by Stephen Smith September 16, 2020 from Thunderbolts Website
during the last solar maximum in 2014. Credit: USET data/image,
Observatory of Belgium, Brussels.
How magnetism works on the Sun remains unclear to the mainstream.
filaments and
"fibrils" seen with high resolution photographic equipment are
difficult to explain without an electrical component.
Electric discharges often appear as long twisting filaments, or funnels, of glowing plasma whose centers are darker.
Convection cells would
have darker edges and brighter cores, because the interior of the
Sun is (presumably) hotter and brighter in the conventional view.
The difference between hot gas and plasma is a simple matter of electric charge. Plasma contains charged particles, whereas neutral matter is just what its name implies:
Sunspots are not the
result of gas convection modified by magnetism, sunspots are
electrical structures.
Rather than a weak Sun,
the lack of sunspots here at the beginning of
Solar Cycle 25 is most
likely due to a weaker current flow through the galaxy.
Although solar energy
varies over the course of a sunspot cycle, that variance amounts to
less than one-tenth of one percent, far too little to account for
the intensity seen in storms, or increased regions of drought.
Nowhere in the scientific
press is it acknowledged that electric currents and the strength of
the ion flux from the Sun are the primary drivers of climate
More charged particles
entering Earth's atmosphere means more clouds can form, which means
more rain will fall for the next few years.
November 07, 2019
and calcium K (near ultraviolet) on the right, from July 17, 2016 when it was in a more active state. © Alan Friedman.
However, it is known that magnetism is involved with sunspot activity, because gigantic loops and whorls of plasma can often be seen connecting two or more of them.
Filaments and "fibrils" can be detected with high
resolution photographic equipment in the penumbra, or darkened cores
of sunspots.
The electric model does predict them, and they correspond to an electrical description.
Electric discharges often appear as long twisting filaments (below video), or funnels of glowing plasma whose centers are darker - convection cells would have darker edges.
...could provide some illumination:
In the electrical model the sunspot cycle is most likely a result of fluctuations in the electrical power supply from the local arm of the Milky Way galaxy.
As the varying current density and magnetic fields of huge Birkeland current filaments slowly rotate past our solar system, they apply more or less power to the electrical circuit that lights up our daytime sky.
Rather than a weak Sun, the
lack of sunspots here at the beginning of Solar Cycle 25 is most
likely due to a weaker current flow through the galaxy.
There are serious
dichotomies between the consensus viewpoint about solar activity and
the Electric Universe viewpoint. In particular, the hypothesis
popularized in Professor Don Scott's book,
The Electric Sky, is
diametrically opposed to the thermonuclear hypothesis first
described by Sir Arthur Eddington in 1926.
Although solar energy varies over the course of a sunspot cycle, that variance amounts to less than one-tenth of one percent, far too little to account for the intensity seen in storm systems or the increased regions of drought.
As with most other theories, the climate model suggested by consensus investigators is based on kinetic energy:
Nowhere in the scientific press is it
acknowledged that electric currents and the strength of the ion flux
from the Sun are the primary drivers of
climate 'fluctuation'...