by Catherine J. Frompovich
August-September 2017
ActivistPost Website
Catherine J Frompovich (website)
is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced
degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences,
Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus
Paralegal Studies.
Her work has been
published in national and airline magazines since the
early 1980s.
Catherine authored
numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring
papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and
holistic healthcare professionals.
She has been a consumer
healthcare researcher
35 years and counting. |
Part 1
30, 2017

Is there something so "in our faces" going on that we don't
recognize it for what it is, plus apparent calculated and long-range
motives? What I'm talking about is the ubiquitous presence of
aluminum, aka
Aluminum is number 13 on the Periodic Table of Elements and makes up
about 8 percent of the Earth's crust, the only place where it truly
Furthermore, it is not as inert as consensus science in
various sciences, especially pharmacology and medicine, would like
us to believe.
More and more, medical research is pointing to its
implication in central nervous system damage and diseases affecting
the brain such as Dementia, Alzheimer's and Autism. Biochemically,
aluminum is known as a neurotoxin, which does not belong in the
human body, but is finding its way there from various innovative
sources and applications humans should be questioning extremely
closely, in my opinion.
Aluminum is a great thermal and electrical conductor, which probably
is why it's being used even for surreptitious reasons, I suspect,
such as conductivity to change the atmosphere with the intent of
fashioning humans into what eventually will become transhumans - a
new breed - based upon
transhumanism science - a cross between
technology and Homo sapiens.
Does that sound "off the wall"...?
why is aluminum so prolific in the new atmosphere being created by
geoengineering, aka "chemtrails,"
ionospheric heaters aka
HAARPs, and in vaccines given to infants within 24 hours of birth?
There are a few dots to be connected, which I'm going to try to do
with this series of three reports.
of vaccines and very young children, I delved into the
aluminum content of vaccines creating Excel spreadsheets and other
tools to come up with the following information about the various
formulations of aluminum that are included in vaccine manufacture.
Aluminum is present in
U.S. childhood vaccines that prevent hepatitis A,
hepatitis B, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP, Tdap),
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), human
papillomavirus (HPV) and pneumococcus infection.
Vaccine Adjuvants Page
Number 2:
The above
vaccines are given starting within 24 hours of birth
(Hepatitis B) and at 2, 4 and 6 month "well baby" doctor
Here's the
vaccine schedule up to 18 months of age.
DTaP: Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis
vaccine; Hib: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine; IPV:
Inactivated poliovirus vaccine; PCV: Pneumococcal
conjugate vaccine; RV: Rotavirus vaccine
DTaP; Hib: This third dose may be needed, depending on
the brand of vaccine used in previous Hib immunizations;
PCV; RV: This third dose may be needed, depending on the
brand of vaccine
Hep B; IPV
However, in doing
my analysis, I created and took my Excel spreadsheets through to 18
years of age to include all vaccines containing any form of
aluminum, e.g.,
I found in the official vaccine package inserts vaccine
manufacturers must provide and are posted online.
Section 11 of every
vaccine package insert indicates the quantity of aluminum, plus
other ingredients, in vaccine formulations.
Since there are
numerous brand vaccines for DTaP, IPV, Hep A, Hep B, HPV and Tdap, I
had to devise a comprehensive method for aluminum calculation that
would be as inclusive as possible considering infants may receive
different name brand vaccines with differing amounts of Al,
depending upon the administering physician's choice.
What I came up with
was this:
Calculating the
amount of total aluminum a child would receive until 18 years of
age if he/she received the
highest aluminum content vaccine brand in DTaP, IPV, Hep A,
Hep B, HPV, and Tdap vaccines to be given, plus including all
those vaccines where there was only one vaccine brand to be
I ran the very same
calculation if a child received the
lowest aluminum content in the above 6 vaccine choices, plus
included all the vaccines that were the only brand available.
The numbers I got
are… I'll leave that up to you to describe what we should call them.
"Shocking," for starters!
From day one of life until 18 years of
age, a child receiving
vaccines containing the
highest amounts of Al,
but for only 1 vaccine brand in each
of the above six groups of multiple brand vaccines, I got
20,850 mcg or 20.85 mg of aluminum.
