by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
November 23, 2011
NaturalNews Website
Spanish version
What corporate-driven "science" has in mind for the future of
humanity is far different from the dreamy utopian landscape that's
been portrayed by the mainstream media.
To hear the corporate-run media tell it,
science is always "good" for humanity.
Scientific achievements are always
called "advances" and not "setbacks," even though many of them have
proven to be disastrous for humanity (atomic bombs, for example, or
While pure science is, indeed, a necessary component of any
civilization which seeks to expand its understanding of the
universe, what we see dominating the landscape today isn't pure
science but corporate-driven "science" that only seeks to accelerate
corporate profits, not human understanding.
And with that
corporate-slanted science comes a whole new era of truly terrifying
technologies that we may soon see become reality in our world.
Here, I've compiled a list of ten future technologies that
might be used to strip away your freedoms and enslave you to the
corporate globalist masters, all under the label of "science."
Organ harvesting from
genetically modified, patented pigs
Need a replacement heart
or lung? No worries, mate!
Monsanto will grow you a new one
using a genetically modified, trans-species pig (patent
pending) that was raised on GMO animal feed and subjected to
organ harvesting while it was still alive in order to keep
the organs "fresh."
Your government-approved, Medicare-funded transplant will be
handled by one of the top U.S. hospitals, which are, even
today, deeply engaged in black market organ trafficking and
illegal transplantations.
"Behavioral vaccines" that
rewire your brain to eliminate dissent
Disobedience is a
And the "cure" for disobedience (or Oppositional
Defiance Disorder, as they call it) will be
a new "vaccine"
that biologically rewires your brain to make you more
socially acceptable to the controllers.
It will be called a "behavioral vaccine" even though, in
reality, it's just a chemical lobotomy. This technology will
be a cornerstone of the global police state, which will have
no tolerance for independent thinking or critical thought of
any kind, especially against the state.
Centralized, remote monitoring
of all your health statistics and vital signs by the police
Think your medical
records are really private?
Think again: Even now, the U.S.
government maintains a secret centralized bank of blood
taken from children at birth.
In the near future, citizens
will be implanted with biometric monitoring chips that relay
information back to the government about your pulse,
respiration, and the presence of either illegal drugs or
legalized pharmaceuticals (which are often the very same
chemicals as illegal drugs, just re-branded as a
These chips will be used by the government to enforce people
taking their medications. They will also be used to locate
and arrest those who smoke a little pot or take addictive
substances without a prescription.
But most importantly, these chips will be used to monitor
nutritional levels and make sure no one attains a high level
vitamin D, for example, which
promotes clear thinking and
strong cognitive function. Under scientific dictatorship,
the sheeple must be kept in a state of chronic nutritional
deficiency in order to be easily controlled.
This will all be sold to the
public as a way for the government to monitor their "safety"
because, the government will claim,
So they will set the upper
safety limits to the lower threshold of cognitive awakening,
making sure that everyone remains in a mental stupor as they
live out their state-run lives.
The total secrecy of all food
ingredients, sources and places of origin
As the food industry is
increasingly invaded by junk science (GMOs, anyone?),
efforts will increase to hide all the chemical ingredients
in food products and rename dangerous-sounding chemicals
into nice-sounding chemicals.
The Corn Refiners Association is already
trying to rename "High
Fructose Corn Syrup" to "corn sugar."
Aspartame is now going to
be called "AminoSweet," and
MSG has been renamed things like
"yeast extract" or "Torula yeast powder."
But it's going to get far worse as fraudulent science
accelerates food industry deceptions. Expect to see
preservatives like "sodium benzoate" renamed as things like,
"Freshiness crystals." Or "artificial colors" might be
described as "Fortified with pretty colors."
Above all, the food industry wants to hide where its foods
come from, how they are made, and what's in them, because
all three of those categories are bad news for your health.
The complete criminalization of
home-produced foods and medicines, forcing total reliance on
factory food production
Speaking of food, corrupt
"scientists" will soon insist that growing your own food is
extremely dangerous because you might grow e.coli in your
With such absurd justifications,
home gardening will be completely outlawed in many towns,
and those who try to secretly grow tomatoes will be arrested
and imprisoned as if they were heroin smugglers.
The idea of all this is to make the population completely
dependent on centralized factory food production, in the
same way the population is currently dependent on
centralized electricity and centralized fossil fuels.
This will all be justified with
the help of "scientists" who claim that factory-produced
food is safer for you because it's all pasteurized,
irradiated and fumigated.
The unleashing of a global
bioweapon pandemic through seasonal flu shots
vaccines were
once intended to prevent disease, they are now being
increasingly weaponized and engineered to spread disease,
which is why most of the people who get the flu each winter
are the very same people who routinely take flu shots.
