by Dr. Joseph Mercola
18, 2021
Mercola Website

Story at-a-glance
psychological condition of society known as "mass formation
psychosis" is a condition for totalitarianism. Under mass
formation psychosis, a population enters a hypnotic-type
trance that makes them willing to sacrifice anything,
including their lives and their freedom. That's what's
happening right now
are four key conditions that must be in place for mass
formation psychosis to occur: Lack of societal bonding,
experiencing life as meaningless and senseless, widespread
free-floating anxiety/free-floating discontent, and
free-floating frustration/aggression
these four conditions are widespread, mass formation can
occur, which allows for totalitarianism to rise and thrive
A key
strategy to break mass formation and prevent totalitarianism
is to speak out against it. We also need to give those
hypnotized a greater fear to replace the fear of the virus
with, namely the fear of totalitarianism and the loss of
their and their children's lives, livelihoods and freedoms
that go along with it
Dissenters need to join together, thereby giving
fence-sitters who are not yet fully hypnotized an
alternative to going along with the totalitarians
Understanding the Psychology
Behind the COVID 'pandemic'...
In the video below, Dr.
Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA
and DNA vaccine core platform technology, 1 reviews a
theory professor
Mattias Desmet, a Belgian psychologist and
statistician, believes explains the absurd and irrational behavior
we're now seeing worldwide with regard to the COVID 'pandemic' and its
He calls this phenomenon "mass formation psychosis," a type of crowd
hypnosis that results in literally converting a large segment of the
population into psychosis.
Mass formation
psychosis is the explanation for how the Germans accepted the
atrocities by the Nazi party in the 1930s, and it's the explanation
for why so many around the world support medical apartheid and the
destruction of the unvaccinated now.
Billions of People are
Affected by this and They don't Realize it
- Dr. Robert Malone 2021
It's so irrational and inhumane, many have wondered how we got here.
As it turns out, the
psychology of totalitarianism has been studied for decades, and the
whole thing is in fact explainable as a psychiatric phenomenon that
arises when certain conditions exist in a society.
The Four Base
Conditions for ‘Mass Formation'
The four central conditions that need to exist in order for mass
formation psychosis to take root are:
Lack of social
Social isolation was a widespread problem long
before the 'pandemic'. In one survey, 25% of respondents said
they didn't have a single close friend.
lockdowns also contributed and worsened already existing
We were all told that any contact with others,
including members of our own family, could be a death
Seeing life as meaningless, purposelessness and senseless,
and/or being faced with persistent circumstances that don't
make rational sense
Desmet cites research showing that half of all
adults feel their jobs are completely meaningless, providing
no value to either themselves or others.
In another poll, done in 2012, 63% of respondents said they
were "sleepwalking" through their workdays, putting no
passion into their work whatsoever.
So, condition No.
2 for mass formation hypnosis was also fulfilled, even
before the 'pandemic' hit.
Events that occurred in late 2019 and early 2020, such as
the many questions surrounding the presidential election and
the initial COVID lockdowns, added fuel to the widespread
confusion and uncertainty, resulting in the next condition:
free-floating anxiety and free-floating discontent
Free-floating anxiety refers to anxiety that has no apparent
or distinct cause.
Judging by the
popularity of antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs,
condition No. 3 was also fulfilled long before the
but additional fuel was piled on just before the 'pandemic'.
Many felt, and still feel, that "things just aren't right."
Through 2020, it
became increasingly apparent to many that most if not all of
the systems we depend on are broken, and likely broken
beyond repair, including our medical system, our voting
system and our judicial system.
free-floating frustration and aggression
This tends to
naturally follow the previous three. Here, again, the
frustration and aggression have no discernible cause.
How Mass
Formation Allows Totalitarianism to Rise
these four conditions are fulfilled by a large enough portion
of society, they are ripe for the picking to convert to a psychosis,
being totally out of touch with reality, which in turn leads to the
rise of totalitarianism.
As explained by Malone,
when the 'pandemic' broke out, people around the world became obsessed
with one thing:
the virus...
People everywhere thought about, read about and talked about the
virus almost exclusively to everything else.
This singular focus, this
obsession, having the base conditions for mass formation already
firmly in place, allowed for large portions of the population to
enter into a hypnotic-like state.
In that hypnotic-like state (it's very similar to conventional
hypnotism but with minor differences),
people lose their ability to
have rational thought and judgment...
As noted by Malone, there is evidence that suggests at least parts
of this psychological operation were done intentionally by,
"some entity that has
financial benefit or power to gain from doing this, which gets
to the point of global totalitarianism"...
Now, once a large portion
of a society is hyper-focused on and fused in their joint discontent
and anxiety, all a leader or leaders need to do to convince many
that totalitarian control and loss of their freedom is best for them
is to:
Present a story
in which the cause of the anxiety is identified, and then,
Offer a strategy
for neutralizing that cause
Social Bonding
Is Key
By accepting and participating in whatever that strategy is, people
with free-floating anxiety feel equipped with the means to control
their anxiety and avoid panic.
They also feel a strong
bond with others, because they've all identified the same nemesis.
As explained by Desmet in the
Peak Prosperity interview below:
"Because many people
participate in the same strategy to deal with the object of
anxiety, a new kind of social bond emerges a new kind of
So, people feel connected again in a new way. And
that's actually the most crucial thing.
