by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
June 5, 2011
Examiner Website
Michael Prince, an active duty whistleblower trained to be a cyborg
super soldier assassin in SS and MI-6 U.K. intelligence networks,
has stated that World War III, a war between hostile
extraterrestrial civilizations and the human civilization has
Armed hostilities between human forces
and hostile extraterrestrial forces are now taking place frequently,
Mr. Prince states.
An ET false flag operation is also
Humans allied with the
Grey/Reptilian Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex [MIEC]
are concurrently preparing a
false flag ET invasion, Mr. Prince
stated. The negative extraterrestrial-human alliance intent on Earth
take-over is referred to as the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial
Complex [MIEC].
Superior survival dynamics of homo
Because of the superior survival dynamics of the human species, Mr.
Prince states, human society will defeat the hostile
extraterrestrial civilizations that consist mainly of a
Grey and
Draco Reptilian faction.
“It is a dangerous situation,” Mr.
Prince states at the end of the interview. “However, all is
under control and people should not panic.”
Watch Michael Prince 2011 Probe Conference
Mr. Prince’s revelations are contained in a 2 hour 29 minute
interview he gave during the March 2011 Probe Spring Conference at
St Annes-on-sea, Lancashire, U.K.
Michael Prince - Human Cybernization at
Q552 Nelson Base
May 28, 2011
YouTube Website
In 1964, U.S.
intelligence expected a Grey/Reptilian ET takeover in 2000-2030
The current war between hostile extraterrestrial Grey/Draco
Reptilian faction and humanity has been in development for a number
of decades.
In his book, Michael Prince reveals that in 1964 U.S. intelligence
agencies had concluded that a Grey/Reptilian extraterrestrial
alliance had a timetable for a planetary takeover of Earth sometime
during the 2000-2030 period.
He writes,
“On April 15th, 1964, two US
intelligence personnel met under Project Plato with the Greys in
the New Mexico desert to arrange a meeting on April 25th at
Holloman air force base in New Mexico. This meeting was to renew
the treaty that had started in 1934 again and was a
psychological bid to buy time in order to solve the problem of
the Greys and Draco reptilians.
The upper levels of US intelligence
now believed the Greys and Dracos had this planet time-tabled
for invasion and takeover between the years 2000 and 2030.”
Mr. Prince, whose birth names is Michael
Prince and whose adoptive name is
James Casbolt, made these
revelations in his book
James Casbolt MI-6 - Buried Alive.
implications of Grey/Reptilian takeover
Michael Prince’s revelations have major implications for the
exopolitical circumstances of Earth at this time.
There is abundant independent evidence
of a threatened takeover of human society by a
controller elite that
is following the agenda of the hostile Grey/Reptilian faction
identified by U.S. intelligence in 1964.
This controller elite includes
terrestrial governments (executive, legislative, and judicial
branches), media organizations, international organizations, and
military and intelligence organizations that are populated by clones
or cyborgs under the command and control of the Grey/Reptilian
faction whose intent is to takeover Earth.
Trained as a
cyborg assassin, starting at Q552 SS base in Nelson, B.C., Canada
In his March 2011 interview, Michael Prince reveals that between
1976–1979 he was one of a group of 42 children who were subjected to
trauma-based mind control and implanted as future cyborg super
soldiers at a secret Nazi SS trauma mind control training facility
near Nelson, British Columbia, Canada.
The 42 children were test tube babies, each bearing sought-after
human-extraterrestrial DNA, who had been adopted into human families
that were part of multi-generational trauma-based mind control
families. The children were being trained to be future assassins.
This reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre has spoken with a credible
source in British Columbia who met personally with coordinators of a
Nazi network in British Columbia that in the 1976-79 time period
acted as fronts for a Nazi base facility in area of Eagle Lake, also
known as Murphy Lake, British Columbia.
Eagle Lake is northwest of the area of
the Nelson, British Columbia, Canada Nazi SS Q552 trauma-based mind
control training base that Mr. Prince exposed in his interview.
1934 Treaty
between Grey extraterrestrials and U.S. government
According to Michael Prince, the first treaty between the Grey
extraterrestrials was signed in July, 1934. Mr. Prince states,
“It was here that the agreement was
first made between the Greys (who were actually representing a
race of reptilian-like beings from the Draconis star system) and
representatives of the US intelligence community.
The treaty
stated that in return for the Greys providing high technology,
the US federal government would allow the Greys to proceed
unhindered with
human abductions for use in an ongoing ET
genetic program.”
