by F. William Engdahl
November 10,

One of the more bizarre actions in terms of the health and safety of
EU citizens is the saga of Monsanto and its toxic herbicide or
weed-killer, Roundup, the most widely used weed-killer on the
On October 25, 2017 the
European Union Commission again announced that it lacked the
necessary member state votes to approve a ten year license extension
for weed-killer glyphosate. They will try again.
Behind this seeming
routine announcement is one of the hottest battles over food and
human health the world has seen since the 1972 USA decision to ban
spraying of deadly DDT pesticides on crops.
This time the stakes go
far beyond the ban on glyphosate.
It affects the future of human
fertility or lack of it.
In June 2016 the EU Commission made a rotten compromise to allow an
18 month extension of use in EU of glyphosate-based weed killers,
during which time more scientific studies would supposedly clarify
whether glyphosate was a carcinogen.
It was the same member-states deadlock over whether to grant the toxic glyphosate, the main
ingredient in
Monsanto Roundup herbicide, a license renewal as we
saw this October.
In March 2017 the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) of the EU, issued
a report stating that,
"available scientific
evidence did not meet the criteria in the CLP Regulation to
classify glyphosate for specific target organ toxicity, or as a
carcinogen, as a mutagen or for
reproductive toxicity."
The ECHA, based in
Hensinki is a body created only in 2007 and established to monitor
safe use of chemicals and to make information available rather than
conduct its own tests on safety of chemicals.
It made no independent
study or tests to determine if glyphosate is or is not a probable
carcinogen, a fact which Brussels and the pesticide industry slickly
glosses over.
In March 2015, the WHO's Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which
has such research competence, classified glyphosate as a "probable
In October 2015 before the license expiry deadline, some 47
environmental, health and cancer organizations, scientists and
doctors wrote an open letter to EU Health Commissioner Vytenis
Andriukaitis calling on the Commission to ban glyphosate pending a
full scientific assessment.
The assessment that the
EU Commission was using was provided by the German Federal Institute
for Risk Assessment (BfR), and was based on industry safety studies
given to BfR by Monsanto and other industry sources.
EU Corruption
and human health
The determination of "non-carcinogenity" for glyphosate by using the
ECHA was an apparent political ploy by the corrupt EU commission to
get another "yes" body to back their pro-glyphosate stance, a stance
that benefits only Monsanto and other agro-chemical producers at the
expense of human life and health.
The source for both,
...statements that
glyphosate was non-carcinogenic, in contradiction to the WHO
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), is the German
Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) responsible within the
EU for the evaluation of glyphosate for the EU.
According to stated EU regulations, a substance is to be considered
carcinogenic if two independently conducted animal studies show an
increased tumor incidence. In the case of glyphosate, at least seven
out of twelve such long-term studies found an increased tumor
A report by German toxicologist Dr Peter Clausing found that
the EU bodies and the German body designated by the EU to evaluate
the safety of glyphosate, the
German BfR ignored those relevant
Clausing states,
"BfR failed to
recognize numerous significant tumor incidences, due to its
failure to apply the appropriate statistical tests stipulated by
the OECD and ECHA. BfR had instead relied on statistical tests
applied by industry…"
And the German BfR report
was the basis for the later rubber-stamp determinations of EFSA and
now of ECHA, the EU bodies entrusted with protecting the population
from dangerous chemical toxins.
Someone is being played
for fools by Brussels, but the stakes involve far more in terms of
human health and even human reproduction itself.
The dimensions of the human and animal exposure to the enormous
quantities of glyphosate-based weed-killers in the world food chain
are only dimly beginning to be appreciated.
The reason is the
enormous clout of the agro-chemical industry lobby around companies
such as Monsanto, Syngenta and Bayer AG, soon to be the owner of
They have so far managed
to use their financial resources and their legal resources to
distort test results and to win regulatory approval from the
corrupt Monsanto-influenced Washington Environmental
Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration.