From day one of life until 18 years of
age, a child receiving
vaccines containing the
lowest amounts of Al,
but for only 1 vaccine brand in each
of the above six groups of multiple brand vaccines, I got
10,940 mcg or 10.94 mg of aluminum.
No matter how you
slice or dice the above numbers, 20.85 mg of Al
versus 10.94 mg of Al portends
health problems!
The last two
generations of U.S. kids just may become early dementia patients, in
my opinion.
Those amounts of
Al, which many humans cannot detoxify due to certain mitochondrial
issues, are capable of doing some serious neurological damage,
especially at a most vulnerable time:
Right out of
the womb to 18 months of age when all the 'well baby visit
vaccines' filled with Al are administered - a time when baby's
brain and immune system, plus other organs, are not fully
developed and baby can't detoxify the chemical and metallic
pollution being hypodermically-injected into baby's body!
That should be
considered child abuse, not preventive 'healthcare' to establish
"community immunity"!
F. William Engdahl
has this to say about what's going on:
There is a
history that has been deeply buried by major international
As it documents
a phenomenal explosion of instances of child autism in the last
decade in China, parallel with the adoption of WHO-recommended
infant vaccination programs, it provides a chilling indication
of how corrupt pharmaceutical majors and institutions such as
the World Health Organization combine on an agenda that has
little to do with improving the health of human beings.
For those of
you interested in my longer discussion of these issues in the
context of an agenda of eugenics advanced by influential circles
internationally, I strongly recommend a best-selling book,
Seeds of Destruction - The Hidden Agenda
of Genetic Manipulation.
Society is
witnessing some of the neurological damage early on in life, I
contend, in diagnoses such as:
Autism and other neurological and/or central nervous system
anomalies, e.g., ticks, seizures and epilepsy.
Authorities dealt
with lead paint issues, but we still have neurological problems in
kids. Aluminum and mercury are
neurological toxins!
Both are vaccine
ingredients given to children!
However, in my
analysis of Al in children's vaccines, I did not include the
prenatal vaccines a fetus's mother receives during pregnancy -
something rather 'recent' in medicine and not fully vetted via
double-blind studies, from what I know.
The amount of Al
which crosses the placenta would not be easy to guestimate.
I also did not
include the HepA/HepB Twinrix®
combination vaccine with 0.45 mg of aluminum phosphate
and aluminum hydroxide, since it is not mandated, but optional, and
all children may not receive
there more to vaccines than "meets the eye," including why there's a
draconian push to vaccinate every human being from birth to death?
Enter the era of
DNA vaccines, which the MMR probably
was one of the first such vaccines, since none are supposed to
be approved for human use, only veterinary use!
When did the
combination MMR vaccine first get introduced? In 1971 and adverse
reactions started to manifest.
In the 1980s
vaccine manufacturers threatened to stop producing vaccines because
of the liabilities they were incurring, so Congress gave them
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act
(NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34), an act
exonerating vaccine makers from any legal or financial liability for
their harmful vaccines that was signed into law November 14, 1986.
Vaccine makers have
gone hog-wild introducing all types of vaccines ever since with
close to 300 new vaccines currently in production pipelines.
What is a DNA
According to
DNA vaccination
is a technique for protecting against disease by injection with
genetically engineered
DNA so cells directly produce an
antigen, producing a protective
immunological response.
DNA vaccines
have potential advantages over conventional vaccines, including
the ability to induce a wider range of immune response types.
Note an antigen is produced not
Furthermore, what species' DNA is
genetically engineered and placed into vaccines that are inoculated
into children and adults?
only can be obtained by natural
contraction, i.e., healing from a contracted
infectious disease and the
immune system establishes life-long natural immunity as a result
with females capable of passing on immunities to their infants at
That does not happen with vaccines;
thus the reason for booster shots!
Andrew Wakefield professionally eviscerated
because he suggested single valent vaccines?
Did Dr.
Wakefield foresee what DNA vaccines could do to harm infants
and children?
Did his
co-authored paper have to be retracted and professionally
neutralized because it was a real threat to the biotech
industry that was gearing up to alter humans, their DNA and
the current push toward transhumanism using vaccines and
their 'magic needles'?
That somehow harks
back to flashbacks of World War II era Nazi research to create the
perfect Aryan race!