Mr. Prince writes,
“On July 11th, 1934, the first
treaty between the beings, which have become known as
the Small Greys (approximately three and a half foot grey beings with
large wraparound eyes from the Orion star system) and the US
federal government, under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
occurred aboard a naval ship at the port city of Balboa, Panama.
This was one of the most important events in human history
because it thrust us into a role we were not prepared for as
regards becoming host to a malevolent, extraterrestrial race.
“Although there are benevolent “Zetan”’ Greys, these entities
did not have humanity’s best interests at heart.
“The US government completely disregarded the Constitution of
the United States by doing this and not telling the American
people. It was here that the agreement was first made between
the Greys (who were actually representing a race of
reptilian-like beings from the Draconis star system) and
representatives of the US intelligence community. The treaty
stated that in return for the Greys providing high technology,
the US federal government would allow the Greys to proceed
unhindered with human abductions for use in an ongoing ET
genetic program.
“The Americans stated they would only agree to the terms if a
list of abductees was provided to the government and the
abductees returned unharmed with their memories of the event
erased. The Greys provided anti-gravity devices, metals and
alloys, environment, free energy, and medical technology in
return for this. These Greys basically said they would provide
this hardware in exchange for being allowed to infiltrate human
society on all levels. This they did and started to replace
important world leaders with clones under their control.
“Seven years after this treaty, in 1941,
the Greys approached
the German government and Hitler. A treaty was then arranged
with the Nazis. The Greys offered
mind control and other
technologies to the Germans, and in return wanted human subjects
to conduct their genetic experiments on.
The information I have
is that Hitler told the Greys they were not to touch the German
Aryan people but could do what they wanted with the people in
the concentration camps. In the last century, Germany and
America have been the main areas of Grey and reptilian invasion,
as you can see by the vast amounts of people going missing in
America lately. This is why the Nazis were so involved with
cloning technology and experimentation on twins.
“Approximately twenty people in the US and Germany at the time
would have been directly involved in the Grey/human treaties.
The information was kept on a strictly need-to-know basis within
the governments and secret services. Little has changed
regarding Grey, government, and concentration camp issues.
now [as of 2006] have the Grey, Draco reptilian, and government
sell-outs in Britain and America who are torturing test subjects
as we speak, installed into underground concentration camps.”
extensions of 1934 treaty with Grey extraterrestrials
Michael Prince writes that the 1934 U.S. secret treaty with Grey
extraterrestrials has been renewed every ten years.
He states,
“As the MIEC [Military Industrial
Extraterrestrial Complex] began to expand in the early forties,
the second extension of the 1934 Grey and US government treaty
was signed in 1944. This treaty was renewed every ten years from
1934 to 1964 and the treaties still are being renewed today.
Lincoln has just recently visited the Chrysantheum bio-genetics
facility in
Dulce, New Mexico, as a new archive system is being
set up there. A scientist who has worked there since the 1970’s
informed him that a new treaty has just been signed.”
Treaty broken
by Grey and Draco Reptilian extraterrestrials
Michael Prince states that by the time of the 1944, 10 year extension
of the treaty, the treaty was broken by the Grey extraterrestrials.
Mr. Prince writes,
“By 1944, the Grey/human treaty was
showing signs of stress, as it was discovered that Greys were
abducting more people than they were putting on the government
lists. In May
1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the
third extension of the Grey and US government treaty was signed
- the Grenada Treaty.
The Orion Greys and Draco Reptilians
blatantly broke the terms, as we shall see later in the book.
“The Grenada Treaty was agreed upon under the Holloman air force
base in New Mexico by the Greys and the ULTRA unit of
the NSA.
The name of the facility under Holloman AFB was code named
DANDELION, although this may have changed now.
The ULTRA unit
was one of the most elite and super secret of the NSA factions
at the time and was ran by
Project Paperclip Nazis who were part
of the NSA after 1945. All ULTRA members were cloned humans.
“The original documents of this treaty and the original ET
materials from it can be found today in the NSA facility called
Blue Moon. Blue is code word meaning extra-terrestrial related.
Blue moon is an underground facility beneath Kirkland air force
base in New Mexico. The entrance to the base is in the Manzano
Inside Blue Moon is the technological headquarters of
the very secretive DOE, which Lincoln and Dean Warwick work[ed]
for. Today [2006], the DOE at Blue Moon is building free energy
devices, developed from Grey and Draco reptilian technology, for
use in space.”
