by David Icke
09 September 2009
DavidIcke Website

A strengthened virus
and a police state...
It was always coming to this.
Now we have to deal
with it.
Faint hearts and shrinking violets
need not apply.
I have known throughout the years that I have been warning about the
global fascist agenda that what we are about to see was inevitable.
It was obvious that, despite the awakening of so many in the last
decade, most people would need to see, touch, smell, hear and taste
the fascism before they even began to accept that it was real.
This mass-reluctance to see the signs and act upon them was always
going to condemn the population to some levels of the
control-system before it is eventually dismantled. I stress that it
will be dismantled, but not before it has gone a lot further yet.
The question was never whether we would avoid the police/military
I never had any illusions about that.

The question was, and
is, how deeply we will allow ourselves to be controlled by this evil
and that can be answered by two other questions:
When are enough people going to give their total focus to bringing
it to an end and when are the gofer administrators, dark suits and
uniforms going to break ranks for the sake of their own families as
well as the rest of us?
Well, we're about to find out.

The 'swine flu' vaccine is a line in the sand that will give us a
serious fix on where we are in terms of awareness and backbone. If
we meekly acquiesce to this most blatant attempt to gain access en
masse to our bodies then frankly we deserve what we get.
No one can say they weren't warned, nor that they didn't have access
to information exposing what was happening. Anyone who says they
didn't know enough to say 'no' to the vaccine is lying to
themselves, or looking the other way.
Even some elements of the mainstream media are highlighting the
potential dangers despite the myopic perspective from which they
view the world.
I have been making the point for years that we are at a fork in the
road and we can't sit here gazing at the map anymore, refusing to
make a decision.
swine flu vaccine is that decision.

Making the choice to seek freedom and expanded awareness will have
its challenges, for sure, but the consequences of choosing ignorance
and acquiescence are potentially catastrophic for those who do so.
Something very big is about to go down.
I can't say exactly when,
but we are talking months, not years. It has all been planned a very
long time and it has been put together piece by piece while the
population was watching the game, the game show or the soap, and
dismissing those warning about what was to come as 'conspiracy
You can always see the big picture in its component parts and I have
kept a close eye on a council building in the last few weeks called
the Westridge Centre, just down the road from me on
the Isle of
Wight in England.

Builders have been working there through the summer converting the
top floor with a strict deadline of July to finish the work and they
were told they could not miss that deadline under any circumstances.
They became suspicious when different groups of builders were
brought in to do different phases and this meant that no single
group knew what they were actually building. In the final stages,
the local builders were replaced by men in unmarked white vans,
according to people who work in the building.
It was clear from putting the dots together that this was something
to do with the 'swine flu pandemic' that the crazies plan to
engineer in the next few months.
I asked the council under the Freedom of Information Act what was
going on at Westridge and what was being created there.
A few days
ago came the reply and it was no surprise whatsoever, just
confirmation of what by now is obvious:
Dear Mr Icke
Thank you for your request for information dated 17th August 2009
which, as you are requesting information under The Freedom of
Information Act, has been passed to me as the Departmental
Information Guardian for the Strategic Asset Management Service.
I can confirm that the works being undertaken at the upper floor of
the Westridge Centre are to enable proper utilization of the
accommodation for Council office use and as a Disaster Recovery
The works have included creating better open plan
accommodation, plus the installation of a lift and accessible
toilets in order to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act.
What a coincidence that they should choose this time to establish a
'Disaster Recovery Centre' with a strict deadline for completion,
but, of course, it is not a coincidence at all.
A similar centre had
been established in every county of the UK. Sources at the Isle of
Wight's only airport with a tarmac runway are also reporting a
sudden increase in military activity going too and fro in
This may be just a small island off the south coast of England, but
its very size allows you to see things that would be lost in a major
town or city. What we are experiencing here is a smaller version of
what is happening covertly everywhere - Europe, America, Canada, and
so on. It is the microcosm of the macrocosm.
The H1N1 virus is called 'swine flu', but it
is a laboratory-created
combination of swine flu, bird flu and seasonal flu designed to
justify a global program of mass vaccinations that will inoculate
a strengthened version of the virus with the intent of culling the
population, short and long term.

