by Dr. Joseph Mercola
June 06,
Mercola Website
Spanish version

Fomenting hatred is a tool of tyrants, and over the past two
years, political leaders, agency heads, academics, medical
professionals and media personalities alike have publicly
encouraged hatred and violence and wished painful death upon
anyone who didn't want to be part of the medical experiment
that is the COVID jabs
now, with everything we know for sure about the jabs, the
war against the unvaccinated continues in many areas, and
ignorance of basic science still abounds
recent weeks, we've seen the stage being set for another
fabricated hate-fest. This time, the gay community is the
designated enemy and target
relations has been identified as the primary source of a
global 'monkeypox outbreak.' Will the gay community be
targeted for exclusion, derision and attack in coming weeks
and months, as the "monkeypox threat" continues to be hyped?
Fabrications are used to brainwash the public into hating
truth-tellers and anyone who points out discrepancies in the
narrative. It's a dangerous path, and we're still on it
Fomenting Hatred
is a Propaganda
of Tyrants...
Fomenting hatred is a
tool of tyrants, and over the past two years,
political leaders,
agency heads, academics, medical professionals and media
personalities alike,
...have publicly encouraged
hatred and violence and
wished painful death upon anyone who didn't want to be part of the
medical experiment that is
the COVID jabs.
In an eloquent Medium post, journalist Susan Dunham
summarizes the lessons (hopefully) learned from hating and attacking
the unvaccinated: 1
"The mandates have
let up, and both sides stumble back into something that looks
like the old normal - except that there is a fresh and present
injury done to the people we tried to break.
And no one wants to
talk about it.
Only weeks ago, it was the admitted goal of our own leaders to
make life unlivable for the unvaccinated...
And as a deputized
collective, we force-multiplied that pain, taking the fight into
our families, friendships, and workplaces. Today, we face the
hard truth that none of it was justified - and, in doing that,
uncover a precious lesson.
It was a quick slide from righteousness to cruelty, and however
much we might blame our leaders for the push, we're accountable
for stepping into the trap despite better judgment.
We knew that waning immunity put vast numbers of the fully
vaccinated on par with the shrinking minority of unvaccinated,
yet we marked them for special persecution.
We said they hadn't
'done the right thing' by turning their bodies over to state
care - even though we knew that principled opposition to such a
thing is priceless in any circumstance...
And so it was by the willful ignorance of science, civics, and
politics that we squeezed the unvaccinated to the degree that we
[W]e cannot hold our heads high, as if believing we had
logic, love, or truth on our side while we viciously wished
death upon the unvaccinated.
The best we can do is
sit in the awareness of our rabid inhumanity for having cast so
many aside...
[B]etting against them has been a scathing embarrassment for
many of us who've now learned that the mandates only had the
power we gave them.
It was not through
quiet compliance that we avoided endless domination by
pharmaceutical companies and medical checkpoints at every
It was thanks to the people we tried to tear down... We took the
bait by hating them, but their perseverance bought us the time
to see we were wrong.
It seems right now
like the mandates will return, but this time there's hope that
more of us will see them for what they are: a rising
authoritarianism that has no concern for our wellbeing."
Forgive and
Dunham addresses the situation from the point of those who fell for
the hypnotic command to despise anyone - friends and family included
- who refused to buy the official narrative about the COVID shots.
Most of you, however,
have likely been on the receiving end of those attacks.
How are you choosing
to address it?
What have you
I suspect many of you are
indeed willing to forgive, but few will ever forget those betrayals.
But as noted by Dunham,
no one really wants to talk about what was done.
Everyone's just going along as if
it never happened.
As if our leaders
didn't actually call for our deaths.
As if our president
didn't warn us his patience with us was "wearing thin"
2 - a
threat that implied bad things would happen once patience ran
As if news anchors
Don Lemon didn't actually say we deserved to starve and
shouldn't be allowed to enter a grocery store. 3,4
But they did say those
things, and family and friends did reject us as a result.
