by Dr. Joseph Mercola
December 30,
Mercola Website

Story at-a-glance
Lockdowns have wrought unimaginable hardship, suffering
and death; 163,735 U.S. businesses had closed their
doors as of August 31, 2020, and of those, 60% - a total
of 97,966 businesses - were permanent closures.
Meanwhile, the collective wealth of 651 billionaires in
the U.S. rose by more than 36%
April 2020 report estimated 3 million Britons had gone
without food at some point in the previous three weeks.
An estimated 1 million people had by then already lost
all sources of income
Canadian survey in early October 2020 found 22% of
Canadians experienced high anxiety levels - four times
higher than the pre-'pandemic' rate - and 13% reported
severe depression. The drug overdose epidemic has also
significantly worsened this year
In Japan - which didn't even implement lockdowns -
government statistics reveal more people died from
suicide in the month of October than have died from
COVID-19 all year
Lockdowns have also resulted in dramatic increases in
domestic abuse, rape and child sex abuse. Children are
also falling behind socially and developmentally, even
if they're not exposed to direct abuse
In a December 9, 2020, Twitter thread, 1 Michael P. Senger, an
attorney and author of the September 2020 article, 2 "China's Global
Lockdown Propaganda Campaign," reviewed the largely hidden impacts
of global lockdowns.
Ivor Cummins' (video
at bottom page) also reviews data
showing just how "hugely ineffective" lockdowns have been.
As one would expect, shutting down businesses for extended periods
of time leads to businesses going under for impaired cash flow from
lack of revenue.
Back in August 2020, Bloomberg reported 3 that more
than half of all small business owners feared their businesses
wouldn't survive.
They were right...
According to a September 2020 economic impact report 4 by
Yelp, 163,735 U.S. businesses had closed their doors as of August
31, 2020, and of those, 60% - a total of 97,966 businesses - were
permanent closures. 5
As noted by Senger:
"That 'leaders'
across the world transformed into tyrants, believing they had a
right to bankrupt their subjects, is the core evil of lockdown."
The Greatest
Wealth Transfer in History
How does shutting small businesses but allowing big box stores to
stay open protect public health?
There's really no rhyme or reason
for such a decision, other than to shift wealth away from small,
private business owners to multinational corporations.
While working-class Americans have been forced to file for
unemployment by the tens of millions, the top five
richest people in
the U.S. increased their wealth by 26% between March 18 and June 17,
2020. 7
Since the beginning of the
'pandemic', the collective wealth of
651 billionaires in the U.S. rose by more than 36% ($1 trillion).
The assets of these 651 billionaires is now nearly double that of
the combined wealth of the least wealthy 165 million Americans.
As noted by Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax
"Never before has America seen such an accumulation of
wealth in so few hands." 9
Far from being the great equalizer,
COVID-19 is the greatest wealth
transfer scheme in the history of the world...
Indeed, you may as well
call it what it is:
grand-scale asset theft from the poor and middle
A December 14, 2020, article
10 in The Defender reviews who
has benefited from 'pandemic' measures the most, from the finance and
tech industries to
the pharmaceutical and
Businesses Have Taken Biggest Hit
According to an August 10, 2020, article 11 by Forbes,
measures had eliminated nearly half of all Black-owned small
businesses in the U.S. by the end of April 2020.
It cites data from
a New York Fed report, 12 which found that,
"Black-owned businesses
were more than twice as likely to shutter as their white
While nationally representative data on small businesses showed
active business ownership dropped 22% between February and April
2020, the number of businesses owned by Blacks dropped by 41%.
decline in,
According to Forbes: 13
"At the same time,
Black-owned firms, already smarting from a Great Recession that
hurt them badly, already entered the crisis with 'weaker cash
positions, weaker bank relationships, and preexisting funding
'Even the healthiest Black firms were financially
disadvantaged at the onset of COVID-19,' said the report."
