by Dr. Joseph Mercola
October 28,
Mercola Website
version in spanish

Story at-a-glance
Great Reset" is a new "social contract" that ties you to
it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account
and health records, and a "social credit" ID that will
dictate every facet of your life
While the COVID-19 pandemic is being used as a
justification for the Great Reset movement, the agenda
has nothing to do with health and everything to do with
a long-term plan to monitor and control the world
through digital surveillance and artificial intelligence
Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are
rebranded terms for technocracy and the old "New World
Order" melded with the transhumanist movement
Technocracy is an economic system of resource allocation
that revolves around technology - in particular
artificial intelligence, digital surveillance and Big
Data collection - and the digitization of industry and
government, which in turn allows for the automation of
social engineering and social rule, thereby doing away
with the need for democratically elected leadership
While the real plan is to usher in a tech-driven
dystopia free of democratic controls, they speak of this
plan as a way to bring us back into harmony with nature
What You Need to Know About 'the Great Reset'
By now, you've probably started hearing world leaders speak of,
Great Reset," 1 "the Fourth Industrial Revolution"
2 and the call to
"Build Back Better." 3
One example among many
is this speech by Matt Hancock, British Minister for Digital,
Culture, Media & Sport, given during an All-Party Parliamentary
Group meeting on the Fourth Industrial Revolution in 2017: 4
"One of the roles of Parliament is to cast ahead... and tackle the
great challenges of our time...
The nature of the technologies is
materially different to what has come before. In the past, we've
thought of consumption as a one-off, and capital investment as
Yet put resources into the networks that now connect half the world,
or into AI, and the effects are exponential...
I'm delighted to
speak alongside so many impressive colleagues who really understand
this, and alongside Professor Klaus Schwab who literally 'wrote the
book' on the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Your work, bringing together as you do all the best minds on the
planet, has informed what we are doing... Our Digital Strategy,
embedded within the wider Industrial Strategy, sets out the seven
pillars on which we can build our success.
And inside that fits our 5G strategy, like a set of Russian Dolls.
Our Strategy covers infrastructure, skills, rules and ethics of big
data use, cyber security, supporting the tech sector, the
digitization of industry, and digitization of government."
What Is the
Great Reset?
But what do the terms "Great Reset," "Fourth Industrial Revolution"
and "Build Back Better" actually mean?
What do they refer to?
In the
October 16, 2020, Corbett Report 5 above, journalist James Corbett
breaks down the new social contract planned for the world, otherwise
known as "the great reset."
The Great Reset not only ties you to it through an electronic ID
linked to your bank account and health records, but even gives you a
"social credit" ID that can run every facet of your life...
While the current pandemic is being used as a
justification for the
movement, the agenda has nothing to do with health and everything to
do with a long-term plan to monitor and control the world through
technical surveillance.
In other words, the world will be reset to
depend on digital technocracy run by self-appointed elitists.
It's a power grab of unprecedented magnitude, and involves the
restructuring of social classes to dismantle democracy, erase
national borders and allow for the governing of communities from a
distance by a group of unelected leaders.
What was in the past
referred to as the "New
World Order" is now known as "The Great
This Great Reset not only ties you to it through an electronic ID
linked to your bank account and health records, but even gives you a
"social credit" ID that can run every facet of your life.
This isn't
a lofty conspiracy theory - it's real. It's happening
now. And you
need to know how to fight it before it's too late...
Ultimately, it's a
technocratic agenda that seeks to integrate
mankind into a technological surveillance apparatus overseen by
powerful artificial intelligence. Ironically, while the real plan is
to usher in a tech-driven dystopia free of democratic controls, they
speak of this plan as a way to bring us back into harmony with
If you're unfamiliar with the term "technocracy," be sure to go back
and listen to my interview with Patrick Wood, author of,
You can also learn more on Wood's
In a nutshell,
technocracy is an economic system of resource
allocation that revolves around technology - in particular
artificial intelligence, digital surveillance and Big Data
collection - and the digitization of industry (which includes
banking) and government, which in turn allows for the automation of
social engineering and social rule, thereby doing away with the need
for elected government leaders...
Your Guide to
the Great Reset
According to the World Economic Forum, 6 the Great Reset,
address the need for a more fair, sustainable and resilient future,
and a new social contract centered on human dignity, social justice
and where societal progress does not fall behind economic
And what is the World Economic Forum?
