by Sam Parker and Joe Mhlanga
25, 2020
BehindTheNews Website

This article is a continuation of "China
- The Emerging Global Giant". To better
understand this article, it would be wise to read the other first.
Just to recap some of the main points from the last article:
China was growing
fast, and its economic strength soon became a threat to American
domination - especially when it came to natural resources.
In 2012, Washington
began paying more attention to China, and pivoted to China, as a
means of checking China's rise.
Some of the main
points of contention are as follows:
This was then
followed by China's announcement of the technology leap, called
"made in China 2025".
Conflicts between the
two nations encompassed a wide range of issues.
Rockefeller family motto:
All of these issues
had combined with the Rockefeller's "FORTRESS
plan, whose key component was becoming independent in all its
energy and raw materials needs, and the need to rebuild a
manufacturing base in America.
The idea was to bring
back production and jobs back to the US, and reduce dependency
on outside suppliers. It's not going to happen overnight, but
the process has started.
The Chinese government
has been under intense pressure in three ways.
First, the crackdown on
Xinjiang province generated a massive negative response from Europe
and the United States.
Alongside that, the United States imposed
significant tariffs on China.
The contraction in
exports hit a financial system that the Beijing government was
already struggling to stabilize. This led to fear among Chinese
authorities of unrest over economic and financial issues.
The result was increasing
security, from recognition technology to intrusion into the Internet
and periodic arrests of those considered dissidents.
insecurity led to increased security.
This in turn led to
Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong riots
were triggered by a bill that authorized China to extradite Hong
Kong residents.
This was a desire Beijing
did not have before.
But as the situation intensified, the desire to
assure stability in Hong Kong increased
China is dependent on exports to maintain its economy. About 20
percent of its gross domestic product derives from exports, and its
single largest customer is the United States, despite the trade
A chief responsibility of the Chinese president is to manage
relations with its most important customer, the United States. China
has deflected American demands to open its markets and not
manipulate its currency since the
George W. Bush
It was expected that
President Xi Jinping could continue this process.
He failed to manage U.S.
Donald Trump, and the result was that an exporting
nation faced a challenge from a consuming nation.
To put it more
there is a rule in business that you should never have a
fight with your best customer...
Xi violated this rule by
winding up in a tariff fight with the United States.
China is a nation whose core dynamic is based on international
trade. Under pressure from the United States, a dangerous virus
would inevitably cripple that trade at best.
At this point, the
Chinese government, like any government, would be blamed for what
went wrong, and it would be blamed for mismanaging the virus and
failing to understand the economic consequences.
From here you can play
out the game.
Bio-Warfare Angle
The Pentagon has long been actively involved in biological warfare
Currently, it has many
bio-warfare labs around the world.
There is ample evidence over the
past few decades of US involvement in
bio-warfare actions around the
world, to cite just a few of them, such as,
To add muscle to Trump's
demands in the trade negotiations between the US and China, a
diabolical plan was conceived.
This was to unleash the
Coronavirus into China...
The American aim was to make China kneel,
and kneel fast. To this end,
Bill Gates of Microsoft was
instructed to run a simulation (Event
201) of a Coronavirus outbreak.
It sounds like a strange coincidence that in October 2019 a
simulation with precisely the Coronavirus was carried out at the
John Hopkins Institute in the US, funded by,
the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation
the WEF (World
Economic Forum)
the Pilbright
Institute of the UK, one of the world's few level 4 (highest
security level) bio-warfare laboratories
Not Ebola, or Swine Flu
or even Avian Flu - but
The simulation features
the spread of coronavirus in South America, blamed on animal to
human transmission (pigs).
The conclusion of the exercise was that national governments were
nowhere near ready, scoring 40 out of 100 on their preparedness
scale. The simulation projected over 65 million deaths worldwide.
'Event 201' played out almost exactly as it has been in China today.
Event 201 was not a simulation but a war-game to study the possible
outcomes of an event New York already knew was coming.
Interestingly, a representative from a Rockefeller pharmaceutical
company, Johnson and Johnson, one of the companies
that may end up designing a "vaccine" for the Coronavirus, suggested
Event 201 that a "centralized"
global economic authority in charge of funding and procuring
vaccines for various nations in crisis was an option for solving the
That sounds strangely similar to what New York have been demanding
for many years now, and the pandemic just happens to offer a perfect
excuse for the creation of such a one-world financial authority.
They might claim that
such a system would be temporary according to the life of the
pandemic, but this will be a lie...
Since this virus has a 2-week incubation period, the virus had to be
released sometime in early November. The first indications from
those infected began showing around early December.
The Chinese government
tried to cover it up, but the disease spread.
By mid-January, it was
going out of control. The epicenter was Wuhan, a strategically
placed city, in terms of transportation hubs and as the center of
China's agricultural economy.
