by Mary Rodwell
Spanish version
May 15th, 2007
AgoraCosmopolitamBlog Website
‘Human beings are here to remember
themselves, with conscious awareness and with complete understanding
of their innate connection to the Universe.’
— T. Taylor.
If quantum theory is correct, science can’t disagree that we are
indeed connected to everything, including our extraterrestrial
visitors! ‘To them we are the aliens!’
— Jess, (8 years old, Western
What can I say: ‘Out of the mouths of
by Mary Rodwell [Excerpted]
About the author
.Mary Rodwell, RN, former nurse
and midwife. Counselor and hypnotherapist, metaphysician. Principal
of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network), Perth,
Western Australia. Mary has traveled widely, visiting the USA and UK
as an international speaker. Author of 'Awakening: How
Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life' (2002).
Producer of EBE award winning
documentaries: 'Expressions of ET Contact: A Visual Blueprint?'
(2000) and 'Expressions of ET Contact: A Communication and Healing
Blueprint?' (2004). Produced by ACERN.
Web address
To date over 1200 people have contacted ACERN, nationally and
internationally. ACERN is a professional counseling resource that
explores all anomalous experiences as well as speaking to
professional traditional agencies about these matters and contact
reality. Mary’s research explores both the physical and metaphysical
implications of contact.
This research has demonstrated that
for most individuals contact can be a transformative/spiritual
experience, where individuals, such as those termed Star Children,
become more aware of their multi-dimensional nature. Mary is
vice-president of the Star Child Project, which seeks to research
and support Star Children and their families. |
Some recent Russian DNA discoveries
documented by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf in their
book Vernetzte Intelligenz have been summarized by
Barbel Mohr:
human DNA is a biological Internet’ with evidence
that DNA can be ‘influenced and reprogrammed by words and
This suggests that ‘our DNA is not only
responsible for the construction of our body, but also serves as
data storage and communication.’ The Russian scientists and
linguists have found that the genetic code ‘follows the same rules
as all our human languages.’ In effect, human language did not
appear coincidentally but is a reflection of our DNA.
The Russian researchers believe that ‘Living chromosomes function
just like a holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser
radiation.' This means that they managed to modulate certain
frequency patterns (sound) onto a laser-like ray which influence DNA
frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since the basic
structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and language is of the same
structure, no DNA decoding is necessary.
One can simply use words and sentences
of the human language! This, too, was experimentally proven!’ Of
course the frequency has to be correct. But for the purposes of this
article, the Russian research shows how science now can demonstrate
a way to reprogram DNA through language and frequencies.
“Experiencers” who manifest unusual languages, such as Rochelle (see
Expressions of ET Contact: A Communication and Healing
Blueprint?) call these ‘soul languages’. Rochelle vocalizes them
when doing energy work and healing. Healing with sound and
frequencies takes on a new meaning in this context. It could mean
that Rochelle and others like her may well intuitively be able to
change or reprogram DNA though such frequencies while healing.
We already know that our subconscious is
affected by subliminal frequencies and hypnosis, and the Russian
research may have given us a scientific explanation why such
techniques work so well. The question is whether the specific
frequencies of these languages are designed to affect or reprogram
our human DNA? This may well give us grounds for reviewing ancient
texts in regards to our origins.
The Russian DNA research article coincidentally mentions the changes
in our children in terms of group consciousness.
They comment that,
‘if humans with full individuality
would regain group consciousness they would have a godlike power
to create, alter and shape things on Earth and humanity is
collectively moving towards a group consciousness of a new
They state that,
‘fifty percent of children will
become a problem as soon as they go to school, since the system
lumps everyone together and demands adjustment. But the
individuality of
today’s children is so strong that they refuse
this adjustment and resist giving up their idiosyncrasies. … At
the same time more and more clairvoyant children are being born.
Something in those children is striving more towards group
consciousness of a new kind and it can no longer be suppressed.’
Are the Russian researchers in fact
referring to what is now called the ADD (attention deficit disorder)
Unfortunately, because there is no funded global research
it’s hard to gain accurate statistics. But, if the process of
labeling children as ADD is an indicator of this phenomenon, then we
are indeed evolving at an astounding rate.
The global perspective and more pieces fit the puzzle: Science,
anthropology, theology, archaeology and the kids.