Still Remains
Remarkably, even now, with everything we know for sure about the
jabs, the war against the unvaccinated continues in many areas, and
while compassion is slowly making a comeback, ignorance of the
basics still abounds.
As noted in a January 21,
2022, MSN article: 5
"There seems to be a
war on the unvaccinated individuals because of the recent spike
in COVID-19 cases due to the more transmissible Omicron
Starting last year,
the Austrian government imposed restrictions solely on the
country's unvaccinated population, as many people wondered why
those who got vaccinated should also face the same restrictions
as those who opted against it...
I am all for encouraging people to get vaccinated; I had my jabs
and my booster immediately when they became available in my
But I wonder:
Just how
necessary is this war on the unvaccinated?
What if a person
decided to opt-out against the vaccine because they had
preexisting medical conditions, simply feared for their life, or
lacked the knowledge about it because the government was too
busy forcing and scaring people instead of genuinely informing
Sadly, the author of that
MSN piece seems convinced that if only the reluctant were to be
given the science, the data, they would understand why the shots are
so necessary, when the reality is that the science and the data have
been the basis for our refusal from the start.
Until or unless the
experimental jab pushers acknowledge reality, we will never be able
to see eye to eye.
The MSN author also believes that lack of financial incentive is
behind some of the vaccine hesitancy: 6
"If a person is given
the choice between going to work or to the vaccination center,
they would simply choose the option where there is money.
That is just the
If they can go to the
vaccination center and can still be promised to get their day's
pay, why wouldn't they want to get vaccinated, right?"
This naiveté ignores the
reality that countless individuals have sacrificed their careers by
refusing the jab.
For most of us, it was
never about a lack of financial incentives.
It was about the very
real dangers the jabs pose - dangers that "the powers that be" have
yet to fully acknowledge.
First, They
Came for the Unvaxxed - They'll Come for You Next
From the start, I and many others warned that the demonization of
the unvaccinated was an extremely dangerous war tactic.
In an August 2021
Townhall article, Wayne Allyn Root wrote: 7
"It's time for alarm
It's time for me to
play the part of Paul Revere:
'The communist
tyrants and dictators are coming!'...
They're coming first
for unvaccinated Americans. This is 1938. I'm a Jew. I now
understand just a little of what it felt like to be a Jew in
1938... the pre-Holocaust...
This is only the
beginning. It gets much worse from here.
First, 'the papers.' Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are
just like 1938, when the Gestapo demanded papers from every
German. Republicans asked for 'papers' from migrants who had
broken into our country...
Republicans asked for
'papers' once every two years for federal elections, to prove
you have a right to vote.
Democrats said,
'No, that's
Now Democrats want
American citizens, not illegal aliens, not criminals, but
patriots born in this country, to produce papers 24/7...
Weren't Jews
injected with experimental drugs by the depraved Nazi
Wasn't that a key
part of the Nuremberg trials?
That no
government could ever again inject experimental shots into
the bodies of unwilling citizens?
Isn't that a
basic human right?...
[F]orcibly injecting
Americans who don't want it.
That's 1938..."
Root goes on to detail
the fate of Jews during those pre-Holocaust years.
They were locked in
their homes.
They were barred from
Their businesses were
deemed "nonessential."
They couldn't travel.
They had to wear a
conspicuous yellow star on their clothing so they could be
easily identified and targeted for public displays of hatred.
Jewish books were burned
- that was the 1938 version of online censorship and deplatforming.
"First, they came for
the unvaccinated. Trust me: Next, they're coming for you," Root
And, indeed, in recent
weeks, we've seen the stage being set for another fabricated
hate-fest. This time, the gay community is the designated enemy and
Same-sex relations has been identified as the primary source of a
monkeypox outbreak. Almost every article discussing the
outbreaks mentions it. That's how it begins...
I'll be very surprised if
the gay community won't be targeted for exclusion, derision and
attack in coming weeks and months.
Will enough people have learned the lesson of humility that Dunham
Have enough cognitively recognized the error of their
ways, or will they fall into the trap yet again?
