by Zen Gardner
07 June 2012
BeforeItsNews Website
Spanish version
It’s pretty obvious, yet it eludes the majority of humanity. We’ve
lost our compass, our roots, our contact with true civilization.
I was blessed with another gorgeous granddaughter this week, a
precious gift from who knows where to the human family. She’s
adorable, amazing and in for a real challenge.
And no doubt up to it, because she chose to come and is therefore up for
the battle!
And she arrived between a lunar eclipse and at the beginning of the
transit of Venus, another eclipse, with the Venus Transit signifying
positive revolution!
Now that’s cool!
Natural Reality Vs.
the Antiseptic Matrix
I’m blessed to have amazing kids.
They’re born and bred around the
globe and despite my intrepid wanderlust they’re amazingly well
adjusted and have remained spiritually aware and centered in the
amazing degrees of separation of our fractured world.
But my oldest reminded me of something very profound today. Her
younger sister, who just gave birth (almost in the car on the way to
the hospital) had been going through the usual struggles of “when is
she coming” and “I’m going bananas here” trials. She’s been
comforting and encouraging her via phone as she’s had 3 beautiful
kids of her own now in their teens.
Funny thing is, several of us in the family told her “wait for the
Venus transit, she’s probably waiting for that.”
Sure enough, she was!
Childbirth and
the Stars
The Universe is like a giant cosmic clock.
Events and influences
correspond with stellar positions and effects. The significance of
the signs and influences of our cosmos as well as our earthly
surroundings is fundamental to the rich, tribal indigenous cultures
that have existed through the ages.
What modern society calls primitive and advanced is just the
opposite of a truly wise perspective of a grounded, Creative
Universe, respecting and loving culture.
The resonant story behind this is quite simply profound. My oldest
daughter’s second child was born in Japan and reminded us all of
this story.
Their local midwife in Japan, a salt of the earth octogenarian from
a very humble Japanese mountain country lifestyle, very
authoritatively told her at the end of her pregnancy,
“It will come
after the full moon.”
No questions, no doubts. Period.
In fact, when my oldest daughter went to be checked due to
increasing labor pains and thought it might be coming, she didn’t
even check her but just sent her home and said.
“No. It’s not coming
until after the full moon.”
Which was a few more days away.
This turned out to be absolutely true to the day.
And this wisdom stuck with my oldest, so she told her sister and the
rest of us the same. And sure enough, right after the latest full
moon which was also an eclipse, and the Venus transit had begun, out
she came. In fact so quickly, she gave birth 20 minutes after
arriving at the hospital!
And my daughter now has this same calm, strong sense of knowing,
having had it passed down as such and in turn experiencing it for
That is wisdom. That’s what is being eaten up and lost by the modern
day techno-fascist machine.
So Where Has This
Wise Well-Grounded Sense of Connective Living Gone?
I was raised in suburbia and have spent the rest of my life
unlearning everything I picked up and continued to get contaminated
by from “modern” culture.
To find your way back is no small task
when the wind is blowing against anything natural as if it’s the
With hardly a scratch of open-minded research you quickly learn this
horrific disjointed dumbed-down spiritually bereft and socially
debauched state of “the world” has been carefully crafted and
deliberately engineered. Break down the organic roots of
civilization and you can shift and mold populations for your
globalist designs.
Or so they hope.
In your research as your awareness grows you’ll learn that wars are
engineered, and so are other eugenicist agendas that treat mankind
as cattle to be subjugated, slaughtered and sacrificed for the good
of the few elite rulers.
Massacre of evacuating, disarmed Lakoda men, women and children at
Wounded Knee, 1890
Vicious Genocide of
Indigenous Peoples
What you’ll also find to your astonishment is this rabid hatred of
indigenous peoples of the earth.
This manifests in what can only be
termed satanic methods of torture and wanton destruction, never mind
stolen lands and the likes of government distributed smallpox
infected blankets. From the massacres of the Native American
indigenous tribes to the unreported systematic abuse, torture and
killings of Canadian Native tribes, they are beyond wicked in
their savagery and blood lust.
But why?