From there it has spread to the EU Commission and relevant agencies
such as EFSA and European Chemicals Agency, this despite the
overwhelming popular rejection
of GMO crops.
A recent study published by the Journal of Environmental Toxicology
and Pharmacology - a study given no visibility in mainstream media -
sounds the alarm over the effects of long-term human exposure to glyphosate for the healthy production of human sperm, an issue that
is beginning to be cause of great alarm across the western countries
where chemical herbicides and pesticides are used in massive doses
by agro-industry producers.
The study, which definitely warrants major follow-up studies, found
effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide after an 8-day exposure of
adult rats, including,
"a significant and
differential expression of aromatase in testis."
Aromatase is an enzyme
responsible for a key step in the biosynthesis of estrogens
according to Wikipedia, found among other locations of the body in
the brain and in the gonads, and is an important factor in sexual
The authors concluded
"The repetition of
exposures of this herbicide could alter the
Ample tests now exist,
independent of Monsanto and other corrupt industry sources
demonstrating to an alarming degree that the exposure of human and
animal species to glyphosate-based herbicides or weed-killers can
cause cancer tumors but can also be damaging to human sexual
reproduction, that is, as in the future of the human species.
Other tests have revealed presence of significant amounts of
glyphosate from spraying of weed-killers in major portions of the
population in the United States where
Monsanto Roundup and other
glyphosate-based weed-killers are used in massive doses in
agriculture as well as in home gardens.
A study of urine samples
of willing volunteers seeking to know if they had glyphosate
exposure by the University of California at San Francisco found
glyphosate in 93% of the urine samples tested at an average level of
3.096 parts per billion (PPB).
Children had the highest
levels with an average of 3.586 PPB. The highest levels of
glyphosate were found in the American West and Midwest, the heart of
agribusiness farming.
The US-based Detox
Project which published the study notes that,
"Glyphosate has never
been studied by regulators or the chemical industry at levels
that the human population in the U.S. is being exposed to -
under 3 mg/kg body weight/day.
This is a huge hole
in the risk assessment process for glyphosate, as evidence
suggests that low levels of the chemical may hack hormones even
more than high levels… many toxic chemicals have as much or even
more of an influence on our health at low doses - these
chemicals are known as hormone hackers or endocrine disruptors."
Isn't that what eugenics
advocates such as,
cheering for?
Culling of the human herd
so that the wealthy have more
wildlife species?
Frederick Osborn, first President of
John D. Rockefeller III's
Population Council, and a founding member of the American Eugenics
Society, formulated the problem the eugenics advocates around
Rockefeller, people who financed Nazi eugenics research in Berlin,
faced after the horrors of the Nazi extermination camps was
uncovered and their inhuman experiments in eugenics of killing off
inferior human beings as defined by the Third Reich.
In a 1956 article in the Rockefeller-financed Eugenics Review,
"The very word
eugenics is in disrepute in some quarters… We must ask
ourselves, what have we done wrong? We have all but killed the
eugenic movement."
Osborn had a ready
answer: people for some reason refused to accept that they were
"second rate" compared to Osborn, Rockefeller, Sanger and their
"superior class."
As Osborn put it,
"We have failed to
take into account a trait which is almost universal and is very
deep in human nature.
People are simply not
willing to accept the idea that the genetic base on which their
character was formed is inferior and should not be repeated in
the next generation…
They won't accept the
idea that they are in general second rate…"
The refusal of Monsanto,
a company founded in World War I as part of the Rockefeller network
of war chemicals makers, and which numbered a Rockefeller on its
board until recently, to remove glyphosate-based Roundup, or even to
allow independent testing of its "trade secret"
adjuvants that by some estimates
make the glyphosate 2000% more toxic, has more to do with that
long-standing Rockefeller eugenics agenda of
killing off or "culling" the human herd
than with corporate profit.
Prince William's
Prince Philip,
Duke of Edinburgh in an interview in 1988 with a German press agency
"In the event that I
am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in
order to contribute something to
solve overpopulation."