Only time will
At the end of February
2021, Nick Cohen with The Guardian warned that,
"It is only a matter
of time before we turn on the unvaccinated." 8
By the end of April 2021,
USA Today columnist Michael J. Stern was calling for the
public shunning of the vaccine hesitant, calling them "petri dishes"
of lethal disease, 9 and by July of that year, CNN anchor Don
Lemon was calling for brutal anything-goes restrictions against
the unvaccinated to force them into compliance 10 - even if the
restrictions were indistinguishable from a death sentence.
COVID, it took barely two months for society to go from "we're
all in this together," to declaring half the population subhuman.
Let's see how long it
takes before the media start calling for the forced segregation of
gays to protect us from monkeypox.
I hope it doesn't happen,
but judging by the effectiveness of the brainwashing, causing people
buying into clearly absurd narratives, the risk is certainly there.
As recently as mid-January 2022, LA Times columnist Michael
"doubled down on the
notion, people should mock the unvaccinated who have died from
the coronavirus," Fox News reported. 11
Hiltzik told CNN:
"So many of them have
actually promoted reckless, dangerous policies and... they took
innocent people along with them.
Every one of these
deaths is a teachable moment and, unfortunately, we haven't been
learning from the lesson that we should be hearing from them."
Clearly, Hiltzik has not
yet experienced the moment of clarity described by Dunham.
he insists that,
"Mocking anti-vaxxers
is ghoulish... but necessary."
His LA Times
column 12 bearing the same headline displays a picture of a smiling
Kelly Ernby, wearing a cross around her neck.
Ernby, an Orange County
GOP member, died of COVID complications in January 2022 after
opposing COVID jab mandates.
"How should we react to the deaths of the unvaccinated?" Hiltzik
wrote. 13
"On the one hand, a
hallmark of civilized thought is the sense that every life is
On the other, those who have deliberately flouted sober medical
advice by refusing a vaccine known to reduce the risk of serious
disease from the virus, including the risk to others, and end up
in the hospital or the grave can be viewed as receiving their
just deserts."
His targeting of Ernby, a
Republican, and clearly a christian to boot, smacks of political
vengeance as much as it does misplaced moral superiority.
According to Hiltzik,
being civil toward the unvaccinated who die erases the harm done to
others, and that harm should not be erased but rather underscored.
Ironically, in the end, he's really condemning himself to the fate
he wishes on others because, eventually, the truth will become
common knowledge and everyone will recognize the fatal harm
inflicted by pushing the use of this experimental gene transfer
Mockery probably won't be
the extent to the punishment dished out once that critical mass
awakening happens.
In Some, the
Hypnotic Trance Is Still Deep
Some, like Dunham, recognize the fallacy in their thinking and call
for change.
Others, like Hiltzik,
have been so deeply brainwashed by the fearporn, they really cannot
connect the dots and see that a "vaccine" that doesn't prevent
infection or spread can never protect others.
Hence, those who get the jab are no more considerate to others than
those who don't.
Both pose the same risk to others...
And, if both pose the
same risk,
why target one for
derision and not the other?
It's beyond irrational,
but such is the mind of those under the hypnotic spell of mass
They're incapacitated in the worst of ways, unable to see
Scottish journalist Andrew Neil is another one seemingly
caught in the myopic focus of mass formation.
In December 2021, he
riled against Britain's,
"five million vaccine
refuseniks," saying "They put us all at risk of more
restrictions." 14
He went on to describe
how quick and easy it was to pull out his vaccine passport at a
restaurant. Seconds, really...
"A very minor
inconvenience," he said.
"There was a sense of
safety in knowing that all the other diners had proved
themselves to be fully vaccinated, or had very recently tested
negative, or had contracted the virus and recovered."
He felt safe, having
undergone this completely useless ritual, despite recognizing that
the shot is "not foolproof," and that,
"People who have been
vaccinated can still contract and pass on the virus."
That's the power of
Even when seeing the
dots, he couldn't connect them to draw a rational conclusion...