It's an international
organization for public-private cooperation that "engages the
foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society
to shape global, regional and industry agendas." 7
The founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum is
professor Klaus Schwab, who, as mentioned by Hancock in his 2017
speech, wrote the book on the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
announced the World Economic Forum's Great Reset Initiative in June
In his report, Corbett summarizes the Great Reset thus:
"At base, the Great Reset is nothing more, and nothing less, than a
great propaganda, marketing rollout campaign for a new brand that
the would-be global elite are trying to shove down the public's
It's just a fresh coat of lipstick on a very old pig.
This is The New World Order, just redefined. It's just a new label
for it."
And, as explained by Corbett, for those who forgot about what the
New World Order was/is all about, it was all about,
of control into fewer hands, globalization [and] transformation of
society through Orwellian surveillance technologies."
In other words, it's technocracy, where we the people know nothing
about the ruling elite while every aspect of our lives is surveilled,
tracked and manipulated for their gain.
Four key take-aways from
Corbett's research into the Great Reset are:
1. The Great Reset has NOTHING to do with a virus, the COVID-19
pandemic or anything else related to public health.
2. The Great Reset is a coordinated agenda that has been years in
the making - The pandemic is simply being used as a convenient
"cover" for an elitist, globalist agenda that has been planned for
3. The Great Reset is NOT the end of globalization - On the
contrary, it is globalization turbo-charged.
As noted by Schwab in
the policy book, "COVID-19: The Great Reset," co-written with
Thierry Malleret and cited in Corbett's report:
"If no one power can enforce order, our world will suffer from a
'global order deficit.'
Unless individual nations and international
organizations succeed in finding solutions to better collaborate at
the global level, we risk entering an 'age of entropy' in which
retrenchment, fragmentation, anger and parochialism will
increasingly define our global landscape, making it less
intelligible and more disorderly."
In other words, there's no room for the spontaneously arising social
order that occurs when people are allowed to freely interact.
Instead, there must be "one power" to enforce whatever the desired
social-environmental-economic-geopolitical order is.
4. This process is not meant to end - The end of the pandemic will
not be the end of this totalitarian, digital enslavement agenda.
plan is not to "reset" the world back to some earlier state that
will allow us all to start over with a cleaner environment and more
equitable social structures. The plan is to circumvent democracy and
shift global governance into the hands of the few.
As noted by
Schwab in "COVID-19: The Great Reset":
"When confronted with it, some industry leaders and senior
executives may be tempted to equate reset with restart, hoping to go
back to the old normal and restore what worked in the past:
traditions, tested procedures and familiar ways of doing things - in
short, a return to business as usual.
This won't happen because it can't happen. For the most part,
'business as usual' died from (or at the very least was infected by)
Transformation Map
What might the Great Reset transformation look like?
As noted by
Corbett, the following illustration, created and released by the
World Economic Forum, shows the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on
various aspects of life, and how pandemic responses are transforming
these areas.
If you go to the original site for the illustration, 8 you'll also
find listings of publications, videos and data relating to all of
these facets. Around the 25-minute mark, Corbett explains how you
can use this map to get a feel for the scope of the transformation
being prepared - everything from finance, business and education to
health care, human rights and global governance.
Importantly, the pandemic is being used to destroy the local
economies around the world, which will then allow the World Economic
Forum to come in and "rescue" debt-ridden countries.
However, the price for this salvation is your personal freedom and
World Economic Forum and the
central banks will, through
their facilitated financial bailouts, be able to effectively control
most countries in the world.
And, again, one of the aspects
of the technocratic plan is to eliminate nation borders and
nationalism in general.

The Fourth
Industrial Revolution
A related term to the Great Reset is,
"the Fourth Industrial
This refers to the merging of digital, physical and
biological systems.
As noted by Schwab,
"It doesn't change what we
are doing, but it changes us." 9
What they're talking about is the
creation of a new economic system
built around the
merger of the human body and mind with machines and
artificial intelligence.
In other words, technocracy
resource-based economic system with centralized control by a
technocratic elite who have the know-how to program the computer
systems will ultimately dictate the lives of everyone.
Of course, it's sold to us as a
means to 'harness' and 'elevate' human
potential, when in fact it will do the complete opposite.
Ultimately, they're not just trying to change the definition of what
it means to be human - they're openly conspiring to alter humanity
through technological means.
In addition to the sources cited earlier, Corbett also fleshed out
the history of technocracy in his December 28, 2015 report, 10 "How
Big Oil Conquered the World."
In short,
the Fourth Industrial
Revolution is nothing but a rebranding of technocracy, melded with
the transhumanist movement.
