by Chautauqua
November 3, 2014
Augureye Website
Spanish version

When I was very young I came to the conclusion that nobody else in
the world but me had this silent stream of thoughts going thru their
For reasons long forgotten now; I also briefly thought that I
arrived here as an old man who got younger the longer he lived...
until one day soon I would just pop out of existence.
My earliest memory is of getting a bath from mom, looking down at my
baby feet and recognizing what that meant, thinking to myself, (in
"Oh hell no, not again!!"
Looking back... it's a way of assessing how far we have come in this
The flood of memories released by a certain song, letting me know
I'm still alive in here somewhere... changed, different from that
old me, still here just the same.
Evening news shows aerial view of the rush hour crawl... looking
very much like blood flowing thru arteries and veins... The arteries
are clogged with mindless congestion - We're dying down here.
But it's a good death. Death by non-involvement. Not showing up for
our lives. The latest school shooting happens in the town I used to
live in, affected people I know.
Talking head reporter says,
"It's the worst school shooting since earlier
this year".
We're inhaling fear and exhaling anger in a paranoia
cocktail of sanity resistant fear and apathy; staring into the
faceless waters of oblivion.
11 million defective airbags, with insufficient replacement parts.
Overshadowed by the earth shaking news that the queen is now on
twitter... and they even faked the photo op of course. She was
supposedly sending out her first tweet from a tablet, but the
messages were sent from a smart phone. Fucking amateurs. You can
give a queen all the gadgets you want... doesn't mean she's in touch
with shit!
Another white house fence jumper, an attack in parliament and a
hatchet murder in NYC - We're all just telling ourselves a story
Six years of smelly, stagnant gridlock and obstructionism then
chocolate freedom sends our national guard to Africa !! What the
Mexican drug cartels in the Emerald Triangle protect their marijuana
grows by cutting the rattles off of rattlesnakes; then tying their
tails to shrubbery... turning them into deadly security guards.
Space station re-supply rocket explodes upon launch, three days
later, Spaceship2 dies in Mojave: as I watch the videos I can't help
thinking how symbolic... - We're going backwards.
A home run with bases loaded in the world series brings 100,000 fans
screaming to their feet. Too bad we cannot manage that much passion
for things that really matter.
Postal service wants to stop Saturday delivery; and begin delivering
on Sunday; despite delivering my mail 12 miles away... - Humanity in
The exaltation of ignorance demands the demonizing of science;
denial of truth. False equivalency masquerades as intellectual
process to obscure the truth from sleeping dreamers... as fear is
used to herd the human cattle in the desired direction - It's a
shame they never see sham.
This year the salmon runs are the lowest in nearly 50 years. The
fishing fleet moored, the bears and eagles are starving... Media
inundates with torrents of zombie movies and TV shows... programming
the masses to de-value human life. Doesn't bother me nearly as much
as how many people resonate to such a low vibration.
We used to follow the Grateful Dead back in the day... now it's the
walking dead... Going backwards... by conscious intent.
I have this list of friends who have all departed this realm... It
seems to get longer every year. I've added three names this year.
Life in retrograde.
Compromise eventually becomes selling out, and every time we do it
we sell off a piece of our soul; which explains why there are so
many soul-less zombies moving thru this dystopian landscape.
The world is drowning in profits yet there's no prophets to be found
World's leading manufacturer of pesticides also making the
genetically modified food-like-products we consume; all while waging
war on American farmers and natural crops.
Food should be ethical as well as edible...
GMO's are neither!
Just saw this years first commercial for Black Friday: They've
turned getting trampled and beaten up in a rush for bargains on
cheap junk into an annual blood sport event... like the running of
the bulls. Pathetic...
As if we need any further evidence that humanity has now reached the
lowest possible common denominator of social interaction: I give you
Like most social fads I totally ignored twerking
until I saw a story about a woman being assaulted while doing it. A
brief visit to YouTube answered most of my questions except why she
wasn't arrested; for inciting a moron?
We're not just going backwards; we're falling head over heels
backwards over a cliff. We're in freefall... the twerking dead
I have this recurring nightmare which comes around more frequently
these last few years. I'm walking down a long sandy beach on a
beautiful day, with hundreds of people doing all the things we do at
the beach. Looking into the water I can clearly see a great many
shark fins plying the waters. Suddenly swimmers are being pulled
under screaming, and eaten alive.
The lifeguards are all asleep, or showing off for the
girls, or just MIA. There are a few others who see the same things I
do, and we begin yelling at everyone, SHARK, SHARK, SHARK, but
everyone just ignores us as if they are deaf.
People walk right into the same surf where they can
see others dying, convinced that they are somehow immune from
disaster. I think the next time I have this nightmare I'm going to
start rooting for the sharks.
Earth will have over 11 billion inhabitants before the end of the
century; even at the rate we're presently being killed off. Look
out, here comes cloning and
transhumanism to save the day, and
finally erode whatever may be left of our collective souls.
the chip!
Researchers say that 3% of the population are psychopaths, lacking
empathy and compassion: psychopaths who prey upon the rest of
humanity without remorse. Sound familiar? It's because so many of
them have risen to positions of power and authority.
The "system" is designed to reward and promote
psychopaths and sociopaths.
This new age of Aquarius is supposed to be all about the
evolutionary advancement of humanity; which pretty much calls for
the dismantling of the system in favor of something which promotes
the well being of 100 % of the population, not just the 1%.
Unfortunately for the majority of us the psychopaths
in control play by their own rules and the thing they have most in
mind right now is depopulation.
Stay tuned-in and follow the instructions when they show up on your
I stare in sad disbelief as I watch that aerial view of the freeway
at rush hour on the evening news. Sad that so very many across this
land are captive in the same gridlock quagmire of drive time... the
same exact scene around every major city, every day, every year.
Disbelief that so many people are still sound asleep
dreaming that American dream as their efforts prop up the facade for
one more day, for one more week...
After all these years I am now of the notion that of course we don't
age backwards...
But sometimes I still wonder if I'm the only one with this silent
stream of thoughts in my head.