by Jesse Smith
November 22, 2020
TruthUnmuted Website

The conclusion to this detailed explanation of the Internet of
Bodies (IoB) correctly states,
"Be warned that this technology may make your
life easier in the short term, but its long-term
purpose is to make you a dehumanized slave."
The Internet of Bodies (IoB) and Hacking Your DNA
The age of the Internet of Things (IoT), and soon to follow the
Internet of Bodies (IoB), is now upon us.
RAND Corporation, the think tank behind some of the world's
most influential and
frightening ideas and technologies, has released a report titled
'The Internet of Bodies
- Opportunities, Risks, and Governance.'
You should be wary
of any reports issued by the RAND Corporation.
Alex Abella, author
of Soldiers of Reason - The RAND Corporation and the Rise of
American Empire, explains why:
RAND was, and is, the essential
establishment organization.
Throughout its history, RAND has
been at the heart of that interweaving of Pentagon concupiscence
and financial rapacity that President Eisenhower aimed to call
the military-industrial-legislative complex.
RAND has literally
reshaped the modern world - and very few know it.
With this
understanding, there is much cause for alarm with the issuance of
this new report.
What is the Internet of Bodies (IoB)?
RAND defines the IoB as,
"a growing industry of devices
that monitor the human body, collect health and other personal
information, and transmit that data over the Internet."
order to qualify as an IoB device, the technology must:
An IoB device must
also satisfy one or both of the following:
The technology that
Hollywood has presented over the years in dystopian sci-fi fantasies
is now a reality.
In the very near future, the technocratic
overlords of science, health, finance, and Big Tech, desire humanity
to go from wearable devices to devices embedded
within our bodies.
How IoB intersects
with IoT
devices such as,
smart meters
smart watches
virtual assistants
self-driving cars,
...connect directly to the Internet or through a
local network.
As IoT devices become more commonplace, experts
predict that acceptance of and desire for IoB devices will also
The RAND report predicts:
By 2025, there will be more than
41 billion active IoT devices, generating 2.5 quintillion bytes
of data daily on,
social interactions,
...and everyday human
This explosion in IoT devices will result in further
popularity of IoB devices.
Products in Use or Being Developed

Figure 1 from the
RAND report shows just how invasive and pervasive IoB technology can
By the time it is fully unleashed, no part of the human body
will escape its interference.
They even plan to have our toilets
connected to the Internet where they will monitor our waste using
BioBot technology to determine what we eat, what drugs we may
take, and
our genetic material!
Here are just a few
examples of the technology currently being developed:
reality contact lenses
Brain reading
and writing devices
Clothing with
microchips (RFID and NFC)
Mental and
emotional sensors
connected diaper
Not even babies
will be able to escape this nightmare where every bodily function is
constantly tracked and monitored.
The sad part is that,
many people
will welcome these intrusive technologies because they're convenient
and timesaving.
However, exchanging bodily sovereignty for
convenience is never a fair transaction.
It almost always serves to
benefit those who desire more control over our lives.
adoption of technological advancement, humans are consenting to
allow technocrats to dictate every facet of life. Soon doctors will
be able to know if you are taking prescribed medication
appropriately, and will have tools to report you if you aren't.
Digital pills will be used to record your medical compliance as the
RAND report signals:
In 2017, the FDA approved the
first digital pill:
an aripiprazole tablet with an ingestible
sensor embedded in the pill that records that the medication was
The product is approved for the
treatment of schizophrenia, acute treatment of manic and mixed
episodes associated with bipolar I disorder, and for use as an
add-on treatment for depression in adults...
The system works by sending
a message from the pill's sensor to a wearable patch.
The patch
transmits the information to a mobile application so that
patients can track the ingestion of the medication on their smartphone.
Patients can also permit their caregivers and
physician to access the information through a web-based portal.
Needs Advanced Technologies for Peak Usefulness
If you're wondering
what will power all of this forthcoming technology, the answer lies
in a combination of,
These advanced systems will increase data
transfer speeds and offer extra-low latency so that those audio and
visual dropouts on Zoom calls will be relegated to the dust bin of
Combined, these systems will provide the power and
resources necessary to create a control and surveillance grid that
can be monitored in real time.
RAND confirms this purpose,
illustrating that:
These advancements will enable
consumer IoT technologies, such as smart home systems, to
connect to IoB devices so that, for example, one's smart
thermostat will be linked to her smart clothing and
automatically can regulate the temperature in her home.
connectivity and the widespread packaging of IoB in smartphones
and appliances - some of which might collect data unbeknownst to
the user - will increase digital tracking of users across a range
of behaviors.
As 5G is widely
being rolled out in the U.S. and other parts of the globe, plans are
already being made to perfect and implement
According to author
Thomas S. Rappaport, 6G technology,
"will usher in the ability to
send wireless signals at the rate of human computation"... and "could
mean that human intelligence could eventually be sent over the air
Experts predict 6G will be widely available
To top it off,
nanobiotechnology is being used to
manipulate cells and interconnect human bodies to the Internet.