Furthermore, is
there an aspect to the vaccine hidden agenda that may be racially or
ethnically motivated?
CDC epidemiologist and whistleblower William Thompson, PhD,
came forth to divulge the
MMR vaccine was responsible for causing
autism in young black males under three years of age, but the CDC
directed Thompson and his co-researchers not to include that
pertinent material in their 2004 report on autism and vaccines.
Those CDC
researchers physically destroyed the evidence.
However, Dr.
Thompson kept his files, which he turned over to U.S. Congressman
Bill Posey of Florida, who has asked for an investigation several
years now, but none ever has taken place.
WHY? Can it be
collusion to cover up the science fraud that's pervasive at the CDC
and FDA?
Well, here's some
information from the past, which possibly could point toward the
BALTIMORE, April 1, 2015
Over 750 victims have sued,
Rockefeller Foundation
the Johns Hopkins Hospital
the Johns
Hopkins University
tThe Johns Hopkins University School of
the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
the Johns Hopkins Health System Corporation,
...alleging that
they were the driving force behind human experiments in which
vulnerable populations of Guatemalans were deceived and
intentionally exposed to syphilis, gonorrhea and other venereal
diseases and pathogens, without giving any informed consent.
[Is the same going on today regarding informed consent and
Researchers subjected the
Guatemalans to repeated blood draws, lumbar punctures and
cisternal punctures of the suboccipital portion of the brain,
gynecological examinations, touching and penetration of sexual
organs, and forced or coerced sexual contact.
Key Rockefeller and Johns Hopkins
researchers involved in the Guatemala Experiments, were also
behind the now infamous Tuskegee experiments, in which 600
impoverished African-American sharecroppers were never informed
they had syphilis, and were given placebos rather than real
The researchers watched while the
experiment subjects wasted away and infected their wives and
children with the disease. The Tuskegee experiments were halted
after being exposed by a whistleblower.
[Whistleblowers NOW are condemned to prison terms!]
The case has been filed in the
Circuit Court in Baltimore City, Maryland.
The victims are represented by
three law firms:
Meridian 361 International
Law Group, PLLC of Portland, Maine
Escritorio Juridico
Rodriguez Fajardo y Asociados of Caracas, Republica
Bolivariana de Venezuela
Salsbury, Clements, Bekman,
Marder & Adkins of Baltimore, Maryland
For more information:
F. R. Jenkins, Esq.,
Meridian 361 International Law Group, PLLC,
Tel. + 1 866-338-7087.
Juan Pablo Rodriguez,
Esq., Escritorio Juridico Rodriguez Fajardo y Asociados
of Caracas, Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela,
Tel. + 58-212-720-1480, + 58-212-541-3831, +
Paul Bekman, Esq.,
Salsbury, Clement, Bekman, Marder & Adkins,
Tel.+ 1 410-215-9289.
Why such a
concerted legal action, as undertaken
above, has not been filed regarding the massive vaccine
experiment now going on in the USA for decades, plus globally at the
behest of
the Gates Foundation, is beyond belief!
Pandemics will
become the special means to implement the final phase of the vaccine
experiment, I contend. Why?
During a pandemic
all will be vaccinated with chipped vaccines and become totally
controllable to those who want control of the human population.
There is no other reason for such a mandated push for injecting
totally toxic hazmat materials into babies, infants, toddlers,
teens, adults and senior citizens.
One such pandemic
possibly could be a 'rare' strain of a flu virus that was
genetically modified to make it more virulent, something that
happens in government research labs as part of "biological warfare"
Ft. Detrick,
Maryland, is the home of such clandestine research. Another place
used to be Plum Island out in the Atlantic Ocean about two miles off
the NE shore of Long Island, New York.
Plum Island, as I
understand, will be closed and moved inland to Manhattan, Kansas -
"Tornado Alley."
The U.S. military
has played a role in vaccines [1] and works closely with
the CDC, which owns dozens of vaccine patents.
According to the
Ginger Taylor article published
GreenMed Info:
When I
contacted Blaxill to ask how to run a patent search, he was kind
enough to do it for me. He found 57 granted US patents with the
CDC listed as an assignee. You can see the
search results here.
Upon cursory
review of the patents, I found that one did not seem applicable
to vaccination, but merely referenced an article on vaccination.