Greys and Reptilians
have Earth timetabled for takeover 2000 - 2030
With regard to a timetable for invasion and takeover of Earth by the
Grey/Reptilian faction, Mr. Prince writes,
“With each ET/human treaty, the
governments [within the MEIC] were becoming more advanced, and
there were now groups of people that were literally thousands of
years more advanced than the civilian population.
For every one
year that goes by, since the start of these treaties, military
technology advances by over fifty years… every now and then, the
public gets a new computer or some other piece of technology
from the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex [MIEC],
but these are just little trinkets similar to when the early
white American settlers would give beads to the Indians.
“On April 15th, 1964, two US intelligence personnel met under
Project Plato with the Greys in the New Mexico desert to arrange
a meeting on April 25th at Holloman air force base in New
Mexico. This meeting was to renew the treaty that had started in
1934 again and was a psychological bid to buy time in order to
solve the problem of the Greys and Draco reptilians.
The upper
levels of US intelligence now believed the Greys and Dracos had
this planet time-tabled for invasion and takeover between the
years 2000 and 2030.”
Lethality of
Draco Reptilians
Michael Prince writes that not all reptilian extraterrestrials are
dangerous to the human race. Once exception is the Draco Reptilian
that is part of the Grey/Reptilian faction now threatening a
takeover of Earth.
He writes,
“The malevolent Dracos are not
pleasant. There may be compassionate beings among them, but there is
a large section of them that are thoroughly evil and dangerous.
worrying news is balanced out by the fact that there are also many
benevolent ETs from various star systems who are here to help us and
have been involved in an ancient war with the Dracos. The Dracos are
real beings; however, the intelligence community is involved in a
psychological operation to make the people of the world fear all
reptilian ETs.”
Mr. Prince states,
“The Dracos are omnivores and move
across planets like locust for the natural resources, including
food, which in this case is us.
There will be huge supporting
evidence in this book showing they are using us for food. Dracos
have two hearts, are between 7 to 12 feet tall, and have the
strength of 8 to 16 men. They are hard to kill, have psychic and
technological skills in battle that are thousands of years ahead
of ours, they’re cold-blooded, and have no remorse or
“There are different colored Draco, but the Draco Prime are
white in color and seem to be the royalty or elite of the
group. They are seen far less by humans in
facilities and abductions.
The various colored Draco have
wings, while the reptilians lower on the hierarchy, seen more
often by humans, do not. The wings are made of long, tiny bone
spines or ribs that protrude out of their backs. The ribs are
adjoined by flaps of leathery, blackish-brown skin, and the
wings are usually in a retracted position.
Beings matching the description of the Draco have been seen
flying using their wings. This was reported in the multiple
sightings of Draco-like creatures in the town of Point
Pleasant, on which the film The Mothman Prophecies, starring
Richard Gere, was based.
In several contacts, people have seen
reptilian beings wearing capes draped over their shoulders and
down their backs. The capes may be a piece of clothing
specifically designed for covering the Dracos’ wings, or their
retracted, dark leathery flaps might appear to be a fabric-like
material going across and down the shoulders and back.
“What strikes the eyewitnesses the most about the physical
appearance of a Draco being is the horns. The horns are usually
short. They are conical in shape and extend four to five inches
away from the skull. Some reports describe low bony ridges back
along there conical shaped heads.
These ridges appear midway
between the brow and the top of their heads. They appear to have
a much more athletic build than the other reptilian beings.
Their upper torsos are extremely lean, and their neck muscles
splay out from the base of their jaws to their shoulder blades.
If the Dracos are able to fly to using their wings, as some
people have reported, the physical demands of flight would
result in some muscle groups being more developed than others.
“Certain individuals claiming to have had Draco encounters say
they have seen ones with white powdery scales approach and give
instruction to the winged Dracos, who are a greenish-brown in
The white Dracos are the Draco Prime. In every one of
these cases, the greenish-brown beings appeared to be highly
respectful and submissive to the Draco with white scales. This
reaction suggests the Draco hierarchy is a caste system
dependent on skin color and possibly other unknown genetic
The Greys have also demonstrated similar respect for the Draco
Prime in contact reports.”
Treaties with
the galactic confederation of worlds
Mr. Prince states that the U.S. government knows of the existence of
at least 118 extraterrestrial races that are involved with the
affairs of Earth.
He states,
“There have also been Human/ET treaties
with these compassionate races, and their motivations and actions in
these areas seem to prove their intentions.”
Mr. Prince writes,
“This situation is so bizarre and
gets even more so as we go deeper into highly classified areas.