Researchers say that the flu strain can be traced to the work of Dr
Jeffery Taubenberger and a team of geneticists and microbiologists
at the US Army Institute of Pathology at Ft. Detrick, Maryland, who
used supercomputers to map, or 'reverse-engineer', the flu strain
that killed tens of millions in 1918.
It is claimed that this virus was then given to the drug giant,
Novartis, in Basel, Switzerland, which was once a component part of
the Nazi pharmaceutical cartel,
I.G. Farben.
It was Farben that ran
the concentration camp at Auschwitz and the company was fundamental
to the Nazi war machine.
If it is 'swine flu', why are pigs not affected in any way? We were
led to believe that it broke out in Mexico on a pig farm, but, apart
from the idiotic Egyptian government ordering an immediate mass
culling of pigs, the porkies have never got a mention since.
If it
is not swine flu, which it isn't, how could it have emerged from a
pig farm in Mexico?
United Nations food agency said there was no justification for
culling pigs or limiting their movements as there was no evidence
the virus affected pigs or made their meat dangerous.
Yes, because
it is nothing to do with pigs - it has been made in a laboratory.

Oh yeah? So where are the pigs?
The UK government has estimated that some 65,000 people will die in
this country from 'swine flu' this winter. How can they make such
estimation when the symptoms of 'swine flu' have been extremely mild
for most people and the numbers have been falling rapidly in the
late summer despite efforts to fix the figures to present a false
The number of people claimed to have been infected with 'swine flu'
has been massively inflated by false diagnosis and that is why the
World Heath Organization said that it should be diagnosed by
symptoms and not by testing.
As a result, we have had children dying from meningitis that was
diagnosed as 'swine flu' and others suffering from diseases like
pneumonia that they were told without testing was 'swine flu' by
untrained, unqualified members of the public working at swine flu
'call centers' ludicrously set up by the British government. Some of
those diagnosing over the phone are as young as 16.
The call centers, by the way, were being organized long before
'swine flu' emerged in Mexico in April.
Like I say, all of this has
been planned way in advance.
The authorities have been telling us what is planned ever since the
laboratory-created 'swine flu' was released in Mexico. Government
and medical representatives in Britain, France, the United States
and elsewhere warned very early on that the H1N1 strain 'could
strengthen' in the Autumn/Fall and that is precisely what they plan
to make it do.
They want to have access to every human body on the planet to inject
a range of poisons, immune-system destroyers and almost certainly
microchips, and at the moment they are not going to
achieve that.

There is far too much skepticism among the public about both the
need for
the H1N1 vaccine and its safety.
As things stand, there is
going to be an enormous number of people who refuse to be vaccinated
or have their children vaccinated.
A poll of British doctors found that half of them were not going to
have the vaccine and another poll suggested that 30 per cent of
nurses were taking a similar stand.
This is all thanks to a gathering awakening to the reality of the
world we are experiencing and the fantastic efforts of so many to
spread the truth about 'swine flu' and the vaccine on the Internet.
In short, the elite families behind the swine flu conspiracy,
the Rothschilds and
the Rockefellers, are not going to get
what they want as things are at present. They know that and so the
plan is to change 'as things are'.
These deeply sick people plan to increase the strength of the 'swine
flu' virus to impose their self-fulfilling 'prophecy' about
casualties and dramatically increase the fear that is designed to
break the resistance of the population to accepting the vaccine for
themselves and their families.
World Health Organization, a Rothschild-Rockefeller creation,
has insisted that the vaccine contain live 'swine flu' virus, and it
is highly likely that this will spread the disease through the very
vaccinations that are supposed - supposed - to protect people from
This can be done by direct inoculation of the virus and through a
phenomenon known as 'shedding' when the virus passes through the
vaccine recipient via feces, urine, saliva and mucous membranes and
onto other people. Oral polio vaccine was withdrawn in the US
because of this very problem, but it is still used in so-called
developing countries.
Live oral polio vaccination can give people polio in the form of a
disease called
vaccine-associated paralytic polio, and live polio virus has been
found in the feces of babies for up to six weeks after vaccination.
Quite a thought when you consider that children are being given
around 25 vaccinations and combinations by the age of two.
fancy changing a nappy?