Scientists, researchers, and tech geniuses are attempting to play
God by reengineering our cell structures, causing them to
communicate with IoB devices.
According to an article in
News Medical, nanotechnology
has "enabled several types of next-generation vaccines" such as the
mRNA coronavirus vaccine being developed by Moderna.

Image Source:
Potential Benefits
The potential
downside of IoB technology has been clearly established, but,
anything good come out of this...?
There is no way IoB could be sold to
the masses if it didn't promise to improve quality of life.
might enable wider access to health care by enabling inexpensive
"distributed" or "democratized" health care or by decreasing the
need for risky or costly medical intervention.
Through greater
health awareness, improved prevention, and more-effective
intervention, IoB even has the potential to drive down
health-care costs.
It was hypothesized that early detection and
intervention through remote monitoring were the primary drivers
of the reduction.
IoB devices can gather vital data to provide
medical alerts to doctors, patients, and caregivers.
IoB devices
might also prove useful in guiding treatment for those who
cannot speak or articulate their symptoms or thoughts, such as
infants, stroke victims, or dementia patients, by alerting
caregivers to significant changes in vital signs, for instance.
IoB is a promising approach for developing real-time remote
health monitoring systems for non-communicable disease patients,
most immediately diabetics and heart patients.
If any of these
scenarios helps save and improve lives, then maybe IoB is a worthy
However, a careful reading of this quote reveals that IoB
benefits are described with phrases such as,
"might enable,"
"has the potential," "might also prove useful," and "is a
promising approach"...
In other words,
IoB technology is still
experimental and
many things can go wrong if implemented on a wide scale.
We already know
radiation from mobile phones causes cancer.
What happens when IoB devices powered by tech with even greater levels of radiation
are implanted in the human body?
Where are the long-term safety
If they already exist or are currently being conducted, who
is sponsoring them?
If the studies originate from the same
industries poised to profit from their use, then malfeasance is all
but guaranteed.
Potential for Misuse
Unfortunately, it
seems as though the negative consequences of IoB devices will far
outweigh their advances.
There are just way too many things that can
go wrong as indicated in Table 4 below:

From death, to
national security challenges, to infringement on body autonomy, the
negative outcomes of IoB technology are devastating.
RAND confirms
even more concerns, highlighting that:
Access to huge torrents of
live-streaming biometric data might... enable a surveillance state
of unprecedented intrusion and consequence.
It might increase
health outcome disparities, where only people with financial
means have access to any of these benefits.
The increased
connectivity in IoT and IoB devices may provide an increased
attack surface that introduces more vulnerabilities through
these networks.
Just as foreign possession of data on Americans'
dating habits or HIV status could be used for nefarious
purposes, U.S. consumers' biometric and health data might be
exploited by adversaries who could compile data from numerous
sources to build detailed profiles of their American targets.
Of course, many
people already have implanted medical devices to simply keep them
Yet, even these types of frequently used implants are largely
Consumer Reports article
underscored this issue, asserting:
Tens of millions of Americans live
with medical devices implanted in their bodies - artificial
joints, heart defibrillators, surgical mesh.
And it's a safe bet
that most of them assume that someone, somewhere, tested the
devices for safety and effectiveness.
But that is rarely the case.
most implants and other high-risk devices brought to market,
manufacturers do nothing more than file some paperwork and pay
Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) a user fee of roughly $4,000 to
start selling a product that can rack up many millions of
dollars in revenue.
is Currently Unregulated
While acknowledging
the extreme danger this technology introduces, companies are
continually creating new products and collecting data without much
oversight or regulation.
This poses two critical questions:
owns the data collected through IoB devices and technology
how will tech developers and data collectors be regulated?
acknowledges the lack of answers regarding these issues, explaining:
As with IoB devices, there is no
single entity that provides oversight to IoB data... Data brokers
are largely unregulated, and the United States has no federal
data privacy law but relies on state laws which differ greatly.
The lack of consistency in IoB
laws among states and between the state and federal level
potentially enables regulatory gaps and enforcement challenges.
As in many areas, rapid advancements in IoB technologies have
outpaced the development of policy to address their risks.
...There are as yet no legal norms
about who owns the data generated by any given IoB device - the
user, the manufacturer, the health-care provider?
Policies that
regulate the sale of user information to third-party data
brokers, or that regulate how data brokers function, are nascent
if they exist at all.
is Directly Connected to Transhumanism, Biohacking, and Cyborgs
We are constantly
being conditioned to readily accept invasive technology as
demonstrated in this Apple Watch ad:
Many people are
already used to data-tracking devices, but,
are they prepared to
endure even more invasive technology as proposed by transhumanists,
bio/body hackers, and cyborgs?
RAND describes each of these
movements as follows:
Transhumanism is a
worldview and political movement advocating for the transcendence of
humanity beyond current human capabilities.
Transhumanists want to use
technology, such as artificial organs and other techniques, to
halt aging and achieve "radical life extension".
