by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics
August 10, 2011
Examiner Website
The U.S. government has had Tesla-based quantum access time travel
technology for over 40 years.
Time travel technology has been
weaponized with its principal impacts to date being for the
sequestration in time loops of secret military installations, such
as U.S. secret bases on Mars, political control of the human
population, political surveillance, and attempted imposition of a
catastrophic timeline on humanity by withholding or manipulating
information about future events.
I -
Confirmation of U.S.’ use of Tesla-based time travel technology
Two independent whistleblowers from the U.S. national security state
have come forward with congruent, sophisticated, and extensive
insider accounts of their experiences with Tesla-based time travel
technology developed by the U.S. Department of Defense.
Mars colony eyewitness
Michael Relfe is a
whistleblower and a former member of the U.S. armed forces who, in
1976, was recruited as a permanent member of the secret Mars colony.
In 1976 (Earth time), he teleported to
the Mars colony and spent 20 years as a permanent member of its
staff. In 1996 (Mars time), Mr Relfe was time-travelled via
teleportation and age-regressed 20 years, landing back at a U.S.
military base in 1976 (Earth time). He then served six years in the
U.S. military on Earth before being honorably discharged in 1982.
In a two-volume book,
The Mars Records,
authored by his wife, Stephanie Relfe, B.Sc., Mr Relfe describes the
two types of individuals at the secret Mars colony:
“To clarify: Remember there are two
kinds of people that I remember.
“1. People visiting Mars
temporarily (politicians, etc.) - They travel to and from
Mars by jump gate. They visit for a few weeks and return.
They are not time travelled back. They are VIP's. They are
“2. Permanent staff - They spend 20 years’ duty cycle. At
the end of their duty cycle, they are age reversed and time
shot back to their space-time origin point. They are sent
back with memories blocked. They are sent back to complete
their destiny on Earth.”
(Vol. 2, p. 204)
Four independent whistleblower
witnesses, including Michael Relfe, have confirmed the existence of
one or more U.S.
secret bases on Mars, as forward
strategic military bases for occupation or defence of the solar
These whistleblower witnesses include,
besides Michael Relfe,
Andrew D. Basiago is a former
participant in
Project Pegasus (1968-72) that developed Tesla-based quantum
time travel in the time space
hologram, initiating the U.S. program of time-space
According to Mr Basiago, the U.S. government already had a fully
operational teleportation capability in 1967-68, and by 1969-70, was
actively training a cadre of gifted and talented American
schoolchildren, including himself, to become America’s first
generation of “chrononauts” or time-space explorers.
This training, he said, culminated in 1981, when, as a 19-year-old,
he teleported to Mars, first by himself after being prepared for the
trip by CIA officer Courtney M. Hunt, and then a second time
in the company of Hunt. Both trips, Mr Basiago said, were made via a
“jump room” located at a CIA facility in El Segundo, CA.
The apparent purpose of the trips to
Mars was to familiarise him with Mars because the CIA knew of his
destiny pertaining to publicly establishing the fact that Mars is an
inhabited planet and deemed it important that he visit Mars and
experience its conditions first-hand.
Mr Basiago’s involvement in advanced U.S. time-space research as a
child, as well as Courtney M. Hunt’s identity as a career CIA
officer, have been confirmed by Dr. Jean Maria Arrigo, an
ethicist who works closely with U.S. military and intelligence
agencies, and by U.S. Army Captain Ernest Garcia, whose
storied career in U.S. intelligence included both serving as a guard
the Dead Sea Scroll expeditions of
Israeli archaeologist Yigal Yadin and as the Army security
attaché to Project Pegasus.
Remote sensing in the time-space
Mr Basiago has revealed that between 1969 and 1972, as a child
participant in Project Pegasus, he both viewed past and future
events through a device known as a “chronovisor”
and teleported back and forth across the country in vortal tunnels
opened in time-space via Tesla-based teleporters located at the
Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical Company facility in Wood Ridge, NJ and
the Sandia National Laboratory in Sandia, NM.
