by Jeff Thomas
August 01,
InternationalMan Website

There may be a time in the near future when global
elitists get the shock of their lives, namely, that
those who have been "going along" with
their crackpot
schemes just stop going along.
force of global society will prove to be too much to
overcome and the whole globalist citadel will come
tumbling down.
problem is, how much hubris will be created in the
clear there are some ominous
political, cultural, and economic trends
playing out
right now.
Many of which
seem to point to
an unfortunate
decline of the West.
That's precisely why
speculator Doug Casey
and his team
just released
this free
to Surviving and Thriving
during an Economic Collapse),
which shows you
what's happening
what you can do
about it.
"These are the times that try men's souls"...
Thomas Paine wrote in 1775 in
his publication of "The
American Crisis."
Not so well-remembered
today are the words that followed that famous quote:
"Tyranny, like hell,
is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us,
that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."
At that time, Colonial
America was passing through the early stages of a "Fourth Turning,"
an historical time of
crisis that occurs roughly every eighty years...
As a point of reference,
A First
Turning is a period of renewal; one in which a
historical crisis has ended.
The populace has
risen to the occasion, thrown off tyranny and conquered
social, political and economic tribulation.
Having done so,
they now create a renewal, based on hard work, personal
responsibility and moral integrity.
A Second
Turning occurs a generation later, when the rewards of a
First Turning have resulted in prosperity and stability.
Those new adults
who have grown up during a First Turning will be well-off
and will seek to pursue high-mindedness and social concerns.
Along the way,
they will also pursue self-indulgence. (A deterioration
In a Third
Turning, again a generation later, complacency sets in.
those individuals who are sociopathic (a clinical
aberration, estimated at about 4% of any society at any
given time) tend to rise in political spheres, replacing the
older generation of responsible people.
They tend to
raise taxes, increase social welfare programs and increase
government spending in every way - really, any excuse to
seize increased power over the populace.
Then, in a
Fourth Turning, again a generation later, power having
been seized,
the sociopaths seek total power, the elimination of all freedoms, to be replaced by
totalitarian rule.
In a Third Turning, a
complacent people make it possible for sociopaths to take power.
In a Fourth Turning,
the sociopaths exert that power.
It matters little whether
the excuses put forward by political 'leaders' are,
climate control, racial equity,
CBDCs, cancel culture,
owning nothing, digital IDs,
vaccine mandates or a
Green New
...the objective is
total dominance
of the ruling class over the subservient class...
Any excuse will do, if it
has totalitarian rule as its outcome.
In any Fourth
Turning, those who are more thoughtful and forward-thinking will
begin to make sense of the ruse, but find themselves being
heavily criticized by all and sundry.
The media will do all within
their power to slap down those who denounce the ruling class.
But more to the
point, the greater proportion of the populace will remain
in their slumber and resist the awakening strenuously...
It is at such a time that
the few who have figured out the ruse experience their greatest
whether to speak out or whether to just go along.
This group must struggle in the darkness to a great degree, as
the majority of the population fight against an awakening, as it
disturbs their complacency and is too horrendous to contemplate.
The latter half of a
Fourth Turning becomes a chaotic and confusing period -
one in which many people desperately hope to just get along,
whilst those who are more visionary become increasingly aware
that their freedoms are being flushed away on a wholesale basis.
And, whilst it is the smaller, more visionary group that creates
the spark of change, it is, historically, a different and
unlikely group that actually creates substantive change in the
latter half.
The group that turns the
tide is the group that I often (unflatteringly) refer to as the
hoi polloi...:
the average guy...
At some point, the
average guy, who simply wanted to be allowed to get on with his life
- go to work, mow the lawn, sit on the couch with a six-pack and
watch the game - has had his life so disrupted by the ruling
sociopaths and their increasingly manic oppression that he accepts
that he must turn off the TV and do "something."
He is not a leader, but he is a joiner...
When, in Ottawa, Canada, a few truckers staged a small
demonstration, and the average guy saw it on the news, he got in his
truck and joined.
He may have had no
real idea of how events might develop; he simply added what
weight he had to the effort...
But the very fact that he
is the average guy - that the bulk of the population is made up of
average guys, makes their collective weight greater than those who
may have been more inspired thinkers, and - more importantly -
greater than the weight of the oppressors.
As simplistic as a convoy of Canadian truckers may be,
their numbers
become their strength...
More to the point, they
carry with them the sympathies of other average people, who come out
to cheer them on, bring them food and donate money.
Not surprisingly, their achievement is brief, as it's so simplistic,
but they do succeed in bringing about temporary change,
setting Government back on its heels.
Then, a few farmers in the Netherlands hear about the Canadians and
decide to drive their tractors into the city, and it happens again.
And it
keeps happening...!
Throughout history, it's been the same.
In 1775, when Paul
Revere rode into Lexington and Concord, it's quite unlikely that
he shouted courageously,
"To arms! To arms!"
That would have been
treason and treason was one of only three capital offenses at that
More likely, he went to a few back doors and spread the word
After all, the people of America were at that time British.
hoi polloi of the day -
especially those of middle age or older - were relatively
successful and had a lot to lose.
They did not approve
of revolt and were willing to pay the small stamp tax that had
triggered it.
They argued
vociferously in the House of Burgesses to "just get along."
But a few firebrands
kept up their challenge and, eventually, they were joined by
farmers and shopkeepers who, like the truckers, had had enough
and decided to do "something"...
For those of us who saw
the warning signs early - decades ago - the first half
of the Fourth Turning has been extraordinarily distressing.
The Globalists have been thorough
in their planning and have successfully executed the removal of
freedoms with great stealth that we assumed any "thinking" person
should have seen coming.
But most people are
not thinkers.
Most people "go
They continue to go
along, right until the moment that... they don't...
Thomas Paine was correct:
"These are the times
that try men's souls."
Paine was a visionary
who, through his writing, attempted to bring about
an awakening...
An awakening happens only gradually, but the point arrives when the
common man has had about enough. He may not be intellectually
inspired, but his collective weight is, and throughout history, has
been the turning point.
We are now on that cusp...!