New Norm:
Fighting 'Misinformation' With Misinformation
The propaganda and false information we've been bombarded with over
the past two and a half years is truly unprecedented.
Now, barely a day goes by
that isn't near-identical to the storyline in Orwell's
dystopian novel, "1984."
One of the latest
examples of the media's hypocrisy and false narratives is The
Associated Press' "Conspiracy Theorists Flock to Bird Flu, Hatch
Lies" article, 15 published May 17, 2022.
The AP specifically
targets me, stating: 16
"While the details
may vary, the conspiracy theories about avian flu all speak to a
distrust of authority and institutions, and a suspicion that
millions of doctors, scientists, veterinarians, journalists and
elected officials around the world can no longer be trusted.
'Americans clearly understand that the federal government and
major media have lied to them repeatedly, and are completely
corrupted by the pharmaceutical companies,' said Dr. Joseph
Mercola, an osteopath whose discredited claims about vaccines,
masks and the coronavirus made him a prominent source of
COVID-19 misinformation.
Mercola's interest in the bird flu dates back years.
A 2009 book
for sale on his website, which Mercola uses to sell unproven
natural health remedies, is titled 'The Great Bird Flu Hoax'."
The hyperlinked "fact
check" provided to prove I've published "discredited claims about
vaccines" is a rebuttal to my statement that,
"People may be more
susceptible to serious COVID-19 illness after they have been
The fact check claims
"Research has shown
that the
Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been proven to be
effective in preventing COVID-19 illness," and that "Experts say
there is 'abundant' evidence that people who get shots will not
become more sick should they later get the virus."
First of all, no expert
sources are actually referenced, so what "abundant evidence" proves
you won't be more susceptible to severe infection post-jab is
anyone's guess.
Secondly, and more
importantly, everyone now knows the shots are nowhere near 95%
Even mainstream media and
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have admitted
the effectiveness was exaggerated and rapidly dwindles.
Truth May Be
Slow, but It Will Win
At best,
Moderna's shot was 94.5% effective against symptomatic
Delta infection FOR TWO WEEKS, before dropping off. 17
Pfizer's effectiveness
against Delta was lower to start and fell more precipitously.
Against Omicron, the Pfizer jab is 65.5% protective between weeks 2
and 4 after the second dose, and only 8.8% effective at week 25.
Moderna's shot starts out
at 75.1% at weeks 2 to 4, and then falls off to 14.9% at week 25.
Yet the AP has no qualms about referring back to what is now
well-recognized misinformation to "prove" that I've been discredited
and that they are "correct."
In reality, the fact
check they link to only proves,
they're using misinformation to
combat truth...
That's bad enough, but these fabrications are then used to brainwash
the public into hating the truth-tellers and anyone who so much as
points out discrepancies in the narrative.
It's a dangerous path,
and we're still on it.
Similarly, when the facts finally overwhelm authorities who have
been spreading unscientific propaganda, the canned response is that,
"science is evolving
and we're following the science."
In reality, however, they
were proven wrong, but they refuse to admit it.
So, they "blame" it on
"evolving science," without ever explaining how "misinformation
spreaders" had these supposedly brand-new data months - or years -
While the war we're currently in uses information instead of
conventional munitions, lives are still at stake.
People are losing
their lives because lies about health are often lethal.
In the end, I believe
the truth will win, because the lies currently told are simply
too destructive...
Sources and
1 Susan
Dunham Medium April 27, 2022
2 Daily
Mail September 9, 2021
3, 10 Fox
News July 31, 2021
4 Air.TV
Lemon Says... Unvaccinated Can't Work or Have a Driver's License
5, 6 MSN
January 21, 2022
7 Townhall
August 8, 2021
8 The
Guardian February 27, 2021
Today April 30, 2021
11 Fox
News January 16, 2022
12, 13 LA
Times January 10, 2022
14 Daily
Mail December 9, 2021
15, 16 Associated
Press May 17, 2022
17 Contagion
Live March 22, 2022