That leaves us with 56 CDC patents to scrutinize.
Here is what I
There are CDC
patents applicable to vaccines for,
There is a CDC
patent for "Nucleic
acid vaccines for prevention of flavivirus infection,"
which has applications in vaccines for,
CDC also has
several patents for administering various "shots" via
aerosol delivery systems for
There's a CDC
patent on a process for vaccine quality control by,
proteins in a complex preparation of uni- or multivalent
commercial or research vaccine preparations."
There's a CDC
patent on a method,
producing a model for evaluating the antiretroviral effects
of drugs and vaccines."
CDC has a
patent for companies who want to
test their respiratory system
applicable vaccine on an artificial lung system.
If a vaccine
maker is concerned that their vaccine might contain a
human rhinovirus,
CDC has a patent on a process for determining if such
contamination exists.
CDC has a
patent on an assay to assist vaccine makers in finding
antigen-specific antibodies in
a biological sample.
CDC holds a
patent that provides vaccine makers with a method of,
the replicative fitness of a pathogen by deoptimizing codons."
Asserting that,
with deoptimized codons can be used to increase the
phenotypic stability of attenuated vaccines."
The agency also
holds a patent on
adjuvants for a
vaccine used on premature infants and young babies.
There is a CDC
patent to cover a vaccine for an infection induced by a
tape worm found in pork.
They even have
patents that cover vaccines for animal illnesses including,
Does this seem
like a public health agency making "independent" vaccine
recommendations, or a private company with an impressive
portfolio to which one might look for investment opportunities?
One of the more
egregious 'ingredients' in vaccines is the "adjuvant," usually some
form of aluminum to induce a vaccinee's system to produce an
unnatural response, which vaccine makers consider "immunity," or
what's referred to as an "adaptive response."
Another adjuvant is
squalene, a shark liver oil emulsion, which is not handled
efficiently by the human organism, and is thought to have been a
main contributing factor with vaccines given to military personnel
going to the first Gulf War in the Middle East and which probably
contributed to "Gulf War Syndrome" [2] so many veterans
suffer with. [3]
Squalene also has
been attributed to causing autoimmune diseases!
Back in November of
2015 the "FDA approves first seasonal
influenza vaccine containing an adjuvant" [4] MF59
containing squalene.
The U.S. Food
and Drug Administration today approved Fluad, the first seasonal
influenza vaccine containing an adjuvant. Fluad, a trivalent
vaccine produced from three influenza virus strains (two subtype
A and one type B), is approved for the prevention of seasonal
influenza in people 65 years of age and older.
which is manufactured using an egg-based process, is formulated
with the adjuvant MF59, an oil-in-water emulsion of squalene
oil. [5]
I can't tell you
how many stories I've heard from nurses about senior citizens given
flu shots in nursing homes and other managed care facilities, only
to die shortly thereafter!
Peter Doshi, PhD, a
former researcher at Johns Hopkins Baltimore, released the paper
"Influenza: marketing vaccine by marketing disease" [6]
published in the British Medical
Journal [BMJ 2013;346:f3037].
I find it ironic
that Dr. Doshi says,
vaccine may be less beneficial and less safe than has been
claimed, and the threat of influenza seems to be overstated."
Another reason to
question the incessant push to receive influenza vaccines is it's
been known and proven they really don't work as promoted.
According to a
study, the flu vaccine was about 9 percent effective in protecting
seniors against the 2012-2013 most virulent influenza strain! There
has to be another reason for pushing aluminum-containing vaccines!
I'll start
connecting those dots in Part 2 below....
accessed 8-29-17
accessed 8-28-17
accessed 8-28-17
accessed 8-28-17
[5] Ibid.
http://www.bmj.com/content/346/bmj.f3037 accessed 8-28-17
Part 2
Elana Freeland Discusses
Chemtrails, HAARP and Aluminum
- The Key
Connection -
August 31, 2017

After reading Part One above, of this three-part series, readers
probably are wondering what comes next and has Frompovich gone off
the deep end into science fiction.
Even though it may sound
like I have, in this part I introduce readers to numerous dots of
information that can be connected more effectively than you may
think or guess.