Genetic material from the measles virus has been found in urine up
to two weeks after vaccination
Live rubella virus has been
discovered in the nose and throat for up to 28 days after the
vaccine was injected and can be passed on through breast milk
Vaccine-induced chickenpox has
been shown to replicate in the lung and can be passed on
through various means
FluMist vaccine sprayed
into the nose contains live influenza viruses and it has been proved
that they can be passed on by a recipient to other people
They say that non-vaccinated children are a danger to the
vaccinated, but we can see that, in fact, the opposite is the case.
Given this background, what more effective way can there be than to
circulate a strengthened 'swine flu' virus than by a mass
vaccination program? This, it is clear, is what they plan to do -
plus much more besides. They have other means of circulating the
virus, too.
The World Health Organization announced in July:
'In view of the anticipated limited vaccine availability at global
level and the potential need to protect against "drifted" strains of
virus, it is recommended that promoting production and use of
vaccines such as those that are formulated with oil-in-water
adjuvants and live attenuated influenza vaccines is important.'
This statement was merely taken from a script written a long time
ago and delivered on cue.
The term 'attenuated' means that the virus is reduced in strength,
but that does not stop it infecting the vaccine recipient or being
spread among the population. The 'oil-in-water adjuvants' are
officially used to increase the effects of a vaccine by stimulating
a bigger response from the immune system.
An adjuvant being used in the 'swine flu' vaccine is called squalene
and this has the potential to increase the impact of the
'attenuated' live 'swine flu' virus and cause havoc in many other
Dr Joseph Mercola at Mercola.com explains the effect of
'Your immune system recognizes squalene as an oil molecule native to
your body. It is found throughout your nervous system and brain. In
fact, you can consume squalene in olive oil and not only will your
immune system recognize it, you will also reap the benefits of its
antioxidant properties.
The difference between "good" and "bad" squalene is the route by
which it enters your body. Injection is an abnormal route of entry
which incites your immune system to attack all the squalene in your
body, not just the vaccine adjuvant.
Your immune system will attempt to destroy the molecule wherever it
finds it, including in places where it occurs naturally, and where
it is vital to the health of your nervous system.'
Squalene in anthrax vaccine has been fundamentally connected to the
'mysterious' outbreak of Gulf War syndrome among Gulf War veterans
after 1991.
A study conducted at Tulane Medical School found that
virtually every soldier with Gulf War syndrome had antibodies to squalene, showing that their immune systems had reacted to it.
troops who did not have Gulf War syndrome had no anti-bodies to squalene.

Dr Viera Scheibner, a former principle research scientist in New
South Wales, Australia, spent many years investigating the
destructive effects of vaccines.
She said of squalene:
'...this adjuvant [squalene] contributed to the cascade of
reactions called "Gulf War syndrome," documented in the soldiers
involved in the Gulf War.
The symptoms they developed included:
photosensitive rashes
malar rashes
chronic fatigue
chronic headaches
body hair loss
non-healing skin lesions
aphthous ulcers
memory loss
mood changes
neuropsychiatric problems
anti-thyroid effects
elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)
systemic lupus erythematosus
multiple sclerosis
ALS (amyotrophic lateral
Raynaud's phenomenon
Sjorgren's syndrome
chronic diarrhea
night sweats and
low-grade fevers.'

The potential dangers of 'swine flu' vaccine can be seen with the
experience in the United States after the mass vaccination program
in 1976.
This was 'justified' by the death of a single person, an
Army recruit at Fort Dix in New Jersey. A panic was then generated
on the basis that he had died from a swine flu strain allegedly
similar to that which killed tens of millions in 1918 (another
vaccine-created disaster - see item at the end of this article).
It was later established that the recruit died because 'normal' flu
had turned to pneumonia and this was compounded by dehydration and
heavy physical work. He collapsed on a morning run.
The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitted that not a single case
of swine flu was confirmed.

The 1976 scare-them-shitless campaign
Mass vaccinations for 'swine flu' followed the death of the Army
recruit and led to hundreds of people developing
syndrome, an autoimmune disorder affecting the nervous system that
triggers paralysis in legs, upper limbs and face, and an inability
to breathe.
At least 25 died and, longer term, the figure would have
been far higher.
The drug companies and the World Health Organization (WHO) are
telling us that the 'swine flu' vaccine is safe when it has been
revealed that 600 senior neurologists in the UK were sent a
confidential letter by government health officials warning of a
coming increase in Guillain-Barre syndrome as a result of the 'swine
flu' vaccinations.
The letter came from the Health Protection Agency, the official body
that oversees public health, and warned neurologists 'to be alert
for an increase in a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS),
which could be triggered by the... vaccine'. A senior neurologist
quoted by the London Daily Mail said: 'I would not have the swine
flu jab because of the GBS risk'.
Great, eh? The government 'Health Protection' Agency tells 600
neurologists about the expected effects - but not the public.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States have
officially predicted 30,000 serious and potentially fatal reactions
to the H1N1 vaccine while at the same time insisting that it be
effective in only three out of every ten recipients.
The requirement
is even less for people over 65.

