by Dave Mihalovic
November 6, 2014
PreventDisease Website
Mihalovic is a
Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research,
cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.
Some RNA viruses are being discovered by scientists as having the
ability to protect themselves by exploiting a natural "brake" on the
immune system, research has shown.
They say their function is complex, not from nature
and involves genetic material that could only have been
designed in laboratories to manipulate gene activity
and exploit inflammatory processes.

Viruses which can cause diseases including cancer, exploit the tiny
molecules present in everyone's DNA, called
microRNAs, to turn cells into a
viral 'hotel' which they can check into, to cause infection and
spread says research in journal Nature Cell Biology.
Scientists estimate a third of genes may be regulated by microRNAs.
The study shows how viruses are able to "upregulate"
the production of immune system microRNAs to facilitate infection.
"This is not new research," says Infectious
Disease Specialist Dr. Morgan Blankenship.
"Although many RNA viruses have evolved with
humans, we've seen a steady rise in a variety biological
anomalies that did not exist even 30 years ago."
Dr. Morgan Blankenship says that some viruses
could not possibly have evolved in nature the way they are
"The swine flu is a good example of a designer
virus that we may have developed to study infection rates," he
Many experts have declared that
the H1N1 virus (in its 2009
configuration as isolated by the CDC) could only have been
cultured in a lab.
"In this case it's a genetic mixture from avian,
swine and human flu viruses that were three separate strains
spanning three continents which we know could not have developed
Flu viruses contain 8 strands of RNA, which code for
10 proteins.
If two flu viruses infect a cell at the same time,
new viruses budding from that cell can contain a mixture of RNA
strands from the two original viruses - a phenomenon called
However, Dr. Blankenship says that the way RNA
viruses are recombining are not repeated reassortments but
cut and paste configurations that only genetic engineers and
viral specialists have the ability to design.
Mutation is the major cause of changes in the genetic code of the
Scientists have claimed that
RNA mutation is higher because RNA
enzymes are more likely to commit errors, however the mutation
rates, their frequency and configurations are now unprecedented.
Weaponized Programs?
In DNA viruses, viral genetic code is injected in the host DNA for
duplication and decoding.
RNA viruses skip DNA for duplication and decoding.
Scientists have used the unique ability of RNA viruses to create
stronger versions that break down the human immune system.
A University of Illinois international law professor Francis
Boyle charged that a military installation, Fort Detrick work
would include,
"acquiring, growing, modifying, storing,
packaging and dispersing classical, emerging and genetically
engineered pathogens."
Those activities, as well as planned study of the
properties of pathogens
when weaponized,
"are unmistakable hallmarks of an offensive
weapons program."
The swine flu H1N1 virus
had three parents from two continents
and appeared suddenly without warning, evading all routine flu
surveillance and quarantine; sequence data suggest it may have been
created from a faulty vaccine given to pigs in North America.
The CDC isolated and genetically altered (engineered) the H1N1 flu
virus so that it could be used to make hundreds of millions of doses
of the agent. The new genetically engineered (novel) A-H1N1 virus
then contained a lethal combination of bacteria, viruses, and
The CDC has also
conducted experiments in which they
infected ferrets with both the H1N1 swine virus and the H5N1 bird
flu virus to see if they would "reassort" and create a new hybrid
flu virus (read
CDC Playing with Fire - Mixing H1N1 Swine Flu
and H5N1 Bird Flu to Create for Super Flu).
Citing concern over Ebola’s possible use as a weapon, the U.S.
National Institutes of Health has awarded almost $3 million to a
laboratory in Colorado to engineer a
fast diagnostic test for the virus.
What is interesting about the current Ebola strain is
that it has never been isolated by the CDC or WHO scientists.
The ability to diagnose infections almost
instantaneously would go a long way to halt what could be an
artificially induced spreading of the disease in its weaponized
form, but you can bet the
propaganda matrix will do their best to spin a new story on
infection rates.
Ebola research has garnered an unprecedented amount of
international attention and funding in recent months and I will soon
outline exactly why fears of this virus are exaggerated and expand.