EMF researcher/author Elana Freeland is one of the very finest and
dedicated independent researchers trying to decode what's going on
affecting humans, the environment and what she identifies as a
"spiritual war" and higher consciousness involving electromagnetic
Toward the end of the above video at about 44 minutes on the
timeline, Elana discusses aluminum used in military intelligence
control methods such as,
...which, when sent up, leave between 100 and 120 tons of
aluminum in the upper atmosphere and lithium that eventually
contaminate the air we breathe.
The purpose apparently is to create a near-earth orbit, which has
the same chemical and metallic composition that will calibrate with
all 'tools' in the atmosphere, since everything working together
will function as ONE instrument of control.
The intent, according to Elana, is to have those aluminum
particulates settle into a Saturn-like ring around Earth's equator,
which is happening.
Rain water aluminum-coated nanofibers have been found and identified
with engraved markings seen under high power microscopes.
Furthermore, humans
breathe those nanofibers into our lungs, which act as EMF "tags" in
our bodies. Researchers are finding those nanofibers connected to
and with
Morgellons disease. [1]
Check out 1 hour and 12
minutes on the video timeline. Aluminum in the atmosphere is part of
ionizing the Earth's atmosphere.
As a result, the chemicals humans breathe act as control methods and
surveillance devices down to the DNA level.
That is part of the full
spectrum domination technologies which are part of Artificial
Intelligence and the Internet of Things, plus their ultimate goal:
Universities now have been 'militarized' and are doing research to
further that agenda.
CERN in Switzerland and the various HAARP
installations around the globe supposedly are guided by Artificial
Intelligence to work together!
As a result of all that's
been implemented, the planet's oceans are acid and the soils are
alkaline, basically compromising conditions for living organisms.

HAARP facilities are ionospheric heaters used to bring the upper
ionosphere ionizing electromagnetics down into the troposphere, the
atmosphere where we live.
The atmosphere has to be
heated to create various types of weather conditions. Aluminum being
sprayed along with other chemicals (barium and lithium) keeps the
troposphere ionized, thus the constant 'need' for chemtrails
All the above was not
possible because the atmosphere was not conductive enough until
Bernard Eastland's patent to bring down ions from the ionosphere
made it all possible.
Cloverleaf was an ongoing geoengineering project for twenty years
until Eastland's patent made it all happen. Conductive nanoparticles
now are coming down from the sky and humans basically are guinea
The ongoing geoengineering of Earth's atmosphere, which has been
going on for decades, will cause a breakdown of the immune system so
all life on Planet Earth can be genetically altered,
the New World
Order's ultimate dream!
5G Wi-Fi in
the sky and elsewhere
Now here's the real clincher Elana alludes to:
the new 5G Wi-Fi and
how it probably will affect us.
5G is a creature of very
different composition, which will activate all the internal nanobot
sensors we have been breathing in, including nanoparticulates we had
syringed into us via vaccines, plus create a third strand DNA, which
I don't understand how 'science' will/can do that, or if it's really
If it is possible, will
that become a 'reset' button for Homo sapiens brought on by
Now, do you understand why mandatory vaccines are pushed so
They are genetically reprogramming humans...!
There's no other reason
for injecting all those toxins into infants, toddlers, teens, adults
and senior citizens.
Here is Elana Freeland's video interview about the "space fence" and
e.g., synthetic
biology, transhumanism, 'smart dust', nanobots and Morgellons (a
genetically-engineered 'creature'), plus a technology that
operates in the invisible, command and control (surveillance)
and the smart meter connection.
Elana talks about
Morgellons liking an acid balance to grow in but it doesn't grow in
an alkaline balance in the body.
This is a most revealing
interview you won't want to miss knowing about and hearing,
including Google's role in Artificial Intelligence and its access to
personal hospital records in London, UK.
Let's see what we can learn in Part 3 below about how the above is
being manipulated to come about.
accessed 8-28-17
Part 3
Former CIA Officer
Explains the Shadow Government and Deep State Roles
in How Technology Makes
it Possible
September 01,

Kevin Shipp is a former CIA officer in counter intelligence
and supervising manager, who has become a whistleblower.
The CIA acts outside the
U.S. Constitution and that's what made and makes Kevin Shipp speak
out. He talks about the Shadow Government and the Deep State. They
are not one and the same; they are totally different with separate
They function secretly
and not in conjunction with our elected government.