A chronovisor is a device that uses a screen or holographic template
to locate and display scenes from the past or future in the
time-space hologram. The chronovisor was originally developed by two
Vatican scientists in conjunction with Enrico Fermi and later
refined by DARPA scientists.
DARPA had, he explains, five reasons for involving American
schoolchildren in such new, dangerous, and experimental activities:
First, the Department of Defense
wanted to test the mental and physical effects of
teleportation on children.
Second, Project Pegasus needed
to use children because the holograms created by the
chronovisors would collapse when adults stood within them.
Third, the children were tabula
rasa (of the mind that has not yet gained impressions of
experience) and would tend to see things during the time
probes that adults would tend to miss.
Fourth, the children were
trainees who upon growing up would serve in a covert
time-space program under DARPA that would operate in tandem
with the overt space program under NASA.
Lastly, the program sponsors
found that after moving between time lines, adult time
travellers were often becoming insane, and it was hoped that
by working with gifted and talented children from childhood,
the U.S. government might create an adult cadre of
“chrononauts” capable of dealing with the psychological
effects of time travel.
In contrast to the chronovisor probes,
in which a form of virtual time travel was achieved, the teleporters
developed by Project Pegasus allowed for physical teleportation to
distant locations, sometimes with an adjustment forward or backward
in time of days, weeks, months, or years.
According to Mr Basiago, by 1972, the
U.S. government was using “quantum displacement” of this kind to
both send people forward several years in time to store sensitive
military secrets in the future and backward several years in time to
provide the government with intelligence about future events.
II - The
weaponisation of time travel
DARPA’s Project Pegasus (1968-73) under which the U.S. government
program of quantum access
Tesla-based teleportation and time travel was
developed and was historically under the control of then-U.S. President
Richard M. Nixon’s cabinet member Donald H. Rumsfeld.
According to Mr Basiago’s whistleblower
testimony, Donald H. Rumsfeld, the sitting U.S. Secretary of
Defence on September 11, 2001, was the defence attaché to Project
Pegasus during the early 1970’s, when Mr Rumsfeld was officially
serving as a counselor to President Nixon and member of his Board of
Wage and Price Stabilization.
Mr Rumsfeld approached his Project Pegasus responsibilities with the
intent to weaponise teleportation and time travel to the U.S.
government’s advantage.
He has been quoted as stating in Project
Pegasus meetings at the time that the chief mission of teleportation
was to deliver troops to the appropriate place in the battlefield.
III - Sequestration
of secret U.S. military bases
It is clear from Michael Relfe’s two books on his 20 years at the
secret U.S. base on Mars that U.S. time travel was principally used
to the hide the presence of U.S. secret military installations on
Mars from the public so that the installations remained accessible
only to time scientists of the U.S. DoD.
Mr Relfe was recruited into the U.S. armed forces and time
travel/teleported to Mars in 1976.
Only individuals with access to secret
time science records or technology of the U.S. Department of Defense
could prove the existence of the U.S. secret Mars base from Michael
Relfe’s conventional U.S. service records.
IV - Time travel and
political control of the human population
Time travel pre-identification and secret
training of U.S. Presidents
On a
November 11, 2009 Coast to Coast AM radio
program, Mr Basiago publicly stated that DARPA'S
Project Pegasus program involving time travel was identifying
future persons of interest, including those who would serve as
U.S. president, and then informing such persons of their
Mr Basiago stated that in the early
1970s, in the company of his late father, Raymond F. Basiago, an
engineer for The Ralph M. Parsons Company who worked on
classified aerospace projects was present at a lunch in
Albuquerque, New Mexico at which (then) future U.S. Presidents
George H.W. Bush and
George W. Bush were
guests shortly after they were informed that both would one day
serve as President.
