June 12, 2021
OrwellCity Website
Spanish version

There is a connection between
5G antennas and
the "vaccine".
Graphene is manipulated
from the outside, that is possible with the new technology.
Graphene frequencies are
included in the 5G bandwidth and people receiving this misnamed
"vaccine" are being inoculated with
graphene oxide, which becomes
magnetic in contact with hydrogen from biomolecules.
That is, it becomes
magnetic once inside the body. This can happen the same day of
inoculation, days, weeks and up to 3 months later; and it is not
only restricted to the inoculation area.
This graphene oxide aims
to reach the cerebral neurocortex, as biostatistician Ricardo
Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano from La Quinta
Columna have already discovered.
"Nobody has been able
to dismantle so far these speculations and these 'conspiracy
theorists' lucubrations", says Ricardo Delgado, "and to the
people who have a little head and who are honestly inclined
about the phenomenon, this fits (...)
So we have the
obligation of checkmate. Our prize is that they give us
"This makes people magnetic," adds Dr. José Luis Sevillano.
"And it ends with
this. This was unthinkable a few weeks ago. Who was going to put
a stop to this? Well, from heaven they have sent us help, that
this is magnetic and visible, because if it had not been
visible, my friend.... Farewell!
Nobody would have
noticed. And with this goodbye, the vaccination campaign is over
and all the fraud of this whole issue we have been living
through is exposed".
During program number
48, "Graphene oxide has its absorption band in 5G", a user asked
the following question in the chat, and which was later answered by
Dr. José Luis Sevillano:
"If there is no
SARS-CoV-2, what do
Fauci and the
Wuhan lab have to do with any
of this?"
"Nothing. It is precisely the element of confusion so that
people continue to pull the biological part.
Smokescreens, scenarios of a diversionary operation which, in
military language, is what is called a smokescreen (...)
There is only one
thing that is real here - whoever it hurts because they were
wrong at the time to take other routes - and that is that there
is a technology that was put in place at the same time that this
pandemic was set in motion.
And there is an
objective in that pandemic and that is to vaccinate everybody,
remember? I don't know how to say it anymore, that this vaccine
does not protect from the disease, neither from transmitting it
nor from catching it.
You cannot vaccinate
everybody with that intention because it does not work, and yet
everybody is being pushed to the vaccine.
It was said that the Spanish national team was not going to be
vaccinated because they were not a population at risk, nor did
they have a particularly high risk, on the contrary.
However, the rest of
the world is. We are not all at risk and we all are, but they
are not. Do you realize that the strategy is to vaccinate?
If we have a goal to
vaccinate everybody and in addition in three doses every year,
then what the hell!
(...) What virus have we ever treated in the world to have three
doses a year? Of what?
And yet, you see a
massive vaccination - inexplicably massive - because there is no
justification for the effects that this vaccine is supposed to
have on the organism that does not immunize against contracting
it or infecting it.
And you see all the
antennas that are being put in at a speed in this last year. So,
don't you know how to add up? What I have been saying here for a
long time: the elements are very clear.
You still think that
there is still a biological agent out there."
You just have to connect
the dots.
World leaders have talked
about what the future holds with 5G antennas and what they would
achieve in people, in their minds, at a thought level. In this
regard, Ricardo Delgado comments as follows:
"Sebastián Piñera
from Chile - so you can see that in an official presentation
where he presents 5G - talks about controlling thought: about
inserting emotions and feelings and that we will be happy - as
we are told in the 2030 agenda.
But of course, if
they insert thoughts of happiness, maybe it is happiness... or
maybe not. In some moments they will make us aggressive, stupid,
malleable or whatever they want.
(...) Graphene has moved so much money, so many billions of
euros that it is normal that it has been able to buy people.
In this sense, it is
clear to me that people have already swallowed, communicated and
lost any kind of conscience, even though they know that this is
really going to provoke. What it is going to provoke, surely, is
a hecatomb or an authentic genocide, which is what it intends.
Somehow they have
seen it as a golden opportunity for the Sustainable Development
Goals of Agenda 2030."
Everything seems to be
reaching a point of no return.
Mass vaccinations have
taken place all over the planet and governments and their minions
are still coercing people to get vaccinated, however, there is still
time to 'stop things', says Dr. Sevillano:
"We still have a few
weeks left, let's see if we can stop things. Don't lose track.
This has to be
denounced as much as possible to stop it. If we stop
vaccination, we stop the rest. If they dare - after people
become aware that the vaccine is not what they told us - I don't
think they dare to turn on 5G technology, because the vaccine is
magnetic and all that discourse is linked to 5G technology.
Everything. In other
words, if we manage to stop vaccination, we will have managed to
pay for the other (...) The enemy must be disarmed, if you do
not disarm him, he will create an epidemic or whatever he wants.