Insecurity at Staggering Levels
Mere weeks into the 'pandemic', Americans were lining up at food
An April 12, 2020, article
14 in The New York Times showed
miles-long lines in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Miami, Florida and
"In many cities, lines outside food pantries have become glaring
symbols of financial precarity, showing how quickly the 'pandemic' has
devastated working people's finances.
In San Antonio, 10,000 families began arriving before dawn on
Thursday at a now-shuttered swap meet hall to receive boxes of food.
Normally, 200 to 400 families might show up during a normal food
'It's a wave of need,' said Eric Cooper, president of the San
Antonio Food Bank. 'They were all let go. There's no savings.
There's no slack in their household budget.
The money's run out. It
just shows how desperate people are'."
The situation is much the same in other countries.
An April 10,
2020, report 15 by the Financial Times cited survey results showing
an estimated 3 million Britons had gone without food at some point
in the previous three weeks.
An estimated 1 million people had by
then already lost all sources of income.
Anna Taylor, executive director for the Food Foundation in the U.K.,
told the Financial Times there's a,
"food poverty problem that has
not been dealt with",
...that is now becoming glaringly apparent - and
that was mere weeks into the 'pandemic'.
We're now nine months down
the line, and governments around the world are again calling for
lockdowns over the winter holidays.
Mental Health
Slides as Despair Grows
That forcing people into poverty will have a detrimental effect on
their mental health is also not surprising.
A Canadian survey
16 in
early October 2020 found 22% of Canadians experienced high anxiety
levels - four times higher than the pre-'pandemic' rate - and 13%
reported severe depression.
In the U.S., an August 2020 survey
17,18 by the American
Psychological Association found Gen-Z'ers are among the hardest hit
in this regard, with young adults aged 18 to 23 reporting the
highest levels of stress and depression.
More than 7 out of 10 in this age group reported symptoms of
depression in the two weeks before the survey.
Among teens aged 13
to 17, 51% said the 'pandemic' makes it impossible to plan for the
future. Sixty-seven percent of college-aged respondents echoed this
With despair comes drug-related problems, and according to the
American Medical Association, the drug overdose epidemic has
significantly worsened and become more complicated this year.
than 40 states have reported increases in opioid-related mortality
as well as ongoing concerns for those with a mental illness or
substance use disorder," the AMA reported in an Issue Brief
updated December 9, 2020.
A list of national news included in the AMA's brief
20 include
reports of increases in overdose-related cardiac arrests, surges in
street fentanyl leading to deaths in the thousands and a "dramatic
increase" in illicit opioid fatalities.
Spikes and record numbers of
overdose deaths have been reported in,
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas,
California, Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois,
Florida and many other states...
Young Adults
Dying in Greater Than Normal Numbers
That 'pandemic' measures are doing more harm than good can also be
seen in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data 21,22 showing
that, compared to previous years, excess deaths among 25- to
44-year-olds has increased by a remarkable 26.5%, even though this
age group accounts for fewer than 3% of COVID-19-related deaths.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data
To put it bluntly,
in our misguided efforts to prevent the elderly
and immune compromised from dying from COVID-19, we're sacrificing
people who are in the prime of their lives.
As noted by Senger:
"Per CDC, despite
mass PCR testing and disproportionate false positives, at least
100,947 excess deaths in 2020 were not even linked to COVID-19
In other words, over 100,000 Americans were murdered
this year by their OWN GOVERNMENT."
Dramatically Increase Domestic Abuse
Rising despair is also reflected in statistics showing dramatic
increases in domestic abuse, rape, child sex abuse and suicides.
By July 2020, Ireland
reported a 98% increase in people seeking counseling for rape
and child sex abuse. 24
Data from the British group Women's Aid showed 61% of domestic abuse
victims reported abuse had worsened during the lockdown. 25
The number of women
killed by their domestic partners also doubled during the first
three weeks of lockdowns in the U.K. 26
In the U.S., data
27 from a Massachusetts hospital revealed a
dramatic jump in patients seeking emergency care after being
battered by their domestic partner in the nine weeks between March
11 and May 3, 2020, when the state had ordered schools closed.
