by Andy Lloyd
3rd February 2007
DarkStar1 Website
One of the most curious things about
Sitchin’s theories is
his description of
the Anunnaki’s search for gold.
Their descent to
Earth was triggered by a worsening environmental disaster on their
own world,
Nibiru. They came here with the explicit need to collect
one thing: Gold.
Why? Not for jewellery, certainly. Their plundering
of the earth’s gold supplies was necessary in order to achieve just
one end. They needed to pump the stuff into the atmosphere of Nibiru.
This is one of the strangest aspects of a very strange story.
Nowadays, we are all familiar with the idea of environmental
threats, of impending ecological collapse within a couple of
generations. But when Sitchin wrote his ‘12th Planet Theory’ back in
1976 there was no such concern, beyond worries of oil prices and
OPEC’s control of the world’s economy.
This coming week will see a discussion of our
modern problems of
global warming, as scientists report on what the governments of the
world need to do to avoid the very real threat of global
super-heating. In an implicit acceptance of the threat of global
warming, the U.S. have been pressurizing scientists to recommend
hi-tech solutions.
These include space mirrors to deflect 1% of the
light of the Sun away from Earth.
Reflecting light away from our
planet by just a small amount would, apparently, compensate for the
greenhouse gas effects going on due to industrial and domestic
output of carbon gases.
One of the ways to reflect light into space would be to introduce
reflective material into the highest part of the earth’s atmosphere.
Such a solution is being considered seriously. Suggestions include
the release of millions of reflective balloons into the upper
Another is changing the emission gases of
airplanes to
produce white and longer-lasting contrails.
A third is releasing sulphate droplets into the upper atmosphere, which would mimic the
action of cooling volcanic eruptions. Like all untested medicine,
the side-effects of sulphate droplet release remain unknown.
This all suddenly sounds rather familiar. Releasing material in bulk
into the atmosphere of our planet? As Lee Covino has pointed out to
me, this is pure Sitchin! It’s what the Anunnaki did with
our gold.
They spent hundreds of thousands of years purportedly mining the
stuff, and shipping it back to
Nibiru when that planet’s elongated
orbit brought it round to the planetary zone of our star every 3600
Once they had enough of the stuff, the Anunnaki left. It now
seems likely that the purpose for the gold was not to keep the home-world's planetary heat in, but to keep the light out!
Now it is our turn to panic about the environment; and with good
In my book ‘The Dark Star
- The Planet X Evidence’, I discuss at
length mechanisms whereby the Sun and the Dark Star’s relationship
has changed over time. I believe that small changes in the orbit of
our unstable binary companion have profound effects upon the orbits
of the other planets around the Sun.
I believe that our environment
on Earth is linked to the
Dark Star’s orbit in a very clearly
defined way.
Four million years ago, an Ice Epoch began on Earth. For forty
million years before that date we had no ice-caps on Earth. Science
still cannot adequately explain why there are long periods of time
when the Earth has no ice at all, whilst other periods of time,
lasting millions of years, there are substantial and evolving
I’m not talking about the ebb and flow of ice ages within
the current Ice Epoch here, which may be attributed to the
Milankovitch Cycles. I’m talking about greater stretches of
geological time, including those extreme points in time when
dinosaurs lived at the ice-free poles, or when the Earth was covered
in so much ice it has been compared to a planet-sized Snowball.
I have suggested that these massive shifts in climate were
facilitated by shifts in the orbit of the brown dwarf companion,
which I dub the Dark Star. The Anunnaki live on a world orbiting
this Dark Star. The atmosphere of their own home-world has been
subject to global warming over the last 4 million years, during the
time when our world has been colder.
That’s why they introduced gold
into their atmosphere: to reflect some of the light of their
unusually bright and excitable Dark Sun. That’s why they took the
very hazardous step of coming here, a planet which was toxic to
Now they have left, perhaps because their world is now safe. Whilst
ours is presented with the Abyss.