Bodyhacking generally
refers to,
modifying the body to enhance one's physical or cognitive
or cybernetic organisms,
are people who have used machines to enhance intelligence or the
Here are just a few
examples of the bizarre things people ascribing to one or more of
these movements have done to their bodies:
With people already
willingly transforming themselves into cyborgs, it makes humanity
ripe for,
mass bodily intrusion
genetic modification
...and merging with machines as envisioned by individuals
such as,
Paves the Way for the Great Reset and 4th Industrial
In his 2016 book
The Fourth Industrial Revolution,
Klaus Schwab, CEO of the
World Economic Forum, wrote:
Of the many diverse and
fascinating challenges we face today, the most intense and
important is how to understand and shape the new technology
revolution, which entails
nothing less than a transformation of humankind.
We are
at the beginning of a revolution that is fundamentally changing
the way we live, work, and relate to one another.
In its scale,
scope and complexity, what I consider to be
the fourth industrial
revolution is unlike anything humankind has experienced before.
... The changes are so profound that,
from the perspective of human history,
there has never been a time of
greater promise or potential peril.
To achieve this new
technological revolution,
Schwab advocates for the increase in IoB
tech citing that 82% of executives surveyed believe a tipping point
will occur by 2025 where people will readily accept implantable
People are becoming more and more
connected to devices, and those devices
are increasingly becoming
connected to their bodies.
Devices are not just being worn,
but also being implanted into bodies, serving communications,
location and behavior monitoring, and health functions...
Smart tattoos and other unique chips could help with
identification and location.
Implanted devices will likely also
help to communicate thoughts normally
expressed verbally through a "built-in" smartphone, and
potentially unexpressed
thoughts or moods by reading brainwaves and other
Schwab is looking
forward to the day when bio implants can read our minds!
Are you
starting to get the full picture of where all of this is leading...?
The question to ask as more technology is developed and put to use
is who benefits?
Are these initiatives really for the good of
humankind, or just a few at the top of the spectrum who desire more
control over the masses?
I think a further sampling of Schwab's
thoughts will help provide definitive answers to these questions...
his 2018 follow-up book,
Shaping the Fourth Industrial
Revolution, Schwab
The world is at a crossroads.
social and political systems that have lifted millions out of
poverty and shaped our national and global policies for half a
century are failing us.
The economic benefits of human ingenuity
and effort are becoming more concentrated, inequality is rising,
and the negative externalities of our integrated global economy
are harming the natural environment and vulnerable populations:
the stakeholders least able to absorb the cost of progress.
Public trust in business,
government, the media and even civil society has fallen to the
point where more than half of the world feels the current system
is failing them.
The widening gap in trust between those in
their country's top income quartile and the rest of the
population indicates that social cohesion is fragile at best,
and very close to breaking down at worst.
It is in this precarious political
and social context that we face both the opportunities and the
challenges of a range of powerful, emerging technologies - from
artificial intelligence, to biotechnologies, advanced materials
to quantum computing - that will drive radical shifts in the way
we live, and which I have described as comprising the Fourth
Industrial Revolution.
To put all of this
in plain terms, Schwab and his ilk are exacerbating problems like
poverty, inequality, civil unrest, mistrust in government, and
environmental degradation to cause humanity to desire a better way.
That way is what he terms the
Fourth Industrial Revolution.
with plans for
The Great Reset, the cabal comprising the World Economic Forum
and many other global entities plan to offer a solution that will
solve all of humanity's ills, but in reality will serve to further
enslave us...
You will be controlled by the technology they are
creating at breakneck speed, and subjugated to a lesser form of
humanity by disguising it as advancement and enlightenment.
Regarding his vision to remake humanity in his image, Schwab goes on
to say:
The future will challenge our
understanding of what it means
to be human, from both a biological and a social standpoint.
Emerging biotechnology agendas promise to improve and augment
human lifespans and to enhance physical and mental health.
opportunity for the integration
of digital technologies with biological tissues is also growing,
and what that portends for the next decades is inspiring a range
of emotions, from hope to wonder to fear.
Optimists depict a
more sustainable world, free from the diseases that we battle
Pessimists warn of a dystopian future of designer babies
and unequal access to the fruits of biotechnology.
I guess Schwab has
never read cautionary tales of men attempting to play God like
Frankenstein and
The Island of Dr. Moreau?
me a pessimist, but I don't believe in the nightmarish future that
Schwab, the RAND Corporation, and all their conspirators desire to
In an interview with RAND whistleblower
Alex Abella,
Joseph Watson revealed
what really fueled the organization's efforts:
RAND's ultimate goal was to have
technocrats running every aspect of
society in pursuit of a one world government that would be
administered under "the rule of reason," a ruthless world where
efficiency was king and men were
little more than machines, which is why RAND studied the
social sciences
because they were at a loss to work out how to deal with people
and how human beings did not always act in their own predictable
There is no place for love, empathy or
selflessness in the new world order that RAND and the Ford
Foundation are working to create, and patriotism and altruism are
adversarial to their aims.
The real purposes
behind the Internet of Bodies and other schemes like,
...are not
altruistic, but diabolical.
Be warned that this technology may make
your life easier in the short term, but its long-term purpose is to
make you a dehumanized slave...