In the near future, as the globalists decide the world
population has reached its upper tolerable limit, a live
"population control" virus will be engineered right into the
vaccines, followed by an aggressive vaccine push that even
offers to pay people to receive flu shots. (Get a flu shot,
earn $25!)
The whole scheme, of course, is nothing more than a
population control measure designed to eliminate all the
lower-IQ people on the planet who are stupid enough to allow
themselves to be injected with biological weapons packaged
and sold as vaccines.
Effectively, it's really a
eugenics program that the globalists believe will save the
human race from the rise of stupidity (no matter what the
cost in human suffering).
Total government control over
your reproduction and the genetic code of your "offspring"
Copulating with the
person of your choice and producing your own "random"
offspring will no longer be allowed under the scientific
police state.
Reproduction must be carefully controlled
through licensing and regulation to make sure that no
unexpected results occur.
Before having children, parents will need to apply to the
government for permission to reproduce, at which point they
will be genetically and cognitively profiled, then granted a
reproduction classification status that must be strictly
followed to avoid imprisonment.
People who show rebellious tendencies and speak out against
the state will be denied reproduction "privileges."
Only the most obedient,
white-skinned, do-gooder mind slaves will be granted
reproduction privileges, and they will gladly copulate and
raise yet more babies to be sacrificed to the state as the
next generation of mind slaves.
Wireless brain implants that can
be remotely activated by law enforcement to make entire
crowds of people passive
The future of "science"
involves all sorts of
electronics implanted into the human
One of the most convenient ones
will be the "pacification chip" that will be forced upon
citizens along with "money chips" that they use to pay for
everything (cash will be outlawed, and using cash will be
seen as a terrorist activity).
The pacification chip can be remotely activated by the
government through cell tower bursts - or through hand-held
units issued to police and law enforcement commanders - to
instantly pacify large crowds of protesters or rioters.
the students protesting about free speech again? Activate
the pacification chip, and they'll all lay down on the lawn
and daydream for a while.
Are revolutionaries marching on the capitol and trying to
overthrow the government? Activate the pacification chip,
and your tyrannical dictatorship is safe!
Such chips may also be used to "excite" the brain at times
when it is also politically useful.
For example, when another
terrorist attack is staged on U.S. soil, the "excitation
chips" can be activated across the population to get people
riled up and calling for war! (And that's the whole point of
false flag attacks, of course.)
The genetic engineering and
breeding of obedient super soldiers
In the far future,
battlefield soldiers will actually be humanoid-shaped robots
equipped with firearms and body armor.
Think "Terminator" model T-1000.
That's still a ways off, of course, given the incredible
complexity of mobile power, robotic actuation technologies,
vision recognition systems and artificial intelligence.
In the mean time, the most powerful nations of the world
will pour R&D money into growing genetically modified super
soldiers who are secretly birthed, raised and trained to be
as robotic as possible. These super soldiers will be
genetically engineered with peak performance attributes
(high blood oxygenation, large body frames, etc.) combined
with small brains that can only process enough information
to follow orders but never question them.
They will also be outfitted with numerous electronic
implants, making them
more cyborg than human.
They will have vision implants
attached to their retinas, for example, GPS chips wired to
their brains, communication equipment wired into their ears,
and built-in pain medication dispensers that flood their
bodies with stimulant chemicals so they can keep fighting
even after an arm gets blown off, for example.
The electromagnetic activation
of metals and nano-crystals injected into you through
Here's a new one most
people haven't thought about: In addition to vaccines being
used to spread infectious disease, they can also be used to
inject humans with
nano-crystals that are sized and tuned to
resonate at certain frequencies, much like a radio crystal
tunes in to a specific radio band.
Such nano-crystals may lie dormant in the bodies of the
general public for years or even decades, but at some point
the government can take over the radio towers with an
"emergency" national transmission that broadcasts an
activation signal at precisely the right wavelength to
excite the nano-crystals already in peoples' bodies.
The results could be anything
from mass insanity to massive outbreaks of violence
(rioting, etc.) or just tens of millions of people instantly
dropping dead.
Any of those outcomes could then
be exploited by the government to sell a cover story of a
"terrorist attack" that requires even more government
control over the population.
It could all
be done in the name of "science"
Remember, this collection of 10 points is about possible future
technologies that exemplify the abuse of science to empower
tyrannical governments and corrupt industries.
Thankfully, these ten examples have not
come true yet, but several are well on their way to become reality
in just the next few years.
Real science has an important role to play in any society, but I
believe that science should serve the interests of the People, not
the self-serving controllers who run globalist corporations and
national governments.
When science is used to dominate and
enslave people rather than setting them free, it is a violation of
one of the most fundamental truths throughout the universe:
Only through freedom (the freedom of
ideas, freedom of questioning, freedom of discussion) can true
understanding of our universe be achieved.
We salute the real scientists out there
who pursue the betterment of human civilization without punching a
clock for all the evil corporations which abuse science for their
own nefarious purposes.