biggest current problems of our planet are:
Ravaging of our
ecological systems for the profits of parties who'll do anything to
keep their profits rising
Yeah, corporations
consciously deliver stuff of which 85% is garbage in the making.
Either it is produced to be outdated, break, or out of fashion soon.
And we, we buy it
and ask for more.
Poisoning of seas and systems
So who is
really busy stopping the amount of plastic in our oceans,
soon to be on nano level in all our food? Who stops the
amount of oestrogens (estrogens in American) rising in our
systems, damaging fertility of men? Who stops the rising
amounts of waste, that leak and endanger humans and nature?
I don't hear no governments crying out loud. It can't be
just the tragedy of the commons.
gap of poor and rich
The poor
either turn to crime, ravaging what few resources still
available or turn aggressive to those believed to be
competitors. The answer can't be harsher laws or corporate
owned prisons. And the promise of more jobs when you vote
the right person isn't really addressing the core of the
Wars instigated by elites for
interests that
only benefit a few (read themselves)
instance Syria has been instigated because of a gas
pipeline, that would either benefit the Russian Elite or the
Western Elite. Who will get the right to sell us stuff (gas
in this case) for what price? Why don't we protest our own
side more, rather than fear the other?
The playing out of differences
between populations
means of religion, nationality, race, gender, etc. 'Leaders'
love this. And anyone with (imposed) fears, low self esteem,
racial bias, endangered jobs, strict beliefs may follow the
leader. Because disagreeing may make you outcast or traitor.
The rise of depression and
disconnectedness from life and meaning
Most work
is organized around process and efficiency, rather than
around meaning, healthiness for natural systems, being of
real service to real needs, rather than boosting sales for
profit. But we want a career, so we don't have time to
challenge this idea. We rather secretly feel the pain. In
careers which rationale condones damaging people and planet
for profit in return for bonuses.
The danger of
financial system
Isn't it
scary and totally ridiculous that when the financial system
collapses millions will go poor and probably hungry, while
there is enough food, manpower and means to provide for
everyone? That means the whole system is built on the wrong
assumptions and rules. That means you have to play along to
prevent banks from falling. Hmm...
Perhaps the biggest problem of
the future, and probably already is, will be our lack of
Rather than
change our ways big corporations will sell us medication to
treat the symptoms. It'll be as a overweight smoking junk
food eater buying expensive medicines, but not changing his
behavior. And the side effects of the medicine will bring
new medicines. But hey, if you sell medicine, true healing
means no sales, right? Exactly, thus the assumptions beneath
our whole profit based outlook is sick as well.
Recognize these
problems and how hard they seem to solve or even address? Why aren't
enough people doing something about it?
We have to consider
that most people on our planet just want peace, a hopeful future for
their children and have a warm family life. So they should care. But
of course challenging the way things are is scary, because you don't
know what you'll get in return.
Yet for a secure
future this is clear:
Being connected
to nature is essential.
Having enough
nature, living blooming systems flourishing around us, is key to
feel at peace, build trust and know we are part of a living system.
We are nature.
How Our Old
Solutions Don't Work

We tried kingdoms.
Didn't work...
"Great" kings and queens inspired their people with
ideals (of national power, mmm...) Children of great kings can be
awful. And one ruler taking all decisions is already a bad idea.
We tried communism.
Great to be liberated from a self serving elite... to be replaced by
a new one? Didn't work, because everyone had to agree to (be) the
same. And you can't plan the future. 5-year plans made up by an
elite make millions suffer. And the distribution of needed goods
We are still trying capitalism. The distribution is great. As is the
marketing that it's all great.
It isn't. It doesn't work, because
everybody fending for himself damages the system as a whole. The
promise that competition will improve products and service for
everyone is clearly a lie.
We can't trust our food and we can't
trust our medicines anymore, as profits seem more important than
consequences for people, nature and the planet. And the corporate
lobbies turning governments into their advertisers (TPP!?) promises
an even more ravaged planet for a superrich elite.
The danger of a
Corporate Dictatorship is real, perhaps even already begun.
We are still trying
democracy. Oh, the nice promises. Yet, what we have is the choice
between a few preselected candidates of... an elite.
Also democracy
doesn't work as long as people vote for their own shopping list and
the 'leaders' seek to win (by promising you dreams, rather than
caring for the whole).
And most leaders serve the hands that feed
them, read mostly huge corporations. Have you seen any government
really addressing one of the issues above?
Well other than blaming
'them' and then using your vote to strengthen their side, while not
solving any real issue?
The Root of the