So, please, I repeat,
I am getting tired, but it is a desperate cry to everybody, to
appeal to the authorities.
To give us explanations, because what
I want is that we stop this, otherwise Mr. Piñera is going to
have the remote control of the Chileans, Mr. Sánchez the remote
control of the Spaniards, the gentleman from here who I cannot
mention because he causes problems - you know who.
That is to say, they
are going to have the remote control of everybody, for God's
sake! (...)
Seeing the figures
they give you in vaccinated people.
I would be scared, so please
move quickly and to all those who have given you that, ask for
explanations and block the doctors already telling them not to
continue vaccinating.
"Check this out
and note there and don't even think of vaccinating anyone
else, look what they did to me."
Please put pressure
down there to stop this. And to everyone you
can, warn them of the relationship between this vaccine here and
that which is around (5G antennas).
Let them start realizing it
This is one more
stage of the operation that corresponds to us to make people
aware, but first of all it is for the vaccination and to see
their reaction.
When you see the
reactions, your blood will run cold and you will immediately
think about the antennas."
Sebastián Piñera's
speech on 5G and technologies capable of inserting thoughts and
"The start of the
bidding process for the 5G network.
Let's listen to the threats
that we sorted in that meeting with the leaders of the world: it
is the possibility that machines can read our thinking and can
even insert thoughts, insert feelings.
Well, some say the best
way to predict the future is to invent it.
Well, that's what we
all aspire to. 5G is a tremendous leap forward, it's a cosmic
leap, it's a Copernican leap, because really what 5G technology
is going to mean is an even bigger change in our lives than all
the previous technologies have built in this area.
I wonder: how important is the beating heart to human survival?
And do we worry about the beating heart? No. There is an
intelligent system inside our body that makes multiple organs
perform tremendously sophisticated functions, with perfect
And very few decisions come to our consciousness.
Most are made autonomously and intelligently by this nervous
The same is going to happen with many other spheres of
our lives thanks to this technology and an imperative whose
urgency and importance does not require second readings is to
modernize our state so that it is a change that reaches every
home in our country."
Regarding the speech, Dr.
Jose Luis Sevillano analyzes and comments:
"He has said
something even more serious.
We are talking about the 'social
nervous system'. Social...
That is, a collective mind that
dominates at a distance. It is no longer the central nervous
system yours in which you are independent and autonomous and you
see what you do with you, but your government. Not you.
A social
nervous system that dominates, that controls you. They just have
to inject people with something periodically and antennae.
already have that social nervous system they are looking for.
We've been saying it for a long time: humanity is in danger.
Since they started doing what they started doing a year and a
bit ago, we are in danger. But it is already so clear to them
that they are no longer hiding.
They go out and put on a show.
They tell you to your face what they are going to do with you
and on top of that you have to applaud them:
"Man, what a cool
social nervous system. They're going to manipulate my thoughts
and feelings."
But who do you take us for, sir? How far have we
human beings come to applaud you?
I say:
if there had been
someone sane in that room, he would have jumped in there to grab
that guy by the neck and tie his hands behind his back to take
him directly to the police station.
He is already announcing to us that they are not going to
dominate us as if we were slaves, with an external technology
that you have no control over because you know what those waves
emit when they emit them and because nobody knows it, right?
Notice how we've racked our brains here, both Ricardo and I to
figure out what's going on.
At each wave, as we have had to identify the signs of load, of
density of each wave. How that birds crash? What cars and
metallic material and street furniture sparks. That the signs
are cut. What have we had, that household appliances melt?
had to look for strange signs around us to realize that they
were manipulating that.
Look at how we had to move around to
realize that. I mean, they can do whatever they want whenever
they want and you're not going to notice.
So, please, go to the
doctor, put pressure on him and let's turn all this upside down,
turning all this upside down, because life is going well for us
and we should not go around revolutions.
The existing structure
is good, what happens is that it is in the hands of bad people.
And these people must be thrown out immediately, quickly. They
have to be thrown out. They do not give explanations in the face
of an urgent and serious social demand.
Then, they have to be
thrown out.
We start with the doctors, who are responsible. We insist. A
barrier is placed there. They are the ones who do not stop this
And then we start to tell people that this has to do
with the other, and then that is over too. And little by little
we take the reins of our future, which you can see that someone
is already designing it.
Did you hear what that gentleman (Piñera) said, that the best
way to predict the future is to invent it? But you, you bastard,
you are the one who is going to invent it!
You are not going to
give the rest of us the option of inventing our future. You're
going to invent it for us, aren't you?
And you're going to play
fortune teller like them:
"Fourth wave in 15 days."
"It's just
that we got sick at Easter."
I don't know what's going to happen, I don't know what disaster.
We are being predicted a "brain tsunami". Do you see how they
invent the future?
They don't predict it, they
invent it and
they told you.
They control it"...