He also stated that in the early 1970s, the DARPA program,
Project Pegasus, had identified future Presidents Jimmy Carter
and Bill Clinton utilizing time travel technology.
Mr Basiago met (then) future
Barack Obama
in Los Angeles, CA in 1982 while attending UCLA. Mr
Obama, then a student at Columbia University, was visiting
former classmates at Occidental College in Los Angeles. A
statement was made by the ally of Mr Obama in the anti-apartheid
movement which revealed that Mr Obama, then age 20, already knew
that he would one day be the President.
Project Pegasus time travel was also used for political
surveillance of future societal change agents.
Mr Basiago revealed that the reason Project Pegasus was able to
identify Mr Carter, who was the then Governor of George, in
1971, as a future U.S. President, is that the program was in
possession of a copy of
Exopolitics - Politics, Government and Law
in the Universe by Alfred Lambremont Webre - a book
that this reporter would not write until 1999 and would not be
published as a library book until 2005, but which bears a quote
on its front pages of a statement made by President Jimmy
According to him, Mr Webre's book Exopolitics was, among other
written works, physically retrieved from the future by Project
Pegasus and brought back in time to 1971 or a prior time. At
that time, 1971, Mr Webre was General Counsel of the New York
City Environmental Protection Administration and had been placed
under time travel surveillance by the U.S. government.
Mr Basiago has also stated that Project Pegasus identified Laura
Magdalene Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of U.S. President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, as a his future ally.
Thus, there is historical precedent for the covert political
surveillance, via remote sensing in time, of a person of
interest like Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of
U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Time travel and 9/11
Mr Basiago has publicly
stated how in 1971 he viewed moving images of the
attack on the Twin Towers on September 11,
2001 that had been obtained from the future and
brought back to the early 1970’s.
He has described how while serving in Project Pegasus, he viewed
moving images of 9/11 at the secured U.S. defence-technical
facility where they were processed after being retrieved from
the future (at the Aerojet Corporation facility that once stood
at the corner of Bullock Avenue and Leroy Place in Socorro, New
In all likelihood, Mr Rumsfeld, as the defence attaché to
Project Pegasus, would have known about and possibly had control
over the data about 9/11 derived via “quantum access” and
brought it back to the early 1970’s for analysis by the
research and development program under his administrative
Mr Basiago’s eyewitness account that Secretary Rumsfeld and
others knew about 9/11 decades in advance because
data about it was gathered via DARPA’s secret time travel
program unlocks several of the more enigmatic facts in the 9/11
literature and may be the key to society’s unraveling of the
ultimate accountability for the false flag operation that took
place on September 11, 2001.
Time travel and natural catastrophe
A chronovisor probe in
the early 1970s by DARPA’s Project Pegasus chose an archetypal
target in
Washington, DC.
Project Pegasus chose to view the
U.S. Supreme Court building in 2013 via chronovisor and Project
Pegasus participant and Mr Basiago,
“found that the Supreme Court
building was under 100 feet of stagnant water”...
Farsight Institute remote viewing study
of natural catastrophe targeted the archetypal target right
across from the U.S. Supreme Court Building - the U.S. Capitol
building - in 2013.
In all, 39% of the remote viewer reports viewed the U.S. Capitol
in ruins alongside deep water.
Mr Basiago has also stated that,
“that because the chronovisors
did not identify absolute, deterministic futures but rather
alternate futures in the 'multi-verse,' this catastrophic
vision of Washington, DC might be from an alternative time
line that does not materialize on our time line.”
Results showed that 29% of Farsight
remote viewers targeting the U.S. Capitol in 2013 did not see a
Washington, DC devastated by natural catastrophe.
Here, then, we have the 2012-13 catastrophic and 2012-13
non-catastrophic futures side by side. DARPA’s Project Pegasus
chronovisor technology for probing future events in the
time-space hologram was state-of-the-art in the early 1970s.