Would you trust your
planet, life and welfare
to these men?
What is clear is
that a small minority of humans are willing to lie, cheat,
manipulate all others for power and riches.
Many people are caught
in damaging paradigms that result of this. They too will support the
manipulative ones.
They endorse ideas like:
'It's either us or
'My believe is so much more worth than yours, so your voice
may be silenced if you threaten my position (or even just speak
Ideas often reshaped into,
'Make me, rich or more powerful,
and you'll benefit from it.'
'Let us raise our profits and it
will prove to enrich everyone.'
'Buy this thing or idea and become
And since these ideas currently provide
the best jobs, anyone in a great office and view, will be securely
locked up in this rationale until the shit hits the fan, like in
some banks in 2008.
Because most people
are willing, collaborative, positive kind people, they assume what
others promise them is to be trusted. We slowly see better and
better, not all promises are in our interest. From corporate
commercials to political adverbs we are being sold a dream or fears,
in return for money, transferral of power and loss of safety (both
military as in quality of food and healthcare).
Be even a bit more
suspicious of NGO's. What? Yes, they get funded to heal the effects
of the system, but never really change the root of the trouble.
Greenpeace protests pollution, Unicef helps children. Neither solves
the unchecked greed that allows for pollution or child labour.
Our 'leaders' made
it normal to frame success as your capability to join their ranks
and paradigms. Failing to do so, or dropping out makes you a loser.
Everything is economized, which means if you don't increase profit
to the system, read are old, sick or unemployed, you are ballast to
society. As if the millions of non earning humans, think volunteers
and activists, taking care of elderly, sick, refugees and nature are
As if a tree
standing in a forest has no value for the whole, even when we don't
know how it exactly enriches the whole system. As if indigenous
people are the barbarians. It's us, the industrial society ravaging
the planet who are the barbarians.
It's us defending 'our way of
life' who are denying others theirs.
Even worse perhaps
is that most of us, think within these paradigms too. Most Americans
are stuck between choosing one bad candidate to prevent the other
bad candidate from winning. As if there are no other options. As if
it isn't clear the system is broken, not just one or both of the
Changing leaders will change little. When crooks, let alone leaders
of damaging paradigms are replaced, others take their place and
nothing really changes. So don't expect any next president to be a
The one big shift
needed is to transcend such limiting 'us vs. them' beliefs,
including, hahaha, the my own about 'those leaders'.
Yes, because
many leaders and their cronies, eh, sorry, read managers, really
worry too. Sadly, since they seek solutions within the system or
with them not losing power, their attempts are doomed to fail.
tribal as we still are, whistle blowers, and people stepping out,
are seen as traitors instead of people seeking to support a bigger
value, than their organizational interests.
The (corporate)
media aren't helping either.
They advertise and sell consumerism and
success stories within the current paradigm. They don't inform on
real needs, real issues that would challenge the interests of their
The big media hardly mention the rise of the change
makers. Yes, the amount of people around the globe working on
improvement of the whole, let alone current issues is stunning.
People inventing non corporate solutions for healthy care,
agriculture, permaculture, transition towns, peace, equal rights,
ending slavery, ending torture, ending poverty is downright
So, where are the change 500? The hopeful 500? The solution
We educate our
youth to be part of the problem!! I could have written this quote by
Shelly Ostroff.
It is, to me an such essential statement:
"When children
are forced to sit still at their desks in crowded classrooms
they become disconnected from their bodies, nature and life.
They are not given an opportunity to develop their instincts,
intuition, or critical thinking.
They are not
educated to become creative and caring problem solvers willing
to contribute to their larger environment."
What I Think Is The
Deeper Root

doesn’t mean our
biology is up to date as well.
(Skip this part if
you want the solutions now! It's a unproven theory by me.)
For centuries mankind walked the earth in small groups. These small
groups suffered and enjoyed nature to its fullest powers, until
mankind started to use its brain to find solutions.
Diversity within
tribes also grew.
Healers, leaders, caretakers, mentors, makers
arose. Biology also added psychopathic tendencies in about 6% (I
think) of the population. In small groups the rest can balance such
a person.
And they are handy
when killing, or setting broken bones of an horrible looking wound
needs to happen. That means almost every group of about 25 people,
had at best one or two of them, probably of different generations.
In many indigenous
peoples we see, that solving challenges without controlling nature
is quite possible. Yet few tribes sought control over and sought
domination over nature and others as well.
This 'solution' was
countered by many tribes to increase power as well. Populations
And while our biology and deepest social conditioning was for
small groups, tribes became empires. Suddenly within these groups
you'd have small groups of psychopathic individuals starting to work
together. They could and would plan takeovers. They could and would
plan manipulation to gain control with conscious planning.
Hence the
birth of the elites and perhaps even religious customs.
And be aware, many
psychopaths are well adjusted citizens, like surgeons, being able to
cut into your body, without freaking out. Or pilots staying calm
when everything seems lost.
Be happy they are there too. Yet in
board rooms or as leaders of peoples who are anxious, self serving
psychopaths are totally the wrong leaders. And our whole educational
system keeps teaching us, to be like them to succeed.
We mistakenly
have been taught decisiveness is better .What we really need is
considerate, caring, world serving doubters, who think twice about
consequences of their decisions.
People that will consider the whole
system, rather than a minority within the 'us'.
So Where To Go?