During this time, 26 patients were treated for domestic abuse
injuries that included strangulation, stabbing, burns and gunshot
That's just one shy of the number of cases seen in the same
time period during 2018 and 2019 combined.
In other words, domestic
abuse cases were nearly double the annual norm for that hospital...
In early April 2020,
United Nations secretary-general
Antonio Guterres warned 28 of a "horrifying" surge in global domestic abuse
linked to 'pandemic' lockdowns as calls to help-lines in some countries
had by then already doubled. 29
The number of people looking into
divorce in the U.S. was also 34% higher in March through June 2020
compared to the same time frame in 2019. 30
Brought to Suffer in Countless Ways
Child abuse, meanwhile, is less likely to be detected and reported
thanks to virtual schooling.
As noted by Human Rights Watch:
"More than 1.5 billion students are out of school.
Widespread job
and income loss and economic insecurity among families are likely to
increase rates of child labor, sexual exploitation, teenage
pregnancy, and child marriage.
Stresses on families, particularly those living under quarantines
and lockdowns, are increasing the incidence of domestic violence...
'The risks posed by the COVID-19 crisis to children are enormous,'
said Jo Becker, children's rights advocacy director at Human Rights
Child abuse is less likely to be detected during the COVID-19
crisis, as child protection agencies have reduced monitoring to
avoid spreading the virus, and teachers are less able to detect
signs of ill treatment with schools closed."
There are signs of rising child abuse though, including a British
study 32 that found a shocking 1,493% rise in the incidence of
abusive head trauma among children during the first month of the
lockdown, compared to the same time period in the previous three
Children are also in danger of falling behind socially and
developmentally, even if they're not exposed to direct abuse.
November 2020, The Guardian reported that many children are
regressing mentally and physically as a result of the lockdowns.
All this
for a virus that caused
no above-average
in countries
without lockdowns...
In other words,
all for
absolutely nothing.
Michael P.
The Washington Post reported 34 scholastic achievement gaps have
widened in the U.S. and early literacy among kindergarteners has
seen a sharp decline this year.
According to The Economist, 35 American children over the age of 10
cut physical activity by half during the lockdown, spending most of
their time playing video games and eating junk food.
Indeed, closing parks and
beaches right along with small businesses and schools was
undoubtedly among the most ignorant and destructive 'pandemic'
measures of all.
Preventing healthy people from working and upending everyone's lives
has also (as expected) resulted in a massive rise in suicide, and
abnormal spikes became apparent within weeks of the initial
As noted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in "How the Government Uses Fear
to Control," research from the 1980s found that for every 1-point
rise in unemployment there were 37,000 excess deaths, 4,000 excess
imprisonments and 3,300 excess admissions into mental institutions.
Kennedy also cites recent data from a hospital in San Francisco that
stated they saw one year's-worth of suicides in a single month, a
1,200% increase.
In September 2020, Cook Children's Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas,
admitted a record number of 37 pediatric patients who had tried to
commit suicide.
Dr. Kia Carter, medical director of
Psychiatry at
Cook Children's told CBS: 36
"September of 2020
has been the highest month ever that we've seen suicidal
patients admitted to our medical center...
Suicide has become
the second leading cause of death for kids and adolescents in
the last year, versus two years ago when it was the third
leading cause of death."
In Japan - which didn't
even implement lockdowns - government statistics reveal more people
died from suicide in the month of October than have died from
COVID-19 all year. 37
While only 2,087 Japanese had died from
COVID-19 as of November 27, 2020, the suicide toll in October alone
was 2,153.
Women make up the lion's share of suicides, and hotlines
are also reporting that women are confessing thoughts of killing
their children out of sheer desperation.
World Fares Even Worse
As horrible as all of these statistics are,
they don't even begin to
compare to the tragedies taking place in developing nations...