If you look at the corona crisis and listen to the mainstream
narrative, you will hear that everything is about 'solidarity.'
You have to participate, you have to accept the vaccine.
You have to respect
social distancing, because if you don't, you lack citizenship,
you show no solidarity.
That's the most crucial thing, always,
mass formation...
That's the real reason why people buy into the story, even if it
is utterly absurd...
It's not because they believe in the
It is because the narrative leads to a new social
That's the real
There's [also another] advantage.
All the frustration and
aggression can be directed at an object.
And that object is the
people who, for one reason or another, do not want to
participate in the mass formation...
So, you have this very strange situation where people start from
a very negative and divisive mental state; [they have a] lack of
social bond, lack of meaning-making, free floating anxiety and a
lot of frustration and aggression.
They switch from this very highly aversive mental state to a
symptomatic positive state where they feel connected.
Their life
makes sense again through this heroic struggle with the object
of anxiety...
That's why people
continue to believe in the narrative, even if it is utterly
Mass Formation
Psychosis is a Self-Destructive Condition
The crazy thing is that the story can be an obvious lie, yet those
under this hypnotic spell will believe it.
The remedy can be
utterly absurd, yet they'll obey.
This is how totalitarianism is
allowed to rise...
Of course, there must
always be a common enemy that must be obliterated - the "cause" for
the peoples' fear and anxiety - and under totalitarian rule, that
enemy is anyone who is not spellbound.
The dissenters are the
In 2021, the unmasked and unvaccinated are the enemy.
Mass formation psychosis is a very dangerous condition, both for
those under its spell and those who aren't, because the 'mental
intoxication' that results makes people willing to do things that
are clearly wrong and utterly immoral, up to and including
voluntarily killing their own families and themselves, if told it's
for the greater good.
If everyone would just get
the experimental jab, COVID would vanish
and everyone could go back to feeling 'safe' again...
That's the narrative.
makes no sense, it's irrational, inhumane and unscientific, but
those who are in mass formation psychosis believe it's just that
simple, and that's why some are able to wish death on the unmasked
and/or unvaccinated.
So, as noted by Malone,
"If it seems to you
that the rest of the world has gone mad, the truth is, they
A problem far greater
than any virus now is mass formation itself.
It's a very dangerous condition, both for those under its spell and
those who aren't, because the "mental intoxication" that results
makes people willing to do things that are clearly wrong and utterly
immoral, up to and including voluntarily killing their own families
and themselves, if told it's for the greater good.
In short,
masses of
people become profoundly gullible and self-destructive, which is a
frightening combination.
As noted by Desmet,
in a dictatorship, people comply because they
fear the dictator...
In a totalitarian regime,
however, mass formation psychosis is at work, and this gives the
regime extreme power over the individual, as the people, when in
this hypnotic trance voluntarily destroy their own families, their
lives and themselves, along with the stated 'enemy'...
Totalitarianism Unavoidable?
Malone says that in his conversations with Desmet, Desmet has said
he believes the mass formation psychosis is so widespread at this
point that global totalitarianism may be unavoidable.
He believes it'll take
over, as we're seeing in a number of countries already.
what, if anything,
can we do...?
A summary of suggestions
are as follows:
providing true and accurate information to counter the false
narrative. Some who aren't yet fully hypnotized may still be
routed back to sanity.
Speaking out can
also help to limit the atrocities the totalitarian regime is
emboldened to implement, because in totalitarianism,
atrocities and crimes against humanity increase as dissent
Substitute fear
of the virus narratives with narratives that highlight an
even greater fear - fear of totalitarianism...
"Totalitarianism is a bigger boogeyman than the virus
is," Malone says.
control to
Bill Gates, the
World Economic Forum,
BlackRock and Vanguard is a bigger threat than
SARS-CoV-2 is for you and your children, by far."
Desmet has tested
this theory, and found you CAN break the hypnotic focus on
COVID if you're able to refocus their attention,
on something
that's of even
greater concern to them...
Join with other
dissenters into larger groups.
This gives the
larger majority who aren't fully hypnotized but too fearful
to go against the grain an alternative to going along with
the totalitarians.
Build parallel
structures within your local communities.
Think globally,
act locally...
Start developing
parallel structures to heal the four underlying conditions
that allowed mass formation to occur in the first place.
A parallel structure is
any kind of business, organization, technology, movement or creative
pursuit that fits within a totalitarian society while being morally
outside of it.
Once enough parallel
structures are created, a parallel culture is born that functions as
a sanctuary of sanity within the totalitarian world.
The Gravity of
Our Situation
To hear from Desmet himself, listen to his hour-long interview with
Chris Martenson.
As noted by Desmet, since
self-destructiveness is built into the totalitarian system from the
ground up, totalitarian regimes cannot be sustained forever.
fall apart as they're destroyed from within.
That's the good news...
The bad news is,
it can be hell while it lasts, as totalitarianism
built on mass formation almost always leads to heinous atrocities
being committed in the name of 'doing good'...
There are usually few
survivors at the end.
That said, Desmet believes this
new global totalitarianism is more
unstable than regional dictator-led totalitarian systems, so it may
self-destruct faster.
He has just finished
writing a book, "The Psychology of Totalitarianism," which is
expected to be published in January 2022.
The Psychology of
with prof Mattias Desmet
Sources and References
Trial Site News May 30, 2021