I have been told by my NSA contact, X3, there are at least 118
different extra-terrestrial races, that the NSA knows about,
involved in the affairs of this planet. The NSA refers to this
ET grouping under such titles as The Link and others.
There are the benevolent ETs visiting this planet from star
sectors such as the Pleiades, Andromeda, Lyra, Tau Ceti, Sirius
A, and Ummo, which have been referred to by contactees and
secret service personnel as The Galactic Confederation of
Worlds. Here we are going into complicated Star Wars-type Exo-politics.
“However, there are benevolent factions of Orion Greys and Draco
Reptilians and evil factions of Pleiadians, for example. This is
obvious, as in any race there are good and evil elements. I
wanted to just make this distinction clear because in the
so-called New Age movement, there is almost a religious type of
obsession with New Age advocates claiming all reptilians are
negative and all Pleiadians are here to save us from them.
have also been Human/ET treaties with these compassionate races,
and their motivations and actions in these areas seem to prove
their intentions.
1934 - Tall blonde
Pleiadians & the Nazis
Michael Prince reveals that in 1934 a group of tall blonde
Pleiadians first approached the US government and the Roosevelt
administration. They were rebuffed by the US government and so the Pleiadians then approached the Nazis.
Mr. Prince writes,
“In 1934, a group of Pleiadians
(Tall Humanoid beings with blond hair and blue eyes) approached
the US government, under the Roosevelt administration, in an
effort to work out an eventual military disarmament arrangement.
The US government refused, so the Pleiadians approached Hitler
and the Nazis instead. I believe by this time, the Draco
reptilians had taken control of much of the upper levels of the
US federal government, and the human puppets would not give up
their military weapons. Part of the covert reptilian agenda is
massively reduce the world’s population by wars to reduce
resistance, if and when the time comes, to the final Draco
The Pleiadians worked out a treaty with Hitler and the
Nazis that in exchange for technology the Nazis would not attack
the Jewish people. The Pleiadians tried to stop all of this, and
their treaty with the Nazis held together until around 1941.
cannot get a very clear picture of what happened after this, as
the information is so tightly compartmentalized. It is also hard
to see through the massive amounts of propaganda that came out
after the Second World War. There was a plan to repopulate the
Jewish community from Germany to Madagascar, but this didn't
happen because the Madagascans wanted no part of it.
“The Nazis developed their advanced saucer-shaped aircraft from
the Pleiadian technology after the Pleiadians purposely crashed
some of theirs in Germany to honor their part in the treaty.
The Nazi craft were known as
Hauneba and Vril. The Nazis were
not able to copy the Pleiadian anti-gravity drive but found ways
around this.
By 1941, the Pleiadians pulled out of the treaty
and would no longer deal with Hitler and Nazis. It was at this
time that the Greys approached them, and this is where the Nazi
trauma-based mind control technology came from.”
1954 -
Eisenhower Administration and the Galactic Confederation of Worlds
Michael Prince confirms the accounts of an approach by
representatives from a galactic governance body to upper levels of
the Eisenhower administration in 1954.
Mr. Prince writes,
“On February 20th, 1954, around the
same time as
the Grenada Treaty, a delegation from the
Confederation of Worlds approached the upper levels of the US
government. This was an effort to limit the death and
destruction of the Grenada Treaty and weapons developed from it.
This delegation met with the Eisenhower administration in an
unsuccessful attempt to reach an agreement on the US
government’s thermonuclear weapons program.
“Some say the stumbling block was that the Federation ETs were
not willing to provide technology that might have been used by
the military industrial factions of the Eisenhower
administration. Others say many factions of the upper levels of
US government were under heavy Draco mind control by this time,
and there was no way they were going to give up their nuclear
These protective and peace-loving Humanoid ETs also
refused to be co-opted into the emerging Military, Industrial,
Extraterrestrial Complex [MIEC] in the US, Britain, Russia and
The Pleiadian
Michael Prince’s message is ultimately optimistic.
He states that the Military Industrial
Extraterrestrial Complex [MIEC] is currently using a “Tablets of
Destiny” supercomputer system that includes the
and Artificial Intelligence mind control system to attempt planetary
ecocide and genocide.
Mr. Prince states that the Pleiadian fleet is
here to liberate humanity and will be successful.