You might say that this was madness and it is on one level, because
the people behind the global conspiracy are by any standards utterly
It is not bureaucratic madness, however, except in the way
it plays out through the useful idiots. At its core, it is cold,
calculated mass murder-type madness.
As I have been stressing for years, the same families, led by
the Rothschilds and
the Rockefellers, created and control the World
Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and the Food
and Drug Administration (and their equivalent around the world), and
the pharmaceutical cartel, or Big Pharma. These bodies may appear to
be unconnected, but they are all on the same team answering to the
same masters.
Executives from drug giants Baxter International, Novartis and
GlaxoSmithKline sat on the World Health Organization's vaccine
advisory board that recommended mass vaccinations in July. They all
move as one unit...
Baxter International of Illinois was exposed in February for
contaminating vaccine materials with live bird flu virus sent to 18
locations. The virus was supplied by the World Health Organization
and was mixed with seasonal flu viruses to produce a potentially
deadly combination.
This 'mistake' - yeah, right - was only discovered when a laboratory
in the Czech Republic tested the concoction on ferrets and they all
Now tens of billions of public dollars, pounds and euros are being
handed to sinister corporations like Baxter International and
Novartis to mass vaccinate the global population. No matter what the
economic situation there is never a shortage of money when the
agenda is involved, be it for wars of mass slaughter or vaccination
programs of mass slaughter.
Killing people is big business - ask
the weapons producers.

Austrian journalist
Jane Bürgermeister has filed criminal charges
with the FBI against,
...and others, after she
uncovered a plot to cull the population with the 'swine flu'
She said that bird flu and swine flu have been developed in
laboratories and released on the public with the aim of mass murder
through vaccination.
Her filed document, Bioterrorism Evidence,
correctly claims that the World Health Organization, United Nations
and vaccine-makers such as Baxter International and Novartis are
part of a single system under the control of a core criminal group
that has 'funded the development, manufacturing and release of
artificial viruses in order to justify mass vaccinations with a bioweapon substance in order to eliminate the people of the USA, and
so gain control of the assets, resources etc. of North America'.
Bürgermeister's 'core criminal group' is the network of
interbreeding families, like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, known
the Illuminati. The plot she talks about is, of course, worldwide
and not just in the United States.
Novartis and Baxter International applied for patents for this
vaccine long before the engineered 'outbreak' in Mexico in April.
Novartis made its provisional patent application in 2005 and it was
approved in February this year.
Baxter International applied for its
patent in August 2008 and it came through in March, just before the
virus was released in Mexico to start the whole thing rolling.
The sequence is this:
patent the vaccine
release the
laboratory-created 'swine flu' virus in Mexico
use the controlled
and pathetic media to cause panic in the population over 'deadly'
swine flu
tell the World Health Organization to declare a pandemic
and demand vaccination for the entire human race
spread a strengthened virus in
the vaccine and through other means to cause terror and
hysteria to ensure that people line up for their jab of live
Oh yes, and get governments to give you blanket immunity
from prosecution for the effects of your vaccine.
Drug companies would not coldly set out to kill and maim vast
numbers of people?
What?? That's their job.
They have been doing it
year after year since Big Pharma was created by
John D Rockefeller,
an asset of the Rothschild dynasty.