In India, millions of
migrant workers were stranded early on in the 'pandemic' without a way
to make a living and unable to leave the cities due to lockdown
orders. 38
Food lines stretched for miles in South Africa at the end of April
2020 39 and in Saudi Arabia, "hundreds if not thousands"
of African migrants - mostly Ethiopian men - have been left to die
from lack of food and water in COVID-19 detention centers after a
moratorium on deportation was issued in April, according to an
August 30, 2020, report by The Telegraph. 40
The United Nations estimates 'pandemic' responses have,
"pushed an
additional 150 million children into multidimensional poverty -
deprived of education, health, housing, nutrition, sanitation or
water", 41
...and at the end of April 2020 warned the world was facing,
"famine of biblical
proportions, with only a limited amount of time to act before
starvation claims hundreds of millions of lives." 42
"All this for a virus that caused no above-average mortality in
countries without lockdowns - and which WHO estimates already
infected 10% of people worldwide by October. In other words, all for
absolutely nothing," Senger writes. 43
Highlight Pre-Existing Health Inequalities
Indeed, an ever-growing number of doctors, academics and scientists
are now questioning,
...as well
as the safety and usefulness of
COVID-19 vaccines.
There are clear problems in all of these areas, yet questions and
logical thinking have been, and continue to be, met with harsh
resistance and denial.
Those leading the charge in terms of
responses have not been shy about their censoring of
counter-narratives, almost without exception.
When it comes to the disease itself, we now know certain
comorbidities significantly raise your risk of complications and
Among the top ones are obesity, insulin resistance and
vitamin D deficiency.
While these conditions are exceptionally common overall, they're
particularly prevalent in Black and indigenous communities, and when
combined with inadequate access to health care, these groups also
end up being disproportionally affected by COVID-19. 44
COVID-19 Is a
Class War
the media and political and economic institutions claim the
'pandemic' narrative is based on scientific consensus, this clearly
isn't the case.
There's no evidence
supporting universal
mask use, for example, and there's even less
scientific support for lockdowns - a strategy based on a high school
project that won third place. 45
James Corbett of the Corbett Report discusses this shocking
revelation in the video above.
Now, as many small
businesses are failing thanks to months-long shutdowns and
employment opportunities look bleak, world leaders are suddenly
joining the
World Economic Forum in calling for
a Great Reset of the
economy. 46
This is hardly a random coincidence.
This plan, which has been in
the works for decades, will further empower and enrich wealthy,
unelected powerbrokers while enslaving and impoverishing everyone
The fact that the
'pandemic' has been used to shift wealth from
the poor and middle class to the ultra-wealthy is clear for anyone
to see at this point.
As noted by IPS News:
has not been the 'Great Equalizer' as suggested by the likes of
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and members of the World Economic
Rather, it has
exacerbated existing inequalities along
gender, race and economic class divides across the world."
The Global
At this point, it should be obvious for anyone paying attention that
the 'pandemic' is being prolonged and exaggerated for a reason, and
it's not because there's concern for life.
Quite the contrary...
It's a ploy to quite literally enslave the global population within
a digital surveillance system 49 - a system so unnatural and inhumane
that no rational population would ever voluntarily go down that
"The 'Great Reset' seeks to... expand corporate control of natural
resources and state surveillance of individuals," IPS News writes.
"In the post-pandemic 'Great Reset,' there would not be much life
left outside the technological-corporate nexus dominated by
other inter-connected corporations, and the governments and media
serving them.
The proponents of the 'Great Reset' 51 envisage a
Brave New World
'You will own nothing. And you will be
'happy.' Whatever you
want, you will rent, and it will be delivered by drones.'
But it is more likely that this elite-led revolution will make the
vast majority of humanity a powerless appendage of technology with
little consciousness and meaning in their lives."
It should also be clear that most if not all
'pandemic' restrictions
to freedom are meant to become permanent.
In other words, these past
nine months have been a preview of the world the technocratic elite
wants to implement as part of the new social and economic order.
