by Bernie Suarez
January 24, 2016
TruthAndArtTV Website
Spanish version

Rarely can we summarize the times we live in so clearly and
concisely that (if you don't already see and understand what is
happening globally) after reading this article, anyone who wasn't
sure at first but is paying attention to developments shouldn't have
any trouble seeing the end game agenda at play.
As I've stated many times in the past, humanity is being sifted.
Scientists call it survival of the fittest. I describe it as a
process of mental and consciousness-related natural selection. The
same way that scientists describe natural selection is the same way
this consciousness and awareness natural selection works.
The scientific
natural selection states it's a:
"process that results in the
adaptation of an organism to its environment by means of
selectively reproducing changes in its genotype, or genetic
In natural selection, those
variations in the genotype that increase an organism’s chances
of survival and procreation are preserved and multiplied from
generation to generation at the expense of less advantageous
Evolution often occurs as a
consequence of this process.
Natural selection may arise
from differences in survival, in fertility, in rate of
development, in mating success, or in
any other aspect of the life cycle."
Now if you read the definition of
natural selection and insert the words "consciousness and awareness"
as a replacement to the words "genotype" and "genetic constitution"
you'll immediately get where I'm going with this.
Also, if you consider that
"consciousness and awareness" of the times we live in is easily
another "aspect of the life cycle" then you'll see exactly my point
We're talking survival of the human race
and anyone reading this article, curious about the times we live in
and in the search for truth should see that being informed, aware
and conscious of the evil and oppression humanity is under today is
now a key component to the survival of the human race.
Ask yourself, if
humans are "conscious" creatures
with a sense of morality, right versus wrong and a sense of empathy
not found in other animals,
How can consciousness not be part of
the equation that determines whether our species survives?
The question then becomes,
The answer is absolutely yes!
Consciousness is very much a major part
of our survival equation. And since it is, let us consider 3
critical wars being waged against humanity that define the globalist
end game scenario, and 3 wars that if you can see and properly
categorize in your mind for easier recognition could make a
difference on whether you live or die.
Before I begin I want to say that the
beauty of seeing these 3 wars is that it will help you categorize
and identify the work of other activists and revolutionaries of our
You'll be able to see which of these
three categories they are fighting for and if your favorite activist
is fighting for 2 of these 3 categories or even all 3.
If nothing else, understanding these 3
wars being waged against humanity will help you simplify your
understanding of the information war we are currently in and it will
help you more clearly see the goals of the new world order so that
you can more easily pick and choose how you are going to fight them.
Now let's examine the 3 wars being waged
against humanity:
1 -
War against nation states
The first of these 3 wars being
waged against humanity is a
war against nation states.
Interestingly, in terms of political
parties and the artificial left-right paradigm we see constantly
promoted in America, the war against nation states is
traditionally led by the Right Wing Republican party.
Traditionally that is.
Even though both Democrats and
Republicans deep down have few differences, the outward war
against nation states, at least the rhetoric is traditionally
spearheaded by the Republican party.
From the 9/11 false flag attack on
America to justify the endless phony war on terror to the
creation of Al Qaeda and ISIS and the US military's, CIA and the
Pentagon's ongoing foreign policy of endless war on nation
The Secretary of State,
Intelligence, and military brass have been systematically waging
wars by spreading propaganda, arming proxy armies, waging
psychological warfare in foreign nations, hiring mercenaries,
trading arms with the enemy and much more for decades, all to
facilitate the destruction of nation states like they have in
Iraq, Sudan, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan and now Syria.
Anyone can read the Neocon
PNAC plans and see this plan
was in place long ago. And anyone can see that the purpose of
the NATO alliance is for this very purpose of global conquering
of nation states.
We all know about the ongoing
illegal foreign wars but you may be wondering what else is being
implemented right under our noses to destroy nation states? Much
more subtle than outright wars and invasions are things like
United Nation's
Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030
"sustainable" global living plans.
This component of the war against
nation states is much more dangerous since it is being
implemented by consent. Interestingly this is where the baton is
handed by the Right Wing Republicans to the Left Wing
"progressive" Liberals.
Understanding what I'm about to say
will help you see exactly how the ruling elite use the
Left-Right paradigm to perfectly suit all their agendas against
So while the Left is scolding and
chastising the Right about it's wars of aggression, they gladly
pick up the baton and (under the dogma of the global warming
lies) call for corporations and people to be responsible for the
This is why it is so important to
understand the deception behind the climate religion and it's
vital role in not only the undermining of the nation states but
the actual formation of the new world order.
Left wing progressives dangerously
carry a morality about the climate that frightens the rest of
the world in the same way that the Right flaunts their morality
about Islamophobia and the need for more wars to destroy
the "evil doers".
Both are wrong, both are based on
lies and both please the ruling class since they both contribute
to the destruction of nation states and ultimately to the
creation of the coming global order which is the end game goal.