This short article entitled ‘Learning to communicate with
extraterrestrials: young children in India-China Himalaya use
strange sign language’ appeared on the website of India Daily
(29 Jan 2005) by a staff reporter:
‘In the deep region of Himalayas,
people are reporting strange behaviors in children. The children
are using sign languages which are unknown to their families and
anyone around. Many of the children draw pictures of triangular
objects flying in the sky.
Many of them do not know what they
saw and how they learnt these sign languages.

Some in the region of Aksai Chin
believe that these children regularly communicate with the
extraterrestrials who are only visible to these children and
communicate via telepathy.
The children learn the sign language
to communicate back to these beings. According to UFO research
materials, some Mexican children also manifest similar behavior,
when many in the area reported for a long time UFO sightings. …
According to some teachers in the schools in that area, young
children are extra agile and extra talented these days.
Their problem solving skills have
increased and they are much more disciplined. They continually
use a strange sign language among themselves. However they
cannot teach this language to adults! The locals in the area
believe UFOs have been visiting the area for thousands of years.
It stopped for a while and now it has started again.’
www indiadaily.com)
Families have contacted me from all over
the globe, not only from Australia, Europe, North and South America,
but Asia and Russia, and all describe children advanced from the
norm in psychological and physical development and with exceptional
psychic abilities.
In Mexico City these same “New Humans” have begun to emerge, and it
is said that over 1000 children are able to ‘see’ with various parts
of their bodies. In some countries, government agencies interested
in such children are actively researching the phenomenon. China has
a program for investigating children with similar abilities, which
is taken very seriously by the Chinese Government in Beijing.
The book
China’s Super Psychics by Paul
Dong and Thomas Raffill describes children with
exceptional human functioning (EHF) who display similar
patterns to
Indigo or Star-children. They, too, are very psychic and
intuitive, for example some have the ability to open flower buds by
thought alone. And like the Mexican children, many have shown an
ability to see with other parts of their bodies.
They display telekinetic abilities as
well as other fascinating multi-dimensional skills, such as sensing
another’s thoughts (telepathy). It has also been reported that the
Chinese government has observed these children changing the human
DNA molecule in a petri dish before cameras and scientific
equipment to record this supposedly impossible feat. We have no
evidence to prove that these abilities are the result of
extraterrestrial interventions. But, given the fact that the Chinese
government is very secretive, this may well be something they do not
feel ready to share.
However, I am told that the Chinese are
extremely interested in the UFO phenomenon and take it very
More pieces of
the puzzle
Although I can’t cover all my research in this article, I can give
the reader some points to ponder. The late Francis Crick,
Nobel Prize winner, co-discoverer of the shape of the DNA molecule
and author of Life Itself, made the astounding claim,
‘that an
advanced civilization transported the seeds of life in a
One wonders what led him to such an incredible
conclusion. References in religious and biblical texts certainly
raise questions as to our real origins.
Anthropology still can’t explain how we
changed or morphed so dramatically from Neanderthal to Homo sapiens
the missing link has not been discovered or explanations given
on how the developmental gap was bridged. Biblical scholar,
Zecharia Sitchin, author of the Earth Chronicles
suggests such answers could lie in ancient religious texts, such as
the Bible.
According to Sitchin, the Bible is a condensed rendering
of ancient Sumerian and Akkadian texts. From his research he
believes that Homo sapiens was a “genetic upgrade” of existing
hominids which was undertaken by extraterrestrial beings called
the Nephilim who came to Earth
450,000 years ago.
Indigenous tribes worldwide have within their oral history that they
are visited by sky beings and are being genetically upgraded.
Dogon tribe (African Mali Tribe) call the star visitors
the Nummo, an alien species which came from
Sirius and genetically
upgraded humans when they came to Earth.
The Aborigines of Australia also talk of the
sky beings Wandjina, who made them and gave them laws to
live by.
For those who seek to explore, there are many such anomalies in
archaeological, anthropological, religious and spiritual texts that
must guide the thinking person to question what we are educated to
believe in terms of our origins and genetic heritage. But, the most
compelling evidence comes from the testimony of children, many of
them not old enough to read. It’s information so profound one has to
wonder how and where they obtained it.
Mike Oram (”experiencer”) resides in the United Kingdom. He
told me that he was only 4 years old when he told his mother that
there was no such thing as death.
His mother disagreed, but Mike
‘the Universe goes on for eternity
and it’s not true that we no longer play a part in the Universe.
