by Brandon Turbeville
February 23, 2011
ActivistPost Website
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Brandon Turbeville
is an author out of Mullins, South Carolina. He has a
Bachelor’s Degree from Francis Marion University where
he earned the Pee Dee Electric Scholar’s Award as an
undergraduate. He has had numerous articles published
dealing with a wide variety of subjects including
health, economics, and civil liberties. He also the
author of Codex Alimentarius - The End of Health Freedom
For those who may regard movies such as The Matrix and Ghost in the
Shell as mere "science fiction," picking up the latest issue of TIME
just might shake up these assumptions a bit.
2045 - The Year
Man Becomes Immortal, the cover illustration for the February 21
edition portrays a human with a shaved head plugged into the
Internet - literally:

On the back of this person’s head is an
embedded terminal plug for the purpose of connecting with the
Internet; the same as Neo in The Matrix or any one of the
“cyberized” characters in Ghost in the Shell.
Enter the “Singularity” movement.
As defined by TIME, singularity
“The moment when technological change becomes so rapid and
profound, it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history.”
This definition will no doubt be an accurate one if Singularitarians
(as they are deemed by TIME) have their way.
Although Lev Grossman’s article is mostly a regurgitatingly
obnoxious form of worship of one of the more active frontmen for
Raymond Kurzweil, the article does reveal some
extraordinary information. Namely, that there are very powerful and
wealthy individuals whose goal it is to see the merging of man and
machine, and the complete transformation of humanity into something
much different than it currently is.
Of course this, in and of itself, is not major news.
What’s news is
that they are becoming so open about it. Indeed, many researchers
such as
Alan Watt, Alex Jones and
David Icke (and many others)
have been pointing this out for years. However, while they have been
derided as crazy conspiracy theorists, it’s not likely that TIME
will receive the same treatment.
TIME has functioned as a mouthpiece
for the eugenics elite for well over seventy years.
Thus, it appears
the magazine is once again assuming its role in the introduction of
the “new man” to the old one. It is now time for the unwashed masses
to accept brainchips, cybernization, and the biological
reconstruction envisioned by the elite since at least as far back as
the time of Plato.
The subject of TIME’s admiration this time around, Raymond Kurzweil,
does not deny that humans, as we currently know ourselves, will
cease to exist with the introduction of his Singularity technology.
On the contrary, Grossman writes:
When that [the introduction of super-intelligent computers] happens,
humanity - our bodies, our minds, our civilization - will be
completely and irreversibly transformed.
He [Kurzweil] believes that
this moment is not only inevitable but imminent. According to his
calculations, the end of human civilization as we know it is about
35 years away.
Grossman continues:
Maybe we’ll merge with them to become super-intelligent cyborgs,
using computers to extend our intellectual abilities the same way
that cars and planes extend our physical abilities.
Maybe the
artificial intelligences will help us treat the effects of old age
and prolong our life indefinitely. Maybe we’ll scan our
consciousnesses into computers and live inside them as software,
forever, virtually. Maybe the computers will turn on humanity and
annihilate us.
The one thing all these theories have in common is
the transformation of our species into something that is no longer
recognizable as such to humanity circa 2011.
This transformation has
a name: Singularity.
There is little doubt that a great many of those children raised on
television, video games, and the Internet will embrace such
technology with open arms as adults.
Already, online communities,
various apps, and social networking sites have begun to supplant the
real world in the minds of many.
It would not likely take much
prodding to convince at least the first few pioneers to, as Grossman
puts it,
“take the iPhones out of our hands and put them into our
With the recent introduction of
Cloud technology, the creation of an
ethereal Internet reality that operates and exists completely as a
world of its own is not hard to imagine.
Coupled with the
introduction and increased promotion of various forms of brainchips,
all that really might be necessary is an effective computer program
and a willing population. The program no doubt already exists.
Unfortunately, it seems only a matter before the population follows
It is interesting to note a report by Richard Norton-Taylor entitled
Revolution, flashmobs, and brain chips. A grim vision of the future,
published in the Guardian in 2007.
In this article, Norton-Taylor
relays the findings of a 90-page report released by a British
Ministry of Defence team tasked with future “strategic context” that
the British military might face in the future. This is, at least, is
the cover story for the report.
Regardless of the reason for the report, Norton-Taylor writes:
By 2035, an implantable “information chip” could be wired directly
to the brain. A growing pervasiveness of information communications
technology will enable states, terrorists or criminals, to mobilize
“flashmobs,” challenging security forces to match this potential
agility coupled with an ability to concentrate forces quickly in a
small area.
Yet, if the idea of merging with the Internet is not frightening
enough, consider the distinct possibility that maybe, just maybe,
this technology is not meant to merely make your life easier and
advance scientific discovery.
Consider also that it might be more
than a voluntary distraction on the level of television and video
games. At least not in the long run.
As researcher and radio show host Alan Watt remarks:
It has many purposes but one of them was never to free the people,
it would be used as an incredible tool of data-collection and using,
like television and repetition of different topics, or the same
topics or phrases again, it would be used to condition the public
into their opinions, until, really, they’d be addicted to it, they
could never do without it.