You can also learn more about Schwab, the figurehead of modern
technocracy, by reading,
According to Off-Guardian, 13 Schwab ensures us that "smart" Big Data
technologies will,
"'deliver new and innovative ways to service
citizens and customers' and we will have to stop objecting to
businesses profiting from harnessing and selling information about
every aspect of our personal lives."
In that article, Schwab is also quoted as saying,
trust in the data and algorithms used to make decisions will be
...which about sums up the technocratic view of "government."
Coronavirus 'Circuit Breaker'
In some parts of the world, a second wave of COVID-19 is
reportedly 14 emerging, and according to some researchers, the best
way to combat it is to implement another round of more stringent
lockdown measures - a so-called "circuit breaker" strategy to bring
the infection rate under control.
Meanwhile, other reports 15 warn that while COVID-19 can be deadly
for a small minority of people, so are lockdowns, thanks to the
poverty, famine and mental health challenges they bring about.
Lockdowns Are a Failed Experiment
According to an October 13, 2020, article 16 in The Sun, COVID-19
restrictions "could hurl 90 million into 'extreme poverty'," with
the poorest nations bearing the brunt of the economic collapse.
New York Post also recently reported 17 that "COVID-19 lockdowns were
a risky experiment" that failed, and have proven deadlier than the
virus itself.
"No ethical scientist would conduct such a risky experiment without
carefully considering the dangers and monitoring the results, which
have turned out to be dismal," the New York Post writes. 18
"While the economic and social harms have been enormous, it isn't
clear that the lockdowns have brought significant health benefits
beyond what was achieved by people's voluntary social distancing and
other actions.
In a comparison of 50 countries, a team led by
Rabail Chaudhry of
the University of Toronto found that COVID-19 was deadlier in
places with older populations and higher rates of
obesity (like the
United States), but the mortality rate was no lower in countries
that closed their borders or enforced full lockdowns.
After analyzing 23 countries and 25 U.S. states with widely varying
policies, Andrew Atkeson of UCLA and fellow economists found that
the mortality trend was similar everywhere once the disease took
The number of
daily deaths rose rapidly for 20 to 30 days, then fell
The cost-benefit rationale becomes even bleaker if you use the
standard metric for determining whether a drug or other intervention
is worthwhile:
How much money will society spend for each year of
life being saved?
By that metric, the
lockdowns must be the most cost-ineffective intervention in the
history of public health, because so many of the intended
beneficiaries are near the end of life.
In America, nearly 80
percent of
COVID-19 victims have been over 65, and more than 40
percent were living in nursing homes, where the
median life expectancy after admission is just five months...
No one wants to hasten the demise of the elderly, but
they and other vulnerable people can be shielded without
shutting down the rest of the society,
as Sweden and other countries
have demonstrated...
Early in the pandemic, Scott Atlas at the Hoover Institution and
researchers at Swansea University independently calculated that,
lockdowns would ultimately cost more years of life than COVID-19 in
the United States and Britain, and the toll seems certain to be
worse in poor countries.
The World Bank estimates that the coronavirus recession could push
60 million people into extreme poverty, which inevitably means more
disease and death."
The Cure
That is Worse Than the Disease
We're now also seeing reports 19 that "unexplained excess deaths at
home" are outpacing COVID-19 deaths by nearly 900%, likely due to
people with chronic illnesses avoiding medical care.
physicians and scientists continue to butt heads when it comes to
the sanest path forward.
As noted in an October 6, 2020, article 20 in The Conversation,
whether or not the coronavirus cure is worse than the disease has
"the most divisive question of 2020," with dozens of doctors
signing on to one side or the other...
A recent Kaiser Health News story 21 also highlights the impact of
"pandemic stress" on public health, as more and more people are
reporting problems ranging from insomnia and excruciating headaches
to hair loss and cracked teeth:
"Throughout the pandemic, people who never had the coronavirus have
been reporting a host of seemingly unrelated symptoms:
headaches, episodes of hair loss, upset stomach for weeks on end,
sudden outbreaks of shingles and flare-ups of autoimmune disorders.
The disparate symptoms, often in otherwise healthy individuals, have
puzzled doctors and patients alike, sometimes resulting in a series
of visits to specialists with few answers.
But it turns out there's
a common thread among many of these conditions, one that has been
months in the making:
chronic stress...
Although people often
underestimate the influence of the mind on the
body, a growing catalog of research shows that high levels of stress
over an extended time can drastically alter physical function and
affect nearly every organ system.
Now, at least eight months into the pandemic, alongside a divisive
election cycle and racial unrest, those effects are showing up in a
variety of symptoms.