We come back.’
‘I was too young to know the word
reincarnation’, he said. ‘I then shocked her by saying “You are
not my real parents, my parents are in space, and something of
incredible importance will happen in this planet and it will
affect all levels of consciousness, it will not happen in your
life time but it will in mine.” My poor mother never forgot that
(Mike Oram).
Colin Wilson in
Alien Dawn
(1998) wrote that not long before
Andrija Puharich’s death he asked
him what he was working on.
‘Paranormal children’, he said: ‘You
wouldn’t believe how many of these kids are out there, they seem
to be at genius level. I know dozens, and there are probably
Wilson concludes, ‘And this, I suspect is the
beginning of the change that the UFOs are working on’
Unfortunately many such phenomena are
only recognized through a particular discipline’s limited field of
study, and this sadly narrows the perspective.
There is no doubt
that, for some, the extraterrestrial hypothesis is a hard one to
swallow. But even if (for now) we interpret this data from a desire
to understand why we may be evolving so rapidly, as this research
suggests, we need to be open to all possibilities. Even if the
puzzle is just perceived as another way of understanding ourselves,
the question remains that, if we are evolving at an accelerated rate
than cannot be explained in normal evolutionary terms, how and why
is it happening?
Are “star-children”, “New Humans”, Indigos and smart kids, etc., one
and the same phenomenon?
If they are, then the extraterrestrial
hypothesis makes more sense. After all, it is ludicrous for the
thinking person to believe we are the only intelligent life in the
universe, given the vastness of space. And it is logical to believe
that some of those other life forms may have evolved sufficiently to
be able to visit us, even if how they travel here may be beyond our
current scientific understanding.
The hypothesis of extraterrestrial reality is not only possible but
also probable and explains many anomalies in our origins, our
mythology and religions. Certainly, if what experiencers and
indigenous people tell us is true, we have a very intimate and
on-going relationship with the visitors, in addition to a common
gene pool. This would certainly explain their continuing interest
and participation in our evolutionary development.
The primitive and aggressive nature of Homo sapiens, armed with
technology to destroy not only each other but our beautiful planet,
may well be why these ET ancestors have decided to accelerate
humanity’s evolutionary upgrade program.
A “New Human” with
multi-level awareness of our cosmic connection to all that is, may
well be the only way we will finally appreciate what we have, change
our behavior, and grow up to take full responsibility for ourselves
and this beautiful planet.
The star-children could be an integral part of this wake up call and
it may be that through them we are being led to an understanding of
this profound connection.
Andrews, Ann, and Jean Ritchie.
(1998) Abducted. London: Headline.
Baerbel. Summary of ‘Russian DNA
Boylan, Richard. (1999, Winter) ACCET (Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists)
Boylan, Richard. Close
Extraterrestrial Encounters.
Boylan, Richard. (2005) Star Kids:
The Emerging Cosmic Generation. See
Carroll, Lee, and Jan Tober, (1999)
The Indigo Children. Hay House.
Dong, Paul, and Raffill, Thomas E.
(1997) China’s Super Psychics. Marlowe and Company, NY.
Fosar, Grazyna, and Franz Bludorf.
Vernetzte Intelligenz. Website:
Greer, Stephen, M. D. (1999)
Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications. Granite
Publishing, USA.
Hart, Will. (2004) The Dawn of the
Genesis Race.
Leir, Roger. (1999) The Aliens and
the Scalpel. Granite Publishers.
Mack, John. (1994) Abduction: Human
Encounters with Aliens. Simon & Schuster.
Rodwell, Mary. (2002) Awakening.
Fortune Publishing, UK. Republished 2005 Avatar Publishing, USA.
Strieber, Whitley. (1997) The Secret
Randles, Jenny. (1994) Star
Children: The True Story of Alien Offspring Among Us. Sterling
Roads, Duncan. (2004 Aug/Sep). Video
reviews, Nexus magazine, p.78.
Staff Reporter. (29 Jan 2005)
‘Strange Sign Language’, India Daily. Website:
Taylor, Tracey. (2002) Drawings, In
Awakening (chapter by Mary Rodwell.) See also:
Virtue, Doreen. (2003) The Crystal
Children. Hay House Publishing.
Wilson, Colin. (1998) Alien Dawn.
London: Virgin Publishing.