If this is the first time you're hearing any of this, be sure to
Now's the Time
to Fight Back
It's important to understand that now's the time to fight back:
resist any and all unconstitutional edicts...
Once the "new world
order" is in place, you will no longer be able to do a thing about
Your life,
your health, educational and work opportunities, your
finances and your very identity,
...will be so meshed with the
automated technological infrastructure that any attempt to break
free will result in you being locked out or erased from the system,
leaving you with no ability to learn, work, travel or engage in
It sounds far-fetched, I know, but when you follow the technocratic
plan to its inevitable end, that's basically what you end up with.
The warning signs are all around us, if we're willing to see them
for what they actually are...
The only question now is,
Whether enough
people are willing to resist it to make a difference.
Most important of all is the need to release the fear.
It's a
fearful public that allows the technocratic elite to dictate the
future and rip away our personal freedoms. It's fear that allows
tyranny to flourish.
Really look at the data, so you can see for
yourself that panic is unwarranted, and that the so-called
"solutions" to the 'pandemic' are in fact a path of total destruction.
This destruction - both moral and economic - is necessary for the
Great Reset to occur.
The technocratic elite need everything and
everyone to fall apart in order to justify the implementation of
their new system.
Without this desperation, no one would agree to
what they have planned.
For practical strategies on how you can respond in light of all the
tyrannical interventions that have been imposed on us, check out
James Corbett's interview with Howard Lichtman below:
I also
recommend reading "Constitutional Sheriffs Are the Difference
Between Freedom and Tyranny."
Last but not least, now is also the time to take control of your own
health. Make it a point to really take care of yourself. Remember,
insulin resistance, obesity and vitamin D deficiency top the list of
comorbidities that significantly raise your risk complications and
death from COVID-19.
These are also underlying factors in a host of other chronic
diseases, including mental health problems, so by addressing them,
you'll improve your chances of getting through this challenging time
with your health and sanity intact.
You can find tons of information
about how to reverse all of these issues by searching my article
CRUCIAL Viral Update Dec 7th -
Europe and USA Explained!
Sources and
1, 6, 23, 43
- Twitter
Michael P. Senger December 9, 2020
2 - Tablet
Mag September 15, 2020
3 - Bloomberg
August 11, 2020
4, 5
September 16, 2020
7 - Institute
for Policy Studies June 18, 2020
8, 9
- Childrens
Health Defense December 14, 2020
10 - The
Defender December 14, 2020
11, 13
- Forbes
August 10, 2020
12 - New
York Fed August 2020
14 - New
York Times April 12, 2020 (Archived)
15 - Financial
Times April 10, 2020
16 - Global
News Canada October 10, 2020
17 - APA
Stress in America 2020
18 - CNBC
October 21, 2020
19, 20
Issue Brief Updated December 9, 2020
21 - MMWR
October 23, 2020; 69(42);1522–1527
22 - Daily
Wire October 22, 2020
24 - Irish
Times July 20, 2020
25, 30
October 30, 2020
26 - ITV.com
April 27, 2020
27 - WebMD
August 18, 2020
28 - UN
April 6, 2020
29 - STV.tv
July 1, 2020
31 - HRW.org
April 9, 2020
32 - Archives
of Disease in Childhood Published Online First: 02 July
2020. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2020-319872
33 - The
Guardian November 9, 2020
34 - The
Washington Post October 30, 2020
35 - The
Economist July 19, 2020
36 - CBS
October 27, 2020
37 - CNN
November 30, 2020
38 - Wall
Street Journal March 29, 2020 (Archived)
39 - Youtube
April 30, 2020
40 - The
Telegraph August 30, 2020
41 - UN
News September 17, 2020
42 - The
Guardian April 21, 2020
44, 47, 50
News December 1, 2020
45 - Townhall
May 20, 2020
46 - Weforum.com
June 24, 2020
48 - Psychology
Today August 3, 2020
49 - World
Economic Forum Digital Transformation July 2020 (PDF)
51 - Global
Research November 9, 2020