Intelligence sources have pointed the finger at the US.
In fact,
when the entire staff of the US consulate was evacuated out of the
city, Chinese authorities discovered.
eight empty containers with
bio-hazard labels.
This was buried 1.5 meters underground, and
covered with tarpaulin.
The Chinese security
forces cordoned off the other US diplomatic missions around the
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying had this to
"Since attempts to
get comments on official and closed channels over the course of
several days did not lead to clear answers, we decided to move
the this question to another level and demand an answer
The epidemic in China can
be interpreted as a biological attack.
China's Coronavirus
outbreak is directly related to America's geopolitical interests, a
country which has long been using indirect strategies in its war
with rival China.
Washington is trying to reign in China's growth,
prevent the country from implementing its
One Belt One Road
initiative, and lower Chinese economic output.
The United States is
using its naval fleet and allies to surround China in the Pacific,
preventing China from circumventing the Strait of Malacca, fomenting
unrest, blocking China from accessing Eurasia over land through East
Turkestan, and using sanctions and trade wars to try and undermine
China's production and economy.
And although it is
currently hard to say for sure whether the virus originated
naturally or artificially, whether it was used as a biological
weapon as part of the bigger war between China and the US, one thing
is clear, which is that,
the Coronavirus
epidemic that has broken out in China will have a profound
effect on the country, and it will naturally affect Chinese
manufacturing, trade, the economy, and Chinese priorities, which
the United States will clearly benefit from.
The Trade Deal
The US has imposed tariffs on more than $360bn (£268bn) of Chinese
goods, and China has retaliated with tariffs on more than $110bn of
US products.
Washington delivered three rounds of tariffs in 2018, and a fourth
one in September. Beijing hit back with tariffs ranging from 5% to
25% on US goods.
But finally, on January 15, 2020, the first signs of a truce were
seen, when the two sides signed the Phase One Deal, which
officially agreed to,
the rollback of tariffs, expansion of trade
purchases, and renewed commitments on intellectual property,
technology transfer, and currency practices.
The world's two largest
economies have been locked in a bitter trade battle.
Under the so-called
"phase one" deal signed in January, China pledged to boost US
imports by $200bn above 2017 levels and strengthen intellectual
property rules.
The White House said it will tackle additional issues in a second,
"phase two" deal but analysts said they didn't expect anything
concrete anytime soon.
Although China committed to buying more farm
goods such as soybeans and pork as part of a "phase one" deal
reached in December.
Trump is holding tight to his view that the
trade war is helping the U.S. economy.
Trump has said he wants to keep tariffs in place until he's sure
China is complying with any deal - which means they could be around
for years.
Uncertainties around the trade war have hurt businesses and weighed
on the global economy.
Economic Effects
In terms of the economic effects, even if the virus were to stay
primarily in China, the Chinese economy is, in basic terms, the
largest in the world:
it is the biggest
exporter/importer and it is central to the now interdependent
global economy.
Now, there is no chance
that China will meet the requirements of the Phase 1 deal and that
will soon become evident, as China's economy will grind down under
the weight of the pandemic.
With global supply lines
frozen and travel eventually restricted, trade will stall. There is
no way around this.
This is not just about
China, it is about all nations.
And, ultimately, this is not even
about the Coronavirus, it is about the financial time bomb that the
Rockefeller establishment created.
It is about our economic
inter dependency and the house of cards we have become.
In the wake
of calamity,
the Rockefellers will call for even MORE inter-dependency.
They will claim tragedy
struck because we were not "centralized enough"...
And for the past two years, despite reports to the contrary, the US
economy is in the doldrums, and it seems to be getting worse.
One major reason for the declines is the weakness in US
Jobs are not moving back to the US from China despite
recent claims, at least not in any significant numbers.
Instead the
ISM Purchasing Managers Index for December dropped 0.9 percentage
points from November to 47.2%.
It was the fifth month in
a row of contraction, and the fastest contraction since June 2009.
Employment, new orders, new export orders, production, backlog of
orders, and inventories were all contracting.
On top of this is the weak state of US farmers following severe
weather damage in 2019 and cut off of exports to China as a result
of the trade war.
The much-touted Phase 1
US-China trade deal in December calls for China to import some $50
billion of US farm products which, if true, would give a major boost
to US farmers.
In 2017 the US exported $19 billion in agriculture
products including soybeans and corn to China.
Now, as the Coronavirus
spreads across China, the likelihood of realizing the farm export
boost fades by the day.
Loss of the large China export market in
2020 will be a devastating blow to thousands of farmers barely able
to survive.
All this in and of itself does not create an economic catastrophe.
However the unexpected shock of the greatest crisis in recent
history disrupting the supply chains from the center of world
manufacture, China, will have untold consequences on US corporations
like Boeing, GM, Apple and countless others if the crisis continues
to grow, which, unfortunately, it shows every sign of doing.