Both Republicans and Democrats have
been giving more and more power to transnational corporations
with illegal trade agreements (like
the TPP) that undermine
national sovereignty.
And we've seen the Obama
administration open up the borders to illegal aliens under the
Left wing morality of equality and refugee care.
Immigration is just another way to
destroy the integrity of a nation state and again we've seen how
ISIS has been used in various way including to induce more
immigration and refugee issues throughout Europe, the Middle
East and here in the US.
War against the individual
It isn't enough that the ruling
elite are destroying nation states and using both the
Republicans and Democrats to do it. Then there is the raging war
against the individual and individual sovereignty.
In the same way that the Republicans
have traditionally led the way in the wars that destroy nation
states, similarly the Democrats have been leading the way in the
war against individual freedom.
No presidential administration has
waged war against the '2nd Amendment, freedom
of speech and individual rights' like the
administration has.
There have been over 160 mass
shootings alone during Obama's term, many of them staged crisis
actor false flag shootings in a clear attempt to awkwardly and
quickly blame gun ownership for these shootings.
The attempt to destroy the 2nd
Amendment has been so intense and shameless that now crisis
actors throughout the United States have to worry about their
safety and well being as awakened Americans realize we have
traitors and criminals cashing in on public sympathy over the
deaths of supposed loved ones who no one has any proof ever died
or even existed at any point.
The ongoing war against the
individual has been illustrated powerfully by the
militarization of police and the American police state.
The police state flexed its muscles
during the Occupy Revolution of 2011 and has not let up since
then. Hundreds of Americans are being
murdered each year at the hands
of police who often get off easy for their actions.
The staged Boston bombing event
brought us "Lock down" and now we're seeing today where a snow
storm or in some cases a "blizzard
that wasn't" in New York City can now be used as
justification for a "travel
ban" which is a type of lock down where anyone caught
in the streets can be fined just for walking in the streets.
This is simply practice for martial
law since if someone wants to walk or travel in the snow it is
not up to the government to decide if an individual has that
right in a free country.
Since the Boston bombing crisis
actor staged event, we've seen numerous versions of the "lock
down" where almost any event is used today as an excuse for
"lock down" including a crime scene, bad weather, Intelligence
rumors of possible "bomb" scares and other events.
Today almost anything constitutes a
"state of emergency".
All of these events are
opportunities for the state to flex its muscles, intimidate the
individuals of the public and strip the individual of his or her
rights and sovereignty.
We've also seen where parents have
been losing their right to determine what education their
children will be exposed to and what medications their children
will be subjected to. Medical tyranny somehow has become the
norm in just the last 7 years Obama has been in office. For the
first time we're seeing forced vaccination and the ridiculing
and demonization of anyone who believes in medical choice and
Then there is the depopulation
agenda at play. One need only look up and see the daily and
ongoing geoengineering and chemtrails
spraying of our skies that are destroying the planet
as the modification of our food system with cancer causing (GMO)
It's no wonder why the individual is
now dying at an alarming rate with cancer and many other
diseases while the pharmaceutical companies and the medical
industrial complex cashes in on your sickness.
The war against the individual has
been intensified by,
More than ever people are
financially enslaved.
Today over
40 million Americans are stuck
in huge student loan debt, many cannot afford to pay these loans
and none of them saw it coming.
Many Americans are slaves to these
creditors who never had that money to begin with but will
harass, collect and garnish your wages if you don't pay.
Who's laughing now?
Legislation to restrict travel
freedom within the US has already been passed. Under the guise
of being on their terror watch list, the state can now
revoke your passport. And this
travel restriction agenda is being further worked on as the IRS
seeks to confiscate the passports of travelers they determine
owe a certain amount in taxes.
As we will see again this year in
2016, voting rights are non-existent when a corrupt political
system can fraudulently determine who the next president will
Not only have individual rights to
vote been undermined the way
Agenda 21 undermines national
sovereignty, but as we see in both cases the outer shell remains
in place making people think that the function (of nation states
or the election process) still works.
All of these takeovers are happening
subtly and slowly and this is why we must sound the alarm about
these first two wars (on nation states and individuals) that are
happening simultaneously and in a coordinated fashion.
As mentioned above the 2 front war
is being waged by BOTH the Left and the Right. For this
reason those that are still stuck in the Left-Right paradigm
may find that truth seekers, liberty lovers (or "conspiracy
theorists") may agree with them partially or some of the times
on some issues but not on most issues.
That's because both sides indeed
have some truth to what they believe but neither sees the
greater picture. And neither political party wants to admit to
the greater plan for a new world order.
This brings us to the third and
possibly most important war being waged against humanity.
3 -
War on Truth, and the search for Truth
The 3rd war we are
seeing manifest today may be the most important of all the wars
because it is an attempt to block the knowledge of the first 2
wars and to destroy the messenger.