As in the so-called “conquest” of the Aztec and Inca civilizations,
stripping of their resources, and imposition of spirit muzzling
Catholicism later carried on and facilitated by their agentur
Jesuits, are attempts to erase and supplant the deep spiritual roots
and grounded traditions of indigenous peoples everywhere.
this is what powers us. This is what the Jesuit “education” cover is
all about, it’s erasing empowering generational wisdom, knowledge
and culture and brainwashing for a dumbed down global mindset of
unquestioning servitude.
The so-called “scientific method” has also
been used as a cudgel against spiritual knowledge and experience of
conscious realities.
The point is, real humans who know their spiritual heritage and
infinite possibility and connectivity to Universe are the threat to
the Powers that Would Be.
Zulu Shaman
Credo Mutwa, Keeper of the Mysteries
- Himself subject
to vicious attacks
Africans and Blacks worldwide, perhaps the very original human race,
have been under constant attack, with systematic assassinations of
tribal shamans. Similar to how they’ve used small pox and other
viruses to wipe out Native cultures in North America,
AIDS has been
the modern weapon of choice against the world’s Blacks.
The health
war has also given them horrific diabetes issues as well as other
induced ailments.
And you’ll find this happening to indigenous peoples worldwide, from
the Inuit tribes of the far north to the aboriginals of Australia,
the Maori of New Zealand and the many Polynesian tribes who
populated and cultivated the islands with such loving respect,
living in harmony with the natural beauty and bounty of planet
Earth. Only to be overrun with exploitation and rape of their
culture and environment.
They’ve all been targeted, and for a long time. Why do you think
spreading depleted uranium around the rich and deep cultures
of the middle eastern countries they mercilessly and mechanically
It’s genocide in full bloom.
As has been going on in plain site for
generations via staged wars, economic manipulations, food and
finance hoarding, the crippling of local agriculture, and carefully
planned health warfare, to name a few of their many weapons.
Bill Gates of
Hell Takes Things Even Further
Now this monster with megabucks
Bill Gates is sponsoring polio
carrying vaccines as well, and financing the forcing of
GMO foods
worldwide, but the release of genetically modified mosquitoes to do
the job the nuts-with-needles can’t do.
Bio Weapon Insanity
These is actually something called
bio-weapon industry. If there is
anything about as insane as
nuclear proliferation, this has to be
And how do they
spread these viruses? Why, any way they can.
“Accidental” releases, experimental contamination, aerosols in
streets or over population areas, water contamination. All admitted
in government documents. After all, it’s the law they can experiment
on their own people. Look it up. Same in the UK.
We’re talking sick.
And the technique du jour is now through vaccines.
Big Pharma’s been
sneaking live viruses
into vaccines for decades, including the
cancer virus. Now they admit to having race specific viruses that
target specific genomes.
And why would they want race-specific viruses?
It’s All About
And Eugenics Is Not Just Population Reduction
They are attempting to erase our past.
They are doing everything
they can to erase our conscious, grounded tribal roots and all the
loving and
empowering wisdom that comes with it. They’ve been at
this since they first realized mankind has a gift they don’t have.
We have empathy. We connect with Universe.
These controlling entities and their co-opted semi-human minions
can’t do that. They run on the so-called
hidden or
occult knowledge
they’ve gleaned through millennia and have carefully tried to keep
from the rest of humanity.
That’s the game, that’s the war, that’s the objective.
They Can’t Win
They can’t stop the Truth, any more than they can quench the power
of the Sun, or stop the expansion of the Universe.
It’s futile, and deep inside they know it. Yet they continue to run
themselves on the very programming they wish to exert on free
humanity which is inherently self-destructive.
Any intermittent
seeming victories or progress of their techno-fascist hell is an
ephemeral illusion, a matrix projection to intimidate the populace
into further subjugation.
It’s a lie.
Know it for what it is. This mechanized projection we’re watching is
a charade of hate and fear, and it’s coming down. And the more who
realize this and see it for what it is, the faster it falls.
Keep spreading the word.
Momentum is picking up and each shoulder to
the wheel does more!