Shane Ellison was a medicinal chemist for drug companies
Array BioPharma and Eli Lilly, but resigned in disgust at what he saw on
the inside.
He now promotes natural remedies under the title 'The
People's Chemist'.
He said in an article this week:
'As a young chemist working in the chemistry labs of corporate
America, I watched as they promoted cancer causing drugs as
anti-cancer remedies (tamoxifen).
I also witnessed the
pharmaceutically compliant media convince the world that depression
was a disease and you needed the so-called antidepressant drug
Prozac to treat it. I began to wonder, "How gullible are the
masses?" The reaction to the swine flu scare answered this.'
American researcher Patrick Jordan uncovered World Health
Organization memos dating from 1972 explaining how to kill people
with vaccines by undermining the immune system, injecting viruses
and creating an immune response so enormous that it kills the body.
This is known as the
cytokine storm.
The initial spread of Aids in the United States matched the
locations of vaccination trials for Hepatitis B in homosexual
communities and the initial outbreak in Africa mirrored the
locations of mass smallpox vaccinations ordered by the World Health
Organization with vaccine reportedly supplied by Novartis.
Big Pharma and the World Health Organization are killing machines
and the cemeteries of the world are full of their victims.
Gullibility can indeed be lethal.
Fear and gullibility - babes-in-arms syndrome, as I call it - will
ensure that enormous numbers of unquestioning dupes race to the
vaccine centers in the coming weeks and months. But the world is a
lot wiser to what is going on that it was five, ten or twenty years
ago and there are now very large numbers of people who can see
through the lies.
This is where the police state comes in and the plan is to make the
vaccine compulsory.
We are already moving fast in that direction and
what is now emerging in American states like Massachusetts is the
blueprint for everywhere.

'Sir, we found one that's not had the shot ...'
The Massachusetts Senate has passed the flu pandemic bill S 2028
that imposes a state of fascism whenever the governor decides to do
so in the wake of a flu pandemic - like, you know, the one they plan
to engineer.
The bill authorizes the state health commissioner, law
enforcement, and medical personnel to:
Vaccinate the population
Enter private property with no warrants
Quarantine people against their will
Arrest without a warrant anyone a police officer deems has
violated an isolation or quarantine order
Jail or fine at the rate of $1,000 a day anyone in such violation
Similar isolation orders are being implemented in Florida,
Washington, Iowa and North Carolina. The rest will follow and the
same is planned all over the world - if we stand for it.
An internal French government document has come to light detailing
covert plans to vaccinate everyone in France without exception
starting on September 28th and continuing until January.
document is dated August 21st and is signed by Rosaylne
Batchelot-Narquin, the French Health Minister, and Brice Hortefeux,
the French Minister of Interior and Overseas Territories.
It has been sent to the heads of the country's 'defense zones', law
enforcement and regional health authorities.
Some of its main points
Medical personnel, medical students and medical army personnel can
be compelled to administer vaccines or face penalties
'Vaccination centers' to be established in 'secure facilities' in
every region and no medical establishments will be involved, nor any
general practitioners
Schoolchildren to be vaccinated at school by special mobile
pandemic vaccination teams
The public are not to be 'informed' until the end of September
Similar documents will be circulating in all 194 member states of
the World Health Organization because all this is centrally
French President Nicolas Sarkozy... Illuminati to his fingertips.
Documents and statements that have emerged over the years make it
clear that the Illuminati cabal and their bloodline families want to
dramatically reduce the global population to perhaps as low as 500
million - more than six billion fewer than at present.
The 'elite'
families behind the mass 'swine flu' vaccinations are
the origin of the 'master race' eugenics movement with Adolf Hitler
their most high-profile advocate. The Rockfeller family, who are
Rothschild subordinates,
financed Hitler's 'race purity' expert,
Ernst Rudin, at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Munich, and many
other leading eugenicists.
Rudin was president of the International Federation of Eugenic
Organizations and a global figure in the eugenics movement which
advocated - still advocates - the removal of 'inferior' people
through segregation, sterilization and extermination to create a
'better' or 'master' race.
The population cullers are the driving force behind the swine flu
vaccination program. The President's Council of Advisors on
Science and Technology in the United States warned this week that
swine flu was a 'threat to our nation', estimated that 90,000 could
die, and said everyone must be vaccinated.
This Council of Advisors is chaired by John P Holdren, the director
of the White House Office of Science and Technology.
co-wrote a book in 1977, called
Ecoscience, that details proposals
to mass sterilize the population by medicating food and the water
supply and to impose a regime of forced abortion, government seizure
of children born out of wedlock and mandatory bodily implants
designed to prevent pregnancy.

