by Makia Freeman
December 02, 2021
TheFreedomArticles Website
Spanish version

COVID shot detox:
learn some possible ways
to detoxify from the
and dangerous effects
of the fake-vaccine.
STORY: Although the
COVID fake-vaccine is taking a toll on
populations worldwide with its deleterious effects,
including myocarditis and death, there is hope for those
who've 'awoken' to the agenda and want to detoxify.
IMPLICATIONS: At every step along the way to
Transhumanism, we have to
fight the 'synthetic agenda,' and support the body's ability
to fend off synthetic and poisonous substances.
It's time to spread solutions for COVID shot detox...
COVID shot,
COVID jab or
COVID fake-vaccine is
not a real vaccine, however its grave and sometimes lethal
effects are definitely real. Databases worldwide are overflowing
with reports of COVID vaccine injuries (adverse events) and deaths.
As of the time of
writing, the US-based
shows approximately 915,000 injuries including 20,000 deaths,
which according to the
2010 Harvard Pilgram Study is underreported
by a factor of 100, so the real stats for would be something like 90
million injured Americans and 2 million dead Americans.
As of the time of
writing, the Europe-based EudraVigilance database (which tracks data
from the 30 nations of the European Economic Area)
records approximately 2,900,000 injuries including 31,000 deaths
following the COVID shot.
It would be fair to
assume similar underreporting happens there, although it is hard to
know for sure.
All the
Big Pharma
apologists and NWO-funded fact checkers are naturally eager to jump
in and claim that this data is all just self-reported and doesn't
prove causation, however it doesn't take a genius to see the trends
Whatever the real
stats, the fake-vaccine effects are devastating.
However, there is
some good news.
If you or someone you know has taken the COVID shot,
and is experiencing post-vaccine regret, there are
some possible ways you can recover.
Below is a list of
options for COVID shot detox.
COVID Shot Detox - Self-Made
Spike Proteins
Before I begin, I
want to make something very clear.
We've all been
bombarded with the fear narrative of the dreaded
protein of SARS-CoV-2.
This is pure
SARS-CoV-2 only exists in a digital viral database
and is not an actual "real-world" virus.
There is no
isolated, real-life SARS-CoV-2 specimen...
Therefore, when I
refer to spike proteins below, I am not talking about the spike
proteins of an abstract virus.
I am talking about
the spike proteins your body has been genetically instructed to make
(if you took the COVID shot).
the various COVID chemical devices (fake-vaccines) on the market
rewire your genes so you make spike proteins, either,
via mRNA, in
the case of Pfizer and Moderna
or via an adenovirus, in the case of
AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson...
These spike
proteins that your body makes then bind to your own ACE2 receptors
or cause havoc in numerous other ways.
Some of the
remedies listed below are to detoxify these self-made spike
Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2,
In a recent
interview (below video) with Sarah Westall, Dr. Joe Nieusma, who has a
PhD in toxicology, discusses possible ways to detox from
the COVID shot.
He spends quite a
bit of time discussing the merits of chlorine dioxide
(chemical abbreviation ClO2) which has been marketed by
Jim Humble as Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)
for some time.
Humble had great
success with it helping those with malaria in Africa.
Other claims
attributed to it are that it can help with,
Recently, Dr.
Andreas Kalcker has
become well known for recommending it to fight COVID itself
(whatever you think COVID really is).
Dr. Nieusma points
to a June 2021 study entitled,
Inhibition of the Binding of
Variants of SARS-CoV-2
Coronavirus Spike Protein to a
Human Receptor by Chlorine Dioxide,
...which concluded that ClO2 could stop the spike protein
(from the COVID fake-vaccine) attaching itself to the Angiotensin
Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors:
COVID-19 caused by a new
coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, has become an ongoing worldwide
pandemic. A safe and potent
virucidal disinfection system is urgently needed to protect the
from the virus.
Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2)
is a powerful disinfectant that is known to inactivate both
viruses and bacteria.
The aim of this study was to
investigate whether chlorine dioxide inhibits the
binding of the
receptor-binding domain of the
Spike protein
(S protein) from
variant coronavirus
(British and South African
variants) to human receptor,
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2
Materials and Methods:
In vitro
experiments to determine binding of the purified
domain of spike protein to
ACE2 were performed in the presence of various concentrations of
chlorine dioxide.
Purified spike proteins from
the British and South African variants were used.
Spike protein coated onto a
microtiter plate was treated with chlorine dioxide aqueous
solution or
chlorine dioxide spray solution.
Binding of variant spike
proteins was inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner (50%
Inhibitory Concentration
(IC50) of 7.6 μmol/L and 5.8 μmol/L for the British and the
South African
variants, respectively).
These findings show that
chlorine dioxide aqueous solution can inactivate the binding
of the variant spike
proteins to the human ACE2 receptor protein, indicating that
this strategy may
useful in blocking the transmission of variant SARS-CoV-2
For readers who
know little to nothing about ClO2, here are some basic
ClO2 is
very different to bleach, chlorine compounds or chlorine alone.
Chlorine kills by chlorination whereas chlorine dioxide kills by
oxidation. That is a huge difference, because chlorination ends up
making molecules toxic to the human body.
ClO2 is
an oxidizer which draws off electrons from pathogenic molecules,
thus weakening and breaking them up; however, it is a weak oxidizer,
unlike oxygen (O2), ozone (O3) and hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) which are strong oxidizers.
won't have any effect on strong healthy cells and molecules which
are alkaline, but it will tear apart weak acidic molecules.