We have to explore
how to include all voices, enrich the diversity (read let nature and
poor populations flourish) and how our endeavors can help the whole
web of life grow richer.
What system will let everybody and
everything win? What system will provide enough for everyone on the
planet? And there is proof enough that there is enough.
The beautiful thing
is that life itself shows us. Our bodies are a superrich
collaboration. Nature is the most delicate network of teeming
Nature doesn't have cancer, where some things grow too
much, without restraint. Human civilization has. From cancers in our
bodies, to huge corporations that affect the planet as a cancer by
gobbling up natural reserves.
We need a system that is medication,
not more of the same.
So how does nature
really work? The survival of the fittest concept has, by now, been
shown to be the survival of the most adaptable. Those turning the
world to their wishes might be the least adaptable, as they don't
accept things as they are.
The majesty of concrete jungles are
dangerously incapable providers of food in times of need and huge
contributors to global warming.
Acceptance, adaptability,
integration of the natural world into our cities, agriculture that
enriches the soil rather than depleting it, and dare I say, love,
care and compassion for all could become part of a new paradigm.
if you've been looking around longer, very old paradigms
All the old, may
have new uses.
The New System

All the old, may have
new uses.
Oops. Yes, it's
still in the making. Many voices around the world talk about this.
Here are some of my suggestions to include:
Science has to
embrace the new realities it is discovering. If everything is
intricately connected in a delicate system, then science can't
continue being of service to big corporations, creating lump
solutions to drive profit.
True science should be:
How is it all
hanging together? And more importantly: What impact would this
'solution' have for the whole system of life on this planet?
Just bringing new
products to the market for fast profits has to lose out to making
choices that help heal, improve the whole web to flourish.
saws to cut trees, agricultural chemicals, GMO's and cheaper
plastics would get way more scrutiny before even slightly
considered. We'd see that such ideas are not science at all.
question of what gain will we get from this, might sooner mean
charlatanic rape, ravaging and murder of our natural world and would
not be seen as science (the acceptance and discovery of reality as
it is) at all. Because it excludes and tramples reality as we now
understand it.
Bring in a bigger
diversity of voices bringing in wisdom and more perspective before
essential choices are made. No one with elderly, children, people of
all faiths, and colors present will as easily make unjust laws.
Healthy normal children will cry and protest if forests are cut or
other children bombed. And kick self serving psychopaths out,
however great their story sounds or how the threaten you. That's
what they're good at.
Learn values from
indigenous people, about relationships with nature. Learn from the
Zapatistas and tribal Africans how to spread leadership around, how
to grow local resilience. Learn from grassroots movements how to go
really green in a way that can sustain everyone.
Accept that care
for the whole outranks any corporations economical interests… by
Dare to fire CEO's
that damage the planet. Dare to stop huge corporations that damage
the planet. Dare to criminalize destruction of natural resources.
Include all exterior costs of companies back into them, so we pay
real prices.
Stop funding and subsidizing powers that be, for
everything more healthy, more green, more promising for the whole.
And stop anyone from being able to deciding their own salary or
bonus. Really. Customers should decide, to start with, then the
workers at the bottom.
Teach every child
more body awareness, more critical thinking, more eco awareness.
Support every child that challenges school and or current paradigms
to explore alternatives.
Strengthen ideals and values of young
people so they don't lose idealism, rather expand it with knowledge
while growing up. Arm them against brainwash and manipulative sales.
End (debt) slavery
and poverty. End homelessness near empty houses (whomever accepted
this idea, houses rotting away, with people living on the streets
needing one?). People who do have a choice, will not stay working in
meaningless jobs or unhealthy conditions.
For instance with basic
income all work has to be designed to have meaning and be
pleasurable. It would change the face of human society.
Make cities green and self sustaining. France recently made it law
to use every flat rood for either plants or solar panels. Good idea.
More green in cities will clean the air, provide more food, reduce
global warming, bring back bees, etc.
There's no reasons not to do
it, but the trouble or fallen leaves and increase of insects. Hey
it's nature. Nature is life. Embrace it.
Develop economical
systems that won't stop people from working on essential things,
when the money system breaks down. In the Netherlands thousands of
people work every day to keep Dutch heads above water. This is an
essential reality and no financial situation should be able to
endanger it.
Same goes for food, safety, health, nature for people
all around the planet.
Develop yourself.
Breath. Play. Venture into nature. Find meaningful work or service.
Express your dreams. Ignore marketing and advertising. Celebrate
beauty in the moment, not products from a shelf. Relate to and with
your body.
Learn to listen to its needs and messages. Develop
intuition. Be deep, become wise. Become human and alive.
Develop visions of
governments that will enrich the planet and all life on it. Develop
paradigms that include nature and its needs as fundament. Develop
ideas that solve root causes of poverty, war, destruction and
pollution rather than addressing the effects.
Develop space for
diversity of ideas and voices, so no few radicals can push large
groups towards violent ideas.
And perhaps most of all, as
Christopher Chase, calls it:
'Accept you are part of nature.'
must, as our cells surrender to our role within the whole of nature
(and not human society alone). To do otherwise means becoming cancer.
We need nature. We are nature.
Help me, help
yourself, help the peaceful majority, help the planet to shift. We
will only win, when everyone wins.
Support the Gentle
Revolution, be developing what should come after. Innovate onwards...