That’s the intent, because you will go
cashless eventually and it will be used as a form of social approval
and disapproval, if they cut you off from the net: you won’t be able
to do your banking, get money to pay your rent etc.
Bertrand Russell
talked about this sort of technique to be used in the future and
it’s coming now. ‘Cloud’ will come in and that will take over and be
THE one for the planet and everyone will rush into it thinking ‘my
God I don’t have to worry about spy ware or viruses or upgrades,
it’s all done for me, out there somewhere in the big “cloud.”
the Cloud, eventually, will be censoring your emails and actually
popping up windows to tell you,
“are you sure you want to use this
word, this politically incorrect word in this email?”
Then it might
give you a little list of fines or punishments etc. etc. This is all
planned folks, that’s how you do it.
There is no doubt that this technology has been planned for quite a
long time. Indeed, the Singularity movement has some very
interesting backers.
Singularity University, a three-year-old
institution that offers inter-disciplinary courses for both
executives and graduate students, is hosted by NASA , a notorious
front for secretive projects conducted by the government and the
military-industrial complex.
Not only that, but
Google, which is yet
another corporate front for intelligence agencies, was a founding
sponsor of the University as well.
Besides the Singularity University, there is also the Singularity
Institute for Artificial Intelligence co-founded by Raymond Kurzweil,
which is located in San Francisco and hosts the Singularity Summit
every year.
The Institute also counts among one of its “advisers”
Peter Thiel, a former CEO of Paypal as well as an early investor in
Facebook, a corporation whose links to the CIA are almost as
as Google.
Bill Gates, another notorious elitist with intelligence ties,
(plus a member of the
lucky genes club) has publicly praised Kurzweil as being,
“the best person I know at predicting the future
of artificial intelligence.”
Gates’ admiration and support of Kurzweil and his projects is quite
And it should also raise serious questions as to why
individuals such as Bill Gates would champion technologies that
extend life when he, of all people, is so concerned with
Would life extension technology not itself
contribute to a larger population?
Gates’ support makes absolutely
no sense unless one understands that this technology has not been
invented to extend life, at least not for the vast majority of
Such connections between the Singularity movement and the
military-industrial complex/intelligence agencies, etc. should
immediately raise concerns among the general public.
Odds are,
however, that they won’t.
But cashless societies and government spying are only the tip of the
iceberg when one discusses the Singularity movement. The real reason
for the introduction of brainchips and the merging of man with
machine has more to do with eugenics than anything else.
Grossman writes as much in his article for TIME when he refers to
the sessions of the Singularity Summit.
Here, he mentions that these
“also cover the galloping progress of, among other fields,
genetics and nanotechnology.”
But this should come as no surprise.
It is inevitable that “Brain-Machine Interfaces” ultimately lead
back to both the
Transhumanist and
Eugenics movements. Putting aside
the moral issues of these movements and even, for a moment, the
question of whether or not choice is involved on the part of the
public, the fact is that there is no desire to truly “improve”
The ultimate goal of eugenicists is:
To create a population
just smart enough to do the jobs they are assigned, but dumb enough
not to question the authorities that force them to do these jobs.
The goal of the eugenicist is summed up quite well by Frederick T.
Gates in
The Country School of Tomorrow, where he writes:
In our dream, we have limitless resources, and the people yield
themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present
educational conventions fade from our minds; and unhampered by
tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive
rural folk.
We shall not try to make these people or any of their
children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are
not to raise up from among them authors, orators, poets, or men of
letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters,
Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up
from them lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of
whom we now have ample supply.
Death of Freewill)
Also, as a London School of Economics evolution proponent
“The human race will one day split into two separate
an attractive, intelligent ruling elite
an underclass
of dim-witted, ugly goblin-like creatures”
It is high time that those who watch the developments such as
“Brain-Machine Interfacing,” “Singularity Movements,” and “Cloud
Technology” with open mouths and excitement realize that this
technology is not meant to enhance their quality of life or increase
their fun, it is meant to control and distort them.
As the RAND Corporation itself wrote in its 2001 report,
The Global
Technology Revolution - Bio/Nano/Materials Trends and Their Synergies
with Information Technology by 2015:
The results could astonishing.
Effects may include significant improvements in human quality of
life and life span... continued globalization, reshuffling of
wealth, cultural amalgamation or invasion with potential for
increased tension and conflict, shifts in power from nation
states to non-governmental organizations and individuals... and
the possibility of human eugenics and cloning.
If one were to fast forward to the future in which
the Singularity
movement has been successful, one might be a bit surprised as to
what it would look like.
Indeed, one might be surprised to see
exactly how accurate the name “Singularity” actually is. Under the
guise of life extension, entertainment, and even open Transhumanism,
the world that exists in the future will scarcely resemble the one
in which we currently live.
The future - the world of the
Singularity - would find a human population vastly reduced, hooked
up to a central mainframe computer with no free will, no
individuality, and absolutely no freedom.
In the end, humanity will
be reduced to the state of a mere machine with no ghost inside it.