We in the USA are supposed to have a Constitutional government.
The U.S. Constitution is
the supreme law of the USA and supersedes all laws. If the
government violates the Constitution, it commits a felony! So does
any local or state government or administrative agency that violates
the U.S. Constitution!
The shadow government is a matrix functioning going back years. The
deep state is below the shadow government and includes the military
complex. Both run the elected government from behind the scenes,
according to Shipp.
Deep state is run by power, money and greed, says Shipp. Shipp talks
about how Hillary Clinton used that secret system to sell
guns to you-know-whom? Google works with the shadow government.
The former owners of The Washington Post, the Grahams, were members
of the
Council on Foreign Relations. The
CFR is a 'global economic government' according to Shipp.
President Harry Truman created
the CIA in 1947, and there is no
congressional oversight over the CIA! We lost our Constitution in
1947-48 with the institution of the CIA, according to Shipp.
The deep state is
made up of the military industrial complex with Congress
tied in very deeply via financial interests through its
contributions, according to Shipp.
The Federal Reserve and
Wall Street also are tied in, according to Shipp.
To get money to
run their operations, the shadow government and the deep
state have to keep the USA in a state of perpetual war!
At 15 minutes on
the video timeline, Shipp talks what's happened since the
infamous and tragic 911; that we are still in a state of
national emergency during which they can suspend the
Constitution any time they want.
Deep state
employees must sign a "Secrecy Agreement" which, if you
violate, that 'state' can put you into prison.
The military
industry complex and Congress decide in secret how much to
spend on their programs. One Trillion Dollars a year in
The Washington,
DC government actually covers up all the lost money from
secret budget programs, he claims.
Congress and the
Senate stole the Social Security Administration Fund and
spent it, per Shipp. Citizens should demand that money be
replaced from the secret government program budgets!
There is a war
between the shadow government and the elected government!
The president of
the USA has no power over the shadow government or the CIA.
President Trump
has terrified the shadow government! Check out 37 minutes on
the timeline.
Congress is
controlled by the shadow government. The military is deep
into vaccines. Is that why there is no investigation of
vaccines Congressman Posey has been asking for?
At 46 minutes,
Shipp dices how several presidents broke the law and no one
did anything.
Shipp castigates
Hillary Clinton about Benghazi.
deliberately have lied to Congress under oath, according to
At l hour 5
minutes, Shipp gives ideas of what to do to take back our
There's a "tyranny of
Here's another video in which Kevin Shipp discusses many
things government.
behind-the-scenes politicos
Another 'take' on how all this reprogramming of society, government
and the new ionized atmosphere we breathe possibly came about is
discussed by investigative reporter extraordinaire Jon Rappoport
in his exposé article "Antony
Sutton - Skull & Bones, Hitler, The Bush Family".
I will not discuss Jon's excellent article, as I want readers to
digest and parse it for yourselves as it 'outs' some of the
prominent politicians of our times and how they have been involved
in or helped to bring about the current events we now are
experiencing and, unfortunately, paying a very high price for:
poisonous vaccines/vaccinations or you can't go to school,
work, engage in other activities, or become neutralized in
various ways if one rejects toxic vaccine pseudoscience
Mandated AMI
Smart Meters, which pump harmful EMFs/RFs over the
electrical wires of your house making you live in something
comparable to an operating microwave oven, plus being the
perfect surveillance device making your home your very own
'prison' subject to 24/7/365 surveillance and part of a
grand-scale scientific experiment since no studies have been
performed on how AMI SMs affect human health
Living in a
Corporatocracy instead of a democratic republic where rules,
regulations and memes are created without regard for human
compassion by high tech corporations working in lockstep
with the unelected governments running things behind the
scenes for the genetic modification using Artificial
Intelligence for absolute control of the human race, i.e.,
transhumanism, and Planet Earth
reconfiguring your human biochemistry without your knowing,
consent and/or implicit cooperation
Have any dots
been connected?
Can you
understand what's happening, which may not have been
apparent, and why most of society is unbelievably sick,
especially innocent children contracting Autism and brain
Recently I heard from an
RN the tragic story a distraught father told her:
He has five children
and all five kids have glioblastomas - the most serious brain
God help us and may we be
saved from ourselves!