'The mental health component of COVID is
starting to come like a tsunami,' said Dr. Jennifer Love, a
California-based psychiatrist."
Coronavirus Fraud
As detailed in "Coronavirus Fraud Scandal - The Biggest Fight Has
Just Begun," an international network of legal experts and health
professionals are preparing to launch the largest class-action
lawsuit in history, against all those responsible for the global
lockdowns, from local policy makers to the World Health Organization
and everyone in between.
According to the four attorneys who founded the German Corona
Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, which is leading the tort
case, the COVID-19 pandemic is,
"probably the greatest crime against
humanity ever committed."
Pandemic measures were intended to sow
panic in order to allow for a massive transfer of wealth, and
fraudulent testing has been used to keep the ruse going.
In reality, mortality statistics reveal COVID-19 has not led to an
excess of deaths above the annual norm, the proposed action says,
and there's no evidence lockdowns and economic shutdowns have
produced favorable results.
While the Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee hasn't
specifically addressed the pandemic as a vehicle for a technocratic
revolution, it highlights that,
it has been fraudulently used as a
means for wealth transfer and elimination of basic human rights.
As noted in the June 29, 2020,
Technocracy.news article, 22 "The
Elite Technocrats Behind the Global 'Great Reset": 23
"The UN Agenda 2030 with its Sustainable Development Goals is
claimed to,
'ensure peace and prosperity for people and the planet.'
The actions are said to tackle poverty and hunger, bring better
health and education, reduce inequalities, and save the oceans,
forests and the climate. Who can argue against such benevolent
But the promised Utopia comes with a price - it sets shackles on our
personal freedom...
The leading partners of the United Nations
Global Goals project reveal the real technocratic agenda that lies
behind the polished feel-good façade - it involves a plan to fully
integrate mankind into a technological surveillance apparatus
overseen by a powerful AI.
The current pandemic scare has been a perfect trigger to kickstart
this nefarious agenda... The current COVID-19 crisis is seen by the
World Economic Forum and its chairman Klaus Schwab as the perfect
trigger to implement their grandiose technocratic plan.
Big Tech
will come to 'rescue' the world...
This techno-fascist recipe
will then, in an utmost non-democratic fashion without any
public debate or skeptic inquiry, soon be integrated into the
agenda of G20 and the European Union - relabeled as the
Great Green Deal...
Unsurprisingly, Klaus Schwab fails to mention his own and his
cronies' role in creating this global economic mess in the first
place - as it was 'foreseen' with stunning accuracy in World
Economic Forum's and
Bill Gate's Event 201 (October 2019) and in the
Rockefeller Foundation report 24
Scenarios for the Future of
Technology and International Development (2010)."
As I discuss in "The Global Takeover Is Underway," technocracy is
inherently a technological society run through social engineering,
and Big Tech censorship is part and parcel of this.
In other words,
the medical tyranny and censorship of anti-groupthink that has
emerged during
this 'pandemic' are an unavoidable element of the Great
Reset, and if you think it's bad now, just wait until the whole
system is brought fully online...
The mere idea of dissent will become a thought of the past, because
your life - your health, educational and work opportunities, your
finances and your very identity - will be so meshed with the
automated technological infrastructure that any attempt to break
free, will result in you being locked out or erased from the system,
leaving you with no ability to learn, work, travel or purchase
It sounds far-fetched, I know, but when you follow the technocratic
plan to its inevitable end, that's basically what you end up with.
The warning signs are all around us, if we're willing to see them
for what they actually are.
The only question now is
whether enough
people are willing to resist it to make a difference...
Sources and References
1 - Technocracy.news
June 25, 2020
2, 4
- Gov.uk
The Fourth Industrial Revolution
3 - Intellectual
Takeout October 12, 2020
5 - Corbett
Report October 16, 2020
6, 7
- YouTube
World Economic Forum June 3, 2020
8 - Intelligence.weforum.org
9 - YouTube
Your Guide to the Great Reset October 16, 2020, 30-minute
10 - How
Big Oil Conquered the World
11, 22, 23
- The Elite Technocrats Behind the Global
'Great Reset'
12, 13
- Klaus Schwab
His Great Fascist Reset
14 - Yahoo!
News October 14, 2020
15 - The
Spectator October 19, 2020
16 - The
Sun October 13, 2020 (Updated October 14, 2020)
17, 18
- New
York Post October 8, 2020
19 - The
Telegraph September 22, 2020
20 - The
Conversation October 6, 2020
21 - KHN.org
October 15, 2020
24 - Scenarios for the Future of
Technology and International Development