The difference with the economics of this crisis, unlike those even
twenty years ago, is the dramatic impact of globalization of the
world economy, with China receiving the lion's share of
manufacturing out-sourcing from the West, especially the US.
The major South Korean
car makers Hyundai and Kia just announced suspension of production
in Korea because their vital China component supply chain remains
shut because of the Coronavirus.
German industry has
become strongly reliant on China exports from auto parts to machine
tools, all now in limbo.
France, Italy and other EU economies stand
also to be hard hit.
Any economic shock to China's colossal industrial and consumption
engines will spread rapidly to other countries through the increased
trade and financial linkages associated
with globalization.
And few
countries are more vulnerable to such shocks than the United States.
With the total debt of the world economy at a record high, and that
of the US as well, the unexpected China health catastrophe could
have an economic impact few could have imagined just weeks ago.
We have no accurate
report of how much Chinese manufacturing is closed to date or for
how long and the global supply chain disruption is just beginning.
This has the potential to shake the world yet financial markets
blissfully ignore all.
But that and the constant bashing with negative western propaganda,
travel bans, border closures, flight bans - and more - plus the
disease itself, the medical care, work absenteeism, medication and
medical equipment, not to forget the specially-built 1,000-bed
emergency hospital in Wuhan - and an 8% average decline at the
Shanghai stock exchange, bear a considerable economic cost for
Yes, the world is on the verge of a violent sea-change, but this is
not the most important issue.
The Rockefeller agenda is complicated in design but simple in its
Order out of chaos.
Create or exploit every crisis to
manipulate the public into consenting.
But consent for what?
As Richard N. Gardner, former deputy assistant Secretary of
State for International Organizations under Kennedy and Johnson, and
a member of the
Trilateral Commission, wrote in the
April, 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relation's (CFR)
journal Foreign Affairs (pg. 558) in an article titled 'The
Hard Road to World Order':
"In short, the 'house
of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather
than from the top down.
It will look like a
great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' to use William James' famous
description of reality, but an end run around national
sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much
more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."
Global pandemic, whether
a natural event or deliberately engineered, actually serves the
purposes of the Rockefeller establishment in a number of ways.
First and foremost, it is
a superb distraction.
The general public, overcome with fears of an invisible force of
nature that can possibly 'kill' them at any moment, will probably
forget all about the much bigger threat to their life, liberty and
future - the subsequent collapse of the massive 'Everything Bubble'
and the globalist "solution" that a pandemic can trigger.
If China's economy goes
down, even for a short time, this will send shock waves through all
other national economies and supply lines.
To summarize
the situation
The Rockefeller establishment has created the largest
financial bubble in modern history through central bank stimulus,
inflating a highly unstable artificial rally in markets while also
creating new highs in national debt, corporate debt and consumer
The economic fundamentals have been sending alarms for the past two
years, and the 'Everything Bubble' is showing signs of implosion. It
is only a matter of time before the farce collapses by itself.
The Rockefellers need scapegoats, (and fingers have been pointed at
others in a deliberate policy of deflection), but they also need an
event or wave of events so distracting that people will not be able
to discern what really happened.
The reason why the Rockefellers want a collapse is simple:
need crisis in order to manipulate the masses into accepting total
centralization, a global monetary system and global governance.
They are also rabid believers in
eugenics and population reduction.
With many economies including the US economy already in a precarious
balancing act of historic debt vs. crashing demand and useless
central bank repo market intervention, there is little chance that
the system can withstand such a tsunami.
Make no mistake:
the crash has already begun, whether the virus hits
the US hard or not...
The only question is,
will this be the trigger
event that accelerates the collapse process that is already in
The situation has spiraled out of control in China and it is clear
that the government is now lying through its teeth about the number
of sick and dead.
I would not be surprised if we discover in the next two weeks that
the death tally is in the thousands, and the sickness rate is
actually in the hundreds of thousands.
The fact that China has now quarantined over 50 million people in 16
cities suggests the danger is much higher than they have admitted.
If this is the case, then at the very least, the Chinese economy is
about to take a massive hit.
If the virus doesn't spread, the
economic damage will.
Look at it this way:
The US and China are
still currently in the middle of a trade war.
The Phase 1 deal was
always a joke, because it demands that China quadruple its
purchases from the US within the next 1-2 years.
This was never going
to happen, but the false hope (along with corporate stock
buybacks) lifted global stocks out of reversal.
A collapsing demand
for all goods was declining even before the virus crisis began.
With Chinese
manufacturing frozen, demand for all commodities is crashing.
Where, and how, this
economic tsunami will end, only time will tell.
Read the article, "How
the Rockerfellers Trumped the World" in order to
understand the last paragraph better.
We do indeed live in
'interesting' times...