This is simply not a coincidence!
Perhaps, and I mean this light-heartedly, we need to go to Nibiru
and take back our gold to prevent our own planet from overheating.
Perhaps this might be one of the remarkable technological solutions
suggested by the U.S. Government, which seems to know quite a bit
about pumping reflective substances into the high atmosphere all of
a sudden.
Perhaps they also know quite a lot about the Dark Star, Nibiru and the Anunnaki…
AL, 7th February 2007
I've had some interesting feedback from other researchers, and
various people who enjoy Zecharia Sitchin's work.
My friend and
Lloyd Pye writes to point out that he presented very
similar ideas in his 1997 book:
"...Scientists have been touting the "particulate gold shot into the
upper atmosphere" theory for quite a while now, at least before 1997
when I published "Everything You Know Is Wrong" (1).
I mention this
as the best apparent solution at that time (p232). Since then, as
you point out, the "reflective mirror" and "reflective balloon"
theories have appeared, but that is probably to protect the gold
more than anything else. I'm not sure which is the best solution,
only that gold has been touted for at least a decade."
Also, Eric Harrington points out that he has yet to come across an
ancient reference to the use of gold in Nibiru's atmosphere in
Sitchin's work (2).
He suspects that the idea in one of Zecharia's
original ideas, rather than something based upon a textual
quotation, which puts things into perspective. Even so, Mr Sitchin
was ahead of his time on this front!
Finally, Die Schandausstellungen suggests, (a little
tongue-in-cheek) there might be some money in it for me, by
suggesting alternative sources for Global Warming.
It seems that
various American Energy Producers are keen to provide substantial
sums of money to any scientific authority prepared to extol their
political position on this issue. Since I agree with the IPCC about
Humanity's massive contribution to the Global Warming effect, and
given that I am not any kind of authority on anything at all (except
perhaps the Dark Star!), I suspect I shall remain poor.
I agree
wholeheartedly with the following comment:
"Lord Rees of Ludlow, the president of the Royal Society, Britain's
most prestigious scientific institute, said:
"The IPCC is the
world's leading authority on climate change and its latest report
will provide a comprehensive picture of the latest scientific
understanding on the issue.
It is expected to stress, more
convincingly than ever before, that our planet is already warming
due to human actions, and that 'business as usual' would lead to
unacceptable risks, underscoring the urgent need for concerted
international action to reduce the worst impacts of climate change.
However, yet again, there will be a vocal minority with their own
agendas who will try to suggest otherwise."" (3)
1) Lloyd Pye "Everything You Know Is Wrong" Adamu Press 1997
2) Zecharia Sitchin "The Earth Chronicles" series of books, from
1976 onwards
3) Ian Sample "Scientists offered cash to dispute climate study" 2nd
February 2007
10th March 2007
I've had a number of e-mails recently arguing the case for the
Global Warming issue being a load of nonsense.
At first, I rebutted
these ideas, believing that
the IPCC and similar institutional
scientific bodies around the world have got it essentially right
about man-made global warming.
However, I've been open to other
ideas, and have since come to realize that the whole Global Warming
agenda suffers from from acute scientific difficulties.
Warming does not historically follow carbon dioxide levels.
Instead, CO2 follows temperature.
World temperatures dipped for 4
decades following the post war
years, when the should have risen according to Global Warming
The Troposphere is not warming as much as it should be according
to weather balloon data.
The Sun drives temperatures on Earth, both in terms of direct
heating, and in terms of the mechanism of cloud production vis-a-vis
cosmic ray interaction with atmospheric water vapour.
Given these problems, I've had to reconsider my position on
reality of global warming.
It seems clear to me that natural
conditions, and
the effect of the Sun, have a much greater influence
on the temperature of the planet than man-made greenhouse gas
Also, the political ramifications surrounding these
scientific issues are so complicated that the science cannot be
readily distinguished from world political events.