by Dr. Leonard Horowitz
November 4, 2009
FourWinds10 Website
Obama's National
Emergency Advances Conspiracy to Advance Media Hype,
Deadly Vaccinations, and Profitable Depopulation. |
Los Angeles
The news media spreading Swine Flu fear
is partnered with H1N1 vaccine makers financially-linked to
officials advancing global depopulation, according to new evidence
presented on YouTube by Harvard-trained health expert, Dr.
Leonard Horowitz.
The new findings indict American health care reformers including
Sen. Jay Rockefeller, whose Internet suppressive legislation targets
enemies of
the drug industry advancing an H1N1 Swine Flu conspiracy
that is obviously genocidal.
H1N1 Swine Flu "National Emergency" Warning!
October 25, 2009
YouTube Website
Reuters and FOX News, the services that broke President
Declaration of National Emergency for H1N1 swine flu, maintain
grossly conflicting interest with the vaccine makers.
More shocking evidence proves the media moguls allied with agencies
funding global depopulation. This evidence of genocide indicts The
Rockefeller Brothers Fund and
David Rockefeller's Partnership for
New York City (PFNYC) -
the world's leading biotechnology trust and
white collar drug ring partnered with New York State and the US
Federal Government.
"Murdoch and Glocer are the world's most powerful business leaders
caught bloodied by vaccination intoxications and mass media mind
manipulations for population reduction," Dr. Horowitz said.
Disbelievers are shocked by the revelation that Barack Obama's
Science Czar, John Holdren, called for
massive global depopulation
using sterilizing vaccinations in
his 1977 book, EcoScience.
The Obama administration encourages David Rockefeller's PFNYC, with
Co-Chairmen, Lloyd C. Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, and
Rupert Murdoch
with his
media empire.
All the above are advancing massive human
intoxication for population reduction through H1N1 recombinations
with currently circulating viruses.
Dr. Horowitz has laid out a reasonable and compelling thesis
predicting H1N1 expected mutation. It is a new unstable laboratory
engineered virus used that is shed up to 3 weeks following
vaccinations, especially from
FLUmist recipients. These viruses are
expected to recombine with other circulating viruses, including H5N1
that kills more than half of humans infected.
In fact, authorities worldwide have expressed this common concern.
Now this concern has become a suspicion of genocidal operations and
profitable business partnerships revealed by investigative
journalist Sherri Kane and Dr. Horowitz.
The Kane-Horowitz revelations jibe with popular upstate New York WGY
radio personality, Al Roney, who broke the news last week of
Linda Daines, wife of New York State Health Commissioner Richard Daines,
profiting from the States H1N1 vaccine purchases. Mrs. Daines is a
manager of private client services for the Wall Street institutional
finance firm Goldman Sachs.
The firm, directed by Blankfein, was the
largest shareholder in a deal they brokered in 2007 for the $15
billion sale of vaccine giant
MedImmune that produces AstraZenecas'
Flumist is the H1N1 nasal spray vaccine given mostly to children who
shed the live active laboratory-engineered unstable virus for up to
3 weeks, putting non-vaccinated persons at risk of infection and
worse. These shed lab-made viruses more readily recombine with other
circulating viruses easily prompting recombinations and potentially
more severe outbreaks.
More deadly viruses circulate in peoples
bodies, birds, animals, or the environment that shed H1N1 virus
genetics can enjoin. This is what experts and officials expect, and
the real cause for the declared National Emergency, according to Dr.
Partners in the PFNYC includes Safeway's owner Kohlberg Kravis
Roberts (KKR) whose CEO, Steven Burd, heads the Coalition for
Accelerating Health Care Reform (CAHR) pushing Senator Jay
Rockefeller's Democratic legislation.
Lloyd C. Blankfein of Goldman Sachs and Burd are the two highest
paid CEOs in America. Both are high profile corporate members of the
most powerful Business Council in the world, and both maintain tight
connections to the drug-ring implicated in creating and circulating
the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, according to documents discovered by Kane
and Horowitz.
The influence of these indicted persons and organizations is unknown
to most people, and unprecedented. Glocer's Reuters and Murdoch's
FOX News, feeds all major news sources, co-engineers most of what
people think about the pandemic, and how everyone is reacting. Thus,
the modern mindset is adequately influenced to advance the
vaccination campaign on behalf of Wall Street investors.
includes leaders of global banking and the
Federal Reserve Board.
The BusinessCouncil.org directed America's transition out of the
Great Depression, advising Congress to advance,
These groups' influences are capable of accomplishing ANYTHING,
including depopulation via vaccination.
This is like the end of a team monopoly game, Dr. Horowitz
concludes. Now since the Rockefellers' and their Royal-Rothschild
financiers in Europe have won the global game, they are simply
rearranging the board and getting rid of the players they no longer
want around.
Given all the evidence, now showing on YouTube thanks to Dr.
Horowitz, you'd have to be a complete idiot, or ignorant fool, to
get vaccinated.
Now that you know you cannot trust the
mainstream media for information about H1N1 vaccines, the world's
most complete source of H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic truth is awaiting
your perusal at
This site includes FLUscam.TV, a 24
hour news channel devoted to covering this genocide. It features the
latest breaking news and educational programs to educate everyone on
everything from A-Z regarding the Swine Flu, including FLU To Dos
that are simple, readily available, and life-saving ways, other than
risky vaccinations and deadly antibiotics, to stay well naturally.
For more visit