Project Pegasus itself was under the
policy oversight of Donald H. Rumsfeld as a Nixon cabinet
member. It may have been that Presidential-level decisions were
made in the early 1970s to commence underground shelter
preparations, on the basis of Project Pegasus and other
time-travel intelligence about the 2012-13 catastrophic
It is reasonable to speculate whether the U.S. and other
governments and elites may have made a fundamental
miscalculation and wrong conclusion in assuming that a 2012-13
cataclysmic timeline will be the actual future, when in fact it
was an alternative future that would not materialize as
the actual deterministic future in 2012-13.
It is also reasonable to speculate that the governments and
political and financial elites have made a colossal moral error
in creating safe underground bases for themselves, while making
plans to leave an unwitting humanity on the surface to be
‘depopulated’ by a combination of giant solar flares, meteors
from space, and a Mad Max scenario playing out - all of which is
a future that does not materialize.
In a July 7, 2010 presentation, Dr. Courtney Brown of the
Farsight Institute stated there are anomalies that suggest the
U.S. government and elites are heavily invested in covertly
preparing for the 2012-13 catastrophic timeline, while keeping
the bulk of the human population in the dark.
These anomalies, such as rapid expansion of deep underground
military bases to accommodate all U.S. government, military and
police forces, and political and financial elites, suggest that
they have accepted that the 2012-13 catastrophic future is the
most probable future, and are feverishly completing underground
facilities on Earth (as well as secret bases on Mars).
Societal impact of chronovision and
Basiago’s Pegasus revelations establish that a secret, advanced
U.S. time-space program emerged 40 years ago.
For four decades, this program has
used esoteric technologies involving chronovision and
teleportation to perform “remote sensing in time” of past and
future events.
For the past three decades,
teleportation has also been
used to send individuals from Earth to strategic U.S. bases on
Mars. He is adamant that these technologies be revealed so that
their positive and negative aspects can be debated and their
positive aspects used to the advantage of humanity.
Chronovision, he said, could be used to create an international
network of virtual museums in which images from the past would
be shown to enlighten and educate the public.
Misapplied, such technology could
also be used to create a Fascist society based on 24-hour
surveillance of individuals by government, which may have been
portended by the
DARPA project called “Total Information
Awareness” that
George W. Bush established
and placed under Admiral
John Poindexter.
Teleportation is a second quantum access technology developed
with public funds that the public is being denied the full
benefits of.
Teleportation could be used, Basiago
said, to move people and goods more quickly and efficiently
around the globe, without the pollution caused by planes,
trains, and automobiles or the negative land use effects from
airports, railroad tracks, and highways.
Yet, if it is not declassified,
teleportation will remain what it has been for 40 years, that
is, a weapon for use only by the U.S. military, to have the
option to put troops precisely where they are needed on
“I take my responsibilities as a
planetary whistleblower very seriously,” Basiago said.
“This is a truth campaign for positive human development on
this planet. The people of this planet have a right to a
true telling of the natural history of the solar system that
we inhabit. This includes the truth that
Mars is an inhabited planet
and also that the United States’
secret space program has
already sent individuals from this planet to the Red Planet.
If we are to achieve a
sustainable human future on this planet, we must demand that
the US government reveal the teleportation that has been
used to reach Mars so that it can now be used to
revolutionize human transport on Earth.
The people of this planet have a
right to inhabit a future global society in which all human
beings enjoy the life-advantaging benefits of all of the
technologies that all of human ingenuity has ever produced.
In both of these cases, whether
a treaty protecting Mars or a global network of teleports
results, the truth shall set us free.”
Web Bot: Andrew Basiago is predicted
"planetary level" whistleblower for Mars life and time
The Mars Records
Second whistleblower emerges to
confirm reality of time travel
Basiago and Eisenhower reveal
"Marsgate" and make case for "Alternative 4"
Secret DARPA time travel program may
hold key to understanding the deep politics of 9/11
Are you on a 2012-13 catastrophic
timeline? Or are you on a 2012-13 positive future timeline?