by Ethan Huff
June 24,
NewsTarget Website

Every medical "authority" who is going along with the government's
Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19)
"vaccine" agenda must be
under some kind of hypnotic spell because it was known pretty
much since day one that there are already safe and effective
remedies for the Chinese Virus that do not require
dangerous experimental injections...
In a recent interview,
Peter McCullough from
Baylor University explained that the entire world is now being
subjected to a form of medical bioterrorism as a result, all thanks
to the systematic suppression of
hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and
other early treatments for the Wuhan Flu.
McCullough says that the medical establishment's rejection of
already available remedies for the Chinese Virus,
"was tightly linked
to the development of a vaccine," the insinuation being that
jabs were part of the agenda all along.
Rather than allow people
to protect themselves with HCQ, or encourage them to use a natural
remedy like green tea,
The Powers That Be have instead
pushed everyone to get
needled with mRNA chemicals that
stand to permanently reprogram their DNA and possibly kill them -
and millions of people are going along with it.
According to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, the German trial lawyer
who interviewed McCullough, the "pandemic" was planned long in
advance and is,
crime against humanity"...
Fuellmich is calling for
second round of Nuremberg trials
to deal with the career criminals like
Tony Fauci and
Bill Gates who foisted this
nightmare upon us all.
McCullough -
Coronavirus was little more than a "common cold" for most people
McCullough believes that there are two "waves" of
bioterrorism associated with
the plandemic:
the coronavirus
itself and the rollout of dangerous "Operation
Warp Speed" vaccines, which may have already killed
upwards of 50,000 Americans...
McCullough is fully
credentialed to make such a claim, by the way.
He practices internal
medicine and cardiology, and is also the editor, senior editor and
editor, respectively, of Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, the
American Journal of Cardiology, and Cardiorenal Medicine.
He is also president of
the Cardiorenal Society.
"The first wave of
bioterrorism is a respiratory virus that spread across the world
and affected relatively few people - about
one percent of many populations - but generated great fear,"
McCullough explained during a recent Oval Media webinar with
other doctors.
McCullough further added
that the Chinese Virus targeted,
"mostly the frail and
the elderly, but for otherwise well people it was much
like having the common cold."
McCullough has personally
treated many patients who tested "positive" for the Wuhan Flu, and
says he even had the disease himself.
Someone in his family
also died after testing positive for it.
"Every single thing
that was done in public health in response to the pandemic made
it worse," McCullough says, noting that the government took full
advantage of the situation to spread fear,
allowing it to ratchet up the tyranny.
McCullough -
Covid vaccines are "phase two of a bioterrorism operation"
Early on in the plandemic, McCullough came up with his own
treatment regimen that he says helped reduce hospitalizations by
about 85 percent.
He began to publish
papers on it before being "met with resistance at all levels" from
his colleagues.
Because of his clout,
McCullough was still able to get two of his papers published.
However, his were the
only two,
"in the entire
medical literature" that made it into the annals, which is a sad
testament to the corruption of modern "science"...
The purpose
behind the plandemic was never
to eradicate some supposedly deadly virus, but rather to keep
the population in fear and isolation,
"preparing them to
the vaccine, which appears to
be phase two of a bioterrorism operation," McCullough warns.
These injections, he
says, deliver to the human body synthetic spike proteins,
"[which is] the gain
of function target of this bioterrorism research."
"What we have learned over time is that we could no longer
communicate with government agencies," McCullough says about how
he has had to be careful what he says on television due to all
the propaganda surrounding the issue.
"We actually couldn't communicate with our propagandized
colleagues in major medical centers, all of which appear to
be under a spell, almost as if they've been hypnotized."
Many good doctors,
McCullough laments, are now mindlessly injecting biologically active
messenger RNA into the bodies of pregnant women, for instance,
completely rejecting all common sense in favor of joining the
"I think when these
doctors wake up from their trance, they're going to be shocked
to think what they've done to people," he says.
McCullough continues to
do whatever he can to try to encourage people to avoid the shots and
learn how to take care of themselves at home, should they test
positive for the Chinese Virus.
It is certainly an uphill
battle, though...