Mr. Prince writes,
“When I’m an old man, I don’t want
to look back upon my life and remember that I was some kind of
prophet of doom who brought fear into the lives of millions of
My work has now reached millions, and I need to be
careful. My message is ultimately one of love and peace, which
the Pleiadian paradigm. A win-win situation were every man,
woman, and child on this planets benefits.
“The corrupt Illuminati paradigm
wishes to see the destruction of the so-called Goyim - all the
people on earth who are not 'New Israelites.' When our unit was
involved in RV [remote viewing] ops in London in the 90’s, we
were told things like, 'when it all goes down, people like you
will run the planet for us.'
Many times, the elite were called
underground to the CLC-1 facility under Parliament when there
were threats of a nuclear attack on the UK. Barry King was
paired up with a certain female in this facility in the past in
this exact situation.
“It was a C.O.G (Continuity of Government) type operation with
the Illuminati wanting to repopulate the earth with offspring of
the most gifted, to rise from the ashes like the phoenix.
Fortunately, this never happened. Immanuel’s message was that
all people, Jew and Gentile, could see the New Jerusalem of
peace and prosperity on earth.
This is what the future holds, and
the Pleiadians are not going to see this planet get flushed down
the pan. I’m honored and grateful to be able to carry this
What gives me the right to speak for the Pleiadians?
“The simple answer is that I’ve been in direct contact with them
since I was child. Part of my role in
Project Mannequin was to
make telepathic contact with the large Pleiadian mother ships in
the outer atmosphere and then pass the messages onto Commander
Clavius and other people. This was all done while I was in the
Tablets of Destiny -
HAARP & Supercomputers
“I’ve had that much contact with
them over the years that a whole book could be written on this
subject alone.
Some of the messages in Mannequin had to do with
the fact that the Pleiadians would not stand for the abuse
occurring in these military facilities, and Aldebaran federation
forces would be taking direct military action against them. This
is not a chapter about “exo-politics” but the M.I.E.C forces
have control over something known as the Tablets of Destiny,
which is basically a network of large exotic crystal based
“These are linked in a geometrical grid pattern around the world
and can trigger large scale disasters such as tidal waves,
hurricanes, and earthquakes. Anyone who has investigated this
subject would be familiar with the H.A.A.R.P scalar weather
warfare system based in Alaska. This is part of the T.O.D super
Ultimately, mankind is being held hostage by this
system. People often ask why don’t the Pleiadians come in and
rescue us and all the children being abused in underground
bases, if all the ships are positioned around the planet?
“The answer is because of the Tablets of Destiny.
Yes, the large Pleiadian craft are here. Anyone who attended the Probe
International conference in the past saw the proof. My colleague
“Duncan” presented the many colored photographs of these ships
- some over five miles long - to hundreds of stunned people in
attendance. You could hear the gasps from the audience as
people’s breath was taken away.
“These photographs were taken by another friend of mine, known
on the internet as Simon Anderson and
John Leonard Walson, using
advanced photography equipment that takes pictures of objects in
the outer atmosphere.
JLW has filmed so many ships that I cannot
cover them all here.
Pleidian &
Aldebaran federation forces of liberation
“My most recent Pleiadian contacts
brought word of direct military action by Aldebaran federation
forces against certain strategic locations in Britain, America,
and Australia.
These attacks and liberations were utilized using
“excaliber” type technology.
This is sonic, ground-penetrating
weaponry that attacks deep underground but leaves the surface
unharmed. This message was given to me on the night of August
25th by several small scout craft positioned overhead in a
certain location in Scotland were I am now based.
“The attacks would take place between the 25th and 30th August,
I was told. A couple of days later, I was told by Lincoln that
he’d heard of a huge explosion and fire in the underground
facility at Montauk, where the Phoenix mind control project is
being run. He also informed me that the mag-lev underground tube
shuttle system had been shutdown between the bases in New
All the terminals had been closed and this went on for
an unusually long time.
“Anyway, I don’t want to dwell on the warlike aspect of the
Pleiadians. I want to focus on the joy and ecstasy that comes
with having a heart link with them, especially the female aspect
of their civilization. They are a Goddess-based society, which
venerates females and family. The feeling of the energy is
similar to being in love.
Children with Pleiadian genetics are
highly sought after in Mannequin and are known under such code
names as Platinum Blues and Digital Children.
“These are the most joyful and angelic children whose physic
abilities come from the ability to feel love and the feelings of
another being. The people used in the project are like the
phoenix. They are individuals of such passion and fire that
their souls are often too powerful for their bodies.
It often
takes to their 30th birthday to learn how to slow down and take
care and control over their physical bodies.”