Holdren wrote the book with those infamous population-control
extremists, Paul and Anne Ehrlich, and have no doubt that such
sterilization plans have long been implemented - sperm counts have
dropped by a third since 1989 and by half in 50 years.
Holdren has been desperately trying to deny that he supports forced
population control after the content of Ecoscience was recently
exposed. This is rather difficult, however, when you have co-written
a 1,000-page textbook advocating exactly that.
The plan is to introduce compulsory vaccination and they are moving
there step by step with the announcement this week that it will be
mandatory for all military personnel starting in October.
Public resistance to compulsory vaccination makes even more sense of
the story I revealed in 2008 about how designated police officers in
each county of the United Kingdom were preparing for a 'coming war'
and mass public protests in the streets. I have no doubt that a war
is on the agenda, too, at some point, but it is clear that this
preparation also involves the public reaction to compulsory
This, in turn, connects with the establishment of
'Disaster Recovery Centers' in each county.
One of these designated 'prepare for war' police officers told his
friend (who contacted me) that they were preparing for the military
to be on the streets with the police to deal with mass protests.
Other uniform professions, like private security guards, traffic
wardens and
CCTV operators, would perform the other duties of the
police while they were dealing with the protests, the police officer
This is happening with traffic wardens, who once dealt only with
parking offences, now renamed 'civil enforcement officers' and given
powers that were exclusively those of the police. The UK government
also announced a new designation called an 'accredited person' -
private security guards, CCTV operators etc., who will be given some
of the powers of police officers.
The Pentagon has recently asked Congress for clearance to post
nearly 400,000 military personnel throughout the United States in
the event of an 'emergency' and 'major disaster' under the control
of US Northern Command, or 'NorthCom'.

In truth, large numbers of these troops will not even be American.
The military has been amassing an army of foreign troops to patrol
the streets of America in the knowledge that many American soldiers
will be reluctant to fire on their own people.
NorthCom is the domestic military operation created as a
Problem-Reaction-Solution after 9/11 to 'protect' the 'homeland'
from 'terrorists' (We the People). NorthCom is also responsible for
'theatre security cooperation' with Canada and Mexico. These people
love their Orwellian language.
General Victor Renuart, the head of NorthCom, has produced plans for
the military to work with
FEMA, the Illuminati's truly evil
Emergency Management Agency, in the event of a major swine flu
outbreak and is awaiting approval from Bush and Obama 'Defense'
Secretary, Robert Gates.
It will, of course, be granted.
Renuart gave public testimony in March, a month before the 'swine
flu' outbreak in Mexico, that NorthCom had prepared for a flu
outbreak originating in Mexico.
He said NorthCom was focused on,
'developing and improving procedures to respond to potentially
catastrophic events such as pandemic influenza outbreak ...'
Was he
a prophet? No, he knew what was coming.
I can't say when all this will kick-off in earnest, but you can see
the pieces being rapidly moved into place hour by hour. The
vaccinations will be underway in weeks and everything will follow
from that as the months unfold.

We need to be strong and we need to be unified.
What does someone's
religion, color, income bracket or sexuality matter when you are
faced with this satanic agenda? This is not about killing and
maiming white people, black people, Muslims, Hindus or Jews. It is
an attack on the health and freedoms of all of us, so we must meet
that threat as One.
We need to come together in mutual support with unbreakable
determination and a backbone that will not wilt.
No matter what the intimidation we must refuse the vaccination for
ourselves and our families and make it as difficult as possible for
the authorities to impose their will. If people react with violent
protest, they will be handing all the aces to the police state. It
is not a violent response that we need, but a calm and peaceful mass
campaign of non-cooperation.
A system run by a few cannot function if the masses will not
cooperate with it.
Calmness is essential or we stop thinking straight and never was
there a more important time to think straight than in the months and
years ahead before this control system is dismantled.
Hey, and you in the middle and lower ranks of administration in
governments and their agencies; you in uniform, be it the military,
police, whatever ... What the hell are you doing? You have children
and grandchildren, too. What the hell are you doing?
Wake up, grow up, get informed and start to break ranks before you
enforce a prison-state on your own families.
This is no time for faint hearts... we came to sort out this
fascist nonsense and the time will come when we will. Let us meet
that challenge - look it in the eye - instead of running for cover.
One line sums it up...
Come on, let's go...
July 11, 2013
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David Icke
Human Race Get Off Your Knees!
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