grey and Draco Reptilian
ET occupation of Earth targeted for 2000-2030
By the historical record, it is
Orion Grey and Draco Reptilian ET occupation that had been
anticipated by U.S. intelligence, to be timelines for
sometime in 2000-2030, not in the 19th century Old West.
As we have previously reported,
"In 1964, U.S. intelligence
expected a Grey/Reptilian ET takeover in 2000-2030.
"The current war between hostile extraterrestrial
Grey/Draco Reptilian faction and humanity has been in
development for a number of decades.
"In his book, Michael Prince reveals that in 1964 U.S.
intelligence agencies had concluded that a
Grey/Reptilian extraterrestrial alliance had a timetable
for a planetary takeover of Earth sometime during the
2000 - 2030 period.
"He writes, ‘On April 15th, 1964, two US
intelligence personnel met under Project Plato with the
Greys in the New Mexico desert to arrange a meeting on
April 25th at Holloman air force base in New
Mexico. This meeting was to renew the treaty that had
started in 1934 again and was a psychological bid to buy
time in order to solve the problem of the Greys and
Draco reptilians.
The upper
levels of US intelligence now believed the Greys and
Dracos had this planet time-tabled for invasion and
takeover between the years 2000 and 2030.'
- A War Between Hostile ETs and Humanity Has Started - Whistleblower
Liberation of Earth by 5th
dimensional forces of Light
Cowboys & Aliens symbolically
alludes to a future liberation of Earth by 5th
dimensional forces of the intelligent civilizations of Light
Beings (such as the benevolent Pleiadians) in the form of a
woman 5th dimensional ET who ultimately destroys
the reptilian ET spaceship in the movie.
Once again, the movie script has inserted action more
appropriate to the 21st century Exopolitics than
19th century Exopolitics.
As UK whistleblower Michael
Prince states,
"Pleiadian & Aldebaran
federation forces of liberation
"My most recent Pleiadian contacts brought word of
direct military action by Aldebaran federation forces
against certain strategic locations in Britain, America,
and Australia. These attacks and liberations were
utilized using "Excalibur" type technology.
This is sonic,
ground-penetrating weaponry that attacks deep
underground but leaves the surface unharmed. This
message was given to me on the night of August 25th
by several small scout craft positioned overhead in a
certain location in Scotland were I am now based.
"The attacks would take place between the 25th
and 30th August, I was told. A couple of days
later, I was told by Lincoln that he'd heard of a huge
explosion and fire in the underground facility at
Montauk, where the Phoenix mind control project is being
He also informed me that the
mag-lev underground tube shuttle system had been
shutdown between the bases in New Mexico. All the
terminals had been closed and this went on for an
unusually long time.
"Anyway, I don't want to dwell on the warlike aspect of
the Pleiadians. I want to focus on the joy and ecstasy
that comes with having a heart link with them,
especially the female aspect of their civilization. They
are a Goddess-based society, which venerates females and
The feeling of the energy is
similar to being in love. Children with Pleiadian
genetics are highly sought after in Mannequin and are
known under such code names as Platinum Blues and
Digital Children.
"These are the most joyful and angelic children whose
psychic abilities come from the ability to feel love and
the feelings of another being. The people used in the
project are like the phoenix. They are individuals of
such passion and fire that their souls are often too
powerful for their bodies.
It often takes to their 30th
birthday to learn how to slow down and take care and
control over their physical bodies."
Reference: "WWIII
- A War Between Hostile ETs and Humanity Has Started - Whistleblower