Vaccines Are A
Carrier and Transmitter of Disease
There is a direct and statistical correlation between the diseases
that affect a given population (in developed nations) and the
frequency of vaccines administered.
Because vaccines do not provide the protection claimed by scientists
and cannot realistically induce herd immunity, they make matters
worse. When there is widespread vaccination, viruses can spread
without any visible disease.
Vaccines create strong selective pressure driving the
evolution of new strains that can dodge the immune attack provoked
by the vaccine.
Three vaccines used to prevent respiratory disease in chickens have
swapped genes, producing
two lethal new strains that
previously killed tens of thousands of fowl across two states in
The creation of the deadly new variant was only possible because the
vaccines contained live viruses, even though they were weakened
forms, said Joanne Devlin, lead author of a paper published in the
journal Science.
When the live-virus version of the polio vaccine, called Oral Polio
Vaccine (OPV) evolves, it can act like wild poliovirus and continue
the threat of contagion. Over time, the vaccine can mutate, and even
a 1 percent genomic change in the virus permits the virus to behave
like a wild poliovirus.
As a result, they are finding evidence of
vaccine-derived polio cases in
SV40 is an abbreviation for Simian vacuolating virus 40 or
Simian virus 40, a
polyomavirus that is found in both
monkeys and humans.
The SV40 virus was believed to suppress the transcriptional
properties of the tumor-suppressing genes in humans through the
SV40 Large T-antigen and
SV40 Small T-antigen.
Mutated genes may contribute to uncontrolled cellular
proliferation, leading to cancer.
Michele Carbone, Assistant Professor of Pathology at Loyola
University in Chicago, isolated fragments of the SV-40 virus in
human bone cancers and in a lethal form of lung cancer called
He found SV-40 in 33% of the osteosarcoma bone
cancers studied, in 40% of other bone cancers, and in 60% of the
mesotheliomas lung cancers.
Dr. Michele Carbone openly acknowledged HIV/AIDS was spread
by the hepatitis B vaccine produced by Merck & Co. during the early
1970s. It was the first time since the initial transmissions took
place in 1972-74, that a leading expert in the field of vaccine
manufacturing and testing has openly admitted the Merck & Co.
liability for AIDS.
The CDC admitted that more than 98
million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine within
an 8-year span from 1955-1963 when a proportion of the vaccine was
contaminated with a cancer causing polyomavirus called
How To Stop RNA
Viruses Naturally
Curcumin, found in turmeric,
stopped the potentially deadly RNA
Rift Valley Fever virus from multiplying in infected cells, says
Aarthi Narayanan, lead investigator on a new study and a
research assistant professor in Mason’s National Center for
Biodefense and Infectious Diseases.
curcumin could be part of therapies
that help defeat RNA viruses in the future.
Research has reported that RNA viruses encode selenium-dependent
glutathione peroxide genes. Selenium may act like a 'birth control
pill' for the virus and prevent the infection from every
transmitting from one human being to another.
A daily intake of 2000 mg. of Vitamin C or more may be adequate for
preventive purposes, but larger quantities such as 10,000 mg are
required in halting or reversing cancer, heart disease and the
transmission of RNA viruses.
High-potency Vitamin C produces dramatic healing in
many chronic hepatitis C patients.
In 1949, Dr. Klenner reported successful treatment of polio,
diphtheria, herpes zoster, herpes simplex, chicken pox, influenza,
measles, mumps, and viral pneumonia with injections of large doses
of vitamin C.
Vitamin C has a broad spectrum antioxidant function with the ability
to protect cell structures and DNA from free radical damage. Vitamin
C is remarkably safe even in enormously high doses.
Compared to commonly used prescription drugs, side
effects are virtually nonexistent.
No matter how high the concentration, vitamin C does
not harm healthy cells. Yet, through an array of enzymatic and
metabolic reactions, vitamin C has an impressive ability to protect
and treat almost any virus.
While oral doses can correct deficiencies and maintain antioxidant
levels within the body, IV infusions are required to reach
pro-oxidant, anti-viral and anti-cancer plasma levels.
To harness maximum benefit, both oral and IV
treatments are needed to take advantage of the wide range of
beneficial effects.