It's the war on Truth itself
and the very search for truth.
Today we are seeing a growing attack
on the search for truth as I mentioned in a
previous article. We are now
seeing truth seekers demonized and attacked to the point of
losing their jobs (like professor James Tracy) just for asking
questions and confronting crisis actors about their claims which
if proven to be lies constitute a very serious federal crime.
We're seeing where activist websites
(like MemoryHoleBlog.com) have had their Paypal accounts
terminated admittedly due to "the
nature of your activities".
I want readers to know this is not
an attack against the individual as much as it is an attack
against the very search for truth.
Now more than ever it is easier to
brand someone radical or "extremist" for simply questioning
mainstream media breaking news. We saw that at Sandy Hook when
treasonous traitor Lt Paul Vance threatened truth seeking
Americans not to question the initial narrative of the Sandy
Hook hoax and he was never indicted for this crime against the
freedom to ask questions and search for truth.
We also have seen where a book
revealing that nobody died at
Sandy Hook was
banned by Amazon and the
nationwide media.
Here in Los Angeles where I live we
recently saw a major truth group infiltration where suspected
operatives attempted to take over the narrative of the group to
sell government propaganda and "official story" lies
about 9/11.
When they were called out by the
entire group, they then kicked out truth seekers from the group
including the assistant organizer who were accused of
"disrupting" their disinformation.
The operatives then continued
revealing the "new" truth and condemned or ridiculed anyone who
thinks there is such a think as a new world order, false flags
or global agenda.
I suspect this was not an isolated
incident since it mysteriously coincided with the news that
former TalkNetwork.com host "Rebekah
Roth" may have been fully exposed as a government
plant to infiltrate the 9/11 Truth movement.
News that shocked many truth seekers
including yours truly as many of us thought she was believable.
You decide for yourself.
None of this should surprise anyone
who understands the war against truth that is now very real and
must not be ignored. There is a plan already in play to
criminalize anyone who tries to expose the new world order or
any of its players.
The line between activist and
terrorist is getting thinner and thinner.
Following the
Paris false flag attacks we saw
legislation in New York to create a new division within the
NYPD to deal with terrorism AND
When it's all said and done this war
against truth itself is the ultimate battleground by which all
activists will be tested.
Everyone has to decide which side of
truth they will stand and how far they are willing to go
standing for truth.
Solutions -
Understanding each other's difference
Now it's time to come together and
understand each other.
Left, Right and Center. Democrats,
Republicans, Libertarians, Anarchists and plain ole truth seekers.
I've stated many times there is a huge difference between the Truth
movement and the Liberty movement. They often sound the same but
they are not the same.
More than ever it is important to
understand each other. More than ever we need objectivity. This is
why its so important to ask someone key questions before you engage
in political discussion or current event issues.
Try to ask the person, do you believe in
objectivity or do you believe there is such a thing as objective
When a person doesn't believe in
objective truth, there's your first problem. It is impossible to get
at something that you don't believe in. For without "truth" or some
concept of what you think truth is, you'll never reach a consensus
of what is happening in the world.
We've discussed the Left-Right paradigm
and how the involved parties are purposely skewed for the agenda of
the ruling elite. Without both the Left and the Right acknowledging
this model it is nearly impossible to get at the root of the problem
we face.
Libertarians on the other hand care
about freedom and that's great.
However if you only care about freedom
then lies CAN be introduced in a way that appears to promote
freedom. Well meaning Libertarians are often susceptible to military
intelligence propaganda which may suggest things that are designed
to point to an engineered external threat that is not true and
intended to rally your support for more military action.
Whereas truth seekers are not married to
any one ideology other than the suspicion of government lies,
propaganda and the search for truth
Nothing less than establishing a forum,
a platform or an open source narrative that forces people to see the
overall picture of how the different activists and political
persuasions fit into this 3 front war being waged against humanity
will work at getting us closer to a concrete solution.
In this
election year of 2016, now is the
time for people to see their own political party persuasion for what
it is before it's too late. Now is the time to see truth for what it
is before it's too late and before truth seekers are fully
Only then will you be able to see that
there is a war against truth itself.
People on both the Left, Right
and Center are willing and able to identify either the war
against nation states and or the war against the individual for
various reasons, and that is a good thing.
But when will we all see that these wars
are all working together with the war on truth itself in order to
give birth to a global order of enslavement?
This new world order I speak of is the
grand prize. And anyone still acting as a partial activist fighting
for only one cause, supporting your favorite party while ignoring
the other important causes may find that your efforts may be in
I realize that some people specialize in
bringing one specific topic to the general public and there's
nothing wrong with that. However, we must all see the overall
battlefield for what it is. The time is now to see the big picture
or risk losing it all.
See the 3 front war for the war is
coming to you whether you welcome it or whether you realize it or