by Zen Gardner
October 13, 2015
ZenGardner Website

Humanity's been carefully anesthetized.
Things are moving so fast and crazy and in so many weird directions
it's tantamount to mass insanity going on. Yet most don't even
notice, and that's the weirdest thing of all.
That polarization is what
compounds the problem, and that's why
the cryptos
(the 'secret coders') love to try to continue to confuse and
divide us in every way they can.
Hence the growing divide between the awakened and
It's coming down to those who dare wake up to reality vs. those who
continue on within the projected mind-frame. All have a chance to
wake up, but not all will take the challenge and
Such is the nature of the Universe apparently.
This ongoing contest seems to be the
playing field into which we have been planted, and it is each of our
choices individually that will make up any sort of outcome.
All will be eventually resolved,

Medication and
Conditioning, Bread and Circus, Omission and Denial
This is where the great schism lies.
The awake and aware have snapped out of
the control system. Those who haven't are being tooled around like
puppets on a million nano strings. When you don't know, you don't
know that you don't know… and are very easy to keep being fooled.
When you've woken up, the world is completely reversed from
everything you were told and believed before. You now know that you
now know! And everything rights itself and all is clear.
It takes some cobweb clearing to get a handle on the real picture
but it happens, and in a relative hurry.
Truth not only defends itself, but drives itself.
How do they maintain this illusion? Mental conditioning is the name
of the game for the designers and propagators
of the Matrix. Once the pattern is established in its
captive subjects, the more you can pour the lies on without them
being noticed.
Also disguised is the fact that their
every intention for humanity is for control and exploitation… at any
cost or consequence to these expendable "human resources".
To achieve this conditioning requires quite an effort on their part,
because we are ultimately irrepressible and they know that.
It's like
chemtrails. If they don't keep
spraying the required concentration of their toxic soup the effects
start to wane, like
the fluoride dosing and the rest.
To keep the vast majority sleep walking they use all kinds of
methods and have to maintain them.
It's also inspiring… because no matter what they do to us they can't
put us out of commission.
Unless they kill us off entirely, but
that's just a promotion to the next level.

Tools that
But what specifically do they control us by?
...and on and on.
They do this with impunity.
Imagine the world is a massive
internment camp where the captors give the illusion the inmates are
free by letting them have a few choices within this massive
facility, and disguise the barbed wire fence as gorgeous murals, and
the control devices as modern marvels for their advancement.
Wars are a perfect example. All supposedly for our defense,
safety and security, when it's the exact opposite.
Basic Simple
Some fundamental questions that beg answers that are evident before
any clear thinking individual:
How can a government usurping
monstrosity like the United Snakes Corporation and its
affiliate thugs gang rape a planet and make it look
How can obviously lying elitist
politicians bought off by the highest bidder be taken as
serious entities in governing institutions?
How can known secretive
government sponsored agencies pull off assassinations and
staged bombings and shootings in plain sight?
How can the most murderous,
supremacist, fascist, arrogant, racist people on earth be
called "the
chosen ones" and given title to anything they
want including their own sanctioned Zionist territory and
ravenous, genocidal agenda and be given complete religious,
social and political immunity and massive financial support?
All supposedly based on clearly misguided
insane religious zeal?
How can sweeping freedom
destroying measures be instituted by "executive order" and
other means in a representative republic, or any supposedly
democratic regime?
How can the food, water and air
be deliberately poisoned in public knowledge and in plain
How can the genetic modification
of not just plants and animals
but human beings be
tolerated, no matter the stated justification?
How can technocratic
electro-surveillance, artificial intelligence, robotic
warfare and social and mental manipulation be known and
accepted as legitimate human altering science and in full
implementation for mass control?
….and on and on…
Why wouldn't people in such an abused
situation not go virtually berserk in protest, or a least speak out
on a massive scale?

The Hypnotic
Rhythm of Anesthesia
Every day I'm just amazed that so few seem to notice what's going
The business as usual behavior
and shallow chatter about nothing and the complete dependence on
routine behavior for money and phony goals is just mind-boggling.
Clearly, there won't be a world in which to live even those shallow
goals if things aren't changed drastically.
The day we hope our children and grandchildren to grow up in is
quickly becoming not just night, but a literal nightmare.
The snapshot above is from the movie Time Machine from one of
globalist insider H.G. Wells' predictive programming pieces
where cultivated humans are routinely harvested in the maws of
parasitic beings.
Despite this meme of humanity being fodder for others being shown to
mankind for eons via literature or inside messengers, humanity
doesn't get it. It's another surreptitious way to hide the Truth;
sci-fi or story-fy it.
Turn the real direction of the
controllers into a fiction, a fantasy, and entertainment.
"A tale told by an idiot full of
sound and fury, signifying nothing" as Shakespeare famously said
through Macbeth.

Who's Behind
I'm convinced there's something very occult and spiritual that is
ultimately behind all this, and these described techniques are just
to augment the signal from the bowels of the Matrix, be they
archontic or some other form of
inter-dimensional influence perpetrated by willing
psychopaths amongst us.
Just as how chemtrails are used by the
EMFs to manipulate weather patterns while serving other purposes,
they provide an enhanced medium for these spiritual influences to
take effect.
The question arises,
I don't know...
But does it matter where this oppression
originates? I'm sure aware of the possibility and inclined to think
so, but that doesn't excuse or distance me from the very real
struggle we find ourselves in.
Fundamentally my awareness of these possibilities profoundly
indicates to me that I am truly free. Extremely free. And that has
power. Wonderful, conscious, awakening power. And it's for all of
Don't begin to believe this massive lie, as real as it is being
temporarily manifested due to the accepting ignorance of the
majority of humanity.
From the religious or financial
paradigms to the scarcity and fear of death memes, when you realize
what effort they have to make to keep the illusion in place you also
realize the extent of your innate power and what they innately fear,
a complete reversal of their paradigm.
Grow in the peace of understanding and the courage of conviction, no
matter how alone you may feel...