by Paul Joseph Watson
February 7, 2011
Infowars Website
Spanish version
According to some experts, the world’s weather is about to get even more
chaotic as a result of natural climate change that we can do absolutely
nothing to prevent - and even though
global warming alarmists may exploit
the consequences to advance their own political agenda, paying a carbon tax
to Al Gore will not lessen the impact of a potentially catastrophic magnetic
polar shift.
In layman’s terms, the most apocalyptic outcome of a polar shift would come
as a result of the the poles flipping, with the south pole becoming the
north pole and vice versa.

The good news is that on average this only
happens every half a million years, but the bad news is that it hasn’t
happened in roughly 780,000 years, with some experts warning that the planet
is overdue.
Pole flips have been known to happen only
50,000 years apart.
If it happened, a complete pole shift would cause,
“superstorms in the future
with winds as high as 300 to 400 mph"… which “would totally destroy anything
they came into contact with on land,” writes Terrence Aym for Salem-News.com.
“In between these flips, the magnetic field can become quite weak and
chaotic, causing “turbulence” in the field, which can effectively cause
weaker gaps in the magnetosphere,” writes Mike Adams.
“These magnetic gaps or weaknesses can allow outside influences that
normally would not penetrate the magnetosphere to reach deep into that
magnetosphere, theoretically all the way down to where birds fly at very low
altitude,” adds Adams, making a case that pole shifts are to blame for
recent mass bird die-offs.
However, it’s important to note that the process of reversal in the earth’s
magnetic field can take around 5,000 years to be completed.
This isn’t going
to happen overnight, which is why frenetic claims that it is part of some
2012 Mayan apocalypse are in the same league as hysteria about
Planet X.
The more likely scenario is that the ever-changing tug of war between the
sun and the earth’s electromagnetic fields will continue to cause
significant, but not apocalyptic storms like those recently witnessed in
Australia and the United States, and that alarmists will continue to exploit
such events to push their completely discredited global warming dogma.
The fact that the planet’s northern magnetic pole is drifting slowly but
steadily towards Russia is causing
airports to adjust the coordinates of
their runways so they match up with sensitive airplane instruments.
The consequences of geomagnetic movement in the poles is undoubtedly an
important issue and will have a direct impact on our lives.
However, given
the level of coverage, and in some quarters outright hysteria, being
afforded to a complete pole reversal event that is less probable than a
cataclysmic asteroid strike, we’re more worried about the threats to the
environment that are already unfolding on the planet, and not by some
unknown outside threat that we cannot even do anything to prevent anyway.
be of far greater and more immediate concern.
However, since the planet is so sensitive to the behavior of the sun and how
it affects the poles, don’t be surprised when global warming alarmists
hastily exploit extreme weather events that are attributable to natural
causes and blame them on human CO2 emissions while assuring that the only
solution is to pay
Al Gore and his
globalist cronies billions of dollars in
carbon taxes.