ClO2 has
no byproducts, can be used as a disinfectant and is effective
against spore-forming bacteria like Anthrax.
It is also effective
against microorganisms hiding inside the biofilm of
your body (where other remedies can't reach). The biofilm is a
thin layer of bacteria that form inside a sticky slime matrix,
usually on surfaces in contact with water.
The biofilm
protects microorganisms (like listeria), so remedies like ClO2
are extremely useful for detoxification.
In a May 2021
article entitled
Is This a Possible COVID Vaccine Antidote?, I talked
about the potential of
suramin to inhibit blood coagulation and
RNA replication, after Dr. Judy Mikovits had touted
suramin as,
COVID vaccine detox strategy...
After all, the
COVID fake-vaccine has become notorious for its blood clotting
effects, which in serious cases can lead to stroke and heart
attack, and has aptly earned the nickname of the clot
Later it
appears that Dr.
Judy Mikovits has emphasized that
suramin does not
come from or is not connected to pine needle tincture, which is
strange, since the evidence I have seen is that it does.
In the
above video-interview, Dr. Nieusma points out that suramin is
structurally similar to
I encourage
anyone interested in this to do their own research, however
suramin seems to be a very important detox remedy for the COVID
shot, since it inhibits and prevents both,
...2 of the worst effects of the jab.
Black Seed Oil
Black seed oil
is another great supplement and natural remedy that can help
with COVID shot detox.
According to Dr. Nieusma,
it binds to the
spike proteins before they bind to your body's ACE2 receptors.
It also
prevents inflammation and the dreaded cytokine storms which have
been responsible for some horrendous effects of the
After these 3
supplements, Dr. Nieusma lists some others that I believe are
more general detoxifiers, rather than substances or remedies
specific to the COVID shot.
He recommends
C60 (carbon 60) to manage oxidative stress and
inflammation, which makes sense, since
C60 is known as the strongest antioxidant in the world.
He recommends
glutathione, which is the human body's master
antioxidant, capable of preventing cellular damage via reactive
oxygen species such as free radicals, peroxides, lipid peroxides
and heavy metals.
glutathione is a clear and obvious tactic for detoxification and
good health.
Some easy ways
to do this are to get regular exercise, good sleep, high levels
of Vitamin C and D, and to eat foods like sulfurous veggies,
spinach, asparagus, okra,
protein and turmeric...
You can also
boost glutathione via supplements like NAC, DMG (dimethylglycine)
milk thistle.
Dr. Nieusma also
mentions ozone as a COVID shot detox method, but he doesn't
elaborate on how to take it, so I encourage readers to do their own
research and be careful, because ozone can be dangerous if used in
the wrong way.
Lastly, let us
remember one of the best detox strategies of all, a method which is
also free:
Fasting is a way that your body can clean up
things it would not normally pay attention to during the process of
constant digestion.
It is an under-used
but very effective way to detoxify virtually anything unwanted from
your body.
Ways to Detox Graphene from the
Another good source
of information for COVID shot detox is Ricardo Delgado, who
is a part of La Quinta Columna, the Spanish research
organization that first brought to light in a major way that the
fake-vaccine shots contained graphene or
graphene oxide.
This was later
corroborated by other researchers such as Dr. Robert Young.
Whitney Webb has rightly challenged Delgado's claim that the vaccine
is over 90% graphene, however that is irrelevant to our discussion
Regardless of the
exact percentage of graphene in the shot, it does contain some, and
we know that graphene oxide is,
a superconductor that
emits and
receives signals...
It could be fully
or partially responsible for the
COVID vax magnetism phenomenon.
In this
video (in Spanish but with English subtitles), Delgado proposes
7 natural products which help detox graphene from the body:
I will comment
briefly on each.
NAC is mentioned above in the antioxidant section
as a way to boost gluathione.
Zinc is an
essential mineral that many people are deficient in; it is commonly
suggested for colds, flu and detox, and is particularly important
for men to build testosterone.
Astaxanthin is an
algae superfood which I take personally and which I highly
recommend; it also helps with immunity, energy, stamina, eye health,
joint health and skin health.
Quercetin is a
well-known antioxidant and detox agent.
I mentioned Vitamin D and
milk thistle above, and finally, melatonin (the sleep hormone) is
known to stimulate glutathione production, as this
study found.
I would also
encourage vaccinated-damaged individuals to experiment with safe and
trusted detoxifiers such as,
zeolite, clay,
boron and epsom salts,
of which can be used topically and internally.
Final Thoughts on COVID Shot
The products listed
in this article are meant as a starting place for your research...
As always, conduct
your own due diligence and check anything out thoroughly before
putting it in your body...
For those with
post-vaccine regret, the good news is that the human body is capable
of amazing healing and regeneration:
however you need to stop
poisoning it and to give it what it needs...
As humanity
continues its
awakening journey, there will be many who didn't see
the COVID scamdemic propaganda at first, but who later
caught gist of it, a couple of shots later.
My hope is that
those people can recover their health and that we can reach as many
people as possible with this information before people succumb to
fake vaccine-induced "adverse events," injuries and death...
As a final comment,
I will note that this article does not specifically address how to
nanotechnology out of your body, whether it's,
...which people have found.
In pre-COVID times,
Clifford Carnicom and Tony Pantelleresco have done
